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3992 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Amor abatido

N, I J
Amor abatido
Em "Dejected Love", uma mistura fascinante de romance contemporâneo, romance e suspense romântico, IJN tece uma história comovente que tocará as profundezas de sua alma. Este não é apenas um romance de amor, é uma montanha-russa emocional, uma exploração do amor na sua forma mais crua e devastadora. Conheça nossa protagonista, Sky, uma estudante do último ano do ensino médio com um passado tão conturbado quanto seu futuro é incerto. Quando ela...

CHF 50.50

Tobey Tortoise: Little Sunflower series

Gilbert, Sarah / Quinlan, Jj
Tobey Tortoise: Little Sunflower series
Tobey Tortoise wishes he could move faster to keep up with his friends. He knows hw can't and the makes him sad and he feels left out. Though when he chats with Harriet Hare, he discovers that he has incredible skills that make him different and special. The Little Sunflower series is a sequence of books and toys which address emotional wellbeing and how they can assist in managing good mental health. Using simple techniques like positive word...

CHF 21.90

The Little Reindeer

Moore, Shelagh
The Little Reindeer
This is the story of a little reindeer who became one of Santa's chosen few to pull his sleigh on Christmas Eve. It shows that if you persevere, you can achieve great things! A book with a story and illustrations to talk about with your little reader! Enjoy!

CHF 16.90

Read What Others Can't

Nayak, I J
Read What Others Can't
Unlock the secrets to understanding and mastering social and communication skills with "Read What Others Can't" by the insightful author, I. J. Nayak. This self-help book is your comprehensive guide to emotional self-help and personal transformation. Can you truly become a "mind reader" and decipher people's behavior and intentions without them uttering a word? Absolutely! "Read What Others Can't" takes you on a captivating journey through t...

CHF 19.90

Mastering Influence

Nayak, I J
Mastering Influence
Unlock the enigmatic world of influence and persuasion with "Mastering Influence - Dark Secrets of Persuasion and Mind Control" by the insightful author, I. J. Nayak. This book is a powerful exploration of the psychology of influence, offering a transformative journey into the depths of human behavior. In today's world, understanding the secrets of persuasion and mind control is a skill that can empower you to achieve your goals, defend your...

CHF 38.50

Dominando a Influência

Nayak, I J
Dominando a Influência
Desbloqueie o enigmático mundo da influência e da persuasão com "Mastering Influence - Dark Secrets of Persuasion and Mind Control", do perspicaz autor I. J. Nayak. Este livro é uma exploração poderosa da psicologia da influência, oferecendo uma viagem transformadora às profundezas do comportamento humano. No mundo de hoje, compreender os segredos da persuasão e do controle da mente é uma habilidade que pode capacitá-lo a atingir seus objeti...

CHF 37.90

Tworzenie jasnego my¿lenia

N, I J
Tworzenie jasnego my¿lenia
Przygotuj si¿ na wyruszenie w transformacyjn¿ podró¿ prowadz¿c¿ do osobistego rozwoju i sukcesu dzi¿ki ¿Crafting of Clear Thinking" autorstwa wnikliwego autora, I J N. Ta wyj¿tkowa ksi¿¿ka to szybki przewodnik po podejmowaniu decyzji, odkrywaj¿cy sekrety jasnego my¿lenia i skutecznych decyzji. zrobienie. W ¿wiecie pe¿nym ci¿g¿ego häasu i zak¿óce¿ umiej¿tnö¿ podejmowania jasnych i zdecydowanych decyzji to umiej¿tnö¿, która möe skierowä Ci¿ na ¿...

CHF 33.90

Að búa til skýra hugsun

N, I J
Að búa til skýra hugsun
Búðu þig undir að leggja af stað í umbreytandi ferðalag persónulegs vaxtar og velgengni með "Crafting of Clear Thinking" eftir innsæi höfundinn, I J N. Þessi gimsteinn bók er fljótleg leiðbeiningar um ákvarðanatöku, sem opnar leyndarmál skýrrar hugsunar og árangursríkra ákvarðana- gerð. Í heimi fullum af stöðugum hávaða og truflunum er hæfileikinn til að taka skýrar og afgerandi ákvarðanir færni sem getur leitt þig á leið til persónulegs og fa...

CHF 33.50

Het creëren van helder denken

N, I J
Het creëren van helder denken
Bereid je voor op een transformerende reis van persoonlijke groei en succes met 'Crafting of Clear Thinking' van de inzichtelijke auteur IJ N. Dit juweeltje van een boek is een snelle gids voor besluitvorming, die de geheimen van helder denken en effectieve besluitvorming ontsluiert. maken. In een wereld vol voortdurend lawaai en afleiding is het vermogen om duidelijke en beslissende beslissingen te nemen een vaardigheid die je op weg kan help...

CHF 33.50

Création d'une pensée claire

N, I J
Création d'une pensée claire
Préparez-vous à vous lancer dans un voyage transformateur de croissance personnelle et de réussite avec Crafting of Clear Thinking de l'auteur perspicace I J N. Ce petit bijou de livre est un guide de prise de décision rapide, révélant les secrets d'une pensée claire et d'une décision efficace. fabrication. Dans un monde rempli de bruit et de distractions constants, la capacité de prendre des décisions claires et décisives est une compétence q...

