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718 Ergebnisse - Zeige 701 von 718.

The Commanders' Mate

Goodwin, Grace
The Commanders' Mate
Commander Karter is a Prillon Warrior. His first duty is to protect his people, to defend the Coalition worlds from a fate too terrible to comprehend. Battle is his life. His heart. He fights. He has never once been selfish enough to believe he deserved an Interstellar Bride. Until he's matched at the worst possible time.Astronomer Erica Roberts has always dreamed of seeing the stars. Volunteering as an Interstellar Bride is a win-win, not onl...

CHF 26.50

Her Mate's Secret Baby

Goodwin, Grace
Her Mate's Secret Baby
Natalie Montgomery wants a new life. While she may be rich, her life is empty. Her parents were never around, too rich and important to be bothered with a child. And when they present her with a emotionless fiancé, she's done. As a volunteer for the Interstellar Bride Program, she is thrilled to arrive on the hot, desert planet of Trion, and in the arms of a seductive warrior who makes her body burn. Roark of Trion is not eager for a mate. Dan...

CHF 27.90

Tamed By The Beast

Goodwin, Grace
Tamed By The Beast
When Tiffani is mated to an Atlan warrior believed lost to mating fever, she will stop at nothing to save him, including sneaking into an Atlan prison to seduce his beast…. Sick and tired of the dead-end path her life is taking, Tiffani Wilson heads to the nearest Interstellar Bride processing center to start over. She's promised an amazing mate, an Atlan Warlord who will not only relish her plus sized body, but heal her lonely heart. Commande...

CHF 26.50

Mastered by Her Mates

Goodwin, Grace
Mastered by Her Mates
Amanda Bryant has been a spy for five long years, but when aliens suddenly appear claiming a deadly enemy threatens Earth's very survival, Amanda is asked by her superiors to accept the most dangerous mission of her life...volunteer to be an alien's bride, to share the strange warrior's bed and then betray him. Accepting the assignment, Amanda is processed as the first Interstellar Bride and transported halfway across the galaxy to her new mat...

CHF 26.50

Dominata dai suoi amanti

Goodwin, Grace
Dominata dai suoi amanti
Amanda Bryant è una spia da ormai cinque anni ma, quando gli alieni sono apparsi all'improvviso annunciando che un nemico mortale minaccia la sopravvivenza della Terra, i suoi superiori le chiedono di accettare la missione più pericolosa della sua vita… proporsi volontaria come sposa di un alieno, condividere il letto con quello strano guerriero e poi tradirlo. Accettato l'incarico, Amanda diviene la prima Sposa Interstellare e viene trasporta...

CHF 19.90

Rivendicata dai suoi amanti

Goodwin, Grace
Rivendicata dai suoi amanti
Volendo disperatamente fuggire da un uomo potente, deciso a far di lei un esempio dopo che ha osato sfidarlo, l'unica opzione di Leah è quella di offrirsi volontaria per il Programma Spose Interstellari. Viene assegnata al pianeta Viken, ma al suo arrivo rimane scioccata: è stata assegnata non ad unico enorme, bellissimo guerriero, ma a ben tre. Drogan, Tor e Lev sono tre gemelli nati nella famiglia reale di Viken, che furono separati alla nas...

CHF 21.50

Domptée par Ses Partenaires

Goodwin, Grace
Domptée par Ses Partenaires
Amanda Bryant est espionne depuis cinq longues années, mais quand des extraterrestres surgissent en prétendant qu'un ennemi mortel menace la survie même de la Terre, ses supérieurs l'incitent à accepter la mission la plus dangereuse de sa vie... se porter volontaire pour épouser un extraterrestre, partager la couche de l'étrange guerrier pour mieux le trahir. La mission acceptée, Amanda est promue première Épouse Interstellaire : elle traverse...

CHF 19.50

Accouplée aux guerriers

Goodwin, Grace
Accouplée aux guerriers
Les circonstances ne lui laissant guère le choix, Hannah Johnson se porte volontaire au Programme des Epouses Interstellaires : la voici accouplée non pas à un, mais à deux partenaires. Ses futurs époux sont des guerriers de la planète Prillon, les hommes y sont réputés pour leur ardeur au combat et au lit. Après avoir traversé toute la galaxie en vaisseau spatial, Hannah se réveille auprès de Zane Deston, l'immense et séduisant au possible Co...

CHF 20.90

Fake Fiancé

James, Jessa
Fake Fiancé
Too much stick has gotten pro hockey star Blake in trouble. Image is everything, and his is playboy persona is about to cost him millions. He needs to clean up his reputation or his career may tank. Blake's new publicist is his worst nightmare. She's smart, sexy and sees right through him. She's the PR genius who insists a fake fiancé is the answer to all his problems.His problem now? He doesn't want anyone but HER.

