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20 Ergebnisse.

Life Is a Self-Designed, Personal Growth Seminar

Morgan, Rebecca L.
Life Is a Self-Designed, Personal Growth Seminar
It's not life's events, it's our response to them that determines our happiness. It takes some new perspectives to shift us out of our old thinking that keeps us stuck. This unique book is comprised of Rebecca's original photos from her world travels coupled with her thought-provoking essays based on her observations. It is designed for you to first read and think about each image's quote and how you can use it in your life. Then read the acco...

CHF 37.50

Remarkable Customer Service ... and Disservice

Morgan, Rebecca L
Remarkable Customer Service ... and Disservice
Can Your Team Improve Your Customer's Delight?We like to think our staff are just as good when we aren't around as when we are. But not all of them are. Some are doing downright stupid things to your customers. And driving them away.How do you know what they're doing? You can't always know. But you can regularly reinforce what you want them to do. Not by lecturing at them, nagging and scolding. But by presenting scenarios and discussing them, ...

CHF 30.90

Leadership Lessons from Silicon Valley

Morgan, Rebecca L
Leadership Lessons from Silicon Valley
To be successful leading or responding to disruption depends on deep trust with your team. How can you create a trusting environment that welcomes disruptive change?You'll read key ideas from some of Silicon Valley's most admired companies, like Airbnb, Facebook, Intel, Pixar, and others. You'll learn the details of Google's study of what made its most productive teams. These ideas can be applied to any organization, especially those seeking o...

CHF 43.90

Dipping Your Toe in the Dating Pool

Goddess, Dating
Dipping Your Toe in the Dating Pool
Dipping Your Toe in the Dating Pool: Dive In Without Belly Flopping You've decided you are ready - you want to start dating. Maybe you've already had a few coffee dates with several men. You want to be as successful as possible on your dating adventure. Dipping Your Toe in the Dating Pool: Dive In Without Belly Flopping focuses on getting started on your dating adventures. We cover what you need to know as you begin your journey. Sample chapte...

CHF 31.50

Real Deal or Faux Beau

Goddess, Dating
Real Deal or Faux Beau
Is he a keeper or should you toss him back into the dating pool? You've begun to go out with a man you like but with whom you haven't fallen in love. How do you decide if you should continue seeing him, or to release him because he's not The One? There are things you like about him - maybe even adore - but there are also things that drive you up the wall. Are these deal breakers? Or just reminders that we all have behaviors that loved ones lea...

CHF 31.50

Assessing Your Assets

Goddess, Dating
Assessing Your Assets
Are you clear why you're such a great catch? You have many wonderful qualities. But it's easy to focus on your flaws - at least what seem like flaws to you. However, to the right man your imperfections are endearing, attractive and loveable. You have to be clear what you offer to a man who will find you enchanting. Assessing Your Assets helps you look at what you bring to a new relationship. It will help you see your good points so you'll appr...

CHF 31.50

Winning at the Online Dating Game

Goddess, Dating
Winning at the Online Dating Game
Demystify online dating Internet dating can be frustrating or fruitful. It will be less exasperating if you know how to read and weed out unsuitable men's profiles. And you'll have a steady flow of potential suitors if you can write a compelling profile. Online dating sites can be daunting for newbie midlife daters. How do you navigate the catalog of potential sweeties and connect with those likely to be a fit? How do you learn the secret code...

CHF 30.90

Date or Wait

Goddess, Dating
Date or Wait
Are You Ready for a Special Man in Your Life Again? You have a great life. But you know you'd like a special man to share it. You think you're ready to date, but you haven't done it in a while. Date or Wait is full of lessons, stories, insights and advice from a fellow midlife woman - the Dating Goddess - who dated 91 men in 3.5 years after her 20-year marriage dissolved. You'll see how having an accepting and curious attitude can turn virtual...

CHF 31.50

Multidating Responsibly

Goddess, Dating
Multidating Responsibly
Dating around does not mean sleeping around Playing the field is frowned on in some circles. There are definitely appropriate and inappropriate ways to date several men simultaneously. And unlike common opinion, it does not mean you are a skank! In fact, multidating can be a sound strategy for finding someone with whom you want to be exclusive. Since so many first dates are also last dates, it makes sense to have several men in the pipeline at...

