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93 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Good Morning God

Issangya, Nixon
Good Morning God
Good Morning God: One of author's book that deals with communication with our living God. The author is putting plan that true prayer is: Two ways traffic: Where God is speaking while you are praying. Author is telling through experience as what happened in a thick and dark forest when God spoke to him to go and start the mission in his birth of place: The place he thought that his people would never respond. Nevertheless, he listened and obey...

CHF 28.90

Counselling With Compassion

Issangya, Nixon
Counselling With Compassion
Counselling With Compassion: One of the author's book that tells of his ministry of counselling depressed victims from Africa to the other continents of the World: The book will inspire you as his ministry did to people of all walks of life, World at large. In his book the author is narrating true tales of many who were helped through love and caring in various African villages as well as in the modern cities of the Western World. Above all: T...

CHF 27.90

Born Again for Revelation Living

Chiubah Emmanuel, Udumah
Born Again for Revelation Living
As believers, the life we now live in the flesh, we live by the faith of the Son of God revealed from the tabernacle of His Word within us, that quickens our renewed minds with understanding to mine and exhibit its supernatural life to be ours through our acted faith. This book contain within its pages revealed word of faith that will illuminate your mind with the spirit of understanding to live the lifestyle of heaven here on earth, and exerc...

CHF 35.50

Ragozinkai novellák

Utry, Attila
Ragozinkai novellák
Utry Attila Jevgenij (dr.) magyar ortodox keresztény író, költo, publicista tizedik könyvét, elso novellás kötetét tartja kezében a Kedves Olvasó. Korábban versei, elbeszélései, tudományos cikkei, jegyzetei, eloadásai jelentek meg, és legutóbb (2014) kiadták elso regényét is. A mufaji, formai gazdagság mellett a tartalmi hasonlóság jellemzi eddigi munkásságát. Kultúra, kommunikáció, közösség, jó és a rossz küzdelme a város-, a család-, az embe...

CHF 24.90

Jézussal az úton

Fukk, Lóránt
Jézussal az úton
Az emberi élet tele van fárasztó és veszedelmes utakkal. Sokszor úgy érezzük, képtelenek vagyunk hordani a terheket, nem tudjuk végigjárni, az elottünk meredeken emelkedo sziklás ösvényeket. A hitben élo ember számára azonban nincsenek reménytelen helyzetek. Amikor elfogy az emberi ero, összegyulnek felettünk a sötét fellegek, akkor is tudhatjuk, hogy nem vagyunk egyedül, mert Jézus Krisztus velünk vándorol. Istentol rendelt, örök útitársunk, ...

CHF 24.90

What Did Jesus Really Say About Divorce?

Bordow, Todd
What Did Jesus Really Say About Divorce?
For many Christians it is a forgone conclusion that there are only two reasons, or exceptions, that the Bible allows for divorce, desertion and adultery. A careful study of scripture, as well as how the church has understood divorce throughout its history, reveals that may not be the case. By approaching the Bible as a unified whole on the issue of divorce, as well as considering the application of the Bible's teaching on divorce throughout ch...

CHF 35.50

History of Christianity

Abeyasingha, Nihal
History of Christianity
History is a very important dimension of our identity. Those who do not learn from history tend to bury the good achieved and opt to repeat the mistakes of history, often with consequences worse than in the past. The present work puts together several essays on diverse moments in the history of Christianity. Today, we stand between the memory of the past and the hope of a better future. The book does not romanticize the past, but takes a good ...

CHF 73.00

Be The Best Youth Of Your Generation

Omoasegun, Olu Mike
Be The Best Youth Of Your Generation
There is no youth without a purpose and destiny to be fulfill. Today, many pressures and challenges are facing youths. They are crumbling under the intense pressure from home, parents, society, friends, world and hosts of darkness. Coming to this world without fulfilling the purpose and destiny is a painful tragedy that many youths are experienced. This Book is an eye opener for every Youths to discover their purpose and destiny as it is in Go...

CHF 27.90

And They Were "Called" Christian

Watts, Jerry
And They Were "Called" Christian
Jesus Christ came to earth as the Son of God and the Son of Man to live a perfect life and die for the sin of mankind that He might bring us back to God. The Bible says that "Christ died once, the godly for the ungodly that He might bring us back to God." When a person places their faith in Jesus, they are given a new heart and a new direction for life. This is called 'transformation'. He then begins the process of 'reformation' or 'reforming ...

CHF 34.90

My Education and My God Experience

Odigure, Joseph O.
My Education and My God Experience
This book "My Education and My God Experience" is about the difficult of having an educated mind and understanding spiritual things. Using our academic ability to interpret the Word of God has generated lot of frustration because of its inability to understand that God is a Spirit. Only spirit recognizes and relates with spirit. You can only know Him if you worship Him in Spirit and in truth. You can experience God by the authority and power r...

CHF 38.90

A 100 Új Gyülekezet ébredési terve

K¿vári, Zalán
A 100 Új Gyülekezet ébredési terve
Kedves Olvasó! E könyv Önnek szól, ha szeretne megismerkedni a pünkösdi-karizmatikus mozgalom gyakorlati teológiájával. Ugyancsak sokat mond e könyvecske azoknak, akik bár többé-kevésbé tagjai a pünkösdi-karizmatikus mozgalomnak, de nem látják át egységesen a teológiát. * Azok számára is íródott e mu, akik szeretnének komoly változásokat e mozgalomban, de nem tudják, hogy mi módon lehetséges ez. * Azoknak is szól, akik megelégedettek a jelenle...

