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245 Ergebnisse - Zeige 181 von 200.


Tan, C S
This book is based on written scriptures from the Bible with a cartoon illustration on each of the verse, inspired by the Holy Spirit. By the grace of God, both adults and children could enjoy the book and be encouraged by the Word of God in all seasons of life. God's words are alive and may the power and the name of Lord Jesus Christ be exalted through the book. Let His light shine in all the nations to increase faith, holiness and instil hop...

CHF 18.90

Free to Be Like Jesus

Hays, Tommy
Free to Be Like Jesus
Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free, as He proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom of God (Isaiah 61, Luke 4). As the Father sent the Son, so the Son sends us (John 20). We're called to "prepare the way of the Lord". We can't prepare others unless we're prepared ourselves. We can't minister healing and deliverance to others, unless we've it ourselves. God has given us biblical, spiritual principles to be whole and fr...

CHF 29.50

The Other Nine

Cuddy, C. A.
The Other Nine
In the seventeenth chapter of Luke, Jesus heals ten lepers. Only one leper returns to thank Jesus and Jesus asks the question "What happened to the other nine?" The Other Nine seeks to answer that question. It is a five-act play that tells the fictional story of nine men from different backgrounds, who encounter Jesus. Each man struggles with his own strengths and weaknesses as they seek to rebuild their personal lives. Each man discovers the ...

CHF 27.50

Valley Girl

Seal, Mb
Valley Girl
We have all been a valley a girl at some time or another. Walking through valleys of trouble, sorrow, even the shadow of death is something we all can relate to. My experience of being intimately exposed to a violent crime left me distressed, dismayed and perplexed. I became bitter and eventually broken. I didn't see the way out of the darkness---but there was a door of hope cracked open ever so slightly. The light made its way in. I walked th...

CHF 27.90

Book 67

Hamilton, Blair Francis
Book 67
For different reasons three main characters venture to an isolated town at the northern tip of Vancouver Island, off the coast of British Columbia. Ian is trying to get as far away from Newfoundland as he can, Magda has fallen in love with the magnificence of Nature, and Francis is simply visiting his Aunt. Becoming friends they throw a concert for the town, but end up being "detained" as possible terrorists in the advent of the 2010 Winter Ol...

CHF 34.90

Single and Saved in Pg County

Tucker, T. L.
Single and Saved in Pg County
Single & Saved in PG County is a testimonial about the struggles I have faced being married and single. It will give you, the reader some clarification on relationships, raising children, dating, premarital sex, forgiveness, redemption, and accountability. I share very personal experiences to offer hope to others who have gone through similar trials. This book will relate to everybody. It is my hope that this book will bless a multitude of peo...

CHF 23.50


Mopho, MacDonald I. J.
Some of the most challenging trials you might have gone through, and may go through may not have anything to do with anything bad that you have done. On the contrary, sometimes you may be facing severe trials because you are a trustworthy person and someone with an evil spirit like Saul is envious of you, and desires to stifle your calling in life. You will read in this book how God is working out his purposes for you, and how your victory wil...

CHF 31.50

Siete Dias En El Cielo

Twagirimana, Emmanuel
Siete Dias En El Cielo
Durante el genocidio de Rwanda en 1994, la metralla de una bomba pegó a Emmanuel que golpeó la casa de los vecinos y él murió. Él narra de su viaje al cielo y al infierno durante su experiencia de muerte. Volvió milagrosamente de nuevo a la vida y fue enviado al mundo con un mensaje. Él habla sobre la restauración y la cura de su cuerpo que estaba en descomposición después de siete días de muerte. Su tiempo en el ministerio esta caracterizado ...

CHF 25.90

Fires Of Revolution

McCollam, James R
Fires Of Revolution
It is the goal of this writing to call forth and encourage all who know the Lord Jesus and any that will hear and come to know the Savior, to step front and center, and receive their marching orders as we enter the beginning stages of the end time battle between light and darkness. There are words of correction dealing with issues such as, is the law of tithing for today? Is the Bible vague about the second coming of Jesus? Is the current oper...

CHF 20.90

Tales of the Hen House Preacher

Appel, Lois
Tales of the Hen House Preacher
This is a story of faith and amazing grace. Just as we still do today, we often wondered how we would get through the daily obstacles of life. Not depending on money but instead on the positive message of Jesus Christ, my neighborhood went above and beyond everyone's expectations. People were hungry for hope and found it at the community parlor church. Soon outgrowing their little church, they took a leap of faith and accepted a neighborhood c...

