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47 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Valiant

Miller, Roy G
The Valiant
Authentic faith requires courage In today's fast-paced, fast-changing world when yesterday's truths are declared to be today's folly, one can easily become confused and overwhelmed and disheartened. Personal problems, national turmoil, global conflicts, and cultural changes may seem like giants too big to conquer. The challenges of day-to-day living can seem like walls closing in. Whatever the conflict, the change, or the challenge, Ch...

CHF 24.90

Face Time with God

Bunting OConnor, Mindy
Face Time with God
Creating a spiritual legacy In the Old Testament, the priests served as the liaison between the people and God. In order to atone for their sins and communicate with God, the people sacrificed burnt offerings. Once Jesus paid our debt on the cross, everything changed. We now have complete access to God through the blood of Christ. It's so simple-yet we take it for granted. The apostle Paul understood the power of prayer, as he implored the...

CHF 36.50

The S Word

The S Word
Demonstrating love through deference When you see a yield sign, the traffic laws dictate that you must defer to oncoming cars from another lane or those merging. It is the natural order, and if you choose to disregard this warning, there could be severe consequences or destruction. In certain connotations, the term to yield could also be rephrased as to submit. Much like the yield sign, God's law commands us to be "submitting to one anothe...

CHF 29.90

The Solution

The Solution
Just the way you are The American Reformed theologian and radio broadcast host R.C. Sproul once said, "The heart of a relationship is to know others for who they are and still value, accept, and love them." It's very easy to focus on one another's faults and flaws when it comes to our relationships. Similar to the verse in Matthew 7:3, where it alludes to us seeing the speck in someone else's eye and ignoring the plank in our own, we often...

CHF 32.50

Made in God's Image. Really?

Made in God's Image. Really?
Who do you resemble? As kids, we may remember people telling us that we looked like or acted like one of our parents. Since we spent so much time with them in our formative years, it would make logical sense for us to then emulate their behaviors, attitudes, and mannerisms. As children of God, we spend enough time with Him to naturally replicate the behaviors and attitudes, also known as the fruits of the Spirit. These are supposed to set ...

CHF 28.90

Did You Choose the Right Path?

Did You Choose the Right Path?
Which way do I go? The poet Robert Frost said it best in one of his most famous poems, The Road Less Traveled. He muses, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both . . ." We often wonder if we made the right decision when it pertains to things such as marrying the right person, choosing the right place to raise a family, or accepting a new job offer. Many of us even live with the pain of regret or find ourselve...

CHF 31.50

Effective Evangelism Strategy Among Filipino Immigrants

Bolotano, Jake
Effective Evangelism Strategy Among Filipino Immigrants
Reaching the lost Deep within the heart of every human being is a desperate yearning for belonging. Many stumble through life, simply finding superficial happiness in money, things, or relationships. They don't understand that there is someone who can satisfy that deeper longing-in part because no one has been bold enough to share the gospel with them. Evangelism is not a choice, it is a divine calling to share the good news to the ends of...

CHF 20.90

The Problem That Destroys Relationships

The Problem That Destroys Relationships
How to create and sustain godly relationships Sin nature is natural. You don't need to teach babies to be selfish, they are born that way by default. This self-centered attitude isn't something that wanes with age-the world encourages and even lauds those who focus on themselves and what's best for them. However, bringing our selfishness into relationships causes serious consequences. It is the exact opposite of God's description of love. ...

CHF 31.50

What Damages Relationships?

What Damages Relationships?
Recognizing Our Own Faults Everyone loves to play the blame game. We point at the other person in the relationship as the problem. They must change their behavior and attitude-it's not our fault there are relational wounds and scars. However, Romans 2:1 would disagree. It says, "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass j...

CHF 29.90

The Quest for Family

Clancy, Jessica
The Quest for Family
I Am Called His Beloved As humans, we automatically assign value to everything. Take diamonds or other precious gemstones, for example. We price them at a certain worth based on their characteristics and overall purity. An expert carefully examines it, detailing its flaws and assigning it a specific rate. In our own lives, we too often let others determine our worth. However, only one person can accurately assess and evaluate our worth: Je...

