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50 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Les Jeunes Annèes (The Early Years)

Carrington, Rachel G.
Les Jeunes Annèes (The Early Years)
The Early Years est un mémoire nostalgique, réconfortant, passionné et aimant d'un couple qui s'aimait et dont le principal objectif dans la vie était d'offrir un avenir meilleur à sa famille en s'élevant au-dessus des difficultés de sa propre vie tout en grandissant. Dans ce récit bien écrit de leurs juenes années, nous voyons un couple qui a beaucoup sacrifié pour ses enfants par son travail acharné et sa détermination tout en faisant confia...

CHF 25.90

Taotie Folding

Lu, Keh-Ming
Taotie Folding
Taotie model has only a head but no body. This book offers clearly creased diagrams and step-by-step instructions explain how to create 150 different Taotie models.

CHF 39.50

Polyiamonds Folding

Lu, Keh-Ming
Polyiamonds Folding
The unfolded three-dimensional deltahedra are polyiamonds. This book offers step-by-step instructions explain how to fold polyiamonds into deltahedra with 12 faces or less.

CHF 31.50

Journey From Brooklyn

Garrahan, David
Journey From Brooklyn
Journey From Brooklyn is a memoir. It recounts the history of his life from age 2 to 82. Born into a dysfunctional family with a mentally unstable mother and an absentee alcoholic father. The author was homeless in Brooklyn at age six, sleeping in churches and stealing food to survive. From 1944 to 1952 he sells newspapers and shines shoes in Brooklyn to provide for food and pay the $17 monthly rent. In 1952, his mother sits the author and his...

CHF 47.90

Be Who You Are

Marcoux, Henri
Be Who You Are
The book explores the dynamics of correct weight management by any person with weight issues to start owning up to the fact a person is fat because at some level they want to be fat. Until that cycle is broken by owning up to this desire, there is no chance of realistic success that is permanent. Being on a weight loss diet your whole life is not an answer. Once the pattern to "need" to be fat is broken, weight loss and weight management is ea...

CHF 20.50

Bach and the Baroque

Newman, Anthony
Bach and the Baroque
Most articles written about performance practice deal with relatively small areas (trills, over dotting, etc.) placing emphasis on citing original sources or collating several original sources in order to support a given position. There is not sufficient information in these articles to deal with all aspects of Baroque style. This text was built on the premise that as many conclusions as possible should be drawn from the sources themselves. Le...

CHF 32.50

Les Jeunes Annèes (The Early Years)

Carrington, Rachel
Les Jeunes Annèes (The Early Years)
The Early Years est un mémoire nostalgique, réconfortant, passionné et aimant d'un couple qui s'aimait et dont le principal objectif dans la vie était d'offrir un avenir meilleur à sa famille en s'élevant au-dessus des difficultés de sa propre vie tout en grandissant. Dans ce récit bien écrit de leurs juenes années, nous voyons un couple qui a beaucoup sacrifié pour ses enfants par son travail acharné et sa détermination tout en faisant confia...

Behind Enemy Lines

Ewuosho, Rev. Mike Kola
Behind Enemy Lines
It is time to go on the defensive! Behind Enemy Lines shows you how to live victoriously in a world system opposed to the things you stand for. The secret of strength in God is found in your everyday activities. It's not what you do occasionally that produces lasting results but what you do regularly. Using the lives of Daniel and his three friends as a source, the author highlights principles that will help you to overcome in a hostile envi...

Real Life Construction Management Guide From A - Z

Soucar, Jamil
Real Life Construction Management Guide From A - Z
I am sure that you heard the following that applies to various careers. What you studied in college and books are great but out herein real life here is how it is done. Well, this book caters to that fact. Not only it explains the various theories but you will read my personal life experience and lessons learned to tell you about how it is implemented in real life, what are the common problems you will fact and how you will solve them. It cove...

CHF 31.50

La Hispaniola

Mendoza, Felix
La Hispaniola
In presenting the novel "La Hispaniola: El Reino del Zombí", I wanted to propose a theory based on common sense. We are in a new millennium. We need to find answers to many questions that have been postponed and hidden. We can no longer do as many historians have done who have kept the garbage under the carpets of museums and presidential palaces. Nor can we do like the ostrich. How is it possible that, being the island of Hispaniola so wealth...

CHF 18.50

Crossing The River

Lebron, Rebecca
Crossing The River
Crossing the River, from one stage of life to another, everyday experience searching for a sense of purpose. My heart was strong the energy from my soul shifted to my sprit which started me on a new path. To those who are looking for their purpose through fear and loneliness and rejection. May you find some peace that l have as you read these poems.

