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236 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Forbidden Glory

Cornwall, Judson
Forbidden Glory
Forbidden Glory--Portraits of PrideFrom Praise to Pride----None of us can accurately foresee the changes that time will bring. In 1973, my first book, Let Us Praise, swept across the Charismatic bookstore shelves and conference book tables. We were all excited with the glory of praise and how to release that glory verbally, melodiously, and demonstratively The truths in that book fed praise conventions and worship conferences throughout the Ch...

CHF 30.50

How to Be Rapture Ready

Bennett, Charles L
How to Be Rapture Ready
And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark ..." (Luke 17:26-27). Who was getting married? Fallen angels and human women. The DNA of mankind was being attacked by Satan. The battle of the ages had begun in response to the command of God in Genesis 3:15, that the Seed of the woman would...

CHF 26.50

The Power of the Seed

McDougal, Andrea
The Power of the Seed
We are often oblivious to the exciting things that are about to happen in our lives. Then, suddenly and without warning, God pours down on us blessings that we have not been expecting. It is because the seed has long ago been planted, time has allowed it to be watered and fed, and now the great harvest has come. We can neither understand it or explain it. It's the result of The Power of the Seed.

CHF 24.90

Beyond Soccer

Daughtridge, Rich
Beyond Soccer
Soccer-related Christian devotionalsPractical soccer coaching tips for all age levelsuseful player tips to help improve your game."GOOOOAL!!!!" The sidelines on one side of the field turn into a frenzy of excitement, while on the other side, silence dominates the crowd.From passionate goal scoring celebrations to the look of utter defeat on a goalkeeper's face, SOCCER reveals the spectrum of human emotion like no other sport can.Beyond Soccer ...

CHF 17.50

Stepping Out of the Boat

Callais, Crystal
Stepping Out of the Boat
We all have a boat of comfort we tend to navigate life through, and there are moments in life when the Lord God calls us to step out of our comfort zone and do things we are not always comfortable with. At times, the water is calm and peaceful, so stepping out of the boat in obedience to what He has asked of us is easy, but what if there is a storm present? What if the water seems rough, making it harder to step out of our comfort zone when th...

CHF 24.90

Testimony of a Kept Woman

Newell-Byrd, Jan
Testimony of a Kept Woman
After Jan escaped the physical domestic violence and the emotional and verbal abuse she had endured at the hands of her first husband, she was certain that her life was going to turn around. She married a pastor with whom she could work closely to build a ministry. Their congregation grew, and it truly seemed as if their lives were blessed. But slowly the accusations began to surface that would shatter Jan's world and show her just how deep he...

CHF 36.90

The Diary of an Unwed Mother

Gantling, Coretha
The Diary of an Unwed Mother
One of the major misconceptions of our modern time is that women's bodies belong to them, and they can, therefore, do what they want with them. God has taught us in His Word (see 1 Corinthians 6:15-20), that our bodies belong to Him, and that He is the One who makes all decisions about who will be born and through whom they will be born. So, no, your body does not belong to you, you were bought with a great price. Jesus gave His life for you a...

CHF 15.50

A God Promise

Johnson, Stephanie
A God Promise
The Lord has done so much for me. In all of my years of walking with the Father, He has never let me down. One of my favorite scriptures is in Psalms 18:29-30: "For by thee I have run through a troop, and by my God have I leaped over a wall. As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him." What this means to me is that despite all the obstacles I have had to face and all of the tri...

CHF 24.90

Activating the Promises of God through Prayer

Gautreaux, Debby
Activating the Promises of God through Prayer
Prayer is powerful, but do you know how to pray? We have a wonderful direct line to God through prayer. Prayer helps us grow closer to God and trust Him with our needs. God wants to know those needs. Debby Gautreaux gives you simple tools to activate and increase your prayer life. Through scriptures and examples of her own prayers, she teaches you about:Prayers of ThanksgivingPrayers of PraiseThe Eye of the PropheticMusic and the Holy SpiritDe...

CHF 18.50

The Diary of an Unwed Mother

Gantling, Coretha
The Diary of an Unwed Mother
A lot of emphasis has been placed, in recent years, on unwed mothers, but very little, if anything, has been said or is being said about the young men who have fathered the children of those unwed mothers. Does anyone know or even care what they go through? They are the reason children are birthed into this world through unwed mothers. It is their seed that was implanted in the mother of those unborn babies. Surely their side of the story in i...

