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36 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 36.

Capitalism - Crises and Alternatives

Ezquerra, Sandra / Husson, Michel / Katz, Claudio
Capitalism - Crises and Alternatives
This book's main aim is to present a comparative analysis of the crisis in different regions and to contribute to the debates about alternatives with an emphasis on the multiple dimensions of the crisis. In Chapter one, Michel Husson presents an outline of the reasons behind the crisis and the stages of the crisis. Chapter two by Andy Kilmister focuses on the particular intensity of the crisis in Britain and the deep rooted contradictions beh...

CHF 27.90

Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s. Volume 1, Cana...

Tate, Ernest
Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s. Volume 1, Canada 1955-1965. Expanded Edition
Ernest Tate's memoir is an important contribution to the history of the left in Britain and Canada during a unique period. It's a political life of Ernest tate's life as a socialist during the fifteen year period from 1955 to 1970. In volume one, he tells us about his arrival from Toronto in 1955 as a working-class immigrant from Northern Ireland and about how he quickly became engaged in radical politics.

CHF 27.90


Toussaint, Eric
Governments of the most industrialised countries have dramatically increased their public debt to bail out the private banks after the most disastrous economic and financial meltdown in capitalist history since the 1930s. Paying debts and reducing fiscal deficits have become the perfect pretexts to enforce austerity measures everywhere. The Troika (European Commission, ECB and IMF) and all EU governments have launched an unprecedented attack o...

CHF 36.50

l'intervention soviétique en Afghanistan (1979) - Les Cah...

Gouas, Anthony / Inayetian, Marianne / Speelman., Frédéric
l'intervention soviétique en Afghanistan (1979) - Les Cahiers du crabe
La LCR et l'intervention soviétique en Afghanistan Ceci est le premier numéro des Cahiers du Crabe : "la LCR et l'intervention soviétique en Afghanistan". Les documents qui y sont reproduits sont tous issus des bulletins intérieurs, dits B-I, de la LCR (bulletins internes de débats, en théorie relativement confidentiels) et de sa presse, Rouge (hebdomadaire de la LCR, dont les archives sont petit à petit rendues disponibles en DVD), Cr...

CHF 18.50

It's Never Too Late to Love or Rebel

Hart, Celia / Lippmann, Walter
It's Never Too Late to Love or Rebel
Celia Hart is a physicist, a writer, and a member of the Cuban Communist Party. She has described herself as a "freelance Trotskyist" since discovering Trotsky's writings when she was studying physics in East Germany in the 1980s. At that time she could see at first hand to what extent this so-called "really existing socialism" was a society in decadence and without a future. She is the daughter of two historic leaders of the Cuban revolution,...

CHF 19.90

Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s. Volume 2. Brit...

Tate, Ernest
Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s. Volume 2. Britain 1965 - 1970
Ernest Tate's memoir is an important contribution to the history of the left in Britain and Canada during a unique period. This is the story of a socialist activist during the fifteen-year period from 1955 to 1970. Volume I covers the political engagement of a working-class immigrant to Canada from Northern Ireland, and his involvement in the Socialist Educational League. Volume II documents Ernest Tate's participation in British radical polit...

CHF 36.90

Foundations of Christianity

Kautsky, Karl
Foundations of Christianity
Karl Kautsky is probably the first Marxist to interest himself both in the movement and the enigmatic personality of the crucified prophet. His 1908 book The Foundations of Christianity is a rather impressive attempt at a Marxist analysis. The book is rather original, innovative and has been rranslated into nine languages. Kaustky made his Foundations of Christianity into one of the most popular Marxist theoretical works. Its popular success i...

CHF 35.50

Building Unity Against Fascism

Trotsky, Leon / Guérin, Daniel / Grant, Ted
Building Unity Against Fascism
In 2007, French fascist Le Pen won almost four million votes. In 2009 the British National Party won almost a million votes while Germany's fascist NPD won over 750, 000. In 2010, fascist-led organisations like the Engish Defence League and Italy's Future and Freedom party emerged. To help activists understand this twenty-first century wave of fascism, this book gathers together the most important analyses from the 20th century. In "Building ...

