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761 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Our New Team Member - Kaain ara tiim ae boou (Te Kiribati)

Arebonto, Kirata / Reyes, Romulo
Our New Team Member - Kaain ara tiim ae boou (Te Kiribati)
One morning Kirataa, Tauri, Wate and Toa went to play football at the field. Wate saw Teni hiding in the bush, he asks her to join them. The four of them were happy to play woth Teni. A uti n nako n te marae Kirataa, Tauri, Wate ao Toa bwa a na butibooro. E noora Teni Wate ao e kairia bwa a na takaakaro ma ngaia. A kukurei ngaia ni kaaman n kaira Teni n aia takaakaro. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make k...

CHF 14.90

The Birthday - Te Rekenibong (Te Kiribati)

Tooma, Benian / Carl Segura, Jovan
The Birthday - Te Rekenibong (Te Kiribati)
Koru sat with his birthday cake in front of him. It's a celebration for his 21st birthday. There were lots of people coming for the celebration. The people were uncomfortable at first because there were not enough chairs for everyone, but in the end, everyone was comfortable and happy. E tekateka Koru ma ana keeke i matana. E nang rungaaki ana ka 21 n ririki. A bon rangi ni mwaiti aika a roko n tain te bootaki. A mweengabuaka n te moan tai bwa...

CHF 14.90

Life is More Important - E Kakaawaki riki maium (Te Kirib...

K. Rubeiariki, Tebaibure / Musa, Giward
Life is More Important - E Kakaawaki riki maium (Te Kiribati)
Tintoo was the best sport player, and had taken part in many events and that when he fainted. He wants to continue his events, but his team captain told him to rest. His life is more important that the game. Tintoo bon te teeinimwaane ae te tia takaakaro n te kiba are e anaanau. A mwaiti ana takakaaroo ngaia ae e a tong bwa e a bon rangi ni kua. E kan reitaanako ana takaakaro ma e tuangaki iroun aia kaaben n aia tiim bwa e na motirawa moa. E k...

CHF 14.90

Taranrenga and her Caterpillar - Taranrenga ma ana nimwat...

Remi, Teuia / Bitar, Camila
Taranrenga and her Caterpillar - Taranrenga ma ana nimwatoi (Te Kiribati)
Taranrenga found a caterpillar and keeps it as a pet. She feeds the caterpillar and looks after it so well. One day she couldn't find her caterpillar but sees a beautiful butterfly instead. E noora te nimwatoi Taranrenga ao e kaawakinna bwa ana man. E kaamwarakea raoi ana nimwatoi ao n tararuaia raoi. N te bong teuana ao ai aakea ana nimwatoi ma e a noora te bwebwe ae e rangi n tamaaroa. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in i...

CHF 14.90

Cooking a Delicious Fish - Kuukanakin te ika ae kangkang ...

Baraniko, Kiakia / Connoughton, Niamh
Cooking a Delicious Fish - Kuukanakin te ika ae kangkang (Te Kiribati)
Maria is keen in cooking. She was taught to cook by her mother Tebikea, who is a fine cook herself. Maria is happy, as she now knows how to cook a delicious fish. Maria bon te teeinnaine ae e taatangira te kuuka.E reireinaki ni kuua iroun tinana ae Nei Tebikea ae bon te tia kuuka. E kukurei Maria bwa e a bwaati aron kuukanakin te ika ae e kangkang irouna. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge avai...

CHF 14.90

Good Behaviours - Anuan Mareko aika raraoi (Te Kiribati)

Tamango, Mautaake / Mohanta, Amit
Good Behaviours - Anuan Mareko aika raraoi (Te Kiribati)
Mareko is a young boy who is obedient and respectful. He always does his chores, and help baby-sit his little brother. He also teaches his little brother to respect others. Mareko bon te teinimmwaane ae e rangi n ongotaeka ao e bwaina te karinerine. E aki toki ni kaakaraoi tabena, e buooka tinana ao e tobwaa tarina ae e uareereke. E aki naba toki n reireina tarina maiuakinan te karinerine. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in...

CHF 14.90

Safety on Marakai - Maurin Marakei (Te Kiribati)

Tiabee, Araieta / Golomutko, Nik
Safety on Marakai - Maurin Marakei (Te Kiribati)
Ati and Kaboo were both guest on Marakei. They toured the island, Ati followed rounded the island from the right hand and Kaboo followed the left. They met each other halfway through the island where Kaboo fell dead but nothing happened to Ati. Until these days, guests must go around the island to their right or anti-clockwise. Ati ao Kaboo bon iruwaa i Marakei. A raauniia te aba ao e toua angaataina Ati ao Kaboo e toua maingina. A kaitiboo n ...

