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139 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

My Mate's Second Chance

Blake, Eli
My Mate's Second Chance
Content warning: contains sexual abuse, violence (including domestic and sexual), blood, self-harm, self-hatred, and descriptions of psychological trauma. Lacking the weaknesses that make a non-human easier to kill...a particular male realizes he has becomes the very thing he swore to kill, an abomination. With the lives of his loved ones at stake once more, will he finally overcome his hesitations and inner turmoil? Is he finally willing ...

CHF 54.90

Why You Have What You Have

Franzo, Eli
Why You Have What You Have
Have you ever wondered why you have what you have? The answer is that we are fully responsible for our power and how we shape our lives. Throughout these pages, we will embark on an awe-inspiring journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we will explore the intricate workings of rewiring our brains and understanding the immense influence of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. By mastering the art of mind hacking, we will break fr...

CHF 27.50


Eli¿ka Vránová
Vítejte ve sv¿t¿ sladkých oslav! V této kuchäce vás zveme, abyste se ponöili do radosti a pot¿¿ení z vytvá¿ení pochoutek na párty a slavnostních dezert¿, které pozvednou kädou zvlá¿tní p¿íle¿itost. Od narozenin a svátk¿ ä po výröí a promoce, tato kniha je väím oblíbeným zdrojem pro výrobu neodolatelných sladkostí, které oslní väe hosty a zanechají v nich chü na víc. Na setkání s blízkými p¿i oslav¿ ¿ivotních milník¿ a zvlá¿tních okam¿ik¿ je ...

CHF 53.90

Where the Ogrekin Roam

Rainwater, Eli
Where the Ogrekin Roam
When Jessie retired from her Witch Council duties to open a bar in a small town in North Georgia, she pictured a life of peaceful retirement helping the local community and bridging the gap between the supernatural and human worlds. Her apprentices, Caroline and Jared, were an unexpected part of the package deal, and she wouldn't give them up for anything- not even when Jared showed up on her doorstep with an ogre named Tug, a member of a supp...

CHF 26.50


Kwake, Eli / Knight, Charlie
This story is ending. My story. I don't even know if I have time to finish it. I did what they made me for, after Cain taught me to use my Power. I faced the Avadis. I did what they made me for, but I did it my way...They didn't like that. I changed something, that time in the forest. Whatever I was meant to be...But I guess there's no going back now. And here we are. I knew from the beginning there was only one way out of this place. I ...

CHF 21.90


Kwake, Eli / Knight, Charlie
This story is ending. My story. I don't even know if I have time to finish it. I did what they made me for, after Cain taught me to use my Power. I faced the Avadis. I did what they made me for, but I did it my way...They didn't like that. I changed something, that time in the forest. Whatever I was meant to be...But I guess there's no going back now. And here we are. I knew from the beginning there was only one way out of this place. I ...

CHF 21.90


Kwake, Eli / Knight, Charlie
This story is ending. My story. I don't even know if I have time to finish it. I did what they made me for, after Cain taught me to use my Power. I faced the Avadis. I did what they made me for, but I did it my way...They didn't like that. I changed something, that time in the forest. Whatever I was meant to be...But I guess there's no going back now. And here we are. I knew from the beginning there was only one way out of this place. I ...

CHF 27.90

Think and Be Rich

Scott, Eli
Think and Be Rich
In only part one of a series ahead, Think and Be Rich and the Portal to Financial Gold will show you the many ways that you too can become wealthy. Written by a new indie author, Eli Scott will show you how you can start amassing wealth today through the secret places where money can be found or accumulated as well as how to keep money from being taken right underneath you. You will also discover the Think and Be Rich principles and the easies...

CHF 26.90

Driven by Values

Serrano, Eli
Driven by Values
The world we live in is loud with its opinions of Success. What does it look like? Is it a white picket fence, the two kids, the dog, the career, the high paying job, everyone is looking to define our priorities. The pull can leave us feeling unaccomplished, with the harsh realization that we are consistently missing the mark! In a world where our value systems continue to be redefined, it's in life's toughest moments that we are left to find ...

CHF 20.90

l’Italiano con Giochi e Attività. A2-B1

l’Italiano con Giochi e Attività. A2-B1

L’italiano con giochi e attività, tre volumi di attività in tre livelli, pensati per ampliare e consolidare lessico e strutture della lingua italiana con risorse digitali! • 14 unità tematiche, ognuna delle quali presenta 20 o più vocaboli illustrati. • Lessico e grammatica attiva. Agli studenti è richiesto di mettere in pratica gli elementi linguistici appena presentati, all’interno ...

CHF 22.00

Welcome to Jessie's

Rainwater, Eli
Welcome to Jessie's
When Jessie, one of the oldest and most powerful witches in the world, joined the Witch Council over a thousand years ago, she became embroiled in politics, saving the world, and trying to keep the existence of the supernatural world a secret from humans. Now that the supernaturals are out in the open and a tentative alliance between the fae, cryptids, humans, and witches is underway, Jessie finally gets to leave it all behind to open a bar in...

CHF 22.90