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111 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Met de Zr.Ms. Zeeland op expeditie naar Jan Mayen

Met de Zr.Ms. Zeeland op expeditie naar Jan Mayen
In August 2014 the Zr . Ms. Zeeland undertook an expedition to the island of Jan Mayen, discovered 400 years before by whalers. This book gives an account of the expedition and provides insight into the initial research.

CHF 32.50

Acht grafvondsten van de Veluwse klokbekergroep als uitga...

Lanting, J. N.
Acht grafvondsten van de Veluwse klokbekergroep als uitgangspunt voor chronologische beschouwingen over de relaties saalisch-boehmische Schnurkeramik, Enkelgrafcultuur, Klokbeker-Oostgroep en Nederlands-Westduitse klokbekergroepen
In de jaren � en � van de vorige eeuw waren op de Veluwe, naast beroepsarcheologen uit Leiden en Groningen, ook meerdere amateurarcheologen aktief, waaronder een aantal beroepsmilitairen. Twee daarvan, kapitein H.J. Bellen uit Ede en sergeant H. Westendorp uit Nieuw-Milligen, krijgen hier meer aandacht. Dat is deels vanwege hun vondsten, deels vanwege de documentatie bij die vondsten. Bellen maakte aantekeningen in zakboekjes, Westendorp corri...

CHF 26.90

The City of New Halos and its Southeast Gate

Reinders, H. Reinder
The City of New Halos and its Southeast Gate
This volume presents a detailed description and analysis of the structure and layout of the Southeast Gate of New Halos, a Hellenistic city in Thessaly (Greece). The gate was excavated in the period 1995-2006. An impressive enceinte, 4.7 km long and fortified with at least 120 towers, surrounded the lower and upper town of Halos. Excavation of a series of houses in the lower town revealed that the city, probably founded in 302 BC by Demetrios ...

CHF 85.00

Zweedse en Zweedstalige Finse auteurs in Nederlandse vert...

Broomans, Petra
Zweedse en Zweedstalige Finse auteurs in Nederlandse vertaling 1491-2007. Een bibliografie / Svenska och finlandssvenska f¿rfattar
Het algemene beeld van Zweedse literatuur in het Nederlandstalig gebied is die van Pippi Langkous, een creatie van Astrid Lindgren, die van politiecommissaris Wallander van Henning Mankell en Lisbet Salander uit de Millenium reeks van Stieg Larsson. Slaat men Zweedse en Zweedstalige Finse auteurs in Nederlandse vertaling 1491-2007. Een bibliografie. Svenska och finlandssvenska författare i nederländsk översättning 1491-2007. En bibliografi ope...

CHF 45.90

Paleo-aktueel 24

Paleo-aktueel 24
Met de jaarlijkse uitgave van Paleo-aktueel geven de medewerkers van het Groninger Instituut voor Archeologie inzicht in een deel van het lopende onderzoek van het instituut.

CHF 25.90

The Alexander Romance: History and Literature

The Alexander Romance: History and Literature
The Alexander Romance is a difficult text to define and to assess justly. The papers assembled in this volume form a cohesive set of approaches to the delicate positioning of the text between history and literature. The Romance began as a history, but only by becoming literature could it achieve such a deep penetration of east and west.

CHF 135.00

Digital Atlas of Traditional Food Made from Cereals and Milk

Cappers, R.T.J.
Digital Atlas of Traditional Food Made from Cereals and Milk
Recent discussions about food safety and an awareness of vanishing traditions have resulted in an increasing interest in traditional foods and food heritage. The Digital atlas of traditional food made from cereals and milk explores the traditional food products that could have been made by transitional hunter-gatherers and the early farmers in south-west Asia by examining the traditional foods still being made today. The author has sampled tra...

CHF 139.00

Xenophon's Ephesiaca: a Paraliterary Love-Story from the ...

Tagliabue, Aldo
Xenophon's Ephesiaca: a Paraliterary Love-Story from the Ancient World
After many decades of neglect, the last forty years have seen a renewed scholarly appreciation of the literary value of the Greek novel. Within this renaissance of interest, four monographs have been published to date which focus on individual novels, I refer to the specialist studies of Achilles Tatius by Morales and Laplace and those of Chariton of Aphrodisias by Smith and Tilg. This book adds to this short list and takes as its singular foc...

CHF 132.00

Dealing with Biases

Feiken, Hendrik
Dealing with Biases
This books explores the bias that is introduced by erosion and sedimentation on the distribution of archaeological materials in Mediterranean landscapes. It describes innovative and interdisciplinary work that led to the formulation of a broad range of geo-archeological approaches that are applied to two Italian areas, studied intensively by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology: the Pontine Region in South Lazio, and the Raganello Basin in N...

CHF 84.00


Schwartz, Saundra
From Bedroom to Courtroom argues that the fictional trial scenes in the Greek ideal romances reflect Roman legal institutions and ideas, particularly relating to family and sexuality.

CHF 138.00

Dwelling on the Edge of the Neolithic

Nobles, Gary Robert
Dwelling on the Edge of the Neolithic
This volume presents a detailed spatial analysis of the sites of Keinsmerbrug, Mienakker, and Zeewijk. These Late Neolithic settlement sites define the westernmost edge of the Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900-2300 cal BC). The people took part in a broad spectrum of activities: hunting, gathering, fishing, agriculture, animal husbandry, and artisan crafts. They maintained their regional traditions while dwelling on the edge of this Neolithic cultu...

CHF 111.00


Er was tot nu toe geen boek beschikbaar voor het brede publiek over de Swifterbantcultuur (5000-3400 voor Chr.). En dat terwijl deze cultuur op de overgang van jagen-verzamelen naar akkerbouw en veeteelt uiterst belangrijk is binnen de Nederlandse archeologie. Deze cultuur is met name in Flevoland sterk vertegenwoordigd en draagt dan ook de naam van een plaats in de provincie Flevoland. De mensen van de Swifterbantcultuur waren echte pioniers ...

CHF 25.90

Digitale Zadenatlas Van Nederland / Digital Seed Atlas of...

Cappers, Rtj
Digitale Zadenatlas Van Nederland / Digital Seed Atlas of the Netherlands
With over 4000 colour photographs, this atlas represents 1828 taxa and includes the wild plants of the Netherlands, the adventitious plants and the cultivated plants that have gone wild. The seed atlas presents a unique picture of the variation and the characteristics of the seeds and fruits of the Dutch flora, and is designed to be a tool to identify seeds and fruits. Because the seeds and fruits of many plants have clearly visible diagnostic...

CHF 249.00

Digital Atlas of Economic Plants in Archaeology

Neef, Rainer / Cappers, R. T. J. / Bekker, R. M.
Digital Atlas of Economic Plants in Archaeology
The third part of the Digital Plant Atlas presents illustrations of subfossil remains of plants with economic value. These plant remains mainly derive from excavations in the Old World (Europe, Western Asia and North Africa) that the Deutsches Arch¿ogisches Institut (DAI, Berlin) and the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) have conducted or participated in. Plant material is usually very perishable, but can nevertheless be preserved in ar...

CHF 267.00