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36 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago. Instruction on the Ordo Virginum

Congregation for Religious
Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago. Instruction on the Ordo Virginum
This Instruction establishes the normative principles and the guiding criteria which the Pastors of each diocese and particular Church assimilated to the diocese should apply in the pastoral care of the Ordo virginum. After outlining the biblical foundation and the typical elements of the vocation and witness of consecrated virgins (Part One), the Instruction deals with the specific configuration of the Ordo virginum within the particular Chur...

CHF 18.50

Cor Orans. Instruction on the Implementation of the Apost...

Congregation for Religious
Cor Orans. Instruction on the Implementation of the Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei quaerere on Women's Contemplative Life
The document, prepared on behalf of Pope Francis by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. It contains an Application Instruction of the Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei quaerere, offering "to the Church with particular reference to the monasteries of the Latin rite", with the aim of clarifying the provisions of the law, developing and determining the procedures in its execution.

CHF 18.50

The Gift of Fidelity the Joy of Perseverance

Congregation for Religious
The Gift of Fidelity the Joy of Perseverance
This volume brings together reflections on the problems inherent in fidelity and perseverance in the state of consecrated life. For this reason, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has elaborated some indications or lines of preventive intervention and accompaniment. With this in mind, the present document proposes to provide guidelines which, on the basis of the norms of the Canon Law and of dic...

CHF 21.90

Fratelli tutti. Enzyklika über die Geschwisterlichkeit un...

Papst Franziskus - Jorge M. Bergoglio
Fratelli tutti. Enzyklika über die Geschwisterlichkeit und die soziale Freundschaft
Es ist die neue Enzyklika von Papst Franziskus über die Geschwisterlichkeit, die eines der wichtigsten Themen des Lehramtes und der Beitrag ist, den Franziskus zum religiösen und sozialen Leben der ganzen Welt leistet. Franz von Assisi, der Mann der universalen Geschwisterlichkeit, inspirierte den Papst einmal mehr bei der Redaktion eines lehramtlichen Textes . So wendet sich Franziskus an alle Gläubigen, aber auch an alle Frauen und Männer gu...

CHF 20.90

Curar o mundo

Papa Francisco - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Curar o mundo
O volume recolhe as palavras do Papa Francisco sobre a pandemia de coronavírus pronunciada duranteas Audiências Gerais. Abrange um período de tempo entre 5 de Agosto de 2020 e 23 de Setembro de 2020. Nasceu com o objectivo de preservar e transmitir a intenção expressa pelo Pontífice na conclusão da Audiência Geral de 5 de Agosto de 2020: "É meu desejo reflectir e trabalhar em conjunto, pois seguidores de Jesus que cura, para construir um mundo...

CHF 18.90

Patris corde

Papst Franziskus - Jorge M. Bergoglio
Patris corde
Es geht um den Text des Apostolischen Schreibens von Papst Franziskus anlässlich des 150. Jahrestages der Erklärung des heiligen Josef zum Patron der katholischen Kirche vom seligen Pius IX. am 8. Dezember 1870. Nach Maria, der Mutter Gottes, nimmt kein Heiliger so viel Raum im päpstlichen Lehramt ein wie Josef, ihr Gatte.Die Überlegungen von Papst Franziskus greifen die Botschaft der wenigen in den Evangelien überlieferten Verse auf, um wie s...

CHF 14.50

Candor Lucis aeternae

Papa Francisco - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Candor Lucis aeternae
En esta carta apostólica Papa Francisco celebra el séptimo centenario de la muerte de Dante Alighieri, el poeta que "supo expresar, con la belleza de la poesía, la profundidad del misterio de Dios y del amor" (Introducción) en la obra universal que es la Divina Comedia. Otros Papas ya han hablado de Dante, de su genio artístico y de su profunda fe. De hecho, Dante presenta su viaje del infierno al purgatorio y al paraíso como un camino de rena...

CHF 13.50

Candor Lucis aeternae

Pope Francis - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Candor Lucis aeternae
In this apostolic letter Pope Francis celebrates the seventh centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri, the poet who "knew how to express, with the beauty of poetry, the depth of the mystery of God and love" (Introduction) in the universal work that is the Divine Comedy. Other Popes have already spoken of Dante, of his artistic genius and of his profound faith. In fact, Dante presents his journey from hell to purgatory and paradise as a path o...