CHF 14.90

The Missing Eggs - Bunimoa aika bua (Te Kiribati)

Tumoa, Ruiti / Robert Azuelo, John
The Missing Eggs - Bunimoa aika bua (Te Kiribati)
Titen has a hen, when one day he realized that the hen had laid five eggs. On the third week the eggs missing. What happened to Titen's eggs? Iai ana moa aine Titen, ao n te taina e a nooria bwa e a bung. N te kateniua ni wiiki ao e a kunea bwa a bua ana bunnimoa. E rangi n nanokaawaki ngkai a bua ana bunnimoa. Teraa ae e riki nakon ana bunnimoa Titen? Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge availab...

CHF 14.90

My Ukulele - Au ukirere (Te Kiribati)

Tumoa, Ruiti / Carl Segura, Jovan
My Ukulele - Au ukirere (Te Kiribati)
A girl named Titaa loves to sing with her purple ukulele most of the time. She likes to sing with her ukulele anywhere she goes, but she likes the beach more and looking at the sunset most of all. E taatangiria Titaa n anene ma ana ukirere ae e beeboo n angiin te tai. E mwaiti taabo aika e taatangiria n anene iai ma ana ukirere, ma e bon rangi n taatangiria riki n tekateka i aon te bike ao n kakaitaraa bungin taai. Your purchase of this book s...

CHF 14.90

It's Picnic Time - E a boo tain te bikiniki (Te Kiribati)

Tumoa, Ruiti / Musa, Giward
It's Picnic Time - E a boo tain te bikiniki (Te Kiribati)
A young boy went for a picnic with his family and they were having fun playing games and singing. They also build a sand boat and a sand castle. E nako ni bikiniki te teeinimmwaane temanna ma ana utuu ao a rangi ni uunga n takaakaro ao n anene. A katea naba aia booti ao aia baereti man te bikebike. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

CHF 14.90

How Plants Make Food - A kangaa ni karekea kanaia taian a...

Boota, Tekaribwa / Maynard Balinggao, John
How Plants Make Food - A kangaa ni karekea kanaia taian aroka (Te Kiribati)
The teacher explained to the class that plants make their food by taking water through their roots. It then mix these with carbon dioxide from by its leaves, and processed into nutrients by sunlight. Then, it distribute it to other parts of the plants for growth and health. E kabwarabwaraa te tia reirei nakoia ana ataei ae e reke kanan te aroka, man te ran are e katikia man wakaana. E katika te kaabontaaiookitiaaiti mani baana ao ni kaboongana...

CHF 14.90

Transport in Kiribati - Baao ni mwamwananga i aon Kiribat...

Aromata, Teewata / Musa, Giward
Transport in Kiribati - Baao ni mwamwananga i aon Kiribati (Te Kiribati)
We have land, sea and air transports in Kiribati. Riding on these transports is very interesting. A mwaiti ao ni kakaokoro baao ni mwamwananga i Kiribati. Iai baao ni mwamwananga I aon te aba, i taari ao i karawa. E rangi ni kaunga te toka i aon baao ni mwamwananga i Kiribati. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.

CHF 14.90

Helping One Another - Te ibuobuoki i marenara (Te Kiribati)

Tion, Beneteti / Carl Segura, Jovan
Helping One Another - Te ibuobuoki i marenara (Te Kiribati)
Toteri went for a morning walk when he saw one dog wrapped and got stuck. Toteri helped the dog. The next day the dog returned the favour and helped Toteri. E uti n rianna Toteri ngke e a noora naba te kamea ae e baerua n te aroka. E buoka te kamea Toteri ao ni kabwaranakoa. N te bong are i mwiina, e a manga buokaki Toteri iroun te kamea are e a tia ni buokia. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge...

CHF 15.90

Cultural Day at School - Bongin Katein Kiribati n ara rei...

Mareko, Teataake / Diwata Mendoza, Rea
Cultural Day at School - Bongin Katein Kiribati n ara reirei (Te Kiribati)
A girl named Roro and her brother named Tota woke up early in the morning to help their mum get the flowers for their garlands and preparing food. They are going to have a Cultural Day at school. A utimwaaka Roro ma Tota ni kiniki kauee ibukin mwaeia are e na birii tinaia. Bon Bongin Katein Kiribati ae e na karaoaki n aia reirei ngaia are a utimwaaka n buoka katauraoan aia kauee ao baarongaan kanaia. Your purchase of this book supports Library...

CHF 14.90

Tooma Didn't Give Up - E aki bwara nanon Tooma (Te Kiribati)

Abaua, Teborou / Magpantay, Michael
Tooma Didn't Give Up - E aki bwara nanon Tooma (Te Kiribati)
Tooma was a determined fisherman who did not give up. He went fishing but caught nothing, though he tried to find another way of having a catch. Finally, he caught a very big yellowfin tuna. Te tia akawa ae e aki bwaabwara nanona Tooma. E nako n akawa ma akea konana ma e bon keiaki ni kakaaea te anga ae e na reke iai konana. N tokin te tai ao e reke konana te ingimea ae e rangi n takabuubura. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All...

CHF 14.90