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49 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Le Super Nouvel An Coréen avec Mamie

Chi-Whi Kim, Mary
Le Super Nouvel An Coréen avec Mamie
Écrit et illustré pour les enfants de 5 à 7 ans, ce livre célèbre les grands-mères, ces super-héros sans qui nous n'existerions pas, et les traditions culturelles qu'elles transmettent qui unissent et nourrissent les familles à travers le temps et l'espace. La tradition coréenne millénaire du Nouvel an est un exemple de l'importance universelle des familles multigénérationnelles et d'origine immigrée.

CHF 24.50

Mamma in her village

de Panizza Lorch, Maristella
Mamma in her village
Mamma in her Village is the first volume of Maristella Lorch's trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, the story of generations of strong women covering more than a century, including two World Wars, the Cold War, and the explosion of terrorism. In a biographical novel set in Tajo, a village in the Central Alps, torn between its Germanic heritage and an emerging Italian influence, we follow mamma, the author's mother, from child to young wife, in the years ...

CHF 40.50

The Other Shore

Lorch, Maristella Panizza
The Other Shore
The Other Shore is the closing volume of Maristella Lorch's trilogy Beyond Gibraltar, the story of generations of strong women covering more than a century, including two World Wars, the Cold War, and the explosion of terrorism. Interweaving memory and history, the personal and the global, The Other Shore, that begins with the death of Lorch's second husband and the flashback to their torrid love affair on the Columbia campus in the early 50's...

CHF 34.50

Somo la Kushona

Sobel Lederman, Deana
Somo la Kushona
Taa na kelele za ajabu kutoka sebuleni zinamuamsha mhusika mkuu wa hadithi hii. Kuelewa kile kinachoendelea, anaenda chumbani ambapo mama yake alipo, na anamuona mama yake akishona barakoa za kinga. Mama yake anamwambia kwamba kutoka sasa wafanyakazi muhimu wote na wale wote wanaohitaji kusafiri kwenda kazini watahitaji kuvaa barakoa. Anapo tafakari maneno ya mama yake, anaamua ya kwamba yeye pia atavaa barakoa ya rangi nyingi ilioshonwa na ma...

CHF 23.50

Noah Henry

Sobel Lederman, Deana
Noah Henry
Kama siku yoyote nyingine, Noah Henry anajitayarisha kwenda shuleni-lakini, wazazi wake wanamwambia kwamba shule yake imefungwa. Zaidi ya hilo, bustani ya wanyama pia imefungwa na hataweza kucheza na rafiki zake wanaoishi mle. Mambo hayabadiliki hata wakati Noah na kaka yake mdogo wananawisha mikono yao kama walivyoambiwa na walimu wao. Lakini, wakati Noah na familia yake wanapoondoka kwenda matembezini, anagundua ya kwamba rafiki zake walikuw...

CHF 23.90

Noah Henry

Sobel Lederman, Deana
Noah Henry
Como cualquier otro día, Noah Henry se está preparando para ir a la escuela, pero sus padres le avisan que está cerrada. Lamentablemente, el zoológico también está cerrado, y tampoco podrá jugar con sus amiguitos. La situación no cambia ni siquiera cuando, después de hablar con su maestra, él y su hermano menor se lavan las manos como se les indica. Cuando sale a dar un paseo con su familia, nota que sus amigos han dibujado arcoíris en sus ven...

CHF 23.90

La lección de costura

Sobel Lederman, Deana
La lección de costura
El misterioso zumbido y la luz que viene de la sala mantienen despierta a la protagonista de esta historia. Para averiguar lo que está pasando, va al comedor y se da cuenta de que su madre está ocupada confeccionando máscaras protectoras. También descubre que a partir de ahora todos los trabajadores esenciales y quienes tengan que viajar para ir al trabajo deberán usar máscara. Una vez que la pequeña domina su incomodidad y decide usar una más...

CHF 23.50

Immigrant Dreams

Goldowsky, Barbara
Immigrant Dreams
Immigrant Dreams is a memoir -- the story of one immigrant's journey in 1950 from postwar Germany to the United States. Barbara was born in 1936, under Hitler's regime. Her earliest years are shaped by the Second World War and its atrocities. Five postwar years later, she immigrates to the United States as a teenager where her American dream begins to take shape. Believing that education is as necessary as bread, she searches for a way to atte...

CHF 33.90

La leçon de couture

Sobel Lederman, Deana
La leçon de couture
Un bruit mystérieux et une lumière venant du salon éveille l'intérêt de la jeune protagoniste. Cherchant d'où provient ce bruit, elle rejoint le salon où elle trouve sa mère attablée et occupée à coudre des masques. Elle apprend également que tous les travailleurs mobilisés doivent porter un masque. Une fois la réticence dépassée, l'enfant accepte de porter un masque coloré fabriqué par sa mère et demande à apprendre à coudre elle aussi. Elle ...

CHF 23.50

Festa in mascherina!