CHF 12.90

Patris corde

Pape François - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Patris corde
Il s'agit du texte de la Lettre Apostolique publiée par le Pape François à l'occasion du 150ème anniversaire de la déclaration de Saint Joseph comme Patron de l'Eglise Catholique faite par le Bienheureux Pie IX le 8 décembre 1870. Après Marie, Mère de Dieu, aucun saint n'occupe autant de place dans le magistère papal que Joseph, son époux.Les réflexions du Pape François reprennent le message contenu dans les peux passages des Evangiles sur Sai...

CHF 13.90

Fratelli tutti. Encyclical Letter on Fraternity and Socia...

Pope Francis - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Fratelli tutti. Encyclical Letter on Fraternity and Social Friendship
The volume contains the text of the third Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis "on fraternity and social friendship" signed at Assisi on 3 October 2020. The title is inspired by the writing of St. Francis: "Let us all, brothers, consider the Good Shepherd who to save His sheep bore the suffering of the Cross"(Admonitions, 6, 1: FF 155) and is itself one of the focal points of the magisterium of Francis who from the evening of his election, March ...

CHF 20.90

Sanar el mundo

Papa Francisco - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Sanar el mundo
El volumen recoge las palabras del Papa Francisco sobre la pandemia de coronavirus pronunciadas durante las Audiencias Generales. Abarca un período de tiempo desde el 5 de agosto de 2020 hasta el 23 de septiembre de 2020. Nació con el objetivo de preservar y transmitir la intención expresada por el Pontífice en la conclusión de la Audiencia General del 5 de agosto de 2020: "Es mi deseo reflexionar y trabajar juntos, comoseguidores de Jesús que...

CHF 20.90

Guérir le monde

Pape François - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Guérir le monde
Le volume rassemble les paroles du pape François sur la pandémie de coronavirus prononcées lors deles audiences générales. Il couvre une période allant du 5 août 2020 au 23 septembre 2020. Il estné dans le but de préserver et de transmettre l'intention exprimée par pape François à l'issuede l'audience générale du 5 août 2020 : "C'est mon désir de réfléchir et de travailler ensemble, commedisciples de Jésus qui guérit, pour construire un monde ...

CHF 20.90

Patris corde

Papa Francisco - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Patris corde
Este é o texto da Carta Apostólica emitida pelo Papa Francisco por ocasião do 150º aniversário da declaração de São José como Patrono da Igreja Católica, feita pelo Beato Pio IX em 8 de dezembro de 1870. Depois de Maria, Mãe de Deus, nenhum santo ocupa tanto espaço no Magistério papal como José, seu esposo.As reflexões do Papa Francisco retomam a mensagem contida nos poucos versículos transmitidos nos Evangelhos para destacar ainda mais, assim...

CHF 13.90

Patris corde

Pope Francis - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Patris corde
This is the text of the Apostolic Letter issued by Pope Francis on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of the Catholic Church made by Blessed Pius IX, on December 8, 1870. After Mary, Mother of God, no saint occupies as much space in the papal Magisterium as Joseph, her spouse.Pope Francis' reflections take up the message contained in the few verses of the Gospels about Saint Joseph to further highl...

CHF 13.90

La reciprocidad entre fe y sacramentos en la economía sac...

Comisión Teológica Internacional
La reciprocidad entre fe y sacramentos en la economía sacramental
La relación personal con el Dios trino se realiza mediante la fe y los sacramentos. Entre la fe y los sacramentos se da una ordenación mutua y una circularidad, en una palabra: una reciprocidad esencial. La confesión de fe precede a la celebración sacramental, mientras que la celebración sacramental afianza, sella, fortalece y enriquece la fe. Sin embargo, hoy en día, en la práctica pastoral, esta interacción se encuentra con frecuencia desdib...

CHF 21.90

The Reciprocity between Faith and Sacraments in the Sacra...

International Theological Commission
The Reciprocity between Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy
The personal relationship with the Triune God is realized through faith and the sacraments. Between faith and the sacraments there is a mutual ordination and a circularity, in a word: an essential reciprocity. However, confession of faith precedes sacramental celebration, while sacramental celebration secures, seals, strengthens and enriches faith. Yet today, in pastoral practice, this interaction is often blurred or even ignored. This documen...

CHF 21.90

Scripturae Sacrae affectus

Papa Francisco - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Scripturae Sacrae affectus
El Papa Francisco, con ocasión del 16º aniversario de la muerte de San Jerónimo, el traductor de la Biblia al latín -llamado la Vulgata porque se dirigía a la gente común, que no sabía griego ni hebreo- nos dio una carta apostólica sobre el valor de la Sagrada Escritura para la vida de todos los creyentes en Cristo. El documento está introducido por un ensayo del cardenal Gianfranco Ravasi, gran conocedor de la Sagrada Escritura.

CHF 12.50