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Zur Kasse

4706 Ergebnisse - Zeige 281 von 300.

Landscape Infrastructure

Waldheim, Charles
Landscape Infrastructure
Now available as revised edition: The successful title on integrated ecological landscape planning Infrastructure, as we know it, no longer belongs in the exclusive realm of engineers and transportation planners. In the context of rapidly changing cities and towns, infrastructure is experiencing a paradigm shift where multiple-use programming and the integration of latent ecologies is a primary consideration. Defining contemporary infrastructu...

CHF 68.00

Collected Works of Charles François Sturm

Pont, Jean-Claude
Collected Works of Charles François Sturm
Charles François Sturm was born in Geneva, Switzerland, on September 29, 1803. He obtained his scientific education in this city and began his rich scientific career there through significant research in sound propagation and compressibility of fluids. In September of 2003, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth, his home city honoured his worldwide recognition with a colloquium and workshop under the sponsorship of the Universi...

CHF 188.00

Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume I

Deutsch, Andreas / Brusch, Lutz / Herzel, Hanspeter / de Vries, Gerda / Byrne, Helen
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume I
This two-volume, interdisciplinary work is a unified presentation of a broad range of state-of-the-art topics in the rapidly growing field of mathematical modeling in the biological sciences. Highlighted throughout both works are mathematical and computational approaches to examine central problems in the life sciences, ranging from the organizational principles of individual cells to the dynamics of large populations. Volume I covers a number...

CHF 134.00

Surface Evolution Equations

Giga, Yoshikazu
Surface Evolution Equations
This book presents a self-contained introduction to the analytic foundation of a level set approach for various surface evolution equations including curvature flow equations. These equations are important in many applications, such as material sciences, image processing and differential geometry. The goal is to introduce a generalized notion of solutions allowing singularities, and to solve the initial-value problem globally-in-time in a gene...

CHF 188.00

Essential Wavelets for Statistical Applications and Data ...

Ogden, Todd
Essential Wavelets for Statistical Applications and Data Analysis
I once heard the book by Meyer (1993) described as a "vulgarization" of wavelets. While this is true in one sense of the word, that of making a sub­ ject popular (Meyer's book is one of the early works written with the non­ specialist in mind), the implication seems to be that such an attempt some­ how cheapens or coarsens the subject. I have to disagree that popularity goes hand-in-hand with debasement. is certainly a beautiful theory underly...

CHF 134.00

The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation

Lieb, Elliott H. / Yngvason, Jakob / Solovej, Jan Philip / Seiringer, Robert
The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation
This book contains a unique survey of the mathematically rigorous results about the quantum-mechanical many-body problem that have been obtained by the authors in the past seven years. It addresses a topic that is not only rich mathematically, using a large variety of techniques in mathematical analysis, but is also one with strong ties to current experiments on ultra-cold Bose gases and Bose-Einstein condensation. The book provides a pedagogi...

CHF 58.50

Numerical Methods for Controlled Stochastic Delay Systems

Kushner, Harold
Numerical Methods for Controlled Stochastic Delay Systems
The Markov chain approximation methods are widely used for the numerical solution of nonlinear stochastic control problems in continuous time. This book extends the methods to stochastic systems with delays. Because such problems are infinite-dimensional, many new issues arise in getting good numerical approximations and in the convergence proofs. Useful forms of numerical algorithms and system approximations are developed in this work, and th...

CHF 134.00

Ströme und Zonen

Kamleithner, Christa
Ströme und Zonen
Die "funktionale Stadt" wurde mit dem vierten CIAM-Kongress 1933 zur wirkmächtigen Formel für den Städtebau des 20. Jahrhunderts. Doch das Konzept war zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits in die Jahre gekommen. Es ist auch weniger eine Erfindung von Architekten als das Ergebnis eines Abstraktionsprozesses, an dem Statistiken, thematische Karten und ökonomische Modelle maßgeblichen Anteil hatten. Das Buch erzählt die Geschichte des modernen Städtebaus e...

CHF 40.50

Sacred Concrete

Samuel, Flora / Linder-Gaillard, Inge
Sacred Concrete
Le Corbusier not only designed and built churches, but also engaged intensely with religion and faith and, through his oeuvre, had a significant impact on church architecture of the twentieth century. The book explains Le Corbusier's relationship with religion, it introduces his designs for La Sainte-Baume, the Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut de Ronchamp, La Tourette monastery, and the church of St. Pierre, and investigates his impact on the ensu...

CHF 77.00

Basics Timber Construction

Steiger, Ludwig
Basics Timber Construction
Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used by mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality. In many cultural spheres and climate zones, the primary construction methods of domestic architecture include both masonry construction and timber construction. However, this living, lightweight, and easy-to-work material has specific characteristics that impact on the way it is used in constructi...

