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25 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Mariam z Betlejem

Siostra Emmanuel Maillard
Mariam z Betlejem
Miriam (Maria) Baouardy jest Galilejk¿, pochodz¿c¿ z bardzo biednej rodziny. W wieku trzech lat straci¿a ojca oraz matk¿ i zostäa adoptowana przez stryja. Nigdy nie nauczy¿a si¿ czytä ani pisä, ale jej ¿ycie stäo si¿ niezwyk¿ym ci¿giem zjawisk nadprzyrodzonych godnych Katarzyny Siene¿skiej czy Teresy z Avili, pocz¿wszy od stygmatów ä po niezwyk¿e walki z szatanem. Sk¿d ona czerpie niebiäsk¿ m¿dro¿¿, dzieci¿c¿, a zarazem siln¿, która sprawia, ¿...

CHF 15.50

The Hidden Child of Medjugorje

Sister Emmanuel / Anne Laboe
The Hidden Child of Medjugorje
Throughout time, man has been in quest of security, of peace, and of happiness, however, rare are those who divine that their quest is in reality a quest for God. In her new book, The Hidden Child of Medjugorje, Sister Emmanuel brings a precious contribution to the understanding of this aspiration. As the pages are turned, this book reveals itself to be a guide. It enables us to reach an end which is none other than the Hidden Child, the Child...

CHF 27.50

Zapomniana Moc Postu

Siostra Emmanuel Maillard / Emilia Szeligowska
Zapomniana Moc Postu
Przeczytalem twoja ksiazke od deski do deski. Twoje slowa calkowicie mnie urzekly i przekonaly o wadze postu. Znalem juz jego korzysci, ale nie bylem swiadomy wszystkich jego wlasciwosci, które tak dobrze wyjasniasz.Dzieki tej ksiazce odkrywamy praktyke postu. Jak wiemy, Nasza Matka w Medjugorie nieustannie przypomina o istocie poszczenia, W praktyce, czesto unikamy jednak stosowania tego, co wymaga od nas poswiecen. Walczymy, aby przekonac sa...

CHF 15.50

Lupta Spirituala

Sora Emmanuel Maillard
Lupta Spirituala
În sfâr¿it, a aparut noua carte a sorei Emmanuel privind lupta spirituala!Cartea "Lupta spirituala, cale rapida de unire cu Dumnezeu" este pentru noi un îndemn necesar ca sa profitam din toata inima de arma rugaciunii în viäa noastra.Ni s-au dat toate instrumentele de care avem nevoie pentru a evita atacurile Satanei. Acum, mai mult ca oricând, trebuie sa luam aceste arme ¿i sa le folosim în luptele noastre spirituale zilnice.Aceasta carte ana...

CHF 13.90

Walka Duchowa

Siostra Emmanuel Maillard
Walka Duchowa
Zycie chrzescijanskie nie jest droga latwa! Przeciwnie, spotkamy na niej wszelkiego rodzaju pulapki, przeszkody i uwodzicielskie zludzenia, które beda chcialy odwrócic nas od zycia modlitewnego i od zjednoczenia z Bogiem. Na szczescie dysponujemy najrozmaitsza bronia, aby prowadzic te dobra walke. Jest to na przyklad slowo Boze, post, modlitwy swietych, obecnosc Matki Bozej... Autorki ucza nas identyfikowania tej broni i uzywania jej przeciwko...

CHF 11.50


Sestra Emmanuel Maillard
Razmatranje Isusa i Marije je u srediStu ove knjige. Svako razdoblje u njihovom zivotu postaje stvarno u naSem srcu. Sve postaje istinsko. Zajedno s njima, ulazimo u betlehemsku Stalu ili jeruzalemski hram, hodamo s njima putevima Galileje, patimo s njima medu razbjesnjelim mnoStvom pred Pilatovom palacom, klicemo s Marijom Magdalenom pred Isusom, pobjednikom nad smrcu...Kako budemo putovali s njima, upijamo milosti koje idu uz svako otajstvo,...

CHF 19.50


Siostra Emmanuel Maillard
W sercu tej ksiazki jest kontemplacja Jezusa i Maryi. Kazdy etap ich zycia uaktualnia sie w naszych sercach. Wszystko staje sie realne. Wchodzimy wraz z Nimi do stajni betlejemskiej czy tez do swiatyni jerozolimskiej, przemierzamy wraz z Nimi drogi Galilei, cierpimy wraz z Nimi posród rozkrzyczanego tlumu przed palacem Pilata, nie posiadamy sie z radosci razem z Maria Magdalena wobec Jezusa - zwyciezcy smierci.Podrózujac z nimi, napelniamy sie...

