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12 Ergebnisse.

Basics of Business Ethics

James, Samuel MBA
Basics of Business Ethics
At its core, business ethics refers to the application of moral principles to situations that arise in a business environment. These principles serve as a guiding compass, shaping decisions and ensuring that they align with a greater good, beyond just profits. This book isn't just a theoretical exploration. We'll be delving into real-world examples, exploring dilemmas that businesses face daily, and examining the cascading effects of decisions...

CHF 37.50

Ideas of Socrates

James, Samuel Mba
Ideas of Socrates
Product Description Title: Ideas of Socrates: A Comprehensive Analysis Unlock the profound wisdom and enduring controversies of one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy. "Ideas of Socrates: A Comprehensive Analysis" offers an in-depth examination of the teachings, methodologies, and impact of Socrates, bringing his ideas to life for modern readers. Overview This seminal work aims to bridge the gap between academic scrutiny a...

CHF 29.50

Comment faire du Growth Hacking - Un guide pratique

James, Samuel Mba
Comment faire du Growth Hacking - Un guide pratique
Ne soyez plus limité par les stratégies de distribution traditionnelles. Découvrez les secrets du growth hacking qui ont déjà aidé de nombreuses startups et entreprises établies à atteindre une croissance élevée. Ce guide ouvre une porte vers un monde rempli de possibilités. Apprenez à développer et à mettre en ¿uvre des stratégies de croissance claires et efficaces pour augmenter rapidement votre entreprise. Connaissance des techniques...

CHF 18.50

The Art of Governance

James, Samuel MBA
The Art of Governance
Are you one of the many people have not even heard of corportate gvernance even though they are managers and leaders. There is much ignorance and misunderstanding regarding this topic! In the ever-evolving corporate world, governance is more than a set of rules, it's an art that balances ethics, strategy, leadership, and responsibility. How can you master this art? "The Art of Governance" offers not just theoretical knowledge but practical wis...

CHF 32.50

Unlocking Success

S, Samuel Inbaraja
Unlocking Success
Unlocking Success: The Art of Strategic Marketing in the Digital Age" is not just theory, it incorporates several case studies that illustrate real-world application of strategies in various business contexts. The book also offers a special section on 'Boost Your Stamina with Easyfit's Personalized Fitness Journey, ' connecting the concepts of strategic marketing to personal health and wellbeing. This comprehensive guide is a valuable resour...

CHF 48.90

Emerging Jobs in the ESG Space

James, Samuel Mba
Emerging Jobs in the ESG Space
The raison d'être for the ESG framework can be traced back to the increasing societal demands for accountability, fairness, and environmental stewardship. Consumer trends reveal a preference for responsible businesses, creating a market-driven incentive for companies to adopt ESG practices. Moreover, regulatory frameworks across the globe are becoming progressively stringent, thus creating a plethora of roles in compliance, data analysis, and ...

CHF 29.90

Branding Secrets from Top Brands of the 21st Century

James, Samuel Mba
Branding Secrets from Top Brands of the 21st Century
We are living in a world that is continuously and rapidly changing, largely due to the advent of digital technology and the Internet. The brands that have managed to stay relevant, innovative, and powerful are those that have understood and harnessed these changes. "Branding Insights from Top Brands of the 21st Century" is an exploration into these dynamic entities, their strategies, and the insights they offer.

CHF 29.90

Essentials of Resource Allocation

James, Samuel Mba
Essentials of Resource Allocation
The management of resources, be they tangible or intangible, finite or renewable, has been a cornerstone of human development and societal advancement. At its core, resource allocation deals with how society decides to distribute its resources to satisfy various needs and desires. This book, Essentials of Resource Allocation, delves deep into the intricacies of this significant topic, offering readers a holistic understanding with chapter-end ...

CHF 34.50

Applied Philosophy Simplified

James, Samuel Mba
Applied Philosophy Simplified
Applied philosophy, in its simplest form, is the bridge between abstract thought and practical application. At its core, philosophy seeks to answer the profound questions of existence, purpose, morality, and truth. These inquiries, however, are not merely academic exercises. The answers, or more accurately, the exploration of these questions, influences every aspect of human life. The book, Applied Philosophy Simplified: Bridging Theory and ...

CHF 17.90

How to Do Growth Hacking - A Practical Guide

James, Samuel Mba
How to Do Growth Hacking - A Practical Guide
How to Do Growth Hacking - A Practical Guide" is more than a book, it's a growth companion. Whether you're just starting your growth hacking journey or looking to refine your existing strategies, this book offers the practical knowledge, ethical guidance, and innovative insights you need to thrive in today's business environment. It's not just about growing fast, it's about growing smart, sustainably, and ethically. Make this guide your truste...

CHF 30.50

Basics of Innovation in Business

James, Samuel Mba
Basics of Innovation in Business
Unlock the transformative power of innovation with "Basics of Innovation in Business", a comprehensive guide that bridges the historical roots of innovation with its practical, modern-day applications. This meticulously curated compendium explores not just the concept but the actionable steps required to foster, implement, and harness innovation in any business environment. Delve into thought-provoking chapters that range from the essence of b...

CHF 30.50

Debunking Astrology

James, Samuel Mba
Debunking Astrology
Astrology, the age-old system of divination that seeks to establish a correlation between celestial phenomena and events on Earth, has managed to sustain its allure across millennia. Despite centuries of scientific advancements, the quest for guidance, for understanding our identities, and for peeking into the future through the alignment of stars and planets persists. As a Christian apologist, I have ventured to confront this deeply entrenche...

CHF 16.90