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168 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Taylor, Roger
John Newman's family has a secret, a huge secret, with a responsibility that affects everyone. And when John takes control of the family business, his actions will have world spanning repercussions. Newman is an unusual and utterly enthralling family saga - a scathing but hopeful story of ordinary people caught up in both crime and political and governmental corruption.

CHF 42.50

The Silver Vortex

Caldecott, Moyra
The Silver Vortex
The Silver Vortex is the final book of the 'Guardians of the Tall Stones' series. From beyond time and space they come to walk the earth once more: the Guardians of the Tall Stones, the Lords of the Sun... Deva is the beautiful and headstrong daughter of the High Priest of the greatest of the mighty stone circles. She seeks to master the arts of sorcery in order to reclaim her lover from a previous incarnation. Now, trapped by a desire she can...

CHF 53.90

Into Narsindal

Taylor, Roger
Into Narsindal
The evil Lord Dan-Tor has at last been driven out of Fyorlund and has retreated to Narsindal, the realm of his dread master Sumeral. But Hawklan and his allies have won no more than a breathing space, for Dan-Tor is gathering his forces for a massive onslaught on all the free lands. An alliance of the free peoples must be forged, even those of peaceful Orthlund, to stand against Sumeral's dark battalions. The dwellers in the air and the myster...

CHF 67.00


Taylor, Roger
John Newman's family has a secret, a huge secret, with a responsibility that affects everyone. And when John takes control of the family business, his actions will have world spanning repercussions. Newman is an unusual and utterly enthralling family saga - a scathing but hopeful story of ordinary people caught up in both crime and political and governmental corruption.

CHF 37.50


Caldecott, Julian
As water crises multiply, and mass extinction and climate chaos escalate, we have the sense that nature is serving us a very clear warning and that something major has to change, or else. To respond requires that our adaptive skills are informed by ecology and applied effectively. The key issue is whether we can adjust our ways of life to make it in our new global environment. Building an informed awareness of water, and the life it bears in e...

CHF 35.50


Caldecott, Julian
As water crises multiply, and mass extinction and climate chaos escalate, we have the sense that nature is serving us a very clear warning and that something major has to change, or else. To respond requires that our adaptive skills are informed by ecology and applied effectively. The key issue is whether we can adjust our ways of life to make it in our new global environment. Building an informed awareness of water, and the life it bears in e...

CHF 52.50


Taylor, Roger
Refugees from the worlds of the galactic centre are seeking a planet on which to make a new home far from the reach of pursuers. They are running dangerously low on resources, and with nowhere else to go the only suitable planet they have found is already inhabited. Its civilisation is dangerously unstable.Can Taithur, the leader, morally and ethically justify taking the planet, potentially destroying the indigenous and sentient inhabitants?

CHF 36.90

The Eye of Callanish

Caldecott, Moyra
The Eye of Callanish
At the beginning of the twelfth century on the Island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland, a young girl, Mairi, is persecuted for being in league with the Devil. She believes that she is able to communicate with the ancient people who built the temple of Tall Stones at Callanish.Mairi is aided in her escape from her persecutors by Neil and the hermit Brother Durston, who we first met in Weapons of the Wolfhound. On t...

CHF 48.50


Taylor, Roger
Vashnar is the Commander of Arvenstaat's Wardens. Ambitious, ruthless, and weary of the antiquated and irrelevant proceedings of its government, the Moot, he plans to seize power and reestablish the ancient rule of the Dictators.But, in a terrifying confrontation, his messenger, Thyrn, a young inexperienced Caddoran, sensitive to the point almost of telepathy, reads the intentions beneath his words and flees in panic. Accompanied by his uncle,...

CHF 53.90

Weapons of the Wolfhound

Caldecott, Moyra
Weapons of the Wolfhound
It is the 12th century AD. Neil lives with his parents on a farm on the remote island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. Bored with his days and longing for excitement, Neil travels with the Viking warrior Baldur to Iceland to visit Baldur's father, the Wolfhound. But Baldur's father has died, and his grave has been robbed of the hero's famous weapons. Baldur's anger is intense, and he and Neil go on a dangerous journey across Iceland to recover ...

CHF 48.50

The Lily and the Bull

Caldecott, Moyra
The Lily and the Bull
Ierii, the daughter of the chief gardener at the palace, is in love with Thyloss, the son of the keeper of the Queen's bulls. Thyloss, who yearns to be a bull acrobat, a position of great importance and renown, finds his feelings for Ierii gradually changing. But their hopes are shaken by events beyond their control.The Lily and the Bull is an exciting fantasy set during the dramatic events of the last days of Ma-ii, a Minoan city on the north...