CHF 14.50

Il compagno prescelto

Goodwin, Grace
Il compagno prescelto
Quando una potenziale minaccia costringe Eva Daily a cercare riparo su un altro mondo, per lei c'è solo un'opzione. Offrire sé stessa al Programma Spose Interstellari. Dopo una valutazione intima e sensuale della sua idoneità, Eva sarà assegnata a un compagno e trasportata sul suo mondo per diventarne la sposa. All'arrivo sul pianeta deserto Trion, Eva ben presto scopre che le cose sono piuttosto diverse da quelle a cui era abituata sulla Terr...

CHF 19.50

Reclamada por sus parejas

Goodwin, Grace
Reclamada por sus parejas
Desesperada por escapar de un hombre poderoso, decidido a hacerla pagar por haberlo desafiado, la única opción de Leah es ofrecerse como voluntaria del Programa de Novias Interestelares. Ella es asignada al planeta Viken, pero, a su llegada, se sorprende al descubrir que ha sido emparejada no solo con un hermoso e inmenso guerrero, sino con tres. Drogan, Tor y Lev nacieron como trillizos idénticos de la familia real de Viken, pero fueron separ...

CHF 19.50

La compagna dei guerrieri

Goodwin, Grace
La compagna dei guerrieri
Quando le circostanze la lasciano senza scelta, Hannah Johnson è costretta a offrirsi volontaria per il Programma Spose Interstellari, ritrovandosi abbinata non ad uno, ma a ben due compagni. I suoi futuri mariti sono guerrieri del pianeta Prillon, un mondo pieno di uomini famosi per la loro abilità tanto in battaglia quanto sotto le lenzuola. Dopo essere stata trasportata su una nave spaziale nel bel mezzo dell'universo, Hannah si risveglia i...

CHF 19.90

Unida a los guerreros

Goodwin, Grace
Unida a los guerreros
Cuando las circunstancias la dejan sin otra opción más que ofrecerse como voluntaria en el Programa de Novias Interestelares, Hannah Johnson es asignada no solo a un compañero, sino a dos. Sus futuros esposos son guerreros del planeta Prillon, un mundo cuyos hombres son conocidos en todos lados debido a su destreza en las batallas y en la cama. Luego de ser transportada en una nave espacial hacia el otro lado de la galaxia, Hannah se despierta...

CHF 21.50

Her Secret Billionaire

James, Jessa
Her Secret Billionaire
He's sworn off women...until he meets her.Jack moved to Alaska for a little peace and quiet, but every week temptation arrives in the form of one beautiful but prickly Anna. Just thinking about how well she handles the stick of her float plane has him wondering how well she would handle him. He needs her out of that plane and in his bed.Anna has a plan...and falling into bed with a sexy, bad boy millionaire hiding out in the woods isn't part o...

CHF 14.50

Son Partenaire Particulier

Goodwin, Grace
Son Partenaire Particulier
Lorsqu'une menace potentielle contraint Eva Daily à se réfugier dans un autre monde, une seule alternative s'offre à elle : participer au Programme des Épouses Interstellaires. Après un test d'aptitudes sensuelles et sexuelles, Eva se verra attribué un partenaire et rejoindra son monde afin de l'épouser. À son arrivée sur la planète déserte Trion, Eva va vite se rendre compte que les choses diffèrent par rapport à la Terre. Un examen poussé de...

CHF 19.50

Pareja asignada

Goodwin, Grace
Pareja asignada
Cuando una potencial amenaza contra su vida obliga a Eva Daily a buscar refugio en otro mundo, solo le queda una opción disponible. Debe postularse al Programa de Novias Interestelares. Después de una valoración íntima y sensual de su idoneidad, a Eva se le asignará una pareja y se la transportará a ese mundo para convertirse en su novia. Al llegar al planeta desierto de Trion, Eva pronto descubre que las cosas son mucho más diferentes de lo q...

CHF 19.50

An einen Partner vergeben

Goodwin, Grace
An einen Partner vergeben
Als eine mögliche Bedrohung ihres Lebens Eva Daily dazu zwingt, auf einer anderen Welt Zuflucht zu suchen, hat sie nur eine Wahl. Sie muss sich dem Interstellaren Bräute-Programm anbieten. Nach einem sinnlichen und intimen Eignungstest bekommt Eva einen Partner zugewiesen und wird auf seine Welt transportiert, um seine Braut zu werden.Nach der Ankunft auf dem Wüstenplaneten Trion lernt Eva schon bald, dass die Dinge hier ganz anders laufen, al...

CHF 17.90

The Commanders' Mate

Goodwin, Grace
The Commanders' Mate
Commander Karter is a Prillon Warrior. His first duty is to protect his people, to defend the Coalition worlds from a fate too terrible to comprehend. Battle is his life. His heart. He fights. He has never once been selfish enough to believe he deserved an Interstellar Bride. Until he's matched at the worst possible time.Astronomer Erica Roberts has always dreamed of seeing the stars. Volunteering as an Interstellar Bride is a win-win, not onl...

CHF 19.50