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24308 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Pandemic Injustice

Dietzel, Christopher / Towfigh, Kimia
Pandemic Injustice
This edited collection sheds light on how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing social issues, and it stresses the importance of understanding, analyzing, and critiquing law and policy decisions during times of crisis. Specifically, this collection brings together a diverse array of scholarly work that highlights various legal and policy-related topics, including litigations, Zoombombing, international students¿ experiences, viole...

CHF 48.90

Nordic Design in Translation

Ashby, Charlotte / Kallestrup, Shona
Nordic Design in Translation
«Nordic Design in Translation: The Circulation of Objects, Ideas and Practices is an exciting and necessary addition to the discourse on material culture, bringing together fresh approaches to the transnational character of Nordic design. The contributors take the reader outside the established frameworks of national, institutional and disciplinary boundaries and offer us a way to think about the circulation of objects, ideas and practices and...

CHF 118.00

The Lowrider Studies Reader

Nocella Ii, Anthony J.
The Lowrider Studies Reader
The Lowrider Studies Reader: Culture, Resistance, Liberation, and Familia is the first book dedicated to lowrider studies in the world. This inaugural volume is a powerful groundbreaking book that is a collection of writings from brilliant scholar/practitioners speaking on lowrider