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971 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Russian Political Warfare

Shekhovtsov, Anton
Russian Political Warfare
Political warfare is a grey area between peace and war. It involves a diverse array of methods and instruments that go beyond traditional diplomacy and soft power but stops short of open kinetic conflict using nations' regular armed forces. This collection of Anton Shekhovtsov's essays delves into practices of Russian political warfare designed to advance Moscow's strategic and tactical objectives in European countries and certain African stat...

CHF 27.90

Matzewe in meinem Garten

Rank, Dominika
Matzewe in meinem Garten
Eigentlich sollte der junge Gymnasiallehrer Jakob Sandler, Enkel einer Holocaustüberlebenden, sich nicht groß von anderen ¿Heritage¿-Touristen unterscheiden: Flug aus Deutschland zum Flughafen im westukrainischen Lemberg, weiter mit dem Bus zum Schtetl ¿ oder wie auch immer die dort den Geburtsort seiner Oma jetzt nennen ¿, ein Foto ihres früheren Hauses machen, das mitgebrachte Essen aus einer seiner Konservendosen irgendwo im Park verzehren,...

CHF 40.50

Political Uncertainty

Dimova, Gergana
Political Uncertainty
This timely book provides a comprehensive, multi-dimensional and comparative analysis of political uncertainty. It is innovative in introducing the notions of inter-institutional, verbally induced, and historical uncertainty. It argues for an inclusive approach which considers multiple aspects of uncertainty, even when they are of a different nature. Combining aggregate statistical analysis and qualitative case studies, it compares political u...

CHF 40.50

Songs of Slavery and Emancipatio

Callahan, Mat
Songs of Slavery and Emancipatio
Das Projekt Songs Of Slavery and Emancipation präsentiert neu entdeckte Lieder, die von versklavten Menschen komponiert wurden und ausdrücklich zum Widerstand gegen die Sklaverei aufrufen. Einige stammen aus der Zeit um 1800, andere aus der Zeit nach dem Ausbruch des Bürgerkriegs. Das Projekt umfasst auch lange verschollene Lieder der Abolitionisten-Bewegung, von denen einige sowohl von geflohenen Sklaven als auch von freien Schwarzen verfasst...

CHF 42.50

God, Subjectivity and the Self: A Comparative Study betwe...

Panayiotu, Stavros
God, Subjectivity and the Self: A Comparative Study between Levinas and Kierkegaard
Levinas's ethical phenomenology proposes, as it is discussed in the main body of this study, biblical and not experimental evidence to discuss subjectivity, which can be justified only by prioritizing the Other and not the Self. Levinas vehemently provides his opposition to the total enforcement of the I. It is the Other who always comes first. There is an intersubjective dissymmetry and that is mistakenly avoided in analytical philosophy. Whe...

CHF 40.50

Die Business School der Zukunft in Deutschland - Visionen...

Rösemann, Cornelia
Die Business School der Zukunft in Deutschland - Visionen zu Aufgaben und Organisationsstrukturen aus Sicht der Unternehmen
Seit dem Hochmittelalter stellen die Universitäten die zentralen Institutionen des Wissens und der Wissensvermittlung dar. Am Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts findet im Zeitalter neuer Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien ein gesellschaftlicher Wandel statt, der auch an den Hochschulen nicht spurlos vorübergeht. Für sie stellt sich die Frage, wie sie auf die Ver-änderungen reagieren und sich weiterentwickeln, um mit den neuen Anforderungen ...

CHF 34.50

Storytelling as an Act of Remembering: Episodic Memory in...

Varghaiyan, Naghmeh Nayebpour
Storytelling as an Act of Remembering: Episodic Memory in Post-Millennial Irish Narrative
The past is an ever-flowing and never-dying river in human consciousness. Any single piece of our memories is a constituent part of this river. By our remembering acts, we continuously and intermittently become connected to our stream of consciousness. Therefore, remembering is an integrated part of our mind. Similarly, it is a salient property of fictional minds, too. The past is a defining element for the characters¿ sense of identity in nar...

CHF 30.50

The Press: How Russia destroyed Media Freedom in Crimea

Lukanov, Yuriy Pechonchik
The Press: How Russia destroyed Media Freedom in Crimea
This book tells us about how Russia fought against journalists and the freedom of speech during the occupation of Crimea and thereafter. Yuriy Lukanov, a journalist who covered these events, describes not only his own impressions, but present us also many interviews he conducted with journalists who worked in Crimea at that time. The book shows that how Russia systematically fought against free press and free reporting¿from simple restriction...

CHF 34.50

Ethics and Virtue

Belo, Catarina
Ethics and Virtue
In her new book, Catarina Belo explores central issues pertaining to virtue ethics from both a classical and a contemporary perspective. She examines classical theories of virtue as developed by Aristotle, Aquinas, and Shaftesbury, while highlighting central topics within ethical theory and virtue ethics, such as voluntariness, the notion of the good, happiness, and the need to understand human nature and the emotions in developing an ethical ...

CHF 46.50

Future Belief

Corjescu, Dan
Future Belief
In this book we shall be arguing, among other things, for a belief or set of beliefs that neither requires God or is necessarily incompatible with such a spiritual presupposition. It is our view that modern belief does not require God, but may, nevertheless let Him in if so desired. What is most important though is that belief be viewed as a metaphysical-existential category of being that precedes every other category. Thus, for a human to be ...

