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70 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Thirteen Stripes

Belding, Edward R
Thirteen Stripes
The trouble all starts in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775, when delegates to the Continental Congress select George Washington to be Commander-in-Chief of American forces gathering in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The challenge to escort the General safely from Philadelphia, through the heartland of New Jersey, and on to New York falls to Captain Abram Markoe, a wealthy Danish citizen from the island of St. Croix, and his Philadelphia Troop of Horse....

CHF 27.50

The Entrepreneurial Mind and Spirit

Belding, Jonathan Jay
The Entrepreneurial Mind and Spirit
In the past few decades, entrepreneurs have deservedly earned our attention and respect. They have significantly contributed to our economy and business culture, as well as improved the quality of our lives. We have come to realize that how they go about their business is equally as important as the business itself. . . maybe even more so. In essence, we can benefit from knowing "what makes them tick." Like all of us, entrepreneurs are neith...

CHF 27.50

Worship or Flee

Albright, Jim
Worship or Flee
It's time to know, believe, and delight in all that God has revealed about Himself. For indeed, to honestly look at the unredacted God of the Bible, is to never be the same. You must go on with God. You must tremble afresh and anew. This is an ever-present necessity for every born-again soul. Truly, fear and gladness coexist in every regenerate heart! The fear of God is the most beautiful, powerful, meaningful, fulfilling, and, yes, exuberant...

CHF 19.50


Lehman, John
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver." (Proverbs 25:11) This exclamation was made by King Solomon just after he had received an exquisite gift, and his point was that appropriate words are as wonderful as an awesome gift! Words can have a huge influence on people. This little book maps out some of the DNA of encouragement and draws several lines of application and illustration to show you how you can be an encourag...

CHF 17.90

The Little Book on Preparing to Meet God

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
The Little Book on Preparing to Meet God
Alas, how many of you to whom I now speak are unprepared! It pains me to think of it, as I sat last night about eight o'clock, revolving in my mind a subject for this hour's discourse, there came a knock at my door, and I was earnestly entreated by a father to hasten to the deathbed of his dear girl. I wanted much my time for preparation, but as the dear one was in such a case, and had long been a constant hearer of the word in this tabernacle...

CHF 14.50

It's Apparent . . . You're A Parent

Lehman, John
It's Apparent . . . You're A Parent
I'm a parent... Wow! How should I best navigate through the wonderful, new challenges and opportunities that are coming my way? What wisdom may be gleaned from the Bible, God's living Word? Will God really enable the process to turn out well? In six helpful, easy-to-read chapters, John Lehman, a family pastor and himself a parent and grandparent of several children, writes with passion and clarity on the great issues of bringing up children....

CHF 18.50

Dangerous God Study GUide

Albright, Jim
Dangerous God Study GUide
God is probably not who you think He is. . . How can you be sure? Why does it matter? Do you know the God of fierce wrath and horrifying vengeance? Is this the God you worship? Is it possible that much of the modern church has settled for a domesticated, pseudo-Christ? Do you understand that God has revealed that He is dreadfully provoked? Do you know why?

CHF 16.90

The Treasure of Solomon

David, Peel B.
The Treasure of Solomon
Sam Cohen is on top of the world as the star of the unexpectedly successful Archeology Channel, and the next ancient artifact he has tracked down and is unveiling, live on TV, promises to eclipse all others in all of human history. However, Sam and his bodyguard, Kishor, are unaware that the priceless value of the find is known to Brisbane and his high-tech band of mercenaries. They now know the secret location of the fabled "Treasure of Solom...

CHF 24.50

Coffeetime in Autumn

Ellsworth, Roger
Coffeetime in Autumn
I've seen gold, and I've seen silver, but I have never seen apples of gold in silver settings. My initial reaction is that such apples in such settings must reflect both tremendous value and exquisite beauty. There are words like that-words of tremendous value and exquisite beauty! And we can possess them even though they were all spoken so very long ago. We can possess them by reading the reports of them in the Bible and by reflecting deeply ...

CHF 24.90

Coffeetime in Summer

Ellsworth, Roger
Coffeetime in Summer
After we sang our closing song and prayed our closing prayer, these wonderful people began coming to me one after the other to bid farewell. I couldn't speak their language, and they couldn't speak mine, but I soon discovered we didn't need an interpreter as we had a common language after all. It was the language of smiles, tears and uplifted index fingers. Yes, as they said their goodbyes to me, these Brazilian brothers and sisters in Christ ...