CHF 19.50


Sestra Emmanuel Maillard
Hlavnou mySlienkou tejto knihy je rozjímanie o JeziSovi a Panne Márii. Kazdá etapa ich zivota sa sprítomnuje a premieta v naSich srdciach. Spolu s nimi vchádzame do betlehemskej maStalky ci do chrámu v Jeruzaleme, putujeme spolu po Galilei, trpíme s nimi v burácajúcom dave na nádvorí Pilátovho paláca a neskôr jasáme s Máriou Magdalénou pri stretnutí s JeziSom, ktorý premohol smrt...Na spolocnej ceste s JeziSom a Máriou cerpáme milosti obsiahnu...

CHF 20.90

Spiritual Warfare

Sister Emmanuel / Ann-Marie Chinnery
Spiritual Warfare
Finally, Sister Emmanuel's new book on Spiritual Warfare is out! Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God is a much-needed exhortation for us to wholeheartedly seize the weapon of prayer in our life. We have been given all the tools we need to fend off the attacks of Satan. Now, more than ever, we need to pick up these weapons and use them in our daily spiritual battles. This book looks at what spiritual warfare is - a battl...

CHF 11.90

The Rosary

Sister Emmanuel / Ann-Marie Chinnery
The Rosary
The Rosary: A rope that connects those who are in anguish with Heaven.A rope that strangles the head of the snake.Every Hail Mary is consolation for the distressed, terror for Satan and joy for Mary.Every Hail Mary hastens the glorious coming of the King."Father Daniel-AngeThis book takes us on a journey through the mysteries of the rosary where we contemplate the lives of Jesus and Mary. Everything becomes real. We take Our Lady's hand and en...

CHF 20.90


Sister Emmanuel
A book this genuine was needed! Sister Emmanuel offers through it a pure echo of Medjugorje, the eventful village where the Mother of God hs been appearing since 1981. She shares at length some of the personal stories of the villagers, the visionaries, and the pilgrims who flock there by the thousands, receiving great healing. Ten years of awe have inspired this book.These 89 stories offer a glimpse into the miracles of Mary's motherly love. M...

CHF 24.90

The Forgotten Power of Fasting

Sister Emmanuel / Ann-Marie Chinnery and Christine Zaums
The Forgotten Power of Fasting
I read your book from cover to cover. Your words completely captivated me and have convinced me on the importance of fasting. I knew already the benefits of fasting, but I wasn't aware of all its attributes, that you explain so well. Reading this book one discovers fasting.As we know, Our Lady in Medjugorje continuously insists on the importance of fasting, but we avoid putting into practice something when it means we have to make a sacrifice....

CHF 15.90

The Amazing Secret of Purgatory

Sister Emmanuel
The Amazing Secret of Purgatory
An Unbelievable True Account of Purgatory Told by the Souls Who Are There!It is not often that a book touches the soul so deeply. From day one, it has been a best seller! Maria Simma, a devout Catholic, lived humbly in the hills of Austria. At 25, she was graced with a special charism: Souls from Purgatory visited her and spoke to her. Maria shares with us awesome secrets about these souls. She answers questions such as:What is Purgatory?How d...

CHF 13.50

Maryam of Bethlehem

Sister Emmanuel
Maryam of Bethlehem
Maryam Baouardy is a daughter of Galilee, from a very poor family. At the age of three, she lost her father and mother and was adopted by her uncle. She never learned how to read or write, but her life became a remarkable succession of supernatural manifestations, worthy of Catherine of Siena or Teresa of Avila, from the stigmata to singular battles against Satan.From where does she draw the heavenly wisdom, childlike yet strong, that made her...

CHF 14.50

Scandalous Mercy

Maillard, Sister Emmanuel
Scandalous Mercy
Why Scandalous Mercy?In these pages the reader will discover unexplored aspects of the Heart of God that you might think are crazy! Crazy with love! You will meet Mother Teresa, Maryam of Bethlehem, a Nazi criminal, a priest condemned to hell, a high ranking abortionist, a drug dealer from Brazil, a furious mother-in-law, a sick child...and in the middle of all this, the most beautiful Heart of Christ, who is calling ALL His children.This beau...

CHF 23.50

Peace Will Have the Last Word

Maillard, Sister Emmanuel
Peace Will Have the Last Word
The mercy of God is scandalous, it even borders on the extreme! In her engaging and lively style, Sister Emmanuel recounts real life stories and testimonies that take the reader's heart on a journey of God's mercy, passing through the prisons of New York, and into the confessionals of the Saints! In these pages, a mosaic of photos and parables, the reader encounters the very depths of the human heart and is transported into the midst of scenes...

CHF 23.50