CHF 33.50

Elaboración de un pensamiento claro

N, I J
Elaboración de un pensamiento claro
Prepárese para embarcarse en un viaje transformador de crecimiento personal y éxito con "Crafting of Clear Thinking" del perspicaz autor I J N. Esta joya de libro es una guía rápida para la toma de decisiones, que descubre los secretos del pensamiento claro y la toma de decisiones efectiva. haciendo. En un mundo lleno de ruido y distracciones constantes, la capacidad de tomar decisiones claras y decisivas es una habilidad que puede encaminarlo...

CHF 33.50


Successful, Rich
Chosen Volume 2. We believe that everyone has a call to purpose and destiny. We help our readers answer their call and become God's chosen. We lead our readers to uncover the God power within themselves. Join us on this transformative journey as you learn why you are Chosen.

CHF 23.90

Yo Elijo Calmar Mi Ansiedad

Estrada, Elizabeth
Yo Elijo Calmar Mi Ansiedad
En esta historia que rima, Lucas se siente abrumado por su preocupación y ansiedad. A través de ilustraciones coloridas y rimas rítmicas, aprende mecanismos de afrontamiento sobre cómo lidiar con grandes emociones como la ansiedad. Para todos los niños que han experimentado pensamientos ansiosos, esta historia les enseña cómo responder a la ansiedad a través de varias estrategias tranquilizadoras. "Elijo Calmar mi Ansiedad" es una histor...

CHF 40.90

Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora

Issa, Dima
Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora
With a discography of over 1000 songs, 20 musicals and three motion pictures, the Lebanese singer and performer, Fairouz, is an artist of pan-Arab appeal, who has connected with listeners from diverse backgrounds and geographies for over four often tumultuous decades. In this book, Dima Issa explores the role of Fairouz's music in creating a sense of Arab identity amidst changing political, economic context. Based on two years of research incl...

CHF 56.90

Merchants on the Mediterranean

Vlami, Despina
Merchants on the Mediterranean
How easy and uncomplicated was it for an 18th-century, medium-sized, Ottoman trade company to expand its business in the West? Which kind of resources, in terms of knowledge, information, experience, contacts and capital, could guarantee its successful passage from the business environment of a precapitalist oriental market to that of a major commercial and financial center of western Europe? Following the venture of the Ottoman Greek merchant...

CHF 56.90

Yo Elijo Volver a Intentarlo

Estrada, Elizabeth
Yo Elijo Volver a Intentarlo
En esta historia que rima, Kiara aprende a seguir adelante incluso cuando las cosas se ponen demasiado difíciles. A través de coloridas ilustraciones y rimas rítmicas, Kiara reflexiona sobre sus errores y se da cuenta de que los errores la ayudan a crecer. En lugar de evitarlos, aprende de ellos para poder mejorar. ¿Quiere que su hijo aprenda sobre la perseverancia y la diligencia? Su hijo aprenderá lo fácil que es volver a levantarse despué...

CHF 39.50

Leia o que os outros não conseguem

Nayak, I J
Leia o que os outros não conseguem
Desvende os segredos para compreender e dominar as habilidades sociais e de comunicação com "Leia o que os outros não conseguem", do autor perspicaz I. J. Nayak. Este livro de autoajuda é o seu guia completo para autoajuda emocional e transformação pessoal. Você pode realmente se tornar um "leitor de mentes" e decifrar o comportamento e as intenções das pessoas sem que elas digam uma palavra? Absolutamente! "Leia o que os outros não consegue...

CHF 19.90

Knock On The Door: A Food Journal

Anani, Sandra
Knock On The Door: A Food Journal
A knock on the door, always brought much excitement in our household, invariably, it meant either friends, coming to visit or family, coming to spend an afternoon or weekend with us. And it always meant flowers, chocolates, cakes and allsorts of delicacies would be the offerings brought by our guests.It's the knock on the door that heralds the start of every social engagement, when I go to visit friends, the joy of knocking on their door, and ...

CHF 30.50

The Noble Family: Short Biographies of the Prophet's &#65...

Hussain, Faisal
The Noble Family: Short Biographies of the Prophet's &#65018, Noble Children & Noble Wives
This work is a concise introduction to the lives of the honourable children and wives of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.Imam al-Nawawi's entry on the honourable children is taken from Imam Yūsuf al-Nabahānī's renowned work Jawāhir al-bihār fī faḍā'il nabī al-mukhtār ﷺ whilst the biography of the honourable wives - who have been conferred the title of 'The Mothers of the Believers' - has been compiled by the author himself.The book extols the virtues o...

CHF 10.50

The Mystery of the Sensitive Child

O'Donoghue, Brid
The Mystery of the Sensitive Child
The Mystery of the Sensitive Child provides a guide for those who parent and mentor sensitive children. By developing our evolving knowledge, we gain a greater understanding as to why some are more impacted by their environment than others. Why do some children feel overwhelmed? Why are they more emotive and compassionate than others? This book offers suggestions, exercises, practical tools, and strategies to assist these children with the cha...

CHF 24.90