CHF 30.50

Architecture - Drawn

Philipp, Klaus Jan
Architecture - Drawn
The two-dimensional drawing with plan layout, elevation, and section is a necessary prerequisite for all building. Perspectives help to give three-dimensional expression to the architect's ideas. In order to convey architecture and to build it, drawings at a reduced scale are mandatory, for the architect as much as for tradesmen and clients. This book recounts the historical development of architectural drawings and thus provides an insight in...

CHF 102.00

Schrifttypen - Verstehen Kombinieren

Stamm, Philipp
Schrifttypen - Verstehen Kombinieren
Die Schriftmischung ist eine der großen Herausforderungen und gleichzeitig ein steter Reiz für Typografen und Gestalter: Soll sie opulent, nur begrenzt oder am besten gar nicht stattfinden? Welche Schriften harmonieren miteinander, welche nicht? Welche ergänzen sich, lassen sich gar gegenseitig steigern? Die Fachliteratur bietet da wenig Hilfestellung. Dieses Handbuch zeigt, dass sich für das Mischen von Schriften Kriterien bestimmen lassen. E...

CHF 65.00


Maclean, Alex
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, die nicht in großem Maßstab spürbar sind, ist der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels ein sichtbarer und unerbittlicher Indikator für die globale Erwärmung, deren Folgen weltweit zu spüren sind. Es ist nicht zu leugnen, dass der Meeresspiegelanstieg - verstärkt durch Stürme und Sturmfluten - Erosion, Überschwemmungen und katastrophale Schäden an den Küsten sowie im Binnenland verursacht. Das Buch z...

CHF 80.00


Curnier, Sonia
The way public spaces are designed reflects the period in which they were created. However, in our globalized world of experience and images the desire for uniqueness tends to achieve the opposite: increasingly, designers of open spaces resort to the same devices and thereby distance themselves from the urban context. The author analyzes ten outstanding contemporary designs of public spaces in Europe in terms of their function in the urban con...

CHF 83.00


Mettler, Daniel / Studer, Daniel / ETH Zürich - BUK
Konstruieren ist eine Kompetenz, die Architekturschaffenden die Kontrolle über ihre Entwürfe verschafft. Neue technische Anforderungen wirken auf unsere Bauten ein und rufen nach aktuellem Fachwissen, um daraus neu Architekturen zu formen. Vom Konzept zum Detail führt dieses Handbuch mit klar verständlichen 3D-Isometrien in die Welt zeitgenössischer Konstruktion ein, Fotografien veranschaulichen die Inhalte. Tragwerk, Gebäudehülle und Ausbau w...

CHF 54.90

Mirei Shigemori - Rebel in the Garden

Tschumi, Christian
Mirei Shigemori - Rebel in the Garden
Mirei Shigemori had a major impact on the development of Japanese landscape architecture in the twentieth century. Active from the 1920s, he founded the Kyoto Garden Society in 1932. In 1939 he designed his own first masterpiece, the garden at the main hall of the Tôfuku-ji temple. From then on he designed 240 gardens all over Japan until his death in 1975, amongst the most famous are the Tenrai-an tea garden (1969) and the Matsuo Taisha garde...

CHF 65.00

Understanding - Combining Typefaces

Stamm, Philipp
Understanding - Combining Typefaces
Combining typefaces is one of the great challenges and, at the same time, a continuing allure for typographers and designers: is it meant to be extravagant or should it only be carried out to a limited degree or, ideally, not at all? Which fonts harmonize with each other, and which don't? Which ones complement each other or even enhance each other? There are few answers to be found in the professional literature. This handbook demonstrates tha...

CHF 68.00

Leandro Valencia Locsin

Girard, Jean-Claude
Leandro Valencia Locsin
The largely unknown oeuvre of the Philippine architect Leandro V. Locsin (1928-1994) embodies the search for identity in the built environment. Having completed his studies, Locsin opened his practice in 1953 in the capital Manila which, after the aerial attacks by the Allied forces for the liberation of the Philippines from Japanese occupation, had been almost completely destroyed. The reconstruction, as well as technical innovations and favo...

CHF 88.00

Spaces of Intensity

Käpplinger, Claus
Spaces of Intensity
The focus of the Hungarian architecture practice, 3h architects, which was founded in 1994 by Katalin Csillag and Zsolt Gunther, is on the sensitive transformation of urban spaces and historic buildings. They set spaces with great intensity and complexity against a world that seems incomprehensible, often linking them with interrupted strands of history and creating unmistakable space effects using daylight and artificial lighting. Their work ...

CHF 65.00


The rise in sea level is a visible and remorseless indicator of global warming, the consequences of which can be experienced worldwide - in contrast to other effects of climate change that are not yet noticeable at a larger scale. The book illustrates, in an impressive way, the ecological, commercial, and social impact associated with the rise in sea levels, taking the examples of the American East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico: the author has ...

CHF 80.00