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350 Ergebnisse - Zeige 161 von 180.

Kalandok Billel

George, Tracilyn
Kalandok Billel
Bill volt a legjobb barát, akit egy lány valaha is kérhetett. Gondoskodott arról, hogy mindig jól érezzem magam, és bejelentkezett, hogy megakadályozza, hogy teljesen elszigeteljem magam a világtól. Mindig kedves, gondoskodó és figyelmes volt, még akkor is, ha gondoskodott arról, hogy olyan tevékenységeket válasszon, amelyekr¿l úgy gondolta, hogy mindketten élvezni fogjuk. A következ¿ történetek a közös kalandjainkról szóló mesék, jók és nem o...

CHF 39.90

Avventure Con Bill

George, Tracilyn
Avventure Con Bill
Bill era il migliore amico che una ragazza potesse mai chiedere di avere. Si è assicurato che mi divertissi sempre e ha fatto il check-in per impedirmi di isolarmi completamente dal mondo. Era gentile, premuroso e premuroso in ogni momento, assicurandosi anche che scegliesse attività che pensava ci sarebbero piaciute entrambi. Le seguenti storie sono racconti delle nostre avventure insieme, buone e meno buone.

CHF 39.90

I Heard the Tulugak Squawk

George, Tracilyn
I Heard the Tulugak Squawk
Throughout my travels in the Canadian Arctic, I have encountered a variety of people and variety of situations. For a long time, I have wanted to put some of my experiences to paper. Finally, I have fulfilled that promise to myself. Upon completion of my memoirs, I learned a lot about myself - both negative and positive. It is my hope that you, the reader, not only enjoy my stories but take the time to learn about who you are at this particula...

CHF 27.90

Stories My Dad Told Me

George, Tracilyn
Stories My Dad Told Me
Growing up, my father always wanted to tell his story but, he was too embarrassed about his spelling. After he passed away, there were rumors he had stories written down. Unfortunately, no one was able to find them. I had been thinking in the years since he passed away, I wanted to write the story of my father. Instead, I chose to write about the stories he told me while I was growing up.

CHF 14.50

Cult 45

George, Tracilyn
Cult 45
Emerson Montgomery, noted political reporter, recounts his personal views of Martin Wagner, the 45th President of the United States. He compares Wagner to other world leaders and notes the similarities with them. Emerson adds personal anecdotes from experience dealing with the president as well as those of his family and colleagues.

CHF 39.90

Official Handbook of the Scottish Mafia

George, Tracilyn
Official Handbook of the Scottish Mafia
The Official Handbook of the Scottish Mafia is the essential and mandatory guide for members of the Organization. By following our strict rules and regulations, our members will lead long-lasting and profitable lives.

CHF 25.90

Believe Me The Story of a Narcissist

George, Tracilyn
Believe Me The Story of a Narcissist
Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick grew up in a world of privilege. As an only child, he believed he was entitled to everything and anything he wanted. His parents found themselves too late in their attempts to discipline their son.Ken loved being in the spotlight and often bragged how great he was. His family, on the other hand, preferred to be left alone. When he decided to run for president, his wife and children feared the worst.

CHF 45.50


George, Tracilyn
Karma's entrance into the world was far from conventional. Because of this, her parents mistreated her mercilessly. It wasn't until she met Edmund Barrett, a handsome Irish actor, her life took a turn for the better.

CHF 41.90

Më Beso

George, Tracilyn
Më Beso
Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick u rrit në një botë privilegji. Si fëmijë i vetëm, ai besonte se kishte të drejtë për gjithçka dhe gjithçka që donte. Prindërit e tij e gjetën veten shumë vonë në përpjekjet e tyre për të disiplinuar djalin e tyre. Kenit i pëlqente të ishte në qendër të vëmendjes dhe shpesh mburrej se sa i mrekullueshëm ishte. Nga ana tjetër, familja e tij preferoi të mbetej vetëm. Kur vendosi të kandidonte për president, gruaja dhe fë...

