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175 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Arduino & Co - Measure, Control, and Hack

Sontheimer, Robert
Arduino & Co - Measure, Control, and Hack
With a simple Pro Mini board and a few other components, projects that 20 or 30 years ago were unthinkable (or would have cost a small fortune) are realized easily and affordably in this book: From simple LED effects to a full battery charging and testing station that will put a rechargeable through its paces, there's something for everyone. All the projects are based on the ATmega328 microcontroller, which offers endless measuring, switching,...

CHF 46.50

RISC-V Assembly Language Programming using ESP32-C3 and QEMU

Gay, Warren
RISC-V Assembly Language Programming using ESP32-C3 and QEMU
With the availability of free and open source C/C++ compilers today, you might wonder why someone would be interested in assembler language. What is so compelling about the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)? How does RISC-V differ from existing architectures? And most importantly, how do we gain experience with the RISC-V without a major investment? Is there affordable hardware available? The availability of the Espressif ESP32-C3 chip...

CHF 52.50

Build Your Own Multifunctional 4-Axis CNC Machine

Ganseman, José
Build Your Own Multifunctional 4-Axis CNC Machine
This book covers the construction, hardware, software, and operation of the Z99 - CNC machine. This is a multifunctional 4-axis machine for home construction. The capabilities of the Z99 machine include: large-format schematic plotting PCB plotting with etch-resist pens schematic plotting with conductive-ink pens letter cutting out of vinyl paper cutting PCB/substrate drilling PCB/substrate milling text milling laser engraving laser cutting o...

CHF 40.50

PID-based Practical Digital Control with Raspberry Pi and...

Ibrahim, Dogan
PID-based Practical Digital Control with Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller development system encompassing hardware, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and a vast number of libraries. It is supported by an enormous community of programmers, electronic engineers, enthusiasts, and academics. The libraries in particular really smooth Arduino programming and reduce programming time. What's more, the libraries greatly facilitate testing your programs since most c...

CHF 46.50

ESP32 steuert Roboterauto

Brandes, Udo
ESP32 steuert Roboterauto
Mikrocontroller wie der Arduino und Einplatinenrechner wie der Raspberry Pi haben sich zu beliebten Komponenten entwickelt. Dritter im Bunde ist der ESP32 der Firma Espressif. Mikrocontroller dieser Baureihe zeichnen sich durch eine Vielzahl implementierter Funktionen aus, die bei einem Arduino konventioneller Prägung mit einem Atmel-AVR-Mikrocontroller erst mit weiterer Hardware möglich sind. Prominentes Beispiel sind hier die WiFi- und Bluet...

CHF 46.50

Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications

Vervloesem, Koen
Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio chips are ubiquitous from Raspberry Pi to light bulbs. BLE is an elaborate technology with a comprehensive specification, but the basics are quite accessible. A progressive and systematic approach will lead you far in mastering this wireless communication technique, which is essential for working in low power scenarios. In this book, you'll learn how to: Discover BLE devices in the neighborhood by listening to...

CHF 52.50

Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes

Kühnel, Claus
Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes
LoRaWAN has developed excellently as a communication solution in the IoT. The Things Network (TTN) has contributed to this. The Things Network was upgraded to The Things Stack Community Edition (TTS (CE)). The TTN V2 clusters were closed towards the end of 2021. This book shows you the necessary steps to operate LoRaWAN nodes using TTS (CE) and maybe extend the network of gateways with an own gateway. Meanwhile, there are even LoRaWAN gateways...

CHF 43.90

Machine Learning with Python for PC, Raspberry Pi, and Ma...

Spanner, Günter
Machine Learning with Python for PC, Raspberry Pi, and Maixduino
Most people are increasingly confronted with the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Music or video ratings, navigation systems, shopping advice, etc. are based on methods that can be attributed to this field. The term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956 at an international conference known as the Dartmouth Summer Research Project. One basic approach was to model the functioning of the human brain and to construct advanced com...

CHF 46.50

KiCad 6 Like A Pro - Fundamentals and Projects

Dalmaris, Peter
KiCad 6 Like A Pro - Fundamentals and Projects
The latest iteration of KiCad, the world's best free-to-use Printed Circuit Board tool, is packed with features usually found only in expensive commercial CAD爐ools. This modern, cross-platform application suite built around schematic and design editors, with auxiliary applications is a stable and mature PCB tool. KiCad�is a perfect fit for electronic engineers and hobbyists. Here are the most significant improvements and features in KiCad 6, b...

CHF 52.50

KiCad 6 Like A Pro - Projects, Tips and Recipes

Dalmaris, Peter
KiCad 6 Like A Pro - Projects, Tips and Recipes
This book will help you practice your new KiCad 6 skills by challenging you in a series of two real-world projects, supported by a comprehensive set of recipes with detailed instructions on how to achieve a variety of simple and complex tasks. Design the PCBs for an Arduino-powered datalogger and a custom ESP32 board. Understand the finer details of the interactive router and how to manage KiCad project teams with Git, and much more. KiCad 6 i...

CHF 52.50

MSP430 Microcontroller Essentials

Cina, Miroslav
MSP430 Microcontroller Essentials
The MSP430 is a popular family of microcontrollers from Texas Instruments. In this book we will work with the smallest type, which is the powerful MSP430G2553. We will look at the capabilities of this microcontroller in detail, as it is well-suited for self-made projects because it is available in a P-DIP20 package. We will take a closer look at the microcontroller and then build, step by step, some interesting applications, including a "Hello...

