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30 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment Strategies

M, Maria
Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment Strategies
In the domain of oncology, the mission for successful and creative disease treatment procedures has arrived at a significant second. "Altering Malignant growth Therapy Systems" investigates the state of the art progressions that are reshaping the scene of disease care and carrying newly discovered desire to patients around the world. The book starts by digging into the groundbreaking force of customized medication. Customary disease medicines ...

CHF 38.50

Portraits Of Coastal Commerce

Musk, Rayan
Portraits Of Coastal Commerce
Pictures of Beach front Business" catches the quintessence of the unpredictable and clamoring universe of ocean ports, furnishing perusers with a striking embroidery of sea exchange and industry. In this investigation, the book digs into the different pictures painted by the beach front ports, each portraying an extraordinary story of trade, network, and worldwide trade. The story of "Pictures of Waterfront Business" unfurls against the backgr...

CHF 38.50

Green Living Sustainable Paths

Raj, Solomon
Green Living Sustainable Paths
Green living and feasible ways typify an upright way to deal with day to day existence, stressing rehearses that limit ecological effect and advance an agreeable concurrence with the planet. At its center, green living is a guarantee to embracing way of life decisions that focus on natural maintainability, asset protection, and a decreased carbon impression. Economical ways in living frequently start with careful utilization propensities. This...

CHF 48.50

Automated Realities Shaping Tomorrow_s Work

Hazel, Alina
Automated Realities Shaping Tomorrow_s Work
Computerized truths are quickly reshaping the scene of the upcoming work, introducing another time where innovation assumes a vital part in different parts of expert life. This extraordinary shift is driven by the coordination of man-made consciousness (computer based intelligence), AI, and robotization into the texture of day to day work schedules. One of the essential ways computerized truths are molding the eventual fate of work is through ...

CHF 49.50

World-Building Harmony Setting Essentials

Musk, Rayan
World-Building Harmony Setting Essentials
World-Building Congruity: Setting Basics" welcomes essayists on an enthralling excursion into the core of narrating, underscoring the urgent job of setting in creating vivid and resounding stories. In this thorough aide, we investigate the sensitive craft of world-building, zeroing in on fundamental procedures to make an agreeable and convincing setting for your story. The underpinning of any extraordinary story is laid inside its setting, wh...

CHF 48.50

Majestic Heights, Kilimanjaro_s Secrets

Raj, Solomon
Majestic Heights, Kilimanjaro_s Secrets
Lofty Levels, settled in the core of the striking Kilimanjaro's Mysteries, remains as a demonstration of nature's greatness and the charm of untamed excellence. This uncommon objective spellbinds the daring soul, offering an all encompassing departure into the persona of the unbelievable Kilimanjaro mountain range. Arranged at a rise that gives a stunning vantage point, Glorious Levels permits guests to observe the superb quality of Kilimanjar...

CHF 42.90

Iron Will Steel Physique

Rafeal, Mack
Iron Will Steel Physique
Iron Will, Steel Body" is a mantra that embodies the substance of steadfast assurance and the actual ability expected to beat difficulties. It fills in as a strong sign of the harmonious connection between mental courage and a hearty, trained body. At its center, "Iron Will" addresses a resolute assurance to deal with snags directly, no matter what the afflictions that life might toss in one's way. It implies a mentality that won't surrender t...

CHF 38.50

Shopping Centers Unveiled

Sheroy, Ehsan
Shopping Centers Unveiled
Malls assume a urgent part in molding the contemporary retail scene, filling in as diverse centers that stretch out past simple business exchanges. The idea of malls has gone through a striking development, changing from straightforward commercial centers to dynamic, coordinated spaces that take special care of different shopper needs. Lately, another influx of malls has been divulged, rethinking the conventional retail insight and establishin...

CHF 38.90

Harnessing Energy Inverter Wonders

Hazel, Alina
Harnessing Energy Inverter Wonders
Tackling energy inverter ponders includes utilizing the abilities of cutting edge energy inverter innovations to change and upgrade energy use. Energy inverters assume a critical part in the cutting edge energy scene, working with the change of electrical energy between various structures and making it conceivable to coordinate environmentally friendly power sources into existing power frameworks flawlessly.One of the vital marvels of energy i...

CHF 40.50

Igniting The Cosmos Rocketry Wonders

Raj, Solomon
Igniting The Cosmos Rocketry Wonders
In the immense field of the universe, human creativity takes off with Touching off The Universe: Rocketry Ponders, a stunning excursion into the domains of room investigation and the wonders of rocketry. This otherworldly endeavor epitomizes the determined quest for information, pushing the limits of science and innovation to disentangle the secrets of the universe. At the core of Lighting The Universe is the extraordinary force of rockets, th...