CHF 46.50

The Chosen One

George, Tracilyn
The Chosen One
My life is not what one would call normal. From my birth, I have faced and overcome many challenges to become the person I am today. Life is rarely easy even if it appears so for others. Everyone has to deal with their own adversities in their own way. Most stay silent on their struggles believing they will a burden to their loved ones. After reading my story, I hope to relay the message, You Are Not Alone. You are stronger than you thin...

CHF 29.90

Cult 45

George, Tracilyn
Cult 45
Emerson Montgomery, noted political reporter, recounts his personal views of Martin Wagner, the 45th President of the United States. He compares Wagner to other world leaders and notes the similarities with them. Emerson adds personal anecdotes from experience dealing with the president as well as those of his family and colleagues.

CHF 20.50

Gales of November

George, Tracilyn
Gales of November
Moira found herself falling deeper into darkness after dealing with her long-absent father and distant best friend. In an attempt to bring herself back to the light, she goes on a journey of self-discovery.

CHF 31.90

Darkness Over Me

George, Tracilyn
Darkness Over Me
Moira appeared to be a confident, self-reliant young psychiatrist who devoted her life to helping others. She refused to let anyone know about her secrets, including her best friend. But when she met a charming and handsome older man, life as she knew it was threatened to be exposed as a lie.

CHF 44.50

Gales of November

George, Tracilyn
Gales of November
Moira found herself falling deeper into darkness after dealing with her long-absent father and distant best friend. In an attempt to bring herself back to the light, she goes on a journey of self-discovery.

CHF 47.90

Remembering Ellie

George, Tracilyn
Remembering Ellie
Ellie lived in New Jersey, working as a successful novelist. Her early life with her father had been idyllic. But, when he decided to go back on tour and leave her with her grandmother, her perfect life became disrupted. Living with a cantankerous grandmother made it difficult for the girl to have any peace. After moving from Pittsburgh to Newark, she faced a different battle with the neighborhood housewives. Ellie did everything in her powe...

CHF 42.90

Believe Me

George, Tracilyn
Believe Me
Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick grew up in a world of privilege. As an only child, he believed he was entitled to everything and anything he wanted. His parents found themselves too late in their attempts to discipline their son. Ken loved being in the spotlight and often bragged how great he was. His family, on the other hand, preferred to be left alone. When he decided to run for president, his wife and children feared the worst.

CHF 28.90

Remembering Ellie

George, Tracilyn
Remembering Ellie
Ellie lived in New Jersey, working as a successful novelist. Her early life with her father had been idyllic. But, when he decided to go back on tour and leave her with her grandmother, her perfect life became disrupted. Living with a cantankerous grandmother made it difficult for the girl to have any peace. After moving from Pittsburgh to Newark, she faced a different battle with the neighborhood housewives. Ellie did everything in her powe...

CHF 21.90

Darkness Over Me

George, Tracilyn
Darkness Over Me
Moira appeared to the outside world as a strong but compassionate woman who gave freely of herself without thought of her kindness being reciprocated. Those around her believed that nothing fazed her and although she dealt with people in crisis, it never seemed to affect her negatively. But when she lost her best friend and confidante, she thought her world would fall apart - again. It was at that moment when Chance came into her life, takin...

CHF 46.90

Verte Mi

George, Tracilyn
Verte Mi
Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick je odrä¿al v svetu privilegijev. Kot edinec je verjel, da ima pravico do vsega in vsega, kar si ¿eli. Njegovi star¿i so se v svojih poskusih discipliniranja sina znäli prepozno.Ken je bil rad v sredi¿¿u pozornosti in se je pogosto hvalil, kako odli¿en je. Njegova dru¿ina pa je raje ostala pri miru. Ko se je odlo¿il kandidirati za predsednika, so se njegova ¿ena in otroci bali najhuj¿ega.

CHF 23.50

Kimberly has ADHD

George, Tracilyn
Kimberly has ADHD
Kimberly always had trouble sitting still and staring out the window. She found herself getting into trouble without meaning to do so. When her doctor diagnosed her with ADHD, Kimberly felt better about herself.

CHF 29.90