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10 Ergebnisse.

Carta a Victoria

Sylvan, Vincent
Carta a Victoria
Unase a Vicente en su recorrido a encontrar la mujer desus suenos, y usted podra descubrir sentimientos escondidos en su propio corazon. Lo que empezo como un simple intercambio de e-mails, se transforma en un dialogo de amor dulce y prometedor-de la clase que le da motivos a Vicente a, "desplegar sus alas y volar a horizontes mas altos."Los dos enamorados descubren en esta novela que el romance apenas existe en esta vida moderna, y ellos lo d...

CHF 15.50

Letters to Victoria

Sylvan, Vincent
Letters to Victoria
This poet will enchant you in ways which you have no knowledge yet, this I am sure. I also am happy you walk on the soft carpet of my Riviera with your bare feet, and tenderly feel the delicate flowers that abound in this special place in my soul. But, first things first!

CHF 15.50

The Gypsy and The Bandit

Sylvan, Vincent
The Gypsy and The Bandit
In our city. In daytime. With all the soldiers around in this garrison ! Then he left a note in the body saying he was ready to fight the whole garrison any time or any day. The nerve, the arrogance, the daring, this criminal has ! He is going to kill us all one by one !

CHF 15.50

Lettres Victoria

Sylvan, Vincent
Lettres Victoria
Suivez levoyage de Vincent en recherche de la femme de ses rêves, et vous découvririez desémotions cachées dans votre propre coeur. Ce qui commence par un simple échangede courriels, se transforme en un dialogue lyrique de la promesse la plustendre d'amour--- le genre qui motive Vincent à "défaire ses ailes et voleraux plus grands horizons." Les caractères qui languissent d'amour dans ce roman découvrent que ce quimanque de l'époque moderne es...

CHF 15.50

Romancing Victoria

Sylvan, Vincent
Romancing Victoria
The story continues, realizing after their meeting she is the one he was looking for all his life, Vincent now embarks in body and Soul to enchant the woman he always wanted. He knows poetry is his most powerful tool and pursues this venue, not knowing that the difficult Victoria is also in love with another of his talents, his philosophy. Earlier Victoria broke the code of his cryptic messages, she wanted "all" from Vincent and she thought sh...

CHF 23.90

Imprisoned In the North Pole

Sylvan, Vincent
Imprisoned In the North Pole
Story about a man who committed a crime and sentenced to the North Pole.On board of this boat they call "The Big Barrel", I am approaching this island that I see ahead in the horizon. I am a prisoner of my government for having defended my honor. My fate is not clear to me, but I have a premonition of much hard time is ahead for me in my prison. The sentencing judge said on my trial: "You will be imprisoned for a year in one of our islands in ...

CHF 25.90

Letters to Victoria

Sylvan, Vincent
Letters to Victoria
Join Vincent on his journey to find the woman of his dreams, and you may discover sensitivities hidden in your own heart. What begins as a simple exchange of emails shifts into a lyrical dialogue of loves's sweetest promise - the kind that motivates Vincent to "untie his wings and fly to greater horizons". The lovelorn characters in this novel discover that romance is missing from modern day courtships - and they both want it. While Vincent tr...

CHF 15.50

Almas Gemelas Astrologia La Formula

Sylvan, Vincent
Almas Gemelas Astrologia La Formula
Almas Gemelas, Astrologia, La Fórmula , es el primero de su tipo. Este libro es un mapa que indica el camino para encontrar su pareja especial . Sylvan proporciona una fórmula para que usted llegue en la vecindad de dónde esta persona se encuentra. Una vez usted se comprometa a trabajar a través de los ejercicios simples que se le indica, y sigue la fórmula según el plan de Sylvan, usted encontrará su Alma Gemela en 16 citas de las personas el...

CHF 23.50

Find Your Soulmate Through Astrology

Sylvan, Vincent
Find Your Soulmate Through Astrology
Find Your Soulmate through Astrology is a guide to help you find your perfect match for a loving and lasting relationship. Learn winning methods and strategies for finding your "Special One" . The answer is in the astrological signs. Once you commit to work through the simple guidelines outlined for you and follow the formula invented by Sylvan, you will find your soul mate in sixteen dates or less. Your Soulmate will complete your life and br...

CHF 39.50

Find Your Soulmate Through Astrology

Sylvan, Vincent
Find Your Soulmate Through Astrology
Find your perfect match for a loving and lasting relationship through the astrological signs. By working through the simple guidelines and following the formula invented by Sylvan, readers can find their soulmates in 16 dates or fewer.

CHF 21.50