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4706 Ergebnisse - Zeige 4681 von 4700.

Mathematical Analysis

Modica, Giuseppe / Giaquinta, Mariano
Mathematical Analysis
For more than two thousand years some familiarity with mathematics has been regarded as an indispensable part of the intellectual equipment of every cultured person. Today the traditional place of mathematics in education is in grave danger. Unfortunately, professional representatives of mathematics share in the reponsibiIity. The teaching of mathematics has sometimes degen­ erated into empty drill in problem solving, which may develop formal ...

CHF 69.00

Analysis on Lie Groups with Polynomial Growth

Dungey, Nick / Robinson, Derek William / Ter Elst, A. F. M. (Tom)
Analysis on Lie Groups with Polynomial Growth
Analysis on Lie Groups with Polynomial Growth is the first book to present a method for examining the surprising connection between invariant differential operators and almost periodic operators on a suitable nilpotent Lie group. It deals with the theory of second-order, right invariant, elliptic operators on a large class of manifolds: Lie groups with polynomial growth. In systematically developing the analytic and algebraic background on Lie...

CHF 69.00

Flow Lines and Algebraic Invariants in Contact Form Geometry

Bahri, Abbas
Flow Lines and Algebraic Invariants in Contact Form Geometry
This text features a careful treatment of flow lines and algebraic invariants in contact form geometry, a vast area of research connected to symplectic field theory, pseudo-holomorphic curves, and Gromov-Witten invariants (contact homology). In particular, it develops a novel algebraic tool in this field: rooted in the concept of critical points at infinity, the new algebraic invariants defined here are useful in the investigation of contact s...

CHF 69.00

Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems

Deutsch, Andreas / Zimmermann, Walter / Falcke, Martin / Howard, Jonathan
Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems
Current biological research demands more and more the extensive use of sophisticated mathematical methods and computer-aided analysis of experiments and data. Mathematical analysis reveals similarities and differences in organization principles of metabolic, signaling and cellular interaction networks. This highly interdisciplinary book focuses on structural, dynamical and functional aspects of cellular systems and presents corresponding exper...

CHF 134.00

Living Morphogenesis of the Heart

De la Cruz, Maria / Markwald, Roger
Living Morphogenesis of the Heart
The overall scope of this new series will be to evolve an understanding of the genetic basis of (1) how early mesoderm commits to cells of a heart lineage that progres­ sively and irreversibly assemble into a segmented, primary heart tube that can be remodeled into a four-chambered organ, and (2) how blood vessels are derived and assembled both in the heart and in the body. Our central aim is to establish a four-dimensional, spatiotemporal fou...

CHF 188.00

Aging and Human Longevity

Schulz-Aellen, Marie-Francoise
Aging and Human Longevity
The proportion of elderly people continues to increase in the western world-nearly a quarter of the population will be over 65 years by the year 2050. Since aging is accompanied by an increase in diseases and by a deterioration in well-being, finding solutions to these social, medical and psychological problems is necessarily a major goal for society. Scientists and medical practitioners are therefore faced with the urgent task of increasing b...

CHF 69.00

Rhinitis: Immunopathology and Pharmacotherapy

Giembycz, Mark A. / Raeburn, David
Rhinitis: Immunopathology and Pharmacotherapy
Continuing the Respiratory Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy series, this volume explores the pathophysiology and therapy of rhinitis. The volume is introduced by a chapter describing the normal anatomy and physiology of the nose and sinuses. Against this background the contributing authors describe and discuss the immunological and pathological changes which occur in rhinitis. The various causes and the types of rhinitis - such as allergic, va...

CHF 188.00

Berichte zu Tierarzneimitteln 2008

Brandt, Peter
Berichte zu Tierarzneimitteln 2008
Die Publikation des deutschen Bundesamtes für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) berichtet über die gesundheitliche Bewertung pharmakologisch wirksamer Substanzen, die Lebensmittelsicherheit bei Tierarzneimittel-Rückständen, über die internationale Tierarzneimittel-Richtlinie VICH GL 43 sowie die Beurteilung und Überwachung der Resistenzsituation. Weitere Berichte zu Tierarzneimitteln, Pflanzenschutzmitteln, zur Lebensmittelsic...

