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18 Ergebnisse.


Hay, Lucy V
It was supposed to be a summer of fun. What came next was anything but …Jasmine is 17, a fitness freak and neurotic. Her best friend Olivia is Jasmine's polar opposite: overweight and unfit, Olivia is happy in her own skin, despite trouble at home.Best friends since nursery school, Jasmine and Olivia have each other's backs until the glamorous Ellie arrives in town. Rich and popular, Ellie is everything Jasmine is not … but has always wanted t...

CHF 17.50

Edward's Outlaw

Ash, Jennifer
Edward's Outlaw
January 1330: King Edward III's England is awash with the corruption and criminal activity that his mother, Queen Isabella had turned a blind eye to - providing it was to her advantage.Now, having claimed the Crown for his own, Edward is determined to clean up England. Encouraged by his new wife, Philippa of Hainault and her special advisor- a man who knows the noble felons of the countries Midland region very well- King Edward sends a messeng...

CHF 27.50

Outlaw Justice

Ash, Jennifer
Outlaw Justice
England, 1331: Corrupt official, Sir Richard de Willoughby, has been appointed Justice of the Peace, with powers to hunt - and kill - those who oppose him. First on his list? The notorious Coterel brothers and their associates - the Folvilles...The Folvilles, a family of noble felons, must decide whether to flee into outlawry or take the law into their own hands - but is killing de Willoughby really the answer?Robert de Folville is keen to dis...

CHF 23.50

Explosive Begegnung

Amiti, Loreley
Explosive Begegnung
Wie oft muss man sich begegnen, bis man sich für immer erinnert?Ein Unglück in der ehemaligen DDR hat Helena diesmal weiter durch die Zeit reisen lassen als jemals zuvor. Doch es ist nicht ihre eigene Vergangenheit, die sie gerufen hat. Helena hat versehentlich die originale Zeitleiste aus der Balance gebracht und plötzlich breitet sich Chaos aus: Menschen erinnern sich an Dinge, die nie geschehen sind und ein dubioses Regierungsprojekt bedroh...

CHF 23.50

Proof Positive

Hay, Lucy V
Proof Positive
She can choose her future. But she has to do it NOW … On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Lizzie finds herself pregnant. She's literally days away from her exam results and university beckons around the corner. The bright Lizzie has big plans, but can she have the life she wanted, with a baby in tow? What will her family and friends say? And what will the baby's father choose to do: stay out of it or stand by her?… What if you could see eve...

CHF 16.90

The Winter Outlaw

Ash, Jennifer
The Winter Outlaw
1329: It is the dead of winter. The notorious Folville brothers are on edge. There are rumours of an unknown outlaw terrorising the Leicestershire countryside-a man who has designs on the Folville family's criminal connections. Determined to stop this usurper in his tracks, Robert Folville unearths a man hiding in one of Ashby-Folville's sheep shelters. A steward from far-off West Markham in Nottinghamshire, the cold, hungry Adam Calvin claims...

CHF 23.50

The Outlaw's Ransom

Ash, Jennifer
The Outlaw's Ransom
When potter's daughter Mathilda is kidnapped by the notorious Folville brothers as punishment for her father's debts, she fears for her life. Although of noble birth, the Folvilles are infamous throughout the county for using crime to rule their lands-and for using any means necessary to deliver their distinctive brand of 'justice'. Mathilda must prove her worth to the Folvilles in order to win her freedom.To do so, she must go against her ins...

CHF 15.90

Romancing Robin Hood

Kane, Jenny
Romancing Robin Hood
When you're in love with a man of legend, how can anyone else match up?Dr Grace Harper has loved the stories of Robin Hood ever since she first saw them on TV as a teenager. Now, with her fortieth birthday just around the corner, she's a successful academic in Medieval History-but Grace is stuck in a rut. Grace is supposed to be writing a textbook on a real-life medieval criminal gang-the Folvilles-but instead she is captivated by a novel she'...

CHF 20.90

Die Mondlaterne

Amiti, Loreley
Die Mondlaterne
„Neue Dinge haben etwas Magisches!", behauptet Mama. Doch Layla und ihr stets miesmuffeliger Kater sind sich da nicht so sicher. Die erste Nacht im neuen Haus ist einfach nur furchtbar und Laylas Geschenk, eine hässliche, alte Laterne, stimmt die beiden nicht gerade zuversichtlicher. Doch als sich die verpönte Laterne plötzlich als magisch herausstellt, entdecken die beiden Freunde etwas Wunderbares. Vielleicht hatte Mama letztendlich doch Rec...