CHF 34.50

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Luks, Leonid Dehnert
Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
[Over] the last decade there has emerged a growing explicit (theoretically formulated) or tacit (pragmatic) acceptance by Anglophone academics working in the field that fascism¿s ineliminable core is made up of the vision of a regenerated political culture and national community brought about in a post-liberal age. Inevitably, such a consensus can never be total and there are academics working in fascist studies who continue to apply a differe...

CHF 45.90

Developmental Peace: Theorizing China¿s Approach to Inter...

Meng, Wenting
Developmental Peace: Theorizing China¿s Approach to International Peacebuilding
Peacebuilding aims to resolve conflicts by addressing the root causes. The mainstream theory of peacebuilding is the liberal approach, which has been successful in some regions but has also faced criticism and failures in others. In response to the need for new approaches to peacebuilding, China was under the spotlight as an emerging and active actor in conflict-affected areas, through economic assistance, UN peacekeeping contributions, and me...

CHF 65.00

Developmental Peace: Theorizing China¿s Approach to Inter...

Meng, Wenting
Developmental Peace: Theorizing China¿s Approach to International Peacebuilding
Peacebuilding aims to resolve conflicts by addressing the root causes. The mainstream theory of peacebuilding is the liberal approach, which has been successful in some regions but has also faced criticism and failures in others. In response to the need for new approaches to peacebuilding, China was under the spotlight as an emerging and active actor in conflict-affected areas, through economic assistance, UN peacekeeping contributions, and me...

CHF 40.50

The Human Flow. An Adventure Story

Power, Jonathan
The Human Flow. An Adventure Story
Looking for a gripping and thought-provoking read? Look no further than this captivating book about two journalists, a Tanzanian, Agnes and Jon, an Englishman, who embark on a dangerous journey to report on the trafficking of West African migrants. As they travel from Senegal and Mali through Mauritania, Morocco, Spain, France and eventually to England, Agnes and Jon encounter heart-wrenching tales of hardship and loss. But their own lives are...

CHF 39.50

THE ARTS OF WAR: Ukrainian Artists Confront Russia. Year One

Ruble, Blair A.
THE ARTS OF WAR: Ukrainian Artists Confront Russia. Year One
The Ukrainian response to the 2022 Russian invasion has inspired a new appreciation for their country both within and beyond Ukraine. The steadfastness of Ukrainians in the defense of their country has surprised many. The stories presented here highlight the ways in which Ukrainians have long explored the meaning of their country and culture through the arts, and the manner in which the arts and their creators have empowered Ukrainians to conf...

CHF 34.50

The Orphic I

Dean, Geoffrey
The Orphic I
The Orphic I: A Philosophical Approach to Musical Collaboration starts from the premise that music is a realm of intersubjective human experience. Drawing on ideas common to both hermeneutic and pragmatic aesthetics, it examines forms of collaboration involving those who create, perform, and listen to music. A new interpretation of the Orpheus myth suggests a model for thinking about creative interactions where composer and performer adopt eac...

CHF 34.50

Ukraine Vis-à-Vis Russia and the EU

Nychyk, Alina
Ukraine Vis-à-Vis Russia and the EU
This book investigates the making of Ukraine's foreign policy towards the European Union and Russia between February 2014 and February 2015. To contextualize the events of the first year of the Russian-Ukrainian War, Nychyk lays out the history of the EU-Ukraine-Russia triangle since 1991 and draws lessons relevant for the 2022 Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The book is based on her doctoral research and rests on a game-theory-inspire...

CHF 34.50

Das Universum hinter dem Stacheldraht: Memoiren eines sow...

Marynowytsch, Myroslaw
Das Universum hinter dem Stacheldraht: Memoiren eines sowjet-ukrainischen Dissidenten
Myroslaw Marynowytsch, 1949 im ukrainischen Dorf Komarovychi nahe Lwiw geboren, ist ukrainischer Menschenrechtsaktivist, Mitbegründer der ukrainischen Helsinki-Gruppe, politischer Gefangener, später Präsident und jetzt Ehrenpräsident der ukrainischen Vereinigung von Amnesty International und Ehrenpräsident des ukrainischen PEN-Zentrums sowie Träger des Ordens der Freiheit der Ukraine und zahlreicher anderer Ehrungen. Er arbeitet als Publizist ...

CHF 52.50

Gödel Forever

Williams, Ken
Gödel Forever
Gödel Forever takes a critical look at several foundation claims on Gödelian incompleteness that have appeared in the literature over the years, strictly adhering to mathematical details. Rephrasing the words from Torkel Franzén: Ken Williams presents a new book on Gödel¿s incompleteness theorem for a general audience since no existing book both explains the theorem from a mathematical point of view and reflects his experiences over the year...

CHF 27.90

¿Wer folgt auf Merkel?¿

Stumvoll, Moritz
¿Wer folgt auf Merkel?¿
Nach sechzehn Jahren Kanzlerschaft verzichtete die amtierende Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel bei der Bundestagswahl 2021 auf eine erneute Kanzlerkandidatur. Wer würde also ihre Nachfolge antreten? Gleich drei Spitzenkandidaten lieferten sich ein enges Rennen um das Kanzleramt: Armin Laschet (CDU/CSU), Olaf Scholz (SPD) und Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) standen im Mittelpunkt des Bundestagswahlkampfs 2021. Informationen über die Kanzlerkandidaten so...

CHF 34.50