CHF 37.50

Dream Finder

Taylor, Roger
Dream Finder
Since their leader Petran died, the Guild of Dream Finders have been timid, and their ancient craft has fallen into disrepute. Petran's son Antyr, young, grief stricken and only part trained, could not begin to fill the vacuum left by his father.Increasingly he has become a bitter spectator, with neither the cynicism to become rich by pandering to the whims of the wealthy, nor the courage to offer them his skills honestly and without fear. His...

CHF 67.00

Multi-Dimensional Life

Caldecott, Moyra
Multi-Dimensional Life
In more than thirty published books the novelist Moyra Caldecott has transported her readers through ancient history and into other worlds. Her writing is a manifestation of her lifelong quest for meaning and wisdom. Now, for the first time, she reveals the many levels of her own life as a writer and the extraordinary events and experiences that have inspired her life and her writing.

CHF 48.50


Taylor, Roger
Canol Madreth is a small, remote and mountainous country at the centre of Gyronlandt. It is governed directly by an elected parliament, the Heindral, and indirectly by the stern and sombre tenets of the Church of Ishrythan.Then, one fateful day, ominous clouds gather over Canol Madreth, and, mysteriously affected by whatever brought them, the impetuous Brother Cassraw is transformed into a fiery religious demagogue. The stability of the whole ...

CHF 59.90

The Waking of Orthlund

Taylor, Roger
The Waking of Orthlund
Fyorlund has fallen. The City of Vakloss has felt the terrifying Power that lies behind the evil Lord Dan-Tor and King Rgoric lies dead, murdered by Dan-Tor who is now master of Fyorlund and ready to unleash the Dark Lord Sumeral's dread power over all the lands.Yet Dan-Tor has been grievously wounded by Hawklan's arrow, and, against impossible odds, not all hope has been swallowed by the Darkness. Sylvriss, Rgoric's Queen, has escaped the bli...

CHF 63.00

An Endless Exile

Lancaster, Mary
An Endless Exile
Torfrida is thirty-two years old, cynical, secretive, confident of her own wisdom and learning. Yet even she is taken by surprise when Hereward is brutally killed by his Norman guests. Lonely and embittered, it is with reluctance that she remembers the past, from her first childhood meeting with the tumultuous Hereward, through their stormy courtship and Hereward's military adventures as mercenary and as patriot - which she shared - up to the ...

CHF 55.50

The Keep

Taylor, Roger
The Keep
Isolated and deep in the mountains, the Keep is a disturbing place. Why would the New Order want it, and for what? But you didn't ask questions the way things were. You kept your head down and did as you were told. Just do your job, Josyff kept reminding himself.Yet there were strange problems with his work... and dreams... and him... and the building itself -- massive, yet, somehow, changing.And when the authoritarian Adroyan arrived at the K...

CHF 65.00

The Return of the Sword

Taylor, Roger
The Return of the Sword
After the great and bloody war in which the peoples of all the free lands, even those of peaceful Orthlund, stood together against the evil of Dan-Tor and Sumeral's dark battalions, Sumeral is dead. His body is destroyed, his will scattered across worlds unknowable.Now, travellers sent out from Anderras Darion and Cadwanen to learn more of the world beyond Orthlund, Fyorlund and Riddin are returning. They bring with them people in need of help...

CHF 59.90


Taylor, Roger
Sinister changes are afoot in Arash-Felloren. Pinnatte, the street thief, has been marked, literally, for a fearful destiny. Imorren, the first woman to lead the Kyrosdyn - the crystal workers - has secretly ordered the transfer of the Jyolan Fighting Pits to Barran, the mercenary who controls most of the crystal trade. It will give him great power in the huge and ancient city. But why would Imorren do this?And why would she bring to the surfa...

CHF 59.90


Taylor, Roger
Count Ibryen has been driven from his ancestral land by the Gevethen, who are strange and powerful usurpers. He and his loyal followers have taken refuge in the mountains, and are fighting a relentless but failing guerilla war.Then a mysterious call lures Ibryen away from his followers. Together with Rachyl and the enigmatic Traveller, he goes in search of an answer to the desperate need in that call, and in the hope of finding another way to ...

CHF 62.00