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36 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Rewire Your Brain, Discover the Best Version of You

Garg, Gaurav
Rewire Your Brain, Discover the Best Version of You
Imagine being able to tap into incredible productivity, laser-like focus, and unlimited motivation simply by changing the wiring in your brain. Sound impossible? The truth is, you can reprogram your brain through a process called neuroplasticity. Just as exercise changes your muscles, using your brain in new ways literally reshapes your neural connections for the better. In this empowering book, you'll discover how to master your mindset and h...

CHF 21.90

Navigating Corporate Politics

Garg, Gaurav
Navigating Corporate Politics
In the world of business, corporate politics can be both a necessary evil and a daunting challenge. For many individuals, navigating the complex power dynamics, alliances, and conflicts that exist within organizations can be a significant source of stress and frustration. At the same time, understanding and effectively managing workplace politics can be critical to success in today's competitive and fast-paced business environment. This book...

CHF 21.90

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Garg, Gaurav
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Assertiveness is one of the most valuable skills anyone can cultivate, yet also one of the most challenging. After a lifetime of cultural conditioning toward compliance and conflict avoidance, embracing assertive communication requires transformative personal growth. It takes courage to find your voice after being silenced. My aim in writing this book is to provide guidance and encouragement for that journey based on both professional expert...

CHF 22.90

The Art of Positivity

Garg, Gaurav
The Art of Positivity
Have you ever felt like life is a constant struggle? That no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to make any progress towards your goals and dreams? Or maybe you're already successful and accomplished, but you still feel unfulfilled and empty inside? If so, you're not alone. Many of us have experienced these feelings at some point in our lives. But the good news is that there is a way out of this cycle of negativity and frustration....

CHF 21.90

The Art of Connecting

Garg, Gaurav
The Art of Connecting
In our complex, fast-paced world, the ability to communicate effectively has never been more essential, or more challenging. Technology allows us to reach a global audience instantly, yet risks distancing us from the nuances of face-to-face human connection. Demands on our time and attention relentlessly erode focus. Diverse perspectives are heard, yet people retreat further into confirmation bias bubbles. Mastering communication requires co...

CHF 22.90

Mental Mastery

Garg, Gaurav
Mental Mastery
Welcome to "Mental Mastery: 30 Brain Exercises for Continuous Development." In a world that is constantly evolving, our brains are our greatest assets. The ability to adapt, learn, and grow intellectually is essential for success and personal fulfillment. This book is designed to be your guide on the exciting journey of continuous brain development. Our brains are extraordinary organs capable of remarkable feats. They possess a quality known a...

CHF 27.90

Young Titans

Garg, Gaurav
Young Titans
In today's complex world, developing mental strength is crucial for children to reach their full potential. However, many parents and teachers feel overwhelmed with how best to cultivate resilience, character, and emotional intelligence in the next generation. That is why I have written this comprehensive guidebook. Drawing on the latest research in psychology and my decades of experience working with youth, I provide practical, actionable adv...

CHF 30.50

Ayurveda for Weight Management

Garg, Gaurav
Ayurveda for Weight Management
Tired of struggling to lose weight only to regain it all back? The solution isn't trying harder - it's balancing your body and mind holistically. Grounded in thousands of years of practice, Ayurveda provides natural, personalized protocols to help you achieve your healthiest weight in body, mind, and spirit. Unlike fad diets, Ayurveda identifies the root causes behind your imbalance and empowers you to heal them. In this practical guide, holis...

CHF 22.50

The Ayurvedic Kitchen

Garg, Gaurav
The Ayurvedic Kitchen
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian holistic healing system that has been practiced for thousands of years. It aims to create balance in the body and mind through proper diet, lifestyle, herbal remedies and spiritual practices. This cookbook brings the wisdom of Ayurveda straight to your kitchen with a collection of easy, delicious recipes tailored to nourish each dosha or mind-body type. According to Ayurveda, we all have a unique combination of ...

CHF 24.90

Interpreting Our Dreams

Garg, Gaurav
Interpreting Our Dreams
Welcome to a world where the boundaries of reality blur, and the landscapes of the mind come alive with endless possibilities. Dreams-the enigmatic, mysterious, and often bewildering tapestries woven in the realm of sleep-have intrigued and captivated humanity since time immemorial. They have been the subjects of myths, the muses of artists, and the focus of scientific inquiry. And now, they invite you on an exhilarating journey of discovery. ...

CHF 21.90

Mathematical Theories in Strategic Decisions

Garg, Gaurav
Mathematical Theories in Strategic Decisions
Welcome to a journey through the fascinating world of decision-making, where mathematics and technology converge to illuminate the path forward. This book, "Mathematical Theories in Strategic Decisions, " is your guide to the mathematical underpinnings of decision-making processes that shape our lives, from business strategies that drive economies to healthcare decisions that impact our well-being. In the pages that follow, you'll embark on a ...

