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187 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

L'Histoire de la Redemption

G. White, Ellen
L'Histoire de la Redemption
Cette édition est un parfait condensé de la série : "La Grande Controverse". La présente édition est en GROS caractères d'imprimerie, parfaite pour la lecture. Original complet. Un commentaire historique et comment le conflit se développe depuis l'époque d'Adam jusqu'à la culmination du péché.

CHF 52.50


G. White, Ellen
Ce classique sur l'éducation énonce l'idée unique et stimulante que "le travail éducatif et celui de la rédemption ne font qu'un." Le but ultime de tout apprentissage doit être de mieux comprendre notre Créateur-Rédempteur et de refléter cette compréhension dans nos vies personnelles. Dans ses écrits sur ce sujet, Ellen White était préoccupée, non pas par les détails du programme éducatif mais par de grands principes directeurs. Le résultat es...

CHF 40.50

Last Day Events

Last Day Events
As a further effort to "keep this subject before the people, " we have prepared the present volume, Last Day Events. Many of the citations in this book have been drawn from previously published Ellen White sources, but a fair percentage of the materials have never before been published. While we have not included all of Ellen White's statements on earth's closing events, we have endeavored to include the most significant ones. Difficult questi...

CHF 42.90

The Truth About Angels

White, Ellen G.
The Truth About Angels
This book deals with a subject of worldwide interest. In unprecedented numbers, television programs feature purported accounts of angel involvement in human affairs. Tabloid newspapers publish stories about numerous reported sightings of extraterrestrial visitors. Bookstores display shelf after shelf of volumes dealing with the supernatural, and sales are brisk. In every land people are asking questions such as, if angels actually exist, who a...

CHF 43.90

Los Hechos de los Apóstoles Letra Grande

G. de White, Elena
Los Hechos de los Apóstoles Letra Grande
La Mejor biografía de los Apóstoles, un comentario bíblico e histórico del libro de los Hechos. "Los Hechos de los Apóstoles" escrito por Elena G. de White. Texto COMPLETO, NO ADULTERADO Y SIN LENGUAJE INCLUSIVO. Ahora en un nuevo tamaño (A4) y con letra grande y cómoda para leer sobre todo en aquellas personas que tienen problemas con la vista.

CHF 86.00

True Revival For the Last Day Events

White, Ellen G.
True Revival For the Last Day Events
Why this book on revival and its fruitage? Many today have a hunger for something more than just "playing church" and going through the motions of the Christian life. They want a genuine experience with Christ-for themselves and for the church.In these pages you will find Ellen G. White addressing these longings, pointing the way to that deeper experience and warning of some pitfalls along the way. She shows that God is calling those who say t...

CHF 23.50

Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing Original BIG Print Ed...

White, Elllen G.
Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing Original BIG Print Edition
The Sermon on the Mount is Heaven's benediction to the world-a voice from the throne of God. It was given to mankind to be to them the law of duty and the light of heaven, their hope and consolation in despondency, their joy and comfort in all the vicissitudes and walks of life. Here the Prince of preachers, the Master Teacher, utters the words that the Father gave Him to speak.This volume also includes inspirational thoughts regarding Christ'...

CHF 28.90


White, Ellen
This book called "Temperance" (BIG Print (A4) Original Text Edition without inclusive language) was a favorite theme of Mrs. Ellen G. White, both in her writings and in public discourse. In many of her articles which appeared in denominational journals through the years, and in manuscripts and letters of counsel addressed to both workers and laity, she urged Seventh-day Adventists to practice temperance and to promote vigorously the temperance...

CHF 45.90

Caminho a Cristo

G. White, Ellen
Caminho a Cristo
O amor de Deus é descrito neste livro de forma surpreendente. Seu raio de ação se estende a todas as idades, etnias e classes sociais. Seu objetivo é eliminar as barreiras que limitam o crescimento humano e conduzir as pessoas a uma extraordinária experiência de vida com Cristo. A+ size (A4)Agora em letra grande (15pt)

CHF 17.90

Christ in his Sanctuary

Christ in his Sanctuary
Christ in his Sanctuary is the first book of a series called "Ellen G. White books on Salvation". This volume examine the foundation of the sanctuary and the doctrine of the 2, 300 days of Daniel 8:14. Excellent compilation and now in a BIG PRINT EDITION (A4) (15pt).**Complete text, No inclusive language.