CHF 16.90

The Global Fight for Climate Justice - Anticapitalist Res...

Angus, Ian
The Global Fight for Climate Justice - Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Environmental Destruction
As capitalism continues with business as usual, climate change is fast expanding the gap between rich and poor between and within nations, and imposing unparalleled suffering on those least able to protect themselves. In THE GLOBAL FIGHT FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE, anticapitalist activists from five continents offer radical answers to the most important questions of our time: ** Why is capitalism destroying the conditions that make life on Earth p...

CHF 32.50

The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects

Trotsky, Leon D
The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects
Permanent revolution" calls Leon Trotsky to mind as surely as "relativity" does Albert Einstein. In their originality and scope, these two famous theories have a symmetry. Leon Trotsky was a leading Bolshevik revolutionary and Marxist theorist. He was a central leader of the Russian revolution and an influential politician in the early days of the Soviet Union. He was Commissar for Foreign Affairs, founder and commander of the Red Army and Com...

CHF 31.90

Take the Power to Change the World

Holloway, John / Bensad, Daniel / Hearse, Phil
Take the Power to Change the World
In this 144-page collection of essays, some of today's most important progressive thinkers - including John Holloway, well-known Marxist philosopher Daniel Bensaïd and theorist of liberation theology and the national question, Michael Löwy - discuss strategies to change the world. The Zapatista rebels and the Seattle demonstrators were the tip of an iceberg of social and political revolt against the injustices of corporate-led globalisation. I...

CHF 22.90


Galloway, George / Yaqoob, Salma / Thornett, Alan
Contributions from Chris Harman, Andy Newman, Kevin Ovenden, John Lister, Jerry Hicks, Liam Mac Uaid, Phil Hearse, Linda Smith, "Socialist Worker" New Zealand, and Nick Wrack contribute to an important debate, and thus help to build a socialist alternative to the ravages of war and neo-liberalism.

CHF 15.50

Ecosocialism or Barbarism - Expanded Second Edition

Kelly, Jane / Malone, Shelia
Ecosocialism or Barbarism - Expanded Second Edition
Ecosocialism or Barbarism explains that the twenty-first century has opened on a catastrophic note, with an unprecedented degree of ecological breakdown and a chaotic world order beset with terror and warfare. In this book, socialists Jane Kelly and Sheila Malone have gathered together articles from some of the world's leading ecologists and Marxists to discuss how the profoundly interrelated crises of ecology and social breakdown should be se...

CHF 23.50

Strategies of Resistance & 'Who Are the Trotskyists?'

Bensaid, Daniel
Strategies of Resistance & 'Who Are the Trotskyists?'
Daniel Bensaïd's challenging survey comes at an appropriate moment. It is a gift to activists reaching for some historical perspective that may provide hints as to where we might go from here. Embracing and sharing the revolutionary socialist political tradition associated with Leon Trotsky, Bensaïd is not simply a thoughtful radical academic or perceptive left-wing intellectual - though he is certainly both - but also one of the foremost lead...

CHF 20.50

Socialists and the Capitalist Recession & 'The Basic Idea...

Mandel, Ernest / De Santos, Raphie / Katz, Claudio
Socialists and the Capitalist Recession & 'The Basic Ideas of Karl Marx'
The credit crunch of 2008 produced an international recession in 2009. In this volume Claudio Katz and Michel Husson, both fellows of the International Institute for Research and Education, and Raphie de Santos lead an attempt not to only to describe the present crisis, but also to understand its causes and debate socialist solutions. Sean Thompson shows how neoliberal globalisation has an inbuilt tendency towards deflation. As explained in th...

CHF 23.50

Cuba at Sea

Ridenour, Ron
Cuba at Sea
A unique view of the revolution: from the ocean The only foreign writer to portray things Cuban as a volunteer merchant marine, Ron Ridenour sailed six months on five Cuban ships around the island nation delivering petroleum, and to and from Europe with container goods, to tell Cuban sailors' views of their society and the world. Follow the crew through a gale, catching a giant shark, struggling with a life boat gone amuck, night life as...

CHF 22.90