CHF 46.50

PLC Programming with the Raspberry Pi and the OpenPLC Pro...

Bernhardt, Josef
PLC Programming with the Raspberry Pi and the OpenPLC Project
Introduction to PLC programming with OpenPLC, the first fully open source Programmable Logic Controller on the Raspberry Pi, and Modbus examples with Arduino Uno and ESP8266 PLC programming is very common in industry and home automation. This book describes how the Raspberry Pi 4 can be used as a Programmable Logic Controller. Before taking you into the programming, the author starts with the software installation on the Raspberry Pi and the...

CHF 43.90

Raspberry Pi für Funkamateure

Ibrahim, Dogan
Raspberry Pi für Funkamateure
Obwohl viele Funkamateure immer noch mit klassischer HF- und Mobilfunkausrüstung arbeiten, ist der Einsatz von Computern und digitalen Techniken inzwischen sehr beliebt. Heutzutage kann jeder für ca. 40 EUR einen Raspberry Pi-Computer kaufen und fast jede Amateurfunk-Software auf dem "RPi" ausführen. Die RTL-SDR-Geräte sind bei Funkamateuren sehr beliebt, weil sie sehr preiswert sind und viele Funktionen bieten. Ein Basissystem kann aus einem ...

CHF 52.50

Kickstart to Python 3

Pajankar, Ashwin
Kickstart to Python 3
This book serves as the very first step to for novices to learn Python programming. The book is divided into ten chapters. In the first chapter, readers are introduced to the basics of Python. It has the detailed instructions for installation on various platforms such as macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, and Linux. It also covers the other aspects of Python programming such as IDEs and Package Manager. The second chapter is where the readers get an opp...

CHF 40.50

Explore ATtiny Microcontrollers using C and Assembly Lang...

Smith, Warwick A.
Explore ATtiny Microcontrollers using C and Assembly Language
An in-depth look at the 8-bit AVR architecture found in ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers, mainly from a software and programming point of view. Explore the AVR architecture using C and assembly language in Microchip Studio (formerly Atmel Studio) with ATtiny microcontrollers. Learn the details of how AVR microcontrollers work internally, including the internal registers and memory map of ATtiny devices. Program ATtiny microcontrollers using...

CHF 49.90

Machine Learning mit Python für PC, Raspberry Pi und Maix...

Spanner, Günter
Machine Learning mit Python für PC, Raspberry Pi und Maixduino
Nahezu alle Menschen werden zunehmend mit den Anwendungen der "Künstlichen Intelligenz" (KI oder AI für engl. Artificial Intelligence) konfrontiert. Musik- oder Videoempfehlungen, Navigationssysteme, Einkaufsvorschläge etc. basieren auf Verfahren, die diesem Bereich zugeordnet werden können. Der Begriff "Künstliche Intelligenz" wurde 1956 auf einer internationalen Konferenz, dem Dartmouth Summer Research Project geprägt. Eine grundlegende Idee...

CHF 46.50

Stromversorgung ohne Stress / Energy Harvesting

Zantis, Franz Peter
Stromversorgung ohne Stress / Energy Harvesting
Für den Betrieb moderner elektronischer Bauteile ist vergleichsweise nur noch wenig Energie notwendig. Dies eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten, wie z. B. Schaltungen und Baugruppen, die ohne Batterien oder Akkumulatoren auskommen und auch keinen Anschluss an das Versorgungsnetz benötigen. Damit entfällt auch ein großer Teil des Wartungsaufwandes. Die Baugruppen arbeiten weitestgehend "für sich alleine". Die Energie wird auf unterschiedlichste Weise a...

CHF 43.90

Raspberry Pi Pico for Radio Amateurs

Ibrahim, Dogan
Raspberry Pi Pico for Radio Amateurs
Although much classical HF and mobile equipment is still in use by large numbers of amateurs, the use of computers and digital techniques has now become very popular among amateur radio operators. Nowadays, anyone can purchase a EUR4 Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board and develop many amateur radio projects using the "Pico" and some external components. This book is aimed at amateur radio enthusiasts, Electronic Engineering students, and ...

CHF 46.50

LoRaWAN-Knoten im IoT

Kühnel, Claus
LoRaWAN-Knoten im IoT
LoRaWAN hat sich als Kommunikationslösung im IoT hervorragend entwickelt. The Things Network (TTN) hat hierzu seinen Beitrag geleistet. Aktuell wird The Things Network auf The Things Stack Community Edition (TTS (CE)) aktualisiert. Die Cluster von TTN V2 werden gegen Ende 2021 geschlossen. Der Autor zeigt Ihnen die notwendigen Schritte, damit Sie in gewohnter Weise LoRaWAN-Knoten mit Hilfe von TTS (CE) betreiben und vielleicht auch das Netz de...

CHF 43.90

Arduino & Co - Messen, Schalten und Tüfteln

Sontheimer, Robert
Arduino & Co - Messen, Schalten und Tüfteln
Mit einem einfachen Arduino Pro Mini Board und ein paar weiteren Bauteilen lassen sich heute für wenig Geld Projekte realisieren, die vor 20 oder 30 Jahren noch undenkbar waren oder ein kleines Vermögen gekostet hätten. Von einfachen LED-Effekten bis zur Ladestation - die den Akku auf Herz und Nieren prüft - ist in diesem Buch vieles dabei. Als Mikrocontroller dient bei allen beschriebenen Projekten der ATmega328, der mit seinen 20 Ein- und Au...

CHF 46.50