CHF 22.50

Höllenlärm an Halloween

Amiti, Loreley
Höllenlärm an Halloween
Lukas ist der mutige Anführer aller Katzen des Nordens von Exeter. Nun ja, das behauptet er zumindest … In der Halloween-Nacht beschließt er, die gefürchteten Hunde des Südens zu besiegen, indem er eine große Katzengespenster-Armee herbeiruft. Doch Fergus, ein kampferprobter Hund des Südens, hat Ähnliches im Sinn und plötzlich gehen ihre Pläne gründlich schief. Eine lustige Geschichte über Mut und neue Freundschaften. Ein zauberhaftes Buch, da...

CHF 21.50

El Hada Del Solsticio

Amiti, Loreley
El Hada Del Solsticio
Es mediados de diciembre y Tim se siente solo. Cuando le salva la vida a un hada, aprende lo especial que es. De repente, la estación más oscura se convierte en la más luminosa, la más mágica de toda su vida. La cautivadora historia y las preciosas ilustraciones permanecerán en tu corazón incluso cuando hayas cerrado el libro.

CHF 21.90

Halloween Holler

Amiti, Loreley
Halloween Holler
Luke is the brave leader of all the cats in the North of Exeter. Or so he claims… On the night of Halloween, he plans to overthrow the feared dogs of The Unspeakable South by summoning a mighty cat army. But Fergus, a rough dog from the other side of the river, has the same plan and suddenly, things go quite wrong.A funny picture book about being brave and making new friends. An enchanting book with a classic feel that will put a smile on your...

CHF 20.90

Tim und die Winterfee

Amiti, Loreley
Tim und die Winterfee
Es ist Mitte Dezember und Tim fühlt sich einsam. Doch dann macht er eine wunderbare Entdeckung: Er kann Feen sehen! Als eine ganz besondere Fee Tims Hilfe braucht, beginnt die magischste Zeit seines Lebens. Ein Buch über das Anderssein und die Freude an Verantwortung. Eine wunderschöne Geschichte, die Freude bringt. Ein Buch von zeitloser Magie.

CHF 21.50

La Fatina del Solstizio

Amiti, Loreley
La Fatina del Solstizio
Nella stagione più buia dell'anno il mondo di Tim diventa più luminoso e più magico che mai.E' la metà di dicembre e tutti vanno di fretta. Tim si sente solo, ma d'un tratto scopre qualcosa di magico. Non solo è in grado di vedere le fate, ma salva anche la vita di una di esse che trasformerà la stagione buia nel momento più luminoso di tutta la sua vita.Una vicenda a lieto fine che vi scalderà il cuore. Una storia affascinante e di ispirazion...

CHF 21.90


Amiti, Loreley
Nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer im Jahr 1989 sucht Werner seine ehemalige Patientin Helena auf. Doch diese hat während einer Zeitreise ihre Vergangenheit geändert und erinnert sich nicht an ihn. Helena wohnt nun mit ihrer leiblichen Mutter Hannelore in Ostberlin und führt ein vollkommen anderes Leben. Plötzlich taucht jedoch ein mysteriöser Zeitreisender auf, der behauptet, dass Hannelore sterben muss, um das Schicksal wieder in richtige Bahn...

CHF 22.50

The Moon Lantern

Amiti, Loreley
The Moon Lantern
A funny picture book about moving house and the beauty of change. "New things can be magical, " claims Mummy. But Layla and her notoriously grumpy cat aren't so sure about that. So far, their first night in the new house has been awful and Layla's present, an ugly old lantern, doesn't cheer them up at all. When they discover its magic though, everything changes and maybe Mummy was right, after all... A feel-good story that will warm your heart...

CHF 23.50

The Solstice Fairy

Amiti, Loreley
The Solstice Fairy
It's the middle of December and everyone is rushing about. Tim is lonely, but then he discovers something magical. Not only can he see fairies, he gets the chance to save the life of a special fairy, who turns the dark season into the brightest time of his life. A feel-good story that will warm your heart even after you close the book. An enchanting book with a classic feel.

CHF 21.90

Die Spuren der Fremden

Amiti, Loreley
Die Spuren der Fremden
Helena reist durch die Zeit. Immer wieder führt es sie an dieselben Orte zurück. Doch ihre ungewollten Zeitreisen bringen ihr gewaltigen Ärger in ihrem eigenen Leben im westdeutschen Frankfurt des Jahres 1984. Weder die ertrinkende Frau im englischen Lynmouth des Jahres 1952, noch die Flucht einer ostdeutschen Hörgeschädigten aus der DDR im Jahr 1956 ergeben für Helena einen Sinn. Darüber hinaus taucht immer wieder der aggressive, unheimliche ...

CHF 20.90