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Zur Kasse

179 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Forever Mine

Baldwin, Carla
Forever Mine
Stay in your limits. Don't think that I don't know anything. I cannot forget what you and your mother did to me and with my sister. Be there where you are." He said and I held the wall to stop myself from falling. "One more thing, never again do it. Never touch my things again."He said and a tear escaped from my eyes to roll down on my cheek He went out of the room, leaving me all alone, with so much hurt. He shut the door so hardly that I...

CHF 76.00

Sapore Spagnolo

Bianchi, Carla
Sapore Spagnolo
Benvenuti in un viaggio gastronomico indimenticabile attraverso le delizie della Spagna con "Sapore Spagnolo: Il Fascino della Cucina Iberica" di Carla Bianchi. Questo libro è una celebrazione della cucina spagnola autentica e un'opportunità per immergersi nel cuore della cultura culinaria spagnola. L'autrice, Carla Bianchi, esperta di cucina internazionale e appassionata della Spagna, condivide la sua passione per i sapori intensi e le trad...

CHF 53.50


Carla Pavel
Sufleul este unul dintre clasicii buc¿t¿riei franceze, totüi mul¿i se sfiesc s¿-l fac¿ de frica s¿ nu se pr¿büeasc¿, sensibilitatea ¿i üurin¿a de a se ruina. Cu siguran¿¿ este delicat, dar nu atât de greu de f¿cut. Sufleul este üor ¿i aerisit ¿i face un desert impresionant de ocazie special¿. Dac¿ îl servi¿i într-o vacan¿¿ de iarn¿, asiguräi-v¿ c¿ spori¿i efectul de munte înz¿pezit al sufleului cu o pudrare generoas¿ de zah¿r de cofetarie

CHF 53.50

Paleo Gastronómico

Gómez, Carla
Paleo Gastronómico
Bienvenidos a un emocionante viaje culinario hacia la alimentación paleolítica con el nuevo libro de la autora Carla Gómez, "Paleo Gastronómico: Sabores Primitivos para una Vida Saludable". Este libro es una invitación a descubrir la riqueza de la dieta paleo y a explorar los sabores naturales que promueven la salud y el bienestar. Carla Gómez, una apasionada de la alimentación paleolítica y defensora de un estilo de vida saludable, comparte...

CHF 51.50

Sapore e Tradizione Cinese

Rossi, Carla
Sapore e Tradizione Cinese
Sapore e Tradizione Cinese: Un Viaggio Gastronomico" è la guida definitiva alla cucina cinese autentica, scritta con passione e competenza da Carla Rossi, un'appassionata esperta di cucina orientale. In questo libro, Carla ti porterà in un viaggio straordinario attraverso la cucina cinese, svelandoti segreti e tradizioni millenarie. Scoprirai il ricco patrimonio culinario della Cina, imparando a preparare piatti straordinari che cattureranno...

CHF 54.90


Bianchini, Carla
Insalate: Freschezza e Gusto in Ogni Morso" è il compendio definitivo per gli amanti delle insalate, scritto da Carla Bianchini, un'appassionata culinaria e sostenitrice di uno stile di vita sano. Questo libro trasforma le insalate da piatti di contorno noiosi a veri e propri capolavori culinari, offrendo una varietà di ricette che ti sorprenderanno in ogni stagione. Carla condivide le sue creazioni fresche e creative che vanno ben oltre la ...

CHF 54.90

Beautiful Runt

Delgay, Carla
Beautiful Runt
As a runt of her pack, Reagan is used to having to work harder for things in life. Unwanted by her parents, unneeded by her siblings, and left by who she thought was the love of her life she is learning to live with herself. After one fateful attack on her pack, her life turns into a rollercoaster ride with unexpected highs and abnormal lows.

CHF 74.00

Delícias Italianas

Ribeiro, Carla
Delícias Italianas
Delícias Italianas: Sabores Autênticos da Itália" é uma obra cativante que mergulha no mundo da culinária italiana de forma apaixonante. Este livro, escrito por Carla Ribeiro, é uma jornada irresistível pelas riquezas gastronômicas da Itália, convidando você a explorar os segredos de uma das cozinhas mais amadas do mundo. Carla Ribeiro é uma apaixonada pela culinária italiana e uma entusiasta de longa data dos sabores autênticos desse país e...

CHF 52.50

Dolços Encantats

Batista, Carla
Dolços Encantats
Carla Batista, amb un nom real i inèdit, et presenta "Dolços Encantats: La Màgia de la Pastisseria Casolana." Aquest llibre de cuina és un viatge a través del món de les postres casolanes, on cada pàgina és una invitació a explorar la dolçor i la creativitat a la teva pròpia cuina. Aquesta obra no només és un recull de receptes de pastissos, sinó una oportunitat per descobrir la màgia que envolta la pastisseria casolana. Carla Batista compar...

