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16 Ergebnisse.

Focusing Within

Tersteegen, Gerhard / Convent, Portaïtissa
Focusing Within
This book contains a small selection of the letters of the German Protestant mystic and poet Gerhard Tersteegen (1697 - 1769) to his followers. Tersteegen was a representative of the pietism movement, or rather, one of its directions, the so-called "quiet in the land", according to the psalmist: "For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land." (Ps. 35:20, KJV) In the book "Great Saints" by ...

CHF 21.90

Solovetski Patericon. The Holy Fathers of the Solovetski ...

Anonymous / Portaïtissa, Convent
Solovetski Patericon. The Holy Fathers of the Solovetski Isles
Foreword by the Publisher In the Christian tradition the Patericon is a collection of short stories which contains the description of the lives, spiritual practices and, sometimes, teachings of the Christian practitioners, monks or ascetics. Their experiences on the Path to finding God in their hearts has been a great help to thousands of practitioners who have followed the spiritual Path, strengthening their spirit, protecting them from dan...

CHF 24.90

De Goede Week in de Orthodoxie

Schmemann, Alexander / Portaïtissa, Trazegnies Convent
De Goede Week in de Orthodoxie
Vader Alexander Schmemann was in de vorige eeuw een Russisch Orthodox priester en theoloog. Na de Russische Revolutie is hij als emigrant in Parijs terecht gekomen, waar de Russische gemeenschap snel groeide. Van jongs af aan voelde hij zich tot het orthodoxe geloof en haar rijke Liturgie aangetrokken. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog ging hij studeren aan de universiteit van Parijs en het orthodoxe seminarie St.Sergius en hij trad in het huweli...

CHF 56.90

Life and Works of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

Jumati, Serge / Portaitissa, Convent
Life and Works of Saint Sergius of Radonezh
Foreword by the author "You came closer to God than any of the earthly ones": such are the words of one of the prayers to Saint Sergius of Radonezh. Saint Sergius revived in Russia the ascetic monastic practices, established several monasteries and trained nearly a hundred monks - ascetics who in their turn founded many monasteries, which illuminated the East and the North of Russia. Saint Sergius was at the same time a wise adviser and insp...

CHF 19.50

Saint Païssy (Velichkovsky), the holy Elder of Moldavia. ...

Jumati, Serge / Veris, Irina / Portaïtissa, Trazegnies Convent
Saint Païssy (Velichkovsky), the holy Elder of Moldavia. Life. Doctrine of mental Prayer
From the Author Epochs of relative spiritual poverty alternate with periods of spiritual prosperity. In each century however there can be found spiritual torch-bearers, who showed the path to their contemporaries, who revealed to them God's will, through them and around them the Divine, sacred inner of the Church could continue to be built and the Church could continue its creative work. The narrow monastic path of St. Païssy of Moldavia (Ve...

CHF 22.50

Life and Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Puretzki, Nicolas / of Sarov, St. Seraphim / Portaïtissa, Convent
Life and Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Foreword by the Translators The story about the life of Saint Seraphim of Sarov1, the miracle-worker, was first printed by the Monastery of Sarov in 1893. It was then re-written by N. Puretzki and published by the printer I. D. Sytin in Moscow in 1903. Saint Seraphim's Teaching was taken from the original edition of this book, which was reprinted in Moscow in 1991 by the Moscow Section of the National Trust for Preservation of Monuments. T...

CHF 14.50

'Keep it simple, and God will not forsake you'. Life and ...

Jumati, Serge / Portaitissa, Trazegnies Convent
'Keep it simple, and God will not forsake you'. Life and teachings of St. Leo of Optina and St. Theodore of Neamts
Publisher's Foreword This is a life story of two spiritual mentors in the Eastern Christian Orthodox tradition, St. Leo of Optina (Nagolkin) and St. Theodore of Neamts (Polzikov). St Theodore was a disciple of St. Paisios (Velichkovsky). St Paisios re-established in several monasteries on Athos and in Romania, where he was father superior, the practice of incessant prayer to Jesus Christ. This practice is known as 'Jesus prayer' and he had dis...

