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107 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Más Allá del Despertar: El Final de la Búsqueda Espiritual

Foster, Jeff
Más Allá del Despertar: El Final de la Búsqueda Espiritual
Arguing that any search for spiritual awakening, enlightenment, or liberation is ultimately futile because it rests on the premise that there is a self that is engaged in the search, this introduction to nondualism posits that the only worthwhile realization is a oneness of all things. Accessible to any reader, this deeply illuminating guide explains what is a complex and very often indefinable concept. Arguyendo que cualquier búsqueda para un...

CHF 23.50

Los Sufis (the Sufis)

Shah, Idries / Graves, Robert
Los Sufis (the Sufis)
First published in 1964, Idries Shah's definitive work. "The Sufis", completely overturned Western misconceptions of Sufism, revealing a great spiritual and psychological tradition encompassing many of the world's greatest thinkers.

CHF 45.50

La Mente Despierta: Cultivar La Sabiduría En La Vida Coti...

Dalái Lama / Gere, Richard / Vreeland, Nicholas
La Mente Despierta: Cultivar La Sabiduría En La Vida Cotidiana
Encuadernación: Rústica Colección: Sabiduría PerenneLa mente es el eje de la experiencia humana. Estar o no en armonía con el mundo depende de la salud emocional, mental yespiritual de cada uno. Por esta razón, el budismo ha realizado un análisis muy riguroso deeso que llamamos "mente". Sus enseñanzasprácticas muestran las distintas formas de preparación de la mente. En Una mente despierta, Su Santidad el Dalái Lama ofrece una sucinta visión d...

CHF 32.50

Sé Tu Mejor Amigo: Autoestima, Salud Y Felicidad: Técnica...

Proto, Louis
Sé Tu Mejor Amigo: Autoestima, Salud Y Felicidad: Técnicas de Superación
Filled with affirmations, visualizations, and meditations, this guide teaches readers to nourish themselves both spiritually and physically. Discovering the power of love allows readers to become their own best friend, bringing greater self-esteem, health, and happiness to their lives. Lleno de afirmaciones, visualizaciones y meditaciones, esta guia ensena al lector como alimentarse fisica y espiritualmente. Al descubrir el poder del amor el l...

CHF 21.90

La Inteligencia Moral del Niño Y del Adolescente

Coles, Robert / Colodrón, Alfonso
La Inteligencia Moral del Niño Y del Adolescente
All children have an innate moral curiosity that can grow into a solid moral intelligence with deliberate cultivation by parents and role models. This premise guides the research and argument of this groundbreaking and insightful look into children's moral development, it is both a useful how-to guide for parents and a thorough study of juvenile psychology. Each of the three sections- early childhood, elementary school years, and adolescence- ...

CHF 27.50

La Identidad Cosmopolita: Los Límites del Patriotismo En ...

Bilbeny, Norbert
La Identidad Cosmopolita: Los Límites del Patriotismo En La Era Global
Readers will develop an understanding of the importance of cosmopolitanism is this informative and illuminating analysis. More and more people are adopting a cosmopolitan mentality, which has become important tool for coexisting in a diverse culture. The author explains how this open and cooperative mindset is necessary to achieve important changes on a global scale, such as changing the environment. "Los lectores fomentaran un entendimiento d...

CHF 28.50

Introducción al sufismo

Schimmel, Annemarie / Tummer, Lía
Introducción al sufismo
Clear and concise, this introduction to Sufism familiarizes readers with the diverse and multifaceted nature of Sufism, a dimension of Islam. The author provides an examination of the fundamental concepts, origins, important figures, orders, sectors, and symbolic texts of Sufism that is both thorough and highly accessible. "Clara, amena y concisa, esta introduccion al sufismo familiarizara a los lectores al caracter multifacetico de esta dimen...

CHF 28.50

Tiempo de Un Centenario: Dayan

Eliade, Mircea / Garrigós, Joaquín
Tiempo de Un Centenario: Dayan
At the outbreak of World War II, an old man is struck by a bolt of lightning and miraculously becomes young again. Now endowed with a fantastic memory and comprehension, he receives telepathic messages from the supernatural, which leads to heightened Nazi interest in studying his bizarre situation. Al comienzo de la segunda guerra mundial, un viejo cae victima de un rayo y milagrosamente se vuelve joven otra vez. Con una memoria fantastica y u...

CHF 28.50

Haiku-Do: El Haiku Como Camino Espiritual

Haya, Vicente
Haiku-Do: El Haiku Como Camino Espiritual
This inspirational and beautiful collection of 70 Japanese haiku combines poetry with spiritual exploration. By treating each poem as a mystery that must be solved, the author encourages readers to use the poems to connect with Japanese culture, awaken their senses, and embark on a spiritual journey. "Esta coleccion inspiradora y hermosa de setenta haikus japoneses combine la poesia con la exploracion del espiritu. Proponiendo los poemas como ...

CHF 24.90

Más Allá de la Violencia: Reflexiones Sobre El Origen Y E...

Krishnamurti, Jiddu / Clavier, Armando
Más Allá de la Violencia: Reflexiones Sobre El Origen Y El Fin del Sufrimiento
Recognizing that the world is filled with violence, both on a global and individual scale, the author asserts that in order for society to change, individuals must produce a change within themselves. This fascinating analysis will provide readers with an understanding of the connection between humans and violence and will demonstrate how to achieve mental liberation and tranquility. "Realizando que el mundo esta lleno de violencia, tanto en el...

CHF 21.90

La meditación deconstruida

Iglesias, Juan Ignacio
La meditación deconstruida
True meditation, which requires deconditioning, can promote relaxation of the mind, increased body awareness, and a clearer life vision. This guide shares the importance of meditation with readers and shows them how to decondition themselves in order to receive the maximum benefits meditation has to offer. "El verdadero meditar, que requiere el descondicionamiento del que medita, puede tranquilizar la mente, aumentar el conocimiento del cuerpo...

CHF 23.50

El Shivaísmo: Y La Tradición Primordial

Daniélou, Alain / Gabin, Jean-Louis / Merlo, Vicente
El Shivaísmo: Y La Tradición Primordial
Revealing the influence of Saivism on the Western world, this rare collection of articles offers an in-depth look at the many facets of the Samkya, the cosmologic doctrines of the Saivite tradition. An oftentimes poetic discussion of sexuality, the science of dreams, and polytheism, the book illuminates the relationship between Saivism and the Western world. Revelando la influencia del Shiva en el mundo occidental, esta única colección de artí...

CHF 28.50

Boomeritis: Un Camino Hacia La Liberación

Wilber, Ken / González Raga, David
Boomeritis: Un Camino Hacia La Liberación
Parody, intellectual slapstick, and a mind-twisting surprise ending unite in this novel to produce a highly entertaining summary of the work of cutting-edge theorists in human development from around the world. A naï ve young computer science graduate student's quest for meaning provides the setting to contrast scientific materialism with an integral vision that embraces body, mind, soul, and spirit. Embedded within the novel's teachings is a ...

CHF 51.50

El Secreto de Muhammad: La Experiencia Chamánica del Prof...

Aya, Abdelmumin
El Secreto de Muhammad: La Experiencia Chamánica del Profeta del Islam
This faithful and yet groundbreaking portrait of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, shows how Islam inherited the magical sensitivity of the men upon whom revelation descended. Deeply rooted in valid and revered Islamic sources, this is a revolutionary exploration of the mystical roots of Islam. Esta fiel descripción de Muhammmad, el Profeta del Islam, muestra la manera en la cual el Islam heredó una sensibilidad mágica de los fundadores de la re...

CHF 23.50