CHF 17.90

Think No Evil

Mizell, Taun
Think No Evil
More and more children are being homeschooled these days, many of them by Christian parents, and yet little is available to teach them the basic tenants of the Christian faith. This material was created to help homeschoolers and their parents understand how the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives mankind insight into our core, by revealing our true character, desires and motivations. For many years, Taun Mizell taught Sunday school, as well as Vacati...

CHF 29.90

From Victim to Victory

Newell-Byrd, Jan
From Victim to Victory
From Victim to Victory: How to Recover from the Trauma and Drama of Domestic Abuse is a how-to book, a blueprint, a guide. The experiences of the author qualify her as an expert and primary source after she successfully endured and overcame the victimization of domestic violence and emotional and verbal abuse for more than forty-two years (almost two decades with Husband Number One and twenty-two years with Husband Number Two) without becoming...

CHF 37.50

What Manner of Woman Are You?

Ivey, James
What Manner of Woman Are You?
The strange woman, the silly woman or the virtuous woman ... which one are you?One of the most important questions that must be answered in this life is this: who has God created you to be? This book is a clarion call to ladies of all ages, all stages and all walks of life to take a journey through the Bible to examine the three types of women God speaks about. Learn about the type of woman you should not be, and discover the woman you were de...

CHF 31.90

The Diary of an Unwed Mother

Gantling, Coretha
The Diary of an Unwed Mother
Marie Jones was raised in a Christian family and thrived in childhood. Then, however, when her father left the home and later divorced her mother, Marie felt abandoned and alone and became bitter, angry and resentful - with her parents and also with God. Unfortunately for Marie, it was an extremely vulnerable time in her life, her teenage years, and she soon found herself pregnant. When Marie's boyfriend, John, learned that she was pregnant, h...

CHF 17.50

Seasons of Suddenlies

Fitch, Jerry
Seasons of Suddenlies
In a season of unrelenting assaults upon our nation, schools, churches and seemingly every other fabric of our society, there's another season that has broken out of this darkness and has offered a contrast that cannot be mistaken! This season doesn't bring destruction, it brings hope and deliverance to those who are willing to be constant in their commitment to Christ. The Season of Suddenlies are upon us, and now is the time to capture Heave...

CHF 20.90

Three Nuggets from the River of Life

Voisin, Kim F
Three Nuggets from the River of Life
The three parts of this book represent three revelations given to me by God, and those three revelations deal with the progress of a person who decides to become a follower of Jesus Christ. The first section, 'The Total Redemption of Man, ' concerns what it means to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives and become a born-again Christian. The second section, 'The Battle of the Five, ' concerns how a new-born Christian should relate to th...

CHF 21.50

He Leads Me

Moyer, Mave
He Leads Me
We may never "find" time in our hectic schedule and overflowing day, but let's "make a little time" to be led and hear what Jesus has to say. Its "our choice" what we will or will not do, but I know Jesus wants to spend some time with me and you. He Leads Me could be your key to a deeper place of intimacy.

CHF 25.50

The Art of Legacy

Moyer, Russ
The Art of Legacy
A GOOD MAN LEAVES AN INHERITANCE TO HIS CHILDREN'S CHILDREN" (Proverbs 13:22). We are honorable spiritual parents when our goal is to create longevity and legacy for our children, both natural and spiritual. LEGACY IS ABOUT WHAT LIVES ON BECAUSE OF THE LIFE WE HAVE LIVED.Legacy keeps us focused on the big picture. Concentrating on the long term gives us a structure that ensures the life of the generations to come. As spiritual parents, we are ...

CHF 24.90

Soul Ties

McCoy, Jane P.
Soul Ties
Soul ties is a subject that can be confusing to many and on many different levels as well. I know this because for a long time I didn't understand the biblical definition of soul ties myself. During my research, the Lord has given me a more clear understanding, so I desire to share what I have learned with others."Soul ties is a phrase we use to refer to a spiritual connection between two people or between a person and an animal or thing. What...

CHF 17.50


Thompson, Benton T. III
Life has thrown us all for a loop a time or two. We were handed something that we never saw coming. Bang! Out of nowhere, it just happened, and we were totally caught off guard. Knocked down for a minute or so, we were left flailing, not knowing where or who to turn to. Our world was suddenly turned upside down and inside out, and we couldn't move, nor did we want to. But even though we were not moving, time continued on, and we began feeling ...

CHF 32.50