CHF 35.90

The Welfare Ministry

G. White, Ellen
The Welfare Ministry
Welfare Ministry presents spirit of prophecy instruction in the delicate work of reaching hearts and winning souls through neighborly kindness. This is a type of soul-winning ministry with which many Seventh-day Adventists are but casually acquainted-yet a work ordained of God as the most appropriate means of bringing Christ and Christianity to the attention of the peoples of the world. It is a work that promises rich rewards. Original edition...

CHF 46.50

The Adventist Home

White, Ellen
The Adventist Home
The Adventist Home by Ellen G. White, A NEW BIG Print Edition (A4) plus large size (15) letter. Perfect to those people that have problems with vision.The Adventist home is a home where Seventh-day Adventist standards and practices are lived and taught, a place to which Seventh-day Adventist fathers and mothers are commissioned by Christ to go and make Christians of the members of their own households. And in order to perform that task well, S...

CHF 53.50

1844 Hecho Simple

Goldstein, Clifford
1844 Hecho Simple
1844 Hechos Simple explica de manera precisa y concisa la profecía mas extensa de la Biblia: Los 2, 300 días de Daniel 8:14. Perfecto para comprender el mensaje de 1844 y el surgimiento de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día y su enfoque bíblico.

CHF 32.50

El Deseado de Todas las Gentes

de White, Elena G.
El Deseado de Todas las Gentes
La Mejor biografía de Jesucristo catalogado por la Biblioteca Nacional del Congreso de los Estados Unidos. "El Deseado de Todas las Gentes" escrito por Elena G. de White. Texto COMPLETO, NO ADULTERADO Y SIN LENGUAJE INCLUSIVO. Ahora en un nuevo tamaño (A4) y con letra grande y cómoda para leer sobre todo en aquellas personas que tienen problemas con la vista.

CHF 96.00

Cristología en los Escritos de Elena G. de White

Larson, Ralph
Cristología en los Escritos de Elena G. de White
Existe un debate actual en la iglesia Adventista acerca de la naturaleza de Cristo. Preguntas tales como: ¿Tomó Jesús la naturaleza caída del hombre? o ¿la naturaleza no caída de Adán? ¿fue Jesus tentado como nosotros? ¿Era verdaderamente Dios en la carne? ¿podemos vencer el pecado o siempre morará en nosotros? Este libro, escrito por un buen conocedor de los escritos de la señora White, el Dr. Ralph Larson nos muestra de manera inequívoca el ...

CHF 49.90

De la Ciudad al Campo

de White, Elena G.
De la Ciudad al Campo
Los consejos del Espíritu de Profecía insisten repetidamente en los beneficios que ofrece la vida de campo. Las nubes anunciadoras de tormenta señalan cuán apropiada es la repetida exhortación a abandonar las ciudades. Todo adventista consciente se da cuenta de que las aglomeraciones, las tentaciones y los crecientes conflictos laborales que se presentan en la vida de la ciudad no ofrecen un ambiente saludable para las familias cristianas. Aho...

CHF 21.90

El Perfil de la Crisis Venidera

Mansell, Donald E.
El Perfil de la Crisis Venidera
La Biblia es su mapa de alta mar. Este libro es un estudio del Espiritu de Profecia, el mapa del puerto. Lo ayudara a obtener una vision mas clara de lo que nos espera en la crisis venidera. Tambien lo ayudara a entender como se relacionan entre si los eventos finales.

CHF 33.50

El Vaticano contra Dios

Milenarios, Los
El Vaticano contra Dios
Desde la óptica de obispos y sacerdotes dentro del vaticano, esta obra "El Vaticano contra Dios" se confirma los hechos corruptos e inimaginables de la mal llamada "Santa Sede". Un libro que despertará la conciencia de todo católico.

CHF 49.90

Vindicating Shakespeare

Byk, Stephen
Vindicating Shakespeare
A thorough and insightful analysis of Shakespeare's play. A must-read for professionals and students alike." - Explore Authors MagazineProfessional theatre director and educator, Stephen Byk uses methods specifically designed and developed by theatre artists and theorists in this investigative analysis of Shakespeare's work. Vindicating Shakespeare approaches the play as a work of theatre art to be performed, not as a static literary artifact....

CHF 24.90

Help in Daily Living

White, Ellen G.
Help in Daily Living
Are you searching for life above the ordinary? Do you want true and lasting relationships, a genuine godly character, and a practical everyday faith that fills your life and the lives of those you touch with blessings? Then this powerful booklet is exactly what you need. Each chapter is a veritable mine of rich gems, worthy of recounting again and again as you face the practical realities of getting along with yourself, with others, and with G...

CHF 18.50