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15 Ergebnisse.

Jac Leirner in Conversation With/En Conversacion Con Adel...

Storr, Robert / Nelson, Adele
Jac Leirner in Conversation With/En Conversacion Con Adele Nelson
This third publication in the Fundacion Cisneros' "Conversaciones"/"Conversations" series puts Brazilian conceptual artist Jac Leirner in dialogue with art historian Adele Nelson. Leirner (born 1961) emerged in the early 1990s at the forefront of a new, transnational generation of artists looking to the art of the 1960s and 1970s as a point of departure. Leirner's meticulously constructed works carve out a place for commonplace objects, from c...

CHF 35.50

Ferreira Gullar in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez

Jiménez, Ariel / Gullar, Ferreira
Ferreira Gullar in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez
As an art critic, political essayist, playwright and poet, Ferreira Gullar (born 1930) has been a key figure in the Brazilian cultural scene of the last 60 years. His extensive poetic output has been closely intertwined with his work as an art critic, from his first major collection of poems in 1954, through his Concrete and Neoconcrete poems from 1957 to 1959 and the "Neoconcrete Manifesto" and the "Theory of the Non-Object" of 1959. All are ...

CHF 35.50

Liliana Porter in Conversation with Inés Katzenstein

Volk, Gregory
Liliana Porter in Conversation with Inés Katzenstein
The Fundación Cisneros' Conversaciones/Conversations series is dedicated to preserving firsthand testimonies of leading artists and intellectuals from Latin America. Argentinian artist Liliana Porter has lived and worked in New York since 1964, her work has been exhibited internationally and is represented in many public and private collections. Using a wide range of media--including sculpture, printmaking, works on canvas, photography, video ...

CHF 35.50

Tomás Maldonado in Conversation with María Amalia García

Maldonado, Tomás / García, María / Pérez-Barreiro, Gabriel
Tomás Maldonado in Conversation with María Amalia García
The Fundacion Cisneros' new "Conversaciones" series is dedicated to the exchange of ideas between artists and authors. This second publication in the series contains a collection of interviews between the Argentine-born artist, industrial designer and theorist Tomas Maldonado and writer Maria Amalia Garcia. Maldonado established his reputation while a professor at the Hochschule fur Gestaltung in Ulm, Germany. Under his leadership, the school ...

CHF 35.50

Gyula Kosice in Conversation with Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro

Gyula Kosice in Conversation with Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro
Gyula Kosice (born 1924) is an innovative Argentine artist and poet. His constructions and sculptures were inspired as much by local discussions and disputes in the cafés of 1940s Buenos Aires as by the international avant-garde. In dialogue with Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro in this latest volume from the Fundación Cisneros' Conversaciones/Conversations series, Kosice recalls his contributions to an era of hotly debated movements and manifestos, the...

CHF 34.50

Luis Camnitzer in Conversation with Alexander Alberro

Camnitzer, Luis
Luis Camnitzer in Conversation with Alexander Alberro
The Fundación Cisneros' Conversaciones/Conversations series publishes firsthand testimonies of leading artists and intellectuals from Latin America. German-born Uruguayan Luis Camnitzer (born 1937) has been an influential artist, theorist, teacher and curator for nearly five decades. He was at the vanguard of 1960s Conceptualism, working in printmaking, sculpture installation and other media. Camnitzer's work challenges our perception of reali...

CHF 35.50

Traveler Artists

Manthorne, Katherine
Traveler Artists
In the 19th century, European and North American travelers illustrated narratives of their explorations in the New World that were published in Europe. Europeans imagined the tropics as a site for cultural imperialism and fantasies of self-realization. Traveler artists often authenticated this perception by presenting the landscape as an enchanted land. Later in the century, native artists began to pick up the European landscape tradition and ...

CHF 52.50

The Grotesque Factor

Bozal, Valeriano / Clayton, Martin / Connelly, Frances
The Grotesque Factor
Despite its longevity as a tradition stretching back to at least the eighteenth century, the Grotesque has only recently become a non-pejorative term in art and academia. The Grotesque Factor takes a close look at the evolution of the Grotesque, examining early caricature (Hogarth, Goya), abject, scatological and black humor, nineteenth-century French art and literature (Grandville, Baudelaire, Jarry), Jame Ensor, the grotesque in early film a...

CHF 72.00

Waltercio Caldas in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez

Brett, Guy
Waltercio Caldas in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez
Waltercio Caldas (born 1946) is one of Brazil's most recognized and respected contemporary artists. He occupies a key role in the generation that bridges the historical innovations of the Concrete and Neo-Concrete artists of the 1950 and '60s and today's younger artists. In this ninth volume of the Conversaciones series, writer, curator and art historian Ariel Jiménez engages Caldas in a lively dialogue covering more than five decades of artis...

CHF 35.50

Jaime Davidovich in Conversation with Daniel R. Quiles

Jaime Davidovich in Conversation with Daniel R. Quiles
As a fixture on the SoHo-based experimental art scene of the 1970s and 1980s, Argentine-American video/television-art pioneer and conceptual artist Jaime Davidovich (born 1936) has worked in a broad variety of mediums throughout his long career, including video, painting and installation, while also establishing himself as an activist and TV producer. His weekly variety program, The Live! Show (1979-84), featured performances and interviews wi...

CHF 34.50

Carlos Cruz-Diez in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez

Jiménez, Ariel
Carlos Cruz-Diez in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez
A leading practitioner of Kinetic and Op art, and one of Latin America's foremost artists, the Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez (born 1923) traveled in western Europe throughout the 1950s, absorbing Bauhaus color theory and trends in geometric abstraction, and returned to Venezuela in 1957 to help initiate the massive wave of experiment in abstract, Concrete, Op and Kinetic art that art history outside of Latin America is only just beginning...

CHF 33.90