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State of World's Forests 2014 (SOFOA) Arabic)

State of World's Forests 2014 (SOFOA) Arabic)
It is time for forestry to shift perspective from trees to people, both for data collection and policy-making. SOFO 2014 argues that this will enable development of the socioeconomic benefits from forests to meet the growing demands of society, while maintaining the integrity of the forest resource base.

CHF 79.00

Respecter Le Consentement Pr¿able, Donn¿ibrement et en Co...

Respecter Le Consentement Pr¿able, Donn¿ibrement et en Connaissance de Cause
L'acquisition de terres mal réglementée est devenue un problème majeur, notamment en Afrique subsaharienne et en Asie du Sud- Est, où cette question menace la sécurité alimentaire, les moyens d'existence locaux et la gestion durable des ressources naturelles, provoque des conflits fonciers et porte atteinte aux droits de l'homme.

CHF 35.50

El Estado de la Inseguridad Alimentaria en el Mundo 2014

El Estado de la Inseguridad Alimentaria en el Mundo 2014
En El estado de la inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo 2014 se presentan estimaciones actualizadas de la subalimentación y los progresos realizados hacia las metas relativas al hambre fijadas en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) y en la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentación (CMA).

CHF 61.00

Fruits et Légumes Pour la Santé

Fruits et Légumes Pour la Santé
L'OMS et la FAO ont tenu leur premier atelier conjoint - Fruits et légumes pour la santé - au Centre OMS pour le développement sanitaire, à Kobe (Japon), du 1er au 3 septembre 2004. Les présentations des documents de référence et des études de cas pour certains pays sont résumées dans la section 3 du present rapport.

CHF 50.90

Pasaporte para integrar el g¿ro en los programas de agua

Pasaporte para integrar el g¿ro en los programas de agua
As stated in The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2010-2011, the agriculture sector is under-performing in many developing countries, partly because women do not have equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This booklet is designed for field staff involved in the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of water management projects for agricultural production.

CHF 19.50

Rapport des journ¿ sous r¿onales de l¿aquaculture dans le...

Rapport des journ¿ sous r¿onales de l¿aquaculture dans les pays de l¿Afrique du Nord
Ce document est le rapport final des journées sous régionales de l'aquaculture dans les pays de l'Afrique du Nord. Le document comprend les recommandations, au niveau national et sous régional, issues des sessions plénières et des sessions en groupes de travail, les politiques pour un développement durable de l'aquaculture et le rôle de la profession et des organisations sous régionales et régionales, et la mise à niveau technique du secteur d...

CHF 32.50

La r¿lience des moyens d'existence

La r¿lience des moyens d'existence
Un Programme-cadre pour soutenir et fournir une orientation stratégique aux pays membres et partenaires de la FAO, pour la mise en ouvre de la réduction des risques de catastrophe pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle aux niveaux mondial, régional, national et local.

CHF 32.50

Passeport pour l'int¿ation des consid¿tions de parit¿ans ...

Passeport pour l'int¿ation des consid¿tions de parit¿ans les programmes de gestion de l'eau
As stated in The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2010-2011, the agriculture sector is under-performing in many developing countries, partly because women do not have equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This booklet is designed for field staff involved in the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of water management projects for agricultural production.

CHF 19.50

Directives visant a reduire la mortalite des tortues de m...

Directives visant a reduire la mortalite des tortues de mer liee aux operations de peche
These guidelines provide assistance for the preparation of national or multilateral fisheries management measures and industry initiatives that may help to conserve sea turtles by reducing the negative impacts that fisheries may have on them. They present our best understanding of how to reduce the proportion of caught turtles that are killed as a result of interactions with marine capture fisheries.

CHF 39.90

Construction and Installation of Hexagonal Wooden Cages f...

Construction and Installation of Hexagonal Wooden Cages for Fish Farming
This document is a practical guide that provides the list and technical details of materials to use in order to construct a hexagonal wooden cage for fish farming, and its mooring system, for the practice of artisanal aquaculture. The instructions for assembling the various components are illustrated in detail, and the technical guidelines for cage placement at the farming site are also described.

CHF 26.90

Animal Genetic Resources: An International Journal, No 52

Animal Genetic Resources: An International Journal, No 52
This is an international trilingual journal published under the auspices of FAO's Animal Genetic Resources Branch. It provides an international forum for the publication of papers related to the management of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. It covers phenotypic and molecular characterisation, surveying and monitoring, development, sustainable use, conservation, capacity-building in livestock-keeping and pastoralist communiti...

CHF 45.50

Report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Perfor...

Report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance
Contains the report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance. The Consultation was convened by the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations upon the recommendation of twenty-eighth session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries. The Technical Consultation finalised the Voluntary Guidelines for Flag State Performance.

CHF 26.90

Report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Perfor...

Report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance
Contains the report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance. The Consultation was convened by the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations upon the recommendation of twenty-eighth session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries. The Technical Consultation finalised the Voluntary Guidelines for Flag State Performance.

CHF 26.90

Strengthening Forest TenureSystems and Governance

Strengthening Forest TenureSystems and Governance
The overall objective of this module is to enable facilitators of forest tenure development processes to identify the needs fro strengthening forest tenure systems and governance, and to explore strategies and tools to address these needs. The module also allows space for policy dialogue with decision-makers on key forest tenure related issues.

CHF 48.50

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022

OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2013-2022
The 19th Edition of the Agricultural Outlook, and the ninth prepared jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), provides projections to 2022 for the major agricultural commodities and biofuels as well as for fish and seafood. Notable in the 2013 report is the inclusion of cotton for the first time and a special feature on China.

CHF 89.00

Fisheries Management - 3 (Chinese)

Fisheries Management - 3 (Chinese)
The purpose of these guidelines is to aid stakeholders and fisheries managers in the development of national and regional plans of action for the management of fishing capacities, in order to align fishing capacity with the sustainable use of fish stocks.

CHF 19.90