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116 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 116.

The Book of Treasure Spirits

Rankine, David
The Book of Treasure Spirits
THE BOOK OF TREASURE SPIRITS Conjurations of Goetic spirits, old gods, demons and fairies are all part of a rich heritage of the magical search for treasure trove. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance the British Monarchy gave out licenses to people seeking treasure in an effort to control such practices, and this is one reason why so many grimoires are full of conjurations and charms to help the magician find treasure. Published here for th...

CHF 33.90

Practical Elemental Magick

D'Este, Sorita / Rankine, David
Practical Elemental Magick
The four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth exist as spiritual essences, as philosophical concepts, as energy states and as a tangible physical reality. " Working magick with the elements helps to connect us to the tangibly present natural powers in our physical world, whilst at the same time we are returning to the building blocks of magick by rooting our feet in the material world. Since Empedocles formalized the system in ancient Greece...

CHF 33.90

Defences Against the Witches' Craft

Canard, John
Defences Against the Witches' Craft
For centuries curses, hexes and the 'evil eye' were seen as part of daily life in rural England, resulting in a rich heritage of folklore & apotropaic magickal practices. Such charms as Witch Bottles, Witch Balls, Hagstones, Horseshoes and Brasses, Magick Squares, Abracadabra, Rowan and Red Thread, Flint Arrowheads and Pebble Charms were often made from readily available natural materials. They seemed simple, yet when constructed pro...

CHF 25.90

Horns of Power

D'Este, Sorita
Horns of Power
The raw, ancient and primordial force symbolised by horns has long had associations with mystery, magick and power. Our ancestors often envisaged their gods as anthropomorphic beings who encapsulated this wild essence. Today the gods of the bull, the ram, the goat and the stag still hold tremendous power and are invoked at rituals by a new priesthood who continue to seek the wildness of nature and the inspiration that it holds. These deities t...

CHF 33.90


Nabarz, Payam
The practical rites and ceremonies in this Liber Astrum are created using a myriad of hymns and tales, drawing inspiration and material from many ancient, classical and medieval sources including: the Hymns of Orpheus, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Plato's Timaeus, the Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius, the Greek Magical Papyri, the Chaldean Oracles, the Persian Shah Nameh 'Epic of Kings' by Ferdowsi, Scipio's Dream by Cicero, the Persia...

CHF 33.90

Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls - The Sacred Voices of Wom...

D'Este, Sorita
Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls - The Sacred Voices of Women Who Speak with and for the Gods
Priestesses, Pythonesses & Sibyls The Sacred Voices of Women who speak with and for the Gods Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls lifts a veil to reveal the mystery of trance as experienced by female magickal practitioners today. Through happiness and sorrow, myth and legend, art and poetry, through ritual and dance each woman expresses her own unique and personal transformative experiences of trance. Whether through trance possession, mediums...

CHF 35.50


Rankine, David
The religious and magical practices of the ancient Egyptians have had a profound and lasting effect on the world. Egypt has been described as the "mother of magicians". To appreciate the Egyptian view of magic, we need to accept that to the Egyptians magic was not considered strange or eccentric, but was a part of daily life, to which everyone resorted. Magic blended seamlessly with religion and medicine, being seen as part of a holistic world...

CHF 33.90

Practical Qabalah Magick

Rankine, David / D'Este, Sorita
Practical Qabalah Magick
The Qabalah gives understanding and wisdom through knowledge, strength and mercy through beauty, and a foundation of victory and splendour, crowning the seeker within their own kingdom and raising them to the heights of their own genius." The Qabalah is a uniquely lucid and practical path of magical practice and spiritual philosophy. The essence of this ancient wisdom is a spectrum of simple and effective techniques for transforming yo...