CHF 40.50

Clockwork Cosmos Time's Evolution

Sheroy, Ehsan
Clockwork Cosmos Time's Evolution
The Precision Universe Time's Development is a spellbinding investigation into the multifaceted dance of time inside the tremendous embroidery of the universe. This calculated structure digs into time as an unthinking power, working with accuracy and routineness, similar as the pinion wheels of an inestimable precision. In this vision, time isn't only a direct movement yet a complicated, entwined component that coordinates the unfurling of occ...

CHF 40.90

21 Days In Christ

Starkey, Larry
21 Days In Christ
God "has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing." (Ephesians 1:3) Just as a small key can open a large door, the short phrase "in Christ" grants us access to all the wonderful blessings God has promised to believers. In 21 Days in Christ, you'll explore these blessings "in Christ" through three major themes-Salvation, Security, and Significance-and find spiritual treasures such as freedom from sin's grip, redemption, assurance of ...

CHF 24.50

Social Security Simplified

Social Security Simplified
This book takes you step by step through the retirement planning process, simplifying complicated terms and plans, and turning them into understandable, actionable advice. Every chapter adds to your knowledge, helping you replace anxiety with understanding, and fear with confidence. With this guide by your side, you'll get answers to your questions about Social Security, Medicare, and pension plans. You'll know how to make the most of your b...

CHF 27.90

Small But Strong

Grieves, Deidre
Small But Strong
This uplifting illustrated children's book is a celebration of our smallest bundles of joy and makes the perfect premature baby gift. It's a story of hope, perseverance, and enduring love that marks and commemorates a premature baby's journey in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Follow the ups and downs of diverse families in this NICU book as they grapple with the extreme highs and lows of prematurity, all while acknowledging the mag...

CHF 28.50

Secret of the Sandstorm Sea

Parenti, Austin
Secret of the Sandstorm Sea
A never-ending sandstorm covers the world of Arland. The Arlish people live on mountain peaks above the sand and travel on hand-crafted airships. But the sandstorm didn't always exist, and when a young boy named Jay learns the truth, he will journey across Arland to save his people and contend with the ever-deepening mystery of his world's hidden past. With the fate of his people in the balance, Jay's journey will reveal dangerous truths about...

CHF 33.90

The Wreck of Echo 10-4

Apicella, Lina / Cavanagh, Ryan / Parenti, Austin
The Wreck of Echo 10-4
From The King's Academy's award-winning Studio 70 comes its second feature series. In "The Wreck of Echo 10-4, " a Palm Beach millionaire's private plane mysteriously crashes. Detective Marcus Bjornson must interrogate three suspects, Tre, Stella, and Giuseppe, and piece together their stories to uncover the truth. This action-packed mystery is sure to keep audiences guessing and on the edge of their seats.

CHF 18.90

Perseus Corbett and the Forbidden Valley

Breitenbeck, David
Perseus Corbett and the Forbidden Valley
It all started with a kiss… When Perseus Corbett shared his first kiss with young Elizabeth Alban, daughter of Lord Darrow, he vowed that, impossible though it seemed, he would someday become rich enough to marry her. But after many years, a World War, and a hundred adventures chasing treasure in every corner of globe, he finds himself no nearer to his goal. Then, one night, a dying old man thrusts a tattered manuscript into his hands. It ...

CHF 20.50

Secret of the Sandstorm Sea

Parenti, Austin
Secret of the Sandstorm Sea
A never-ending sandstorm covers the world of Arland. The Arlish people live on mountain peaks above the sand and travel on hand-crafted airships. But the sandstorm didn't always exist, and when a young boy named Jay learns the truth, he will journey across Arland to save his people and contend with the ever-deepening mystery of his world's hidden past. With the fate of his people in the balance, Jay's journey will reveal dangerous truths about...

CHF 28.90

The Fountain of Youth

Parenti, Austin
The Fountain of Youth
From The King's Academy's award-winning Studio 70 comes its first feature film. In The Fountain of Youth, a high school history teacher adventures across Florida to discover eternal waters and save his mother from a terminal disease, all while dodging a competitor: a washed-up celebrity survivalist. This action-adventure movie is sure to delight all audience members. From the Atlantic Ocean floor to the Everglades forest system, Palm Beach to ...

CHF 21.50