CHF 20.50


Reynolds, Fern
Living in exile Leprosy. It was a disease that plagued the ancient world but has long been forgotten by most in the 21st century. That is unless you live in places such as India, where leprosy has not been eradicated. Latika was just 13 years old when her father was diagnosed with leprosy. Being thrown out of the only home her family had ever known, they wander from village to village seeking a new place to live. Finally, they find a one-r...

CHF 19.50

What's the Plan

Sullivan, Robert J.
What's the Plan
Whose plan are you following? Many Christians may be familiar with the wisdom and advice laid out in Proverbs 3:5-6, where it says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." The issue is the disconnect between knowing what this verse is saying and actually doing it. We plot out every detail of our lives-what our vocation will be, whe...

CHF 31.90

What Happened to Us?

What Happened to Us?
The biblical design of relationships The world we live in has corrupted the idea of true intimacy. However, if we seek intimacy with God through His perfect love, that will overflow into our earthly relationships. What if we went to the source of true love? If we used the roadmap God laid out for healthy and fulfilling relationships, it would powerfully transform friendships and marriages. John echoes this in 1 John 4:7, when he says, "D...

CHF 27.90

How Did This Happen to Me?

How Did This Happen to Me?
Finding freedom in our relationships As humans, we want to be in control. So when we experience a moment where we feel like our world has collapsed-through a broken relationship or traumatic event-we often don't know how to cope. What if we surrendered control to the Creator of the universe? Relationships can be simple if we follow God's intent and appropriate purpose for them. If we desire and chase after intimacy with Christ, our earthly...

CHF 30.50

Questioning Christmas

McCaskill, Rich
Questioning Christmas
Is Christmas more than an old religious relic based on made-up stories, or is it a doorway into a meaningful life? Rich McCaskill invites you to slow down your busy life and ponder together with him as he unwraps the evidence, one piece at a time. Uncovering the sparkling insights of academics and artists, refugees and rock-stars, Questioning Christmas will help you examine life's biggest questions in an accessible way. Where does our compl...

CHF 38.50


Mahler, Barry W
Whose image are you reflecting? Romans 8:28-29 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters." While many Christians may be familiar with this verse, can they truly say they've allowed themselves to be conformed...

CHF 27.50

When God is in the Classroom

Ackley, Laura / Whistler, Briana
When God is in the Classroom
The need for God's presence Teachers experience insurmountable challenges every day as they seek to carry out their responsibilities. Some days are so difficult that teachers are left feeling completely defeated, yet Christian teachers are not alone in their classrooms. They are indwelled, equipped, and empowered by the Holy Spirit as He beckons them to recognize that His Presence is their lifeline. God is in the classroom because of His ev...

CHF 14.90

Hear What the Spirit Says to the Churches

Fennell, Marjorie Merz
Hear What the Spirit Says to the Churches
The Trumpet Call to God's People In the messages to the seven churches in Revelation, John records the Holy Spirit's counsel to each respective church. In Revelation 3:3 he writes, "So remember what you have received and heard, and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you." While this was written as a warning for the church in Sardis, we must also r...

CHF 14.50

The Blue Cord

Bejjani, Karen
The Blue Cord
Be Bold and Courageous In today's politically charged culture, focused on finding yourself rather than finding truth, Christian women have been withdrawing from conversations about faith - especially across cultures. Even though they might be canceled or socially shunned for sharing their beliefs, the world needs Christian women to speak up-it needs them to be confident and boldly proclaim the truth to the dying world around them. The Apos...

CHF 17.90

Called to Act

Miller, Vince
Called to Act
If you are a man who feels that spiritual growth is at times frustrating-you are not alone!Most men find spiritual growth overcomplicated and the needed discipline beyond their reach. But it doesn't need to be that way. In Called to Act: 5 Uncomplicated Disciplines for Men, author Vince Miller provides a simple understanding of five core spiritual disciplines that will ignite a lifelong journey of spiritual development. Leave the ranks of the ...

CHF 20.90