CHF 33.90

Odin's Gateways

Gerrard, Katie
Odin's Gateways
The runes you must find ... Which the mighty sage stained and the powerful gods made and the runemaster of the gods carved out." (The Poetic Edda, translated by C. Larrington) The runes are mysterious and powerful magical keys to the primal forces of nature that shaped Norse and Northern European culture. These twenty-four unique and inspiring symbols of the Elder Futhark (first runic alphabet) each possess powerful energies, identities, meani...

CHF 33.90

Hekate Liminal Rites

D'Este, Sorita / Rankine, David
Hekate Liminal Rites
At the crossroads of life, death and rebirth stands the Goddess Hekate. Honoured by men, women and gods alike, traces of her ancient provenance reach back through the millennia providing clues about her nature and origins along the way. Depictions of her as three-formed facing in three ways, sometimes with the heads of animals such as the horse, dog and snake hint at her liminal nature, as well as the powers she holds over the triple realms of...

CHF 33.90

Visions of the Cailleach

D'Este, Sorita / Rankine, David
Visions of the Cailleach
Standing astride the British landscape, looms the giant blue form of the Cailleach. Whether she is seen as a benevolent earth-shaping giantess, harsh winter hag goddess, shape-shifting crone, guardian of sacred wells and animals, or ancient bestower of sovereignty, the Cailleach appears in many roles and manifestations in myths and legends across the British Isles. Tracking the Cailleach across thousands of years through folklore, literature a...

CHF 25.50

A Collection of Magical Secrets & a Treatise of Mixed Cab...

A Collection of Magical Secrets & a Treatise of Mixed Cabalah
A Collection of Magical Secrets Taken from Peter de Abano, Cornelius Agrippa and from other Famous Occult Philosophers and A Treatise Of Mixed Cabalah Which comprises the Angelic Art Taken From Hebrew Sages Translated from Wellcome MS4669 by Paul Harry Barron from the original French manuscript dated 1796 With Introduction by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine This book bridges the worlds of learned magic and village cunning, providing rare and p...

CHF 33.90

Circle of Fire

d'Este, Sorita / Rankine, David
Circle of Fire
Wicca is an initiatory magickal tradition incorporating both Pagan spiritual philosophies and witchcraft practices, with ceremonial magick. In doing so it combines magick, mysticism and spirituality into an experiential, practice based tradition, which works with the divine as both masculine and feminine, emphasising growth through balance and discipline. It provides a spiritual way of life, constantly growing and evolving, placing the respons...

CHF 27.50

Wicca Magickal Beginnings

d'Este, Sorita / Rankine, David
Wicca Magickal Beginnings
The origins of the Wiccan Tradition have long been a subject of debate amongst practitioners and scholars alike. Did Gerald Gardner invent the tradition? Is Wicca a survival of a British folk magick system? Could it be a continuation of a European tradition of Pagan Witchcraft? Might it be that it evolved from Victorian ceremonial magick, or perhaps it is the modern manifestation of the medieval Grimoire Tradition? In this book the authors exp...

CHF 33.90

Hekate Her Sacred Fires

D'Este, Sorita / Digitalis, Raven / Bramshaw, Vikki
Hekate Her Sacred Fires
Hekate Her Sacred Fires is an exceptional book for an extraordinary, eternal and universal Goddess. It brings together essays, prose and artwork from more than fifty remarkable contributors from all over the world. Their stories and revelations are challenging, their visions and determination in exploring the mysteries are inspirational, and their enthusiasm for the Goddess of the Crossroads is truly entrancing and sometimes highly infectious....

CHF 51.90

From a Drop of Water

From a Drop of Water
From a Drop of Water..." A Collection of Magickal Reflections on the Nature, Creatures, Uses, and Symbolism of Water. "This creation is, in its totality, a drop of Water, man himself has originated from a drop of Water" Bundahishn 28, 2 FROM A DROP OF WATER is a unique collection of 17 essays by some of the foremost modern esoteric writers, pagan scholars and magickal practitioners. Each contribution reflects the writer's own understanding and...

CHF 33.90