CHF 25.90

Coffeetime in Spring

Ellsworth, Roger
Coffeetime in Spring
We had to spend quite a bit time in the barn on the little family farm that I called home during my childhood years. The cows had to be milked each morning and evening. That barn was already old and rickety when my dad bought the farm. In wintertime the wind would whistle through the cracks in those barn walls and chill us to the bone. My dad's remedy for the problem was to nail cardboard over those cracks. That certainly didn't make the barn ...

CHF 24.90

Coffeetime in Winter

Coffeetime in Winter
The dog of Angelo del Plato watched intently as his master was lowered into the grave. Eight years later, friends of the family acknowledged that they could not remember a day when that loving dog did not visit his master's gravesite, usually sitting a while on the turf over his master's body. . . . Even those who are not dog lovers must admire and commend the faithfulness of that dog to his master. It is a sharp rebuke to many Christians for ...

CHF 24.90

Soul Purity

Coats, David A
Soul Purity
Christians are crashing and burning on the runways of life. Through the TV, Internet, cell phones, newspapers, books, and magazines we are bombarded by the world's temptations and attractions. The response of choosing isolation from the world doesn't work: we fail to reach the people God has called us to reach, and we find that the problem comes with us in the sinful desires of our hearts. The opposite extreme, becoming like the world, turns C...

CHF 24.50

The Incredible Power of Simple Service

Mulligan, Bill
The Incredible Power of Simple Service
If you have never lost a job, congratulations!"I hope you never do lose your job! But if you have lost one, and specifically, if you have been terminated, you know the range of emotions a person feels. . ."With wit and wisdom, Bill Mulligan tells the story of what happened after his job suddenly came to an end . . . and how, in a most unusual turn of events, he learned joy and contentment in serving others.

CHF 17.90

Glorifying God in Your Body

Harrell, David A.
Glorifying God in Your Body
There is perhaps no greater proof of man's innate sinfulness and hostility toward God than the staggering immorality of our culture. Most people, even many Christians, have either a distorted or a non-existent understanding of how God views his or her body, the primary focus of this book. As result, they are vulnerable to the deceptions and threats of the sexual revolutionaries. By examining and obeying God's perspective, we are equipped to na...

CHF 14.50

The Miracle of Spiritual Sight

Harrell, David A.
The Miracle of Spiritual Sight
We live in a church age of such profound apostasy that a large segment of evangelicalism is unable to biblically explain what it is to be a "Christian." This is largely due to a wholesale neglect of the doctrine of regeneration-that supernatural impartation of spiritual life to the spiritually dead that causes individuals to savingly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and so radically transforms their natures that the very desires of their heart...

CHF 14.50

Dangerous God

Albright, Jim
Dangerous God
. . . Sure, you have some concept of a supreme being-but, is your god-notion, God? The one true God? The biblical God? The God who is?To anyone who has ears to hear, I simply say that it's time to open the Book and truly behold the dreadful holiness and terrifying awe of I AM. Certainly, it is long past time in this era of low-resolution preaching, denominational banality, and pervasive biblical illiteracy. For indeed, the Bible is unmistakabl...

CHF 20.90

Finding Grace in Sorrow

Harrell, David A
Finding Grace in Sorrow
Sorrow is a familiar companion of every Christian. But for those who rest confidently in the good and perfect purposes of God, there exists an inexplicable, subjective awareness of God's all-sufficient grace-a tranquil peace impervious to circumstances that flows from the fountain of His covenantal love for those He has redeemed. The purpose of this little volume is to help believers develop a deeper understanding of this dynamic force of divi...

CHF 14.50

I Believe

Hall, Robert G
I Believe
We don't need all this doctrine and theology. Let's just go by the Bible." Have you heard that, or have you even said it yourself ? Yes, of course we need the Bible. It's the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God-our ultimate authority. But disconnecting from the historic creeds and confessions of the church, saying, "Out with the old, in with the new, " merely brings us a fragmented Christian faith. The Apostles' Creed is a concise, comp...

CHF 17.90


Weems, Reggie
C.S. Lewis was one of the most popular and influential Christians of the twentieth century-a staunch defender and a passionate evangelist for Christianity. Reggie Weems argues that Lewis intended his much-beloved, mythical series, The Chronicles of Narnia, to retell the gospel in laymen's terms. It may, in fact, be Lewis's most potent evangelistic effort.

CHF 14.50