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4706 Ergebnisse - Zeige 4621 von 4640.

Kurt Gödel

Rodriguez-Consuegra, Francisco A.
Kurt Gödel
Kurt Gödel, together with Bertrand Russell, is the most important name in logic, and in the foundations and philosophy of mathematics of this century. However, unlike Russel, Gödel the mathematician published very little apart from his well-known writings in logic, metamathematics and set theory. Fortunately, Gödel the philosopher, who devoted more years of his life to philosophy than to technical investigation, wrote hundreds of pages on the ...

CHF 69.00

Polytopes - Combinations and Computation

Ziegler, Günter M. / Kalai, Gil
Polytopes - Combinations and Computation
Questions that arose from linear programming and combinatorial optimization have been a driving force for modern polytope theory, such as the diameter questions motivated by the desire to understand the complexity of the simplex algorithm, or the need to study facets for use in cutting plane procedures. In addition, algorithms now provide the means to computationally study polytopes, to compute their parameters such as flag vectors, graphs and...

CHF 49.50

Patterns of Change

Kvasz, Ladislav
Patterns of Change
This book offers a reconstruction of linguistic innovations in the history of mathematics, innovations which changed the ways in which mathematics was done, understood and philosophically interpreted. It argues that there are at least three ways in which the language of mathematics has been changed throughout its history, thus determining the lines of development that mathematics has followed. One of these patterns of change, called a re-codi...

CHF 134.00

Geometry of Foliations

Tondeur, Philippe
Geometry of Foliations
The topics in this survey volume concern research done on the differential geom­ etry of foliations over the last few years. After a discussion of the basic concepts in the theory of foliations in the first four chapters, the subject is narrowed down to Riemannian foliations on closed manifolds beginning with Chapter 5. Following the discussion of the special case of flows in Chapter 6, Chapters 7 and 8 are de­ voted to Hodge theory for the tr...

CHF 134.00

Scaling Limits and Models in Physical Processes

Sattinger, David / Cercignani, Carlo
Scaling Limits and Models in Physical Processes
The first part of this volume presents the basic ideas concerning perturbation and scaling methods in the mathematical theory of dilute gases, based on Boltzmann's integro-differential equation. It is of course impossible to cover the developments of this subject in less than one hundred pages. Already in 1912 none less than David Hilbert indicated how to obtain approximate solutions of the scaled Boltzmann equation in the form of a perturbati...

CHF 49.50

Courbes semi-stables et groupe fondamental en geometrie a...

Bost, Jean-Benoit / Raynaud, Michel / Loeser, Francois
Courbes semi-stables et groupe fondamental en geometrie algebrique
This volume contains detailed expositions of talks given during an instructional conference held at Luminy in December 1998, which was devoted to classical and recent results concerning the fundamental group of algebraic curves, especially over finite and local fields. The scientific guidance of the conference was supplied by M. Raynaud, a leading expert in the field. The purpose of this volume is twofold. Firstly, it gives an account of basic...

CHF 188.00

Flat Roof Construction Manual

Sedlbauer, Klaus
Flat Roof Construction Manual
often described as the "fifth façade", the flat roof is extremely popular with architects. Its essential task is to shelter the space beneath it from the elements. Beyond this, the use of flat roofs may be optimized by integrating them as green roofs, roof terraces, circulation areas, and even productive solar roofs. In practice, however, their correct and professional realization is a highly exacting task: in addition to providing the planner...

CHF 135.00


Wietzorrek, Ulrike
High-quality residential structures are much more than merely a series of different floor plans. First and foremost, the urban apartment house mediates between the private refuge and the public space of the city. In the process, boundaries between inside and outside are negotiated on a wide variety of scales. Housing+ focuses on investigating spatial and architectural as well as social and communicative interfaces in residential construction. ...

CHF 93.00

Elements of Nonlinear Analysis

Chipot, Michel
Elements of Nonlinear Analysis
This book covers some of the main aspects of nonlinear analysis. It concentrates on stressing the fundamental ideas instead of elaborating on the intricacies of the more esoteric encompass[es] many methods of dynamical systems in quite simple and original settings. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the main and essential concepts of nonlinear analysis as well as the relevant methodologies and applications." --MATHEMATICAL...

CHF 69.00

The Complex WKB Method for Nonlinear Equations I

Maslov, Victor P. / Sossinsky, A. B. / Shishkova, M. A.
The Complex WKB Method for Nonlinear Equations I
This book deals with asymptotic solutions of linear and nonlinear equa­ tions which decay as h ---+ 0 outside a neighborhood of certain points, curves and surfaces. Such solutions are almost everywhere well approximated by the functions cp(x) exp{iS(x)/h}, x E 1R3, where S(x) is complex, and ImS(x) ~ o. When the phase S(x) is real (ImS(x) = 0), the method for obtaining asymp­ totics of this type is known in quantum mechanics as the WKB-method....

