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106 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.


Hall, Kevin E
What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action." - Meister Eckhart We live in a time where activity and noise are the prevalent elements in society. We are inundated with information and technology that influence and determine the direction of our lives. But is the path you're on, the path that is fuelling your spirit and soul? Contemplation is a collection of spiritual practices within mystical prayer tha...

CHF 28.90

Rooted in Life

Mathee, Amelia
Rooted in Life
Too many people go through life searching for their oasis and yet never find it. Some are seeking to douse their anger or to wash away their guilt. Others are longing for a place of rest from the addiction or obsession constantly burning within them. Many have lost hope. Are some people simply wired this way? Is there no way out?Amelia Mathee has dealt with thousands of people thirsting for answers. Her counseling approach incorporates both he...

CHF 25.50

Além do humano

Abraham, Justin
Além do humano
Você percebeu que o mundo está mudando rapidamente?A inteligência artificial está se aproximando rapidamente dos níveis humanos de consciência.A ciência está avançando na compreensão quântica do cosmos transdimensional.A genética está sendo mapeada e manipulada, forçando mudanças na natureza das espécies.Movimentos radicais estão varrendo a terra, trazendo mudanças sociais massivas.Estamos na era da maior mudança em séculos - talvez a maior ép...

CHF 31.50


Abraham, Justin
Ist dir schon aufgefallen, dass sich die Welt rapide verändert?Künstliche Intelligenz ist kurz davor, menschliche Bewusstseinsebenen zu erreichen.Die Wissenschaft wächst in ihrem Quantenverständnis des transdimensionalen Kosmos.Der genetische Code wird entschlüsselt und manipuliert und zwingt so der Natur unserer Spezies Veränderungen auf.Radikale Bewegungen erobern unseren Planeten und bringen massive gesellschaftliche Veränderungen mit sich....

CHF 33.50

The Merger

Jones, Ron
The Merger
DNA did not suddenly appear at the fall. In fact, DNA is the fabric of creation. Every living thing within creation has a genetic structure. Nothing that was made was made apart from God, and since DNA exists, God created DNA. If the human genome was degraded at the fall, it was upgraded through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. We have been restored to bear the full image and likeness of God as new creations in Christ.Redemption ...

CHF 31.50

Hashamayim 1B

Ogbonnaya, Adonijah
Hashamayim 1B
As Sons of God, access to the Heavenly dimensions is our inheritance. Unfortunately, we have not been taught on such important matters by current church culture. We need to understand and mature in the ways and wisdom of God to enjoy all Christ has purchased for us! When we go into the Heavenly dimensions with a pure heart, God will begin to manifest different aspects of Heaven for us because of His great love. When God reveals the 12 Lower Ki...

CHF 45.90

Reflections of an Ancient Oak

Wangari, Ann
Reflections of an Ancient Oak
When the created and the Creator stand as one, they become the tree that is planted by the living waters. The tree, extending its roots beyond the cosmos, beyond the seen and unseen, beyond the created to the altar where the Lamb was slain before the creation of the worlds. This is the divine dwelling of sons ~ in Him, for Him and through Him. Yet, just like a tree that has endured many harsh seasons, carrying within the memories, so has been ...

CHF 19.50

Treasures Of Darkness

Sturgeon, Joseph
Treasures Of Darkness
I want to share my heart with you. There are many people in the world today that are beginning to have "Enoch" like experiences. Over the past years I have heard the statement "walking with God like Enoch did". God is moving so quickly and powerfully now that walking with God like Enoch did will become a common experience. I believe soon there will come such an intimacy in the body of Christ with Christ that this statement will change to "walk...

CHF 21.50

Legacy of Sonship

Niewenhuis, Ricky
Legacy of Sonship
Legacy of Sonship will encourage you in your personal pursuit of Yahweh. In this book, Ricky shares his personal journey from Church Age Pastor to a Kingdom Son. This book will challenge your belief systems as Ricky shares encounters of untangling from religious mindsets and customs.This book will also give clarity on your position as a Son seated in Heavenly places. Ricky shares some amazing stories that have impacted his family, his communit...

CHF 29.50

There's a tree of life inside of me

Masters, Lindi
There's a tree of life inside of me
This book is the sixth in a series created to inspire kids to explore and engage in the Kingdom Realms of Yahweh. We take a closer look at The Tree of Life.Proverbs 1:5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.

CHF 29.50

Fishing for the Village: Creating a disciple-making commu...

Kellerman, George / Carstens, Cassie
Fishing for the Village: Creating a disciple-making community that brings heaven to earth
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..."Do you want to be part of building a disciple-making community that brings heaven to earth?In a world full of churches and Christian content, why does discipleship seem irrelevant to so many Christ-followers today? Why have we settled for being Christian consumers, instead of accepting Jesus' call to be disciple-makers and vital Kingdom DNA builders?This book is a marvellous tool for anyone int...

CHF 22.50


Wangari, Ann
Zawadi series is an invitation for both the young and the hungry at heart to journey into the heart of the father and to have a personal relationship with the Godhead.To get in contact with the author please email zawadiworld@gmail.comContact the illustrator

CHF 27.90


Abraham, Justin
LA HUMANIDAD SE ESTÁ DESPERTANDO.Atrás quedó el sueño profundo. La coraza se ha derretido.Por todas partes se ven las señales de que nuestra especie está destinada a algo mayor.¿Y nos hemos revestido de la nueva naturaleza, que se va renovando en el conocimiento a imagen de nuestro Creador (Col 3:10).

CHF 31.50

Heuristic Intricacy

Mugandani, Edmore T.
Heuristic Intricacy
Poetry Collection: The title "The heuristic intricacy‟ is inspired by the need to convey educating, problem solving, co-implicated and logically compacted cohesive poetic information.

CHF 10.90


Berge, Clara
Alexa's birth was planned.Her future set in stone.Designed with one purpose.To bring peace to the world.One girl born with a destiny.One group bent on seeing it fulfilled. One world in desperate need of peace.But there is a deadly flaw in the plan.And someone is watching.When she loses everything she discovers powers she never knew.Bringing peace to the world might be possible after all.

CHF 20.50

Au-delà de notre humanité

Abraham, Justin
Au-delà de notre humanité
Vous vous êtes revêtus de l'homme nouveau.Celui-ci se renouvelle pour être l'image de son Créateurafin de parvenir à la pleine connaissance.(Colossiens 3:10, la Bible du Semeur)Nous trouvons notre réelle identité par notre nouvelle naissance.Elle est renouvelée par la connaissance de l'image exacte de notre créateur.(Colossiens 3:10, The Mirror Translation)Vous êtes une nouvelle création sans cesse renouveléepour arriver à l'image de Celui qui...

CHF 31.50