CHF 23.50

Understanding Child Psychology for Better Upbringing

Garg, Gaurav
Understanding Child Psychology for Better Upbringing
In the intricate tapestry of human existence, there exists a remarkable and awe-inspiring thread that weaves the fabric of society: our children. They are the embodiment of our hopes, the vessels of our dreams, and the carriers of our legacy. Understanding these young minds, nurturing their potential, and guiding them through the labyrinthine journey of childhood is a pursuit both profound and essential. Welcome to "Understanding Child Psychol...

CHF 21.90

Flavors Unveiled

Garg, Gaurav
Flavors Unveiled
Welcome to a culinary voyage like no other, where science and art converge to unravel the secrets of flavor, texture, and aroma. In this exploration of the Chemistry of Cooking, we embark on a gastronomic adventure that transcends boundaries and traditions, seeking to understand the profound chemical transformations that occur in our favorite dishes. Our journey takes us beyond the familiar and into the world of spices, herbs, and ingredients ...

CHF 21.90

The Illusion of Perception

Garg, Gaurav
The Illusion of Perception
Are you tired of feeling like you can't trust your own senses? Do you ever wonder if what you're seeing or hearing is actually real, or just a trick of your mind? If so, The Illusion of Perception is the book for you. With captivating examples and mind-bending insights, this book will challenge everything you thought you knew about perception. Discover how optical illusions can fool even the most rational minds, and how cognitive biases can ...

CHF 24.90

Harnessing Circadian Rhythms for an Optimal Life

Garg, Gaurav
Harnessing Circadian Rhythms for an Optimal Life
Harnessing Circadian Rhythms for an Optimal Life" is a comprehensive guide that explores the fascinating world of circadian rhythms and how they can be utilized to enhance the quality of life. From understanding the science behind these internal clocks to practical strategies for aligning our routines with them, this book covers a wide range of topics. It delves into the impact of circadian rhythms on sleep, productivity, mental health, aging,...

CHF 24.90

Getting into the Mind of a Teenager

Garg, Gaurav
Getting into the Mind of a Teenager
Welcome to "Getting into the Mind of a Teenager: A Guide for Parents." We understand that parenting teenagers can be an exhilarating yet perplexing adventure, much like embarking on an epic odyssey. These years are a time of transformation, a period of discovery, and sometimes, a journey through uncharted waters. It's a time when your child is growing into an adult, and you, as a parent, are adapting to a new role. As parents ourselves and a...

CHF 21.90

Echoes of Ancestral Wisdom

Garg, Gaurav
Echoes of Ancestral Wisdom
History is a tapestry woven with the threads of countless stories, cultures, and legacies. It is a journey through time, a window into the triumphs and tribulations of those who came before us. Within this grand narrative, there exists a chapter that is both unique and profound-the history of Native Americans in North America. This book, " Echoes of Ancestral Wisdom: A Journey Through Native American History, " is an odyssey that takes you on ...

CHF 17.50

Crypto Trading Fundamentals

Garg, Gaurav
Crypto Trading Fundamentals
Welcome to the fascinating world of cryptocurrency trading! If you're holding this book in your hands, you've already taken the first step towards mastering a financial frontier that's reshaping the way we think about money and investments. In the past decade, cryptocurrencies have surged from obscurity to headlines, making millionaires and capturing the imaginations of investors worldwide. Yet, beneath the hype and buzzwords lies a complex an...

CHF 21.90

Rolling the Dice on Redemption

Garg, Gaurav
Rolling the Dice on Redemption
Las Vegas - a city forever cloaked in glamour, secrets, and sin. The bright lights beckon dreamers and vagabonds alike, promising fame, fortune, and fantasy. But beneath the neon glow pulses an underworld where ambition and avarice collide. Daniel "Dice" Rivers learned those dark truths young while surviving Detroit's gritty streets. His skill with cards and reading people soon attracted the attention of powerful mobsters seeking to expand the...

CHF 17.50

Mystical Astrology of Ancient India

Garg, Gaurav
Mystical Astrology of Ancient India
This book offers an introduction to the unique system of Hindu astrology known as Lal Kitab. Authored in ancient times by the sage Ravana, it forms part of India's rich legacy of occult sciences documented in classical scriptures like the Atharva Veda. The philosophical wisdom enclosed within Lal Kitab aims to help seekers maneuver life's karmic challenges by awakening the soul's spiritual power over destiny. However, in the current era many...

CHF 17.90