CHF 18.90

The Secrets of Paulina Bonaparte

Mendoza, Felix Dario
The Secrets of Paulina Bonaparte
With this erotic novel, I allow myself to present to readers different facets of the life of a woman who, through her performance, both inside and outside the courts of the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte, became an intriguing figure. His life was a whirlwind within the social structure, both on the island of Corsica where he was born and in the European courts. The social and political turmoil of the French empire that had begun its expansion in...

CHF 30.90

The Secrets of Paulina Bonaparte

Mendoza, Felix Dario
The Secrets of Paulina Bonaparte
With this erotic novel, I present to the readers, different facets of the life of a woman who, became an intriguing figure. She was born in the island of Corsica. The social and political turmoil of the French empire that had begun its expansion in the Western Hemisphere, dragged with it General Victor Enmanuel Leclerc, the Field Marshal of the Army of Napoleon. In the western part of La Hispaniola Island, in the midst of the slave revolution,...

CHF 25.50


Cotten, D. J.
The book was written to show that some pedophiles get away with what they do. In Prague, Quebec, the police are paid to look the other way rather than enforce the law. This book is about a fictitious pedophile who was finally stopped by a potential victim. The author was born in Detroit, Michigan. He has seen first-hand how pedophiles treat children as he heard about a neighbor's daughter. Pedophilia is more pervasive than one thinks. Ther...

CHF 17.90

Daughter of the Sea

Le, Hiep Thi
Daughter of the Sea
An unforgettable Voyage... Memoir of an 8-year old "boat person" who fl ees post-war communist Vietnam in search of a father and brother rumoured to have escaped to the West. Braving sea storms and pirates in a overloaded fi shing boat, Hiep and her younger sister are rescued by British sailors and interned in a series of horrifi c Hong Kong refugee camps. Surviving by their wits, these displaced children of the sea create their own primitive ...

CHF 24.50

La Mordida De Los Perros

Morillo, Mariano B.
La Mordida De Los Perros
LA MORDIDA DE LOS PERROS En los tiempos del caos, Los desplazados sociales eran referidos a los renglones de la periferia, refugiándose aquellos en los mecanismos de la sobrevivencia, donde quien mostraba su fortaleza para resistir, se imponía sobre la mayoría. El estilo de mostrar la crudeza, permitía identificar y distinguir lo sofisticado de lo vulgar, por eso en "La mordida De Los Perros" se presenta un cuadro de la cotidianidad de un...

CHF 34.50

And Snowflakes Will Never Touch the Ground

Rakos, Tanya
And Snowflakes Will Never Touch the Ground
Canadian town of Gray Stone (fictional name), province of Alberta in the twenty-second century. There are no conflicts on earth. The astral world of the Parallel Dimension Society helps people of the earth with their decision-making. People's minds have accepted this easy living style and stopped its creative process. The Earth slowed down its energy transmission into the universe. The universal balance of cosmic energies has been shifted. The...

CHF 25.50


Bradbury, William
This story is about one very withdrawn girl, and one girl who is very out spoken. They met for the first time in school, and start an instant friendship. In a short time, they become separated by a kidnapping and even though separated they still are praying and thinking about the other. After all they go through they find each other again to restart their friendship. Only through prayer does this happen, as they say it is God in their lives.

CHF 27.90

Silhouettes of Time

Das, Maya Mitra
Silhouettes of Time
La poète et écrivain courte Maya Mitra Das est née en Inde et est arrivée aux États-Unis en 1973. Elle a étudié la médecine interne et la pédiatrie en Inde, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis, ce qui lui a valu son M.D. et Phd.D. Elle a reçu sa formation au Downstate Medical Center et au State University Hospital de Brooklyn, New York. Elle a complété deux bourses - une pour le département d'hématologie en oncologie de l'U.C.L.A. Medical Center e...

CHF 30.50

Lily of the Valley

Lebron, Rebecca
Lily of the Valley
Spirituality is an important part of all our lives, if only we could be still long enough to see what the spirits have to show us and hear the whispers of our own soul. This is the message imparted in a series of short stories in Lily of the Valley, Romance of Souls by Rebecca Lebron. Drawing on her own experiences in exploring her deeply felt spirituality and faith, Ms. Lebron has skillfully woven stories of inspiration, hope, peace, and comf...

CHF 19.90