CHF 69.00

Some Aspects of Brownian Motion

Yor, Marc
Some Aspects of Brownian Motion
The following notes represent approximately the second half of the lectures I gave in the Nachdiplomvorlesung, in ETH, Zurich, between October 1991 and February 1992, together with the contents of six additional lectures I gave in ETH, in November and December 1993. Part I, the elder brother of the present book [Part II], aimed at the computation, as explicitly as possible, of a number of interesting functionals of Brownian motion. It may be n...

CHF 42.90

Transgenic Organisms

Tomiuk, J. / Sentker, A. / Wöhrmann, K.
Transgenic Organisms
In 1992, a group of scientists including molecular biologists, microbiologists, population biolo­ gists, ecologists, human geneticists, moral philosophers and others met discussing the state of affairs regarding the deliberate or unintentional release of genetically modified organisms. The proceedings of this meeting were subsequently published by Birkhauser Verlag as Transgenic Organisms: Risk Assessment of Deliberate Release (K. Wohrmann and...

CHF 134.00

Canonical Metrics in Kähler Geometry

Tian, Gang
Canonical Metrics in Kähler Geometry
There has been fundamental progress in complex differential geometry in the last two decades. For one, The uniformization theory of canonical Kähler metrics has been established in higher dimensions, and many applications have been found, including the use of Calabi-Yau spaces in superstring theory. This monograph gives an introduction to the theory of canonical Kähler metrics on complex manifolds. It also presents some advanced topics not eas...

CHF 96.00

Moment Maps and Combinatorial Invariants of Hamiltonian T...

Guillemin, Victor
Moment Maps and Combinatorial Invariants of Hamiltonian Tn-spaces
The action of a compact Lie group, G, on a compact sympletic manifold gives rise to some remarkable combinatorial invariants. The simplest and most interesting of these is the moment polytopes, a convex polyhedron which sits inside the dual of the Lie algebra of G. One of the main goals of this monograph is to describe what kinds of geometric information are encoded in this polytope. This book is addressed to researchers and can be used as a s...

CHF 134.00

Wohnraum Alpen

Ebner, Peter / Herrmann, Eva / Kuntscher, Markus
Wohnraum Alpen
Nach wie vor ist die Bereitstellung attraktiver Wohnungen in den Ballungszentren Europas ein Thema, das nicht nur zwischen Architekten, sondern auch zwischen Stadtplanern, Investoren und Gemeinden diskutiert wird. Nachverdichtung und das Entstehen neuer Siedlungen sind stets begleitet von der Frage nach nachhaltigen und zukunftsfähigem Konzepten. In den Alpenregionen müssen dabei zusätzlich topografische und strukturelle Rahmenbedingungen berü...

CHF 86.00

Linearization Models for Complex Dynamical Systems

Shoikhet, David / Elin, Mark
Linearization Models for Complex Dynamical Systems
This book provides valuable insights into complex analysis, dynamical systems, geometric function theory and operator theory. Intended for a broad spectrum of readers, ranging from undergraduate and graduate mathematics students to active researchers, it offers extensive coverage of recent advances in geometric function theory, including the theory of starlike and spirallike functions with respect to a boundary point. Of particular interest is...

CHF 134.00


Müller-Schöll, Axel
Ein Fachbuch der eigenen Art: Die Verbindung von Inspirationsquelle, Handbuch und Notizheft. Thematisiert werden grundlegende Aspekte der Innenraumgestaltung (Decken, Fußböden, Wänden, Türen, Treppen etc.) und die einschlägig dort verwendeten Materialien (Teppichen, Wandanstriche, Glas, Holzwerkstoffe, Stein, Beton usw.). Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist dem Entwerfen, Aufzeichnen und Kommunizieren gewidmet, mit Darstellungsmethoden, praktischen T...

CHF 52.90

The Elements of Le Corbusier's Architectural Promenade

Samuel, Flora
The Elements of Le Corbusier's Architectural Promenade
Architecture is experienced as one roams about in it and walks through it... So true is this that architectural works can be divided into dead and living ones depending on whether the law of 'roaming through' has not been observed or whether on the contrary it has been brilliantly obeyed." (Le Corbusier, 1942) The "promenade architecturale" - the observer's pathway through the built space - is a central element of Le Corbusier's architectural ...

CHF 46.50

Flachdach Atlas

Sedlbauer, Klaus / Barthel, Rainer / Künzel, Hartwig / Schunck, Eberhard
Flachdach Atlas
Das Flachdach - dieser bei Architekten beliebte und gerne als fünfte Fassade beschriebene Gebäudeteil - sollte im Wesentlichen den darunter liegenden Raum vor Witterungseinflüssen schützen. Darüber hinaus optimiert die Integration flacher Dächer als Gründach, Dachterrasse, Verkehrsfläche oder gar als ertragreiches Solardach den Nutzen. Die fachgerechte Realisierung in der Praxis ist jedoch anspruchsvoll: Der Flachdach Atlas verschafft dem Plan...

CHF 134.00