CHF 16.50

I came to love Suffering. Autobiography

Of Simferopol, Saint Luke / Portaïtissa, Trazegnies Convent
I came to love Suffering. Autobiography
The author of this book, Saint Luke the Confessor (his worldly name was Valentin Yasenetsky-Voyno), is a Russian saint of the twentieth century. He was born on April 27, 1877 in Kerch, Crimea and fell asleep in the Lord on June 11, 1961 in Simferopol, Crimea. Canonized by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) in November 1995. He was a descendent of a Belarusian-Polish impoverished princely family, and he was archbishop of the...

CHF 24.90

Spirit, Soul, Body

Of Simferopol, Saint Luke
Spirit, Soul, Body
The author of this book, Saint Luke the Confessor (secular name Valentine Voino-Jasenetstky) of Simferopol and Crimea was born on 27th April 1877 in Kertch, Crimea and he passed away to rest in Christ on 11th June 1961 in Simferopol, Crimea. He was the descendant of a White-Russian-Polish impoverished princely line. By the end of his life he was an archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and at the same time a prominent physician, surgeon...

CHF 20.50

Spirit, Soul, Body

of Simferopol, St. Luke / Portaïtissa, Trazegnies Convent
Spirit, Soul, Body
The author of this book, Saint Luke the Confessor (secular name Valentine Voino-Jasenetsky) of Simferopol and Crimea was born on 27th April 1877 in Kertch, Crimea and he passed away to rest in Christ on 11th June 1961 in Simferopol, Crimea. He was the descendant of a White-Russian-Polish impoverished princely line. By the end of his life he was an archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and at the same time a prominent physician, surgeon, ...

CHF 33.90

Life and Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Puretzki, N. / Convent Portaitissa at Trazegnies, Be. . .
Life and Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
The story about the life of Saint Seraphim of Sarov1, the miracle-worker, was first printed by the Monastery of Sarov in 1893. It was then re-written by N. Puretzki and published by the printer I. D. Sytin in Moscow in 1903. Saint Seraphim's Teaching was taken from the original edition of this book, which was reprinted in Moscow in 1991 by the Moscow Section of the National Trust for Preservation of Monuments. The illustration used for the c...

CHF 28.90

Holy Fathers of the Solovetzki Isles

Anonymous, Anonymous
Holy Fathers of the Solovetzki Isles
In the Christian tradition the Patericon is a collection of short stories which contains the description of the lives, spiritual practices and, sometimes, teachings of the Christian practitioners, monks or ascetics. Their experiences on the Path to finding God in their hearts has been a great help to thousands of practitioners who have followed the spiritual Path, strengthening their spirit, protecting them from dangers and helping them to see...

CHF 21.90

Life & Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Puretzki, N / Monastery of Sarov
Life & Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Saint Seraphim is one of the most venerated saints of Russia, and has greatly influenced the spiritual life, not only of the entire Russian clergy, but also of the thousands of laymen who were drawn to Christian mysticism. Staretz Seraphim has formulated in his teaching in simple words the purpose and the ways of Christian ascetic life, in order to make them understandable to all those seeking God. The cover image is a photo of his miracle-wor...

CHF 16.90

Mysteries of Life After Death

Kolchev, Leonid
Mysteries of Life After Death
This book gives an idea of what happens to the soul after death and how we can prepare ourselves for that time. The first part of the book tells how the living can help the souls of the dead achieve deliverance from sufferings, full or partial, and come closer to God. It should be noted that this deliverance is temporary, it will last till the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Last Judgement, when Christ will decide the further fa...

CHF 14.50

Life & Works of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

Jumati, Serge
Life & Works of Saint Sergius of Radonezh
In the prayer to St Sergius of Radonezh it is said : "You came closer to God than any other earthly man". Saint Sergius revived the monastic ascetic practices in Russia and founded many monasteries. He trained a multitude of monks-ascetics who in their turn founded hundreds of monasteries which enlightened the east and the north of Russia. Saint Sergius was also a wise counsellor and inspirer of Russian Princes and he helped establish the Russ...

CHF 15.90