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1971 Ergebnisse - Zeige 181 von 200.

Psychosocial factors related to complications in pregnanc...

Prasad, Nitya K.
Psychosocial factors related to complications in pregnancy and labour in Primigravidae
As an illustration of the enigma that cancer has presented to physicians and scientists over the years, it was not until the 1920s that meaningful attempts were made to define cancer. In the ensuing half-century, a number of definitions of this biological phenomenon were proposed, mostly by physicians and scientists. To confuse the field further, cUnicians, scientists, and lay persons have used such terms as cancer, neoplasm, tumor, and malign...

CHF 99.00

Effectiveness of the multisensory stimulation procedure i...

Ramakrishnan, Tinsy
Effectiveness of the multisensory stimulation procedure in the management of autism
After long years of being regarded as a mental illness or emotional maladjustment, autism is now regarded as a biological disorder that is due to organic rather than psychological causes. More specifically, autism is a neurological or brain based developmental disorder that particularly manifests as problems in cognition, communication and interaction. In the past 30 years, the prevalence rate of autism has skyrocketed, and it continues to ris...

CHF 102.00

Alexithymia_an analytical study

Lassar, Titus
Alexithymia_an analytical study
Alexithymia is a psychological trait characterized by the inability to identify and verbally describe emotions and feelings in oneself as well as in others. The study was mainly conducted to understand the association between alexithymia and the variables viz., family environment, physical factors, psychological factors, spirituality, level of independence, general health (the components of quality of life), self- image, selfconfidence, self-s...

CHF 107.00

Effect of personality and eye relaxation practices on vis...

K, Lekshmi
Effect of personality and eye relaxation practices on visual acuity
Vision is our most important tool for understanding and organizing the events in the external world in which we are moving and thus an inseparable means o f obtaining experience and knowledge. Our sense organs provide us with a variety of information all the time. The most effective among our sense organs are our eyes. We depend on eyes and the images they provide us for thinking, remembering, planning and almost all our activities. Earlier ma...

CHF 99.00

Effect of training on cognitive and social skill deficits...

V. G., Githin
Effect of training on cognitive and social skill deficits in children with learning disabilities
L e a rn in g d is a b ility (L D ) is a te rm c u rre n tly used to describe a g roup o f n e u ro lo g ic a l co n d itio n s th a t in te rfe re u ith a c lu ld ' s learn in g . U n d e r th e u m b re lla term c a lle d L D , th ere are disorders relate d to lis te n in g , speaking, read in g , reaso nin g, and m ath em atical calc u la tio n . In d iv id u a ls w ith L D have in te llig e n c e in th e n ear average, average, o r above a...

CHF 97.00

Psychosocial relationship of mental health status in rura...

Meenakshi, Medhi
Psychosocial relationship of mental health status in rural pregnant women
INTRODUCTION "No matter where a woman lives, giving birth should be a time of joy, not a sentence to death." Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Former Executive Director of UNFPA (2001-2010) Mental health is universally considered as an important public health issue among the non communicable diseases. It is defined "as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work prod...

CHF 56.50

Comparative effect of shavasana and yoga meditation on bi...

Ranjeetsingh, Bhogal
Comparative effect of shavasana and yoga meditation on bio-phase angle resting metabolic rate and emotional intelligence in students of a yoga college
ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the fundamental nature of Shavasana and Supine Meditation, in terms of cellular health, measured through Bio-Phase Angle, energy expenditure, measured through RMR and Emotional Intelligence, measured through a standardized test. In a study with Quasi Experimental Design, having Pre-Post-Follow up Testing sessions, 101 new entrant students of both sexes, age ranging 18-35, from a yoga college, were rand...

CHF 99.00

Identification of the level of mental immunity of adolesc...

Yogita, Singh
Identification of the level of mental immunity of adolescents and its enhancement through spiritual enhanced cognitive restructuring
Chapter 1: Introduction In the current era of globalization when we are touching the new heights of advancement, every individual wants to be happy and strives for the betterment in all walks of life, may it be social, economic or even religious. Due to this race for perfection, problems in life arises (Kamal, 2009). The people are having cutthroat competition to achieve their goal and due to this situation they are suffering from anxiety, dep...

CHF 99.00

sense of coherence body image socialization emotion regul...

Vibha, Yadava
sense of coherence body image socialization emotion regulation and social skills of adolescents with disabilities
Disability is a condition that is widespread and experienced by many people. It might be temporary or permanent, acquired or innate with long or short duration as a result of chronic illness, injury or accident. The individuals with similar condition may not experience or perceive the same disability as the other. The perceptions may vary depending on their environmental conditions, access to aids and appliances, adaptation to the environment,...

CHF 99.00

Psychosocial variables and marital satisfaction among cou...

Abraham, Biju
Psychosocial variables and marital satisfaction among couples
NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found. People marry for many reasons including legal, social, emotional, economical, spiritual, and religious. These might include arranged marr...

CHF 99.00

Dimensions of peer relationships among adolescents

Suparna, Bakaya
Dimensions of peer relationships among adolescents
Introduction & Review of Literature Introduction Social encounters of human beings occur within organized frameworks that comprise interlocking relationships embedded in interlocking social networks. Relationships defined as aggregations of interactions that endure overtime and that form the basis for reciprocal interpersonal expectations (Hinde, 1997), are thus basic social contexts. Competence in communication, impulse regulation, getting al...

CHF 69.00