CHF 24.50

Final Straw

Selepe, Molapo
Final Straw
Religion is a scam! It is a daylight robbery. Young people you've been conned! You've been mugged. Wake up and smell the coffee! Se je masepa a thaka tsa hao, meaning don't be bullied by your own peers, hold your own, mate. Avoid the pitfalls, know Jesus for yourself. He's not a historic figure, He is our loving Maker, the treasure hidden beneath the religious rubble and quagmire! Let's declutter the mess. Receive the gems of life, wrapped in ...

CHF 41.90

Bind Each Other's Wounds

Abbate, Skya
Bind Each Other's Wounds
All healthcare providers have the sacred responsibility to care for and nourish life in all it manifestations. In these ten short chapters the principles of medical ethics are illustrated through discussions on the nature of illness, the role of the doctor/practitioner in the healing process, the importance of the clinical encounter in the interview and delivering the diagnosis and prognosis, and the value of touch and prayer in healthcare. Bi...

CHF 37.50

The Liberating Stories of Jesus

Vanderwall, Francis W.
The Liberating Stories of Jesus
This book is a detailed presentation of the liberating stories of Jesus. They are offered in the context of the cultural, societal, economic, political and religious background against which Jesus proclaimed the imminence of the coming of the Kingdom of God. The purpose of this work is to immerse readers into a hearing of Jesus' parables from the perspective of 1st century Palestine so that their radical demands for personal conversion can be ...

CHF 21.90


Steele, Clover
Inspirations are spiritual remedy for the hopeless, the hurting, the homeless, and for those who are depressed..." In a world where there is so much pain, evilness, and hopelessness people need to be comforted. They need to know that God cares for them, loves them and will make a way out for them. Inspirations Volume One, is a journal written with inspired poems, and inspirational thoughts that will enlighten, comfort, motivate, and challenge ...

CHF 20.90

Imagine That

Smith, Jimmy D.
Imagine That
Imagine That by Jimmy D. Smith is the personal story of a spiritual awakening that began in his morning devotions. As a result he not only talked more to God but then found that God had long wanted to talk more to him. This not only gave Jimmy new words and visions to follow, but greatly enhanced his curiosity for every detail of the Word of God. He explains how this happened to him and lays out eight practical steps for you to follow in order...

CHF 22.50

For His Glory

Fraire, Debra
For His Glory
Several years ago the Lord put it on my heart, to know what His message is concerning the Last Days. I started searching the scriptures, I searched every source I could find to hear what the Lord has taught others. I found there are many different interpretations of the scriptures and the Last Days. But the more I sought out, the more confused I become. So I ask the Lord to teach me Himself, give me the understanding, scripture by scripture. T...

CHF 25.90

Waves of Glory

Antoni, Fiona
Waves of Glory
Waves of Glory" is a compilation of poems written by the author during a very difficult period of her life. The poems have been a great source of hope and encouragement to her and she now wants to share them with others, who are also facing difficulties. Her greatest desire is to bring hope and healing to those who are suffering, to show them that God is faithful and there is no situation too hard for Him to change. She believes with God's hel...

CHF 14.90

The Mystical Christ

Talamantez, Corina Huizar
The Mystical Christ
In The Mystical Christ you will discover your spiritual freedom and strengthen your faith. You will experience heaven in the here and now. Learning about the kingdom of God will not be so obscure. This book explains in detail, the evidence of biblical terms in everyday life. The divine sovereignty of God is endless. 2 Peter, 1:3 His divine power has bestowed on us everything that makes for life and devotion through the knowledge of him who cal...

CHF 21.90

Seedtime And Harvest

Commey, Richard Oswald
Seedtime And Harvest
The importance of ministry in the body of Christ cannot be overemphasized. There can be no real expansion of the kingdom of God on earth without each member understanding this concept. The expansion of the Kingdom, thus, cannot occur without significant financial input. God predetermined, that he would bless His people financially as they fulfil their part in His covenant of prosperity by experiencing the supernatural law of sowing and reaping...

CHF 21.50

God My Keeper

Pearson, Donna Joy
God My Keeper
Moments of desperation in the healing battle of cancer are lightened by God's Grace. We cannot EARN God's grace but there are VOLUMES we can learn from it. The purpose of this writing is to reflect those "grace experiences" and trust that in doing so this book will be: . A GIFT of hope to others in the journey . A CATALYST of encouragement to the "cheerleaders" . A GUIDE to those who have never but may someday be "called" to the journey . An A...

CHF 20.90