CHF 27.90

Living above Average

Sitati, Anthony
Living above Average
The Christian walk is never a straight course, it has challenges and obstacles that try to stop one from attaining the dream that God has placed before them.So many times as humans we allow our minds to be dominated with doubt and discouragement because of the disadvantages our life seems to bring. It all comes through shortness of revelation and through a misunderstanding of the infinite grace of God, and of the God of all grace, who is willi...

CHF 27.90

Be Transformed and Glorify God with your Life

Niyonizigiye, Acher
Be Transformed and Glorify God with your Life
Christian life is much more than enjoying church services and fellowship with other Christians. It is primarily about embarking on a life-transforming adventure which lasts a lifetime. Choosing to be a follower of Christ is the wisest and one of the most radical decisions we can ever make. It has deep implications on practically everything: our view of life, success, the truth, the distinction between good and evil, human fulfillment, etc. It ...

CHF 27.90

Rád vár!

Bódy, Bulcsu
Rád vár!
Istenrol sokan és sokszínuen írtak már. Úgy hiszem, ez a legfontosabb mindannyiunk életében, hogy beszéljünk róla. Ez a kötet is Róla szól, a szerzo személyes gondolatatait, érzéseit, foglalta versformába. Mint megannyi emlék, úgy tunnek fel életének néhány fontosabb szakaszai verseiben, mint az 'Egy percre még', amiben édesapja elvesztésérol ír, vagy a 'Betegen' - ami félelmetes módon, mintha csak a jelenlegi állapotát vetítette volna elore. ...

CHF 14.50

Sine Ecclesia et religione? ¿ A hit gy¿zelme

Hancz, Patrik
Sine Ecclesia et religione? ¿ A hit gy¿zelme
A könyv a Magyar Katolikus Egyház egy vészterhes idoszakát dolgozza fel, nevezetesen a II. világháború utáni történéseket, melyek komoly változást hoztak nemcsak a társadalom felépítésében, de a törvényhozásban és foleg a politikai ideológiában is. A kommunizmus ideológiájában a vallás nem fér meg, mivel magát tartja az egyetlen vallásnak, így elkerülhetetlen volt az eros, biztos bázissal rendelkezo Magyar Katolikus Egyház meggyengítésének fol...

CHF 34.50

My Thoughts Make Christ In Me Vol. 3

Odigure, Joseph O.
My Thoughts Make Christ In Me Vol. 3
This book series "My Thoughts Make Christ In Me" is not about me. I never thought of writing a Christian book. The questions Ineed to answer about who I am drove these three collections of short writings - Volume 1, 11, and 111. This is not a religious book. It is about moving from religiosity to Christianity. Christianity is in searching, meditating, acting and confessing that you are the building and place now inhabited by the Holy Spirit an...

CHF 38.90

Végtelen szeretet

Majnár, Zsolt
Végtelen szeretet
Könyvismertetomet egy magyar közmondással kezdem: "Beszélni ezüst, hallgatni arany". Remélem, hogy ezek a rövid bátorítások, bizonyságok felemeloek, építoek lesznek mások számára is. Legyenek olyan értékesek és beszédesek az olvasott sorok, mint az arany és az ezüst értéke. Ajánlom ezt a könyvet mindazoknak, akik szívesen olvasnak Isten megtapasztalásairól. Egy kis ízelíto: 'Ekkor mindnyájan elámultak az Isten nagyságán'. 'Célhoz juttat', 'Eme...

CHF 24.90

Opportunities in Abilities

Ephraim Mathias, David
Opportunities in Abilities
OPPORTUNITIES IN ABILITIES - A POEM God has given every hand a responsibility, A responsibility to be executed with ability, As hands use the ability, they meet opportunity, Opportunity to live a purposed life in its totality. But it's not as it seems, Cos people don't recognize they have deposits, That was thrust into them by God's hands, So that they can be His faithful stewards. Some therefore realize and identify it, And be of usury by inv...

CHF 27.90

The Overflowing Dimensions Of God

Awotide, Tim
The Overflowing Dimensions Of God
I have thought for many years if we really can fathom how much God want to bless the works of His creation? It seems as mortal men, we often place a lid over our minds and have seem to have limited ideas that perceives God will only want to bless us in either small ways or by using a 'one-size fit for all measure'. We as Christians sometimes live as if there is always a limits to what is possible and what blessings we can receive from the Lord...

CHF 27.90

Rancè - and the Trappist Legacy

Michels, Jochen
Rancè - and the Trappist Legacy
As a side product of our work to familiarize Abbé de Rancé to the German speaking, we ran into this english book, which is out of print. It also contains an evaluation of his main work "De la Sainteté et les Devoirs....." This is a reissue and the German version will also be avalilable soon by the translator and editor Jochen Michels. Read what the author has to say in his Foreword: WHEN I FIRST BEGAN to study Rancé, my concern was primarily h...

CHF 26.50