CHF 36.90

Berichte zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln 2008

Brandt, Peter
Berichte zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln 2008
Die Publikation des deutschen Bundesamtes für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) fasst die Ergebnisse des Pflanzenschutz-Kontrollprogramms für das Jahr 2008 zusammen. In Deutschland überwachen die Länderbehörden die Einhaltung der Vorschriften für das Inverkehrbringen und die Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln. Mit dem Pflanzenschutz-Kontrollprogramm wurde ab 2004 eine länderübergreifende Initiative zur Verbesserung der Überwa...

CHF 36.90

Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2008

Brandt, Peter
Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2008
Lebensmittelmonitoring - das von Bund und Ländern durchgeführte Untersuchungsprogramm - ergänzt die amtliche Lebensmittelüberwachung der Bundesländer. Lebensmittelüberwachung kontrolliert die Einhaltung lebensmittelrechtlicher Vorschriften v.a. durch verdachts- und risikoorientierte Untersuchungen. Das Lebensmittelmonitoring hingegen misst und bewertet - wiederholt und repräsentativ - den Gehalt unerwünschter Stoffe (z.B. Pflanzenschutzmittel,...

CHF 36.90

Die Entwicklung des Tensorkalküls

Reich, Karin
Die Entwicklung des Tensorkalküls
Die allgemeine Relativitästheorie lässt sich nur mit Hilfe des Tensorkalküls formulieren. Diesen lernte Einstein 1912 in Form des absoluten Differentialkalküls kennen. Dessen Schöpfer war Gregorio Ricci, dem zusammen mit Sophus Lie und anderen der Ausbau der Theorie der Differentialinvarianten gelang. Der absolute Differentialkalkül passte zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie wie ein Schlüssel zum Schloss: der in den Jahren 1884-92 von Ricci en...

CHF 148.00

Maple V: Mathematics and its Applications

Lopez, Robert J.
Maple V: Mathematics and its Applications
The Maple Summer Workshop and Symposium, MSWS '94, reflects the growing commu­ nity of Maple users around the world. This volume contains the contributed papers. A careful inspection of author affiliations will reveal that they come from North America, Europe, and Australia. In fact, fifteen come from the United States, two from Canada, one from Australia, and nine come from Europe. Of European papers, two are from Ger­ many, two are from the ...

CHF 69.00

Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle S...

Durrett, R. / Kesten, H.
Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems
This collection of articles is dedicated to Frank Spitzer on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The articles, written by a group of his friends, colleagues, former students and coauthors, are intended to demonstrate the major influence Frank has had on probability theory for the last 30 years and most likely will have for many years to come. Frank has always liked new phenomena, clean formulations and elegant proofs. He has created or opened u...

CHF 134.00

Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1981

Cinlar / Chung / GETOOR
Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1981
This volume consists of about half of the papers presented during a three-day seminar on stochastic processes held at Northwestern University in April 1981. The aim of the seminar was to bring together a small group of kindred spirits working on stochastic processes and to provide an informal atmosphere for them to discuss their current work. We plan to hold such a seminar once a year, with slight variations in emphasis to reflect the changing...

CHF 69.00

Support I Materialise

Baurmann, Henning / Dilling, Jan / Euler, Claudia / Niederwöhrmeier, Julius / Reichel, Alexander / Schultz, Kerstin
Support I Materialise
The second volume of the series SCALE, Tragen und Materialisieren is devoted to the supporting structures of buildings. These are pursued from the idea stage a " the design intention a " to constructional implementation. The book follows the traditional building methods of massive, cross-wall, and skeleton construction and points the way toward a material-appropriate constructional approach to the design-defining structural components wall, su...

CHF 57.90

Fourier Integral Operators

Duistermaat, J. J.
Fourier Integral Operators
This volume is a useful introduction to the subject of Fourier integral operators and is based on the author's classic set of notes. Covering a range of topics from Hörmander’s exposition of the theory, Duistermaat approaches the subject from symplectic geometry and includes applications to hyperbolic equations (= equations of wave type) and oscillatory asymptotic solutions which may have caustics.This text is suitable for mathematicians and (...

CHF 89.00