Sobel Lederman, Deana
Festa in mascherina!
I piccoli protagonisti di questa storia apprendono che d'ora in poi bisogna indossare un nuovo "indumento", la mascherina protettiva, quando si entra nei negozi, e che bisogna mantenere una certa distanza quando c'è una lunga fila alle casse. Con un pizzico di stupore notano anche quei buffi cappelli che qualche adulto indossa per ricordare agli altri le nuove regole. Tuttavia, la distanza e le mascherina non impediranno ai piccoli amici di an...

CHF 23.50

Lezione Di Cucito

Sobel Lederman, Deana
Lezione Di Cucito
Lo strano ronzio e la luce che proviene dall'altra stanza non fanno dormire la piccola protagonista di questa storia, che per comprendere, esce dalla sua cameretta per osservare quello che succede. È così che scopre che la madre sta cucendo delle mascherine protettive, che d'ora in poi tutti coloro che sono costretti a lavorare fuori di casa, devono indossare. Questo strano "nuovo" indumento, pruriginoso e scomodo da indossare, e che in princi...

CHF 23.50


Jane, Flatau Ross
The globalization of schooling has become a lively focus for research in the field of international education, however, few scholars have looked at specific model "global" schools. This history of French schools outside of France, and specifically French schools in New York, proposes that the network of over 490 French schools in 130 countries constitutes a fruitful field of research into globalization in practice in elementary and secondary e...

CHF 44.50

Can We Agree to Disagree

Landolt, Sabine / Laurent, Agathe
Can We Agree to Disagree
Can We Agree to Disagree? Exploring the differences at work between Americans and the French: A cross-cultural perspective on the gap between the Hexagon and the U.S., and tips for successful and happy collaborations.At first, there's this impression that we're alike, that being French or American is kind of the same. We celebrate the same heroes, sing the same tunes, and prefer the same cool looks. But once we start working together, sharing ...

CHF 57.50

Can We Agree to Disagree?

Landolt, Sabine / Laurent, Agathe
Can We Agree to Disagree?
Can We Agree to Disagree? Exploring the differences at work between Americans and the French: A cross-cultural perspective on the gap between the Hexagon and the U.S., and tips for successful and happy collaborations.At first, there's this impression that we're alike, that being French or American is kind of the same. We celebrate the same heroes, sing the same tunes, and prefer the same cool looks. But once we start working together, sharing ...

CHF 51.90

Can We Agree to Disagree?

Landolt, Sabine / Laurent, Agathe
Can We Agree to Disagree?
Can We Agree to Disagree?Exploring the differences at work between Americans and the French: A cross-cultural perspective on the gap between the Hexagon and the U.S., and tips for successful and happy collaborations.At first, there's this impression that we're alike, that being French or American is kind of the same. We celebrate the same heroes, sing the same tunes, and prefer the same cool looks.But once we start working together, sharing th...

CHF 46.50


Jane, Flatau Ross
The globalization of schooling has become a lively focus for research in the field of international education, however, few scholars have looked at specific model "global" schools. This history of French schools outside of France, and specifically French schools in New York, proposes that the network of over 490 French schools in 130 countries constitutes a fruitful field of research into globalization in practice in elementary and secondary e...

CHF 29.50

Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes

Oberg De La Garza, Tammy / Lavigne, Alyson Leah
Salsa Dancing in Gym Shoes
Cultural competence is a critical skill teachers must posses if they are going to connect with racially diverse students. Misunderstanding or ignorance of the Latino value system, history, and culture create barriers between teachers and students that significantly deteriorate their potential for learning. Consider how you would typically greet a friend or a relative. Perhaps you would shake hands or even hug. In the Latino culture, it's commo...

CHF 48.90

Le don des langues

Stein-Smith, Kathleen / Jaumont, Fabrice
Le don des langues
L'émergence de nouvelles normes internationales et l'accent mis sur l'enseignement des sciences et des technologies transforment le secteur de l'éducation de manière profonde. Cependant, alors que les écoles se concentrent davantage, dans leur approche, sur le développement de compétences globales propres au 21ème siècle, il est devenu essentiel de réengager les éducateurs et les communautés scolaires vers les objectifs de l'éducation aux lang...

CHF 19.50

Rewolucja Dwuj¿zyczna

Jaumont, Fabrice
Rewolucja Dwuj¿zyczna
„Rewolucja Dwujezyczna" przedstawia historie inicjatyw oddolnych, zaistnialych dzieki zaangazowaniu zmotywowanych rodziców, pedagogóworaz osób dzialajacych w lokalnych spolecznosciach, których cecha wspólnajest przekonanie, ze edukacja dwujezyczna jest istotnym dobrem wspólnym ipowinna byc powszechnie rozwijana, jako iz jest w stanie pozytywnie zmienicdziecko, szkole, wspólnote, a nawet kraj.Pomimo iz poczatki edukacji dwujezycznej w Stanach Z...

CHF 27.50

The Clarks of Willsborough Point

Hale, Darcey
The Clarks of Willsborough Point
In A Journey Through Childhood the author leaves behind Lydia Clark, a young widow, and her husband, George, who disappeared mysteriously. Their ten-year-old eldest son, Orrin, now becomes the centerpiece. He is indentured to Billy Blinn, a pioneer farmer on Willsborough Point whose family embraces him as one of their own children. In return for food, clothing and a home to live in he apprentices as a farmer until he reaches his majority at ag...

CHF 27.50