CHF 29.90

Moving on Gracefully

Goddess, Dating
Moving on Gracefully
Survive a breakup with as little angst as possible "Breaking up" sounds so high school, doesn't it? But part of the dating process at any age is clearly communicating when one decides not to see the other anymore. Going "poof" - not returning emails, texts, calls, or IMs - is not a mature or respectful choice. But as the song says, breaking up is hard to do - at least hard to do right! "Right" means sensitively, respectfully, without drama and...

CHF 30.90

From Fear to Frolic

Goddess, Dating
From Fear to Frolic
Get naked with a new man? Oh, my! Many midlife women say they're interested in having a special man in their life, but they're not sure about sex. They may not have been sexual with anyone other than their husband. And it might have been decades since they've been intimate with anyone - and it's a tad scary to think about getting naked with a new man at this stage of life. After child bearing and perhaps some extra pounds - not to mention grav...

CHF 30.90

Ironing Out Dating Wrinkles

Goddess, Dating
Ironing Out Dating Wrinkles
Do you get steamed discussing relationship challenges with your beau? Nearly all relationships have some ups and downs. Part of getting to know a man is seeing how he works through relationship misunderstandings. What should you look for when you have a disagreement? How can you determine if he's self-absorbed vs. flexible, loving and unselfish? What can you learn from a fight? Everyone has hot buttons. Your sweetie may trigger feelings left o...

CHF 30.90

First-Rate First Dates

Dating, Goddess
First-Rate First Dates
You can tell a lot about a man within the first 30 minutes. You met on a dating site - or it's a blind date set up by well-meaning friends. He sounded nice enough to want to get to know him better. Does he show up need and well-groomed or ill-kempt? Late or on time? What does he talk about? Does he ask you questions? If so, what does he want to know about you? What do you need to know about him? How does he treat you? How does he treat those a...

CHF 31.50

Check Him Out Before Going Out

Goddess, Dating
Check Him Out Before Going Out
Don't waste time with men who aren't a possible match Save yourself from dead-end dates by vetting potential suitors before you agree to even coffee. If you want to minimize time spent with men who clearly aren't a match, screen contacts through email and the phone. Converse several times before agreeing to even coffee. Under the cloak of anonymity that email and the phone provides, men often reveal more than they intend. If you ask the right ...

CHF 30.90

Embracing Midlife Men

Dating Goddess / Dating
Embracing Midlife Men
Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behaviors Do you sometimes scratch your head after interacting with a midlife man, wondering, "What could he possibly be thinking?" Especially if it's before, during or after a date with a man who presumably wants to impress you! Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behaviors focuses on better understanding midlife men's behaviors. When you grasp what's going on in his head it's much easier ...

CHF 30.90

In Search of King Charming

Goddess, Dating
In Search of King Charming
What do you really want in your next love? In midlife, you want different attributes in a man than when you were younger. You are no longer looking for "Prince" Charming because you are a queen - what would you do with a prince after the allure of a boy toy wore off? Yes, it's nice to be worshiped, but really - you want someone who is at your level, not groveling at your feet. You want a king - someone who's your equal and with whom you can ru...

CHF 31.50

Life's Lessons Insights and Information for a Richer Life

Morgan, Rebecca L.
Life's Lessons Insights and Information for a Richer Life
Life's Lessons is a mixture of philosophy and practical ideas. It's a compendium of astute essays on the lessons life provides us and how to use these teachings to create a richer life. Rebecca imparts her wit and wisdom in this captivating book. She shares her common and uncommon experiences to spawn sage lessons: . Giving yourself a motivational talk . Borrowing courage . Creating your own paradise . Giving up good for better . Seeing the pa...

CHF 20.90

Remarkable Customer Service ... and Disservice

Morgan, Rebecca L
Remarkable Customer Service ... and Disservice
Can Your Team Improve Your Customer's Delight? We like to think our staff are just as good when we aren't around as when we are. But not all of them are. Some are doing downright stupid things to your customers. And driving them away. How do you know what they're doing? You can't always know. But you can regularly reinforce what you want them to do. Not by lecturing at them, nagging and scolding. But by presenting scenarios and discussing them...

CHF 24.50

Grow Your Key Talent

Morgan, Rebecca L
Grow Your Key Talent
Are your best performers ready to step up? Surveys show that top employees want to grow, learn and acquire new skills. They value development and want to be continuously sharpening their expertise. Many executives believe that only HR needs to think about how to expand their staff's competence. By completely offloading this they stunt their company's growth. This book helps you examine what to consider when helping your people successfully tak...

CHF 21.50