CHF 55.50


Goldberg, Carla
Breaking follows the life of a young teenager by the name of Leo Young. If losing his mother at a small age wasn't enough, his father has put it on himself to avenge his wife by mentally, emotionally, and physically destroying his son. For many years now, Leo has come to accept this as his fate, a constant cycle of pain and torture. That is when Leo, upon going to a new school to realize his father's dream of becoming the musical star his mot...

CHF 68.00

Cociña Italiana

Rossi, Carla
Cociña Italiana
Cociña Italiana: Delicias da Toscana" é unha invitación a unha viaxe gustativa pola rica tradición culinaria de Italia, escrito con paixón por Carla Rossi, unha amante da gastronomía italiana con raíces profundas na arte da cociña. Este libro é unha oda ás delicias da Toscana, unha rexión de Italia famosa pola súa comida exquisita. Carla Rossi comparte o seu coñecemento sobre os segredos da cociña toscana, revelando receitas tradicionais que...

CHF 51.90

Blood Mother

Shore, Carla
Blood Mother
Calina remembered very little from her life before it was stolen from her. As she cradled the sleeping boy in her arms, she tried to recreate the one thing she could never forget: the feeling of being a mother. She hummed softly the way she had for her own children and kissed his cool cheek. When she had spent every moment she could with him and the sun threatened to rise, she fed from his tiny throat. It was euphoric, but it lasted only for a...

CHF 74.00

Homeward Bound

Peters, Carla M
Homeward Bound
There comes a time in life, when we must revisit our past to enable us to move forward. This is the tale of Lucys spiritual journey to connect with her past and to face her demons during a thirty-day voyage back to her homeland to heal the past.As she revisits old childhood haunts, memories of the past surface and Lucy finds herself connecting deep into the land and finding blessings and guidance from unexpected sources which force Lucy to ack...

CHF 14.50

Loving The Small-Town Preacher's Son

Swafford, Carla
Loving The Small-Town Preacher's Son
What happens when a former show girl moves to a small town and asks the preacher's son to dig up her husband's grave? Former Vegas showgirl Mary Hightower swore off dangerous men after the death of her mafia husband. To protect her and her mom, they move to a small southern town far from her past life to start a new bad-boy-free existence. Then she meets Luke. Ex-convict Luke Blackwood works hard to be the man his mom could have been proud...

CHF 21.90

Sabors del Mediterrani

Gómez, Carla
Sabors del Mediterrani
La cuina mediterrània és una de les més saludables i saboroses del món, i amb aquest llibre de cuina, podràs experimentar tota la seva varietat i deliciós sabor. Carla Gómez, una xef apassionada per la cuina del Mediterrani, ha creat una col·lecció de receptes tradicionals i modernes que et portaran a través de tota la regió. Aquest llibre de cuina inclou receptes de tota la costa mediterrània, des de la Toscana fins a les illes Balears. Des...

CHF 50.90

Cassandra's Secrets

Kerr, Carla
Cassandra's Secrets
Step into a world of magic and danger as Cassandra confronts her past and fights for her future. For years, Cassandra has suppressed and hidden the strange magic that saw her outcast from her home as a child. Taken on and guided by a fellow magician, she has found peace and a quiet life, staying away from other humans. When a terrifying creature attacks their Arborean friend's home, he turns to the magicians for help, and Cassandra's peace...

CHF 22.90


Mulcahy, Carla
Fated Destination, a romance fiction novel by Carla Mulcahy, is a heartfelt story about a woman's search for love, joy, and hope in the face of great adversity. Kally closes her eyes and points to a place on a map hoping to escape her childhood and leave the past behind her. In her newly founded independence, she falls for a handsome, mysterious man that shows her promise of a wonderfully fulfilled life beyond her greatest expectations. Traged...

CHF 32.90

Le Manoir de la Rédemption

Jason, Carla
Le Manoir de la Rédemption
Dora avait du mal à comprendre pourquoi Coll avait acheté leur ancienne maison familiale, mais elle était déterminée à ne pas le laisser avoir le dessus sur elle. Elle savait que sa famille avait été forcée de vendre le manoir à la mort de son père, mais elle n'avait jamais pensé que Coll serait l'acheteur. Maintenant, elle devait travailler pour lui en tant que secrétaire, mais elle ne lui laisserait pas dicter sa vie. Cependant, plus elle pa...

CHF 31.50

Mi gran cuaderno

Carlisle, Carla A.
Mi gran cuaderno
The vision of My Big Notebook is to give a child a buddy in a book. It includes real stories, healthy coping mechanisms, positive affirmations, resources, and coloring & journaling pages. JC shares his experiences and evidence-based techniques to help children process and express their feelings in a positive way.

CHF 33.50