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Zur Kasse

217 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Barboza, Ana Teresa / Barboza, Ana Teresa / Sonderegger, Catrina / Otta, Eliana / Pointet, Sandra
In ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit beschäftigt sich Ana Teresa Barboza, ausgehend vom eigenen Körper, mit dem Menschen in der Welt, dem Tier und der sich ständig wandelnden Natur. Seit ihrer Kindheit arbeitet die Peruanerin mit den Händen. Sie stickt, strickt, häkelt, webt, zeichnet und malt. Fäden, Linien, Nähte aus Garn, Wolle, Graphit und Farbe durchziehen und durchmessen ihre Werke wie Blutbahnen Körper. Ein zeitaufwendiges, traditionell weibl...

CHF 41.00

Blades of Havoc

Chance, Eva / King, Harlow
Blades of Havoc
Raised to rule the criminal underworld... Born to skate her heart out. As heir to my family's mafia throne, I've learned to threaten, torture, and kill. But the only place I really feel at home is on the ice. So when Mom has my coach murdered to end my figure skating dreams, I know it's time to run. With my hot but off-limits bodyguard by my side, I flee to a little town where she'll never find me. All I want is to lie low and perform in...

CHF 71.00

Right Turn

Agyekum, Paulina
Right Turn
This book has attempted to provide a good insight into Ghana's road safety management by way of a comprehensive information point for better understanding and appreciation of the national road safety profile. The theoretical background of different aspects of road traffic crash (RTC) and road safety by global/international standards and best practices are presented for comparative analysis of the state of road safety in Ghana.An attempt has al...

CHF 44.50

Right Turn

Agyekum, Paulina
Right Turn
This book has attempted to provide a good insight into Ghana's road safety management by way of a comprehensive information point for better understanding and appreciation of the national road safety profile. The theoretical background of different aspects of road traffic crash (RTC) and road safety by global/international standards and best practices are presented for comparative analysis of the state of road safety in Ghana.An attempt has al...

CHF 39.90

The Last Leaf Of Autumn

Doss, Reena / Otto, Miriam / Sharma, Shruti
The Last Leaf Of Autumn
We fall into the new only when we learn how to give up what is old and which no longer works in our lives. The Last Leaf Of Autumn finds out to his surprise that there is no joy in holding on or feeling stuck in a situation that has become too painful to stay in. Embracing dreams after being heartbroken is for the boldest of hearts and adversity never leaves you empty-handed. Through the marvellous art of storytelling, Reena Doss' words, c...

CHF 36.50

The Tears I've Cried

Jefferson, Elissa M
The Tears I've Cried
This collection is full of thought-provoking pieces that are relatable and transparent. In The Tears I've Cried, we travel through the mind of a young girl who struggles with mental illness. This book captures her journey through pieces that express her emotions, sometimes extreme and other times calm, and self reflection. This book is loud. This book is a declaration. This book is disruptive. This book will make you aware.

CHF 39.50

The Chaos Crew

Chance, Eva / King, Harlow
The Chaos Crew
A deadly female assassin, four brutally tempting hitmen, and a dark conspiracy that could end them all. I'm the girl you'll never see coming. Blink and you're dead, another target checked off my list. Until one night my carefully ordered existence falls apart. A bloodbath and a car crash later, I find myself in the grasp of four gorgeous, intimidating men. My captors claim they're holding me for my protection. I can't quite believe that....

CHF 71.00

Fearsome Dream

Chase, Eva
Fearsome Dream
We are blood. And so are they... We're finally free-and we intend to stay that way. But our most dangerous enemy has plans that could upend the entire world. To carry out those plans, he's making more like us. More people twisted into something monstrous and forced to serve his psychotic ends. My guys and I have to stop him. It's our only hope of getting the peace we've dreamed of-for us and everyone else we've come to care about. But ...

CHF 31.50

Verlangsamung des Herzschlags

Cooper, Emily / Köhler, Astrid / Schröter, Katarina
Verlangsamung des Herzschlags
Verlangsamung des Herzschlags" versammelt Gedichte, die um Fragen von Zeit und Raum, Erinnerung, Identität und Heimat kreisen. Jedes Gedicht ist eine kleine, minutiös gestaltete Episode, die erst nach und nach ihre Vielschichtigkeit offenbart. Da geht es um die Verletztlichkeit von alten Häusern und um ihre Lebensgeschichten, die sich in Tapetenflecken, verborgenen Schmuckstücken, Staubgebilden zwischen Dielenbrettern, unauslöschlichen Ausdün...

CHF 23.00

Sonnenblumen für Maria

Angelova, Kerana / Dimitrova Popova, Viktoria / Angelova, Kerana
Sonnenblumen für Maria
Maria ist heil davongekommen. Ohne Eltern aufgewachsen, steht sie im Leben und arbeitet als Fotoreporterin bei einer Zeitung. Seit ihrer Kindheit begleitet sie der Maler Vincent van Gogh, selbst vom Leben gebeutelt, verstoßen, nirgends heimisch geworden. Er sehnt sich zu ihr in die Zukunft, spricht zu ihr, wenn sie nicht schlafen kann, malt ihr Sonnenaufgänge, Pfauen, Alltagsszenen. Bis sie eines Tages am Ort eines Attentats dem Horror des Ve...

CHF 32.90

Le lacrime del drago

Chase, Eva
Le lacrime del drago
Scoprire che potrei essere l'ultimo dei draghi mutaforma - e che sono destinata a prendere quattro affascinati uomini come miei compagni - mi ha messa a dura prova. Ma ora che ho riavuto i miei poteri e ho vinto una battaglia contro i miei nemici, ho finalmente ritrovato la fiducia in me stessa. Una piccola gita in montagna per scoprire l'ultimo segreto di mia madre sembra un gioco da ragazzi, soprattutto con loro al mio fianco. Peccato che ...

CHF 27.50

Il destino del drago

Chase, Eva
Il destino del drago
Il mondo paranormale non sembra volermi dare tregua. Proprio quando pensavo di potermi creare una vita normale - beh, relativamente normale - come l'ultimo dei draghi mutaforma insieme ai miei quattro compagni, la mia gente si trova sull'orlo di una guerra soprannaturale. I vampiri hanno deciso di sterminare tutti i mutaforma, e hanno abbastanza armi per riuscirci. Certo, anch'io ho le mie armi. Ma sono solo un drago contro un sacco di vampi...

CHF 27.50

Il desiderio del drago

Chase, Eva
Il desiderio del drago
Mi sto finalmente abituando all'idea di essere l'ultimo drago in vita. Sono destinata a prendere i quattro capifamiglia come compagni e legare tra loro tutti i mutaforma. Ma ecco altri pericoli incombere all'orizzonte. Il gruppo di ribelli che ha massacrato la mia famiglia è ancora assetato di sangue. Faranno a pezzi chiunque si metta sul loro cammino. Per stroncare la rivoluzione una volta per tutte, sono partita insieme ai miei quattro com...

CHF 27.50

L'ascesa del drago

Chase, Eva
L'ascesa del drago
L'ultimo drago mutaforma incontra i suoi quattro compagni. La sua vita sta per diventare molto pericolosa. In cerca di emozioni, la sera del mio ventunesimo compleanno, l'ultima cosa che mi aspetto è di essere rapita. E come se non bastasse, scopro che i mutaforma esistono e che anch'io sono una di loro. Rappresento l'ultima della stirpe dei draghi, e ho un compito da assolvere: prendere i capi delle quattro famiglie come miei compagni e leg...

CHF 27.50

Of the Past and Eternity

Johnson, Carole Lehr
Of the Past and Eternity
Thrown back in time with the man she despises . . . At her sister's urging, Cora Anderson leaves Boston and travels to an old manor in rural England to pursue her dream job while also outrunning the pain of loss. What she finds is a historic property turned luxury-themed resort with an obnoxious resident celebrity. Hugh Henley is an enigma to Cora. His classic good looks aren't only what captures her attention, but what many dub his stran...

CHF 23.50

Tales of a Travel Girl Coloring and Activity Book

Tarpley, M. L.
Tales of a Travel Girl Coloring and Activity Book
40 Pages of Fun!!! Join Maylie on her adventures through England! Visit London, a castle, a maze, and more in this forty-page coloring and activity book! These delightful illustrations by Artist Monica Bruenjes are featured in Author M.L. Tarpley's novel, MAYLIE AND THE MAZE, the first book in the Tales of a Travel Girl series, and now you can bring them to life with color!

CHF 13.50

A Split in Time Companion Workbook

Smith, Morgan Tarpley
A Split in Time Companion Workbook
¿¿What are the key elements to writing a time-slip novel? Where do you start in your plot? How do you weave together multiple storylines? The A Split in Time companion workbook helps writers navigate the challenges of writing a novel with two or more storylines. This companion workbook is meant to be utilized along with A Split in Time: How to Write Dual Timeline, Split Time, and Time-Slip Fiction by Melanie Dobson and Morgan Tarpley Smith. ...

CHF 20.50

About Time and other stories

Eikli, M. Amelia
About Time and other stories
When a baby is born, the doctor will say, "Congratulations, it's a girl!" or whatever your child is, quickly followed by, "Do you want the display?" The parents will cry, hug each other and the baby, and most of them will say, "Yes, of course! Of course, Doctor." And then they will wait anxiously, and hope that the baby's time doesn't run out while the display is being connected. Sometimes it does, of course. They give you your money back, the...

CHF 17.90

Thief of Silver and Souls

Chase, Eva
Thief of Silver and Souls
What if it takes a monster to save a kingdom? I'll never forget the sight of my little sister's lifeless body-or that my rogue magic killed her. Sorcery like mine is punishable by death. So I live in the shadows, stealing from the corrupt to give to the needy. Maybe a little good can wash the blood from my hands. It seems like a decent plan... until I try to help a dying noblewoman and somehow steal her soul instead. Now her ghost is d...

CHF 43.90

Une sombre victoire

Chase, Eva
Une sombre victoire
Quand la vie vous offre des démons, autant semer la destruction. Je pensais que je voulais savoir ce que j'étais. Maintenant que j'ai découvert que les réponses ne sont pas si jolies, il s'avère qu'il n'y a pas de retour en arrière possible. Les monstres les plus puissants du monde craignent cette voleuse mortelle. Malheureusement, cela signifie qu'ils sont déterminés à supprimer mon existence. Le démon qui était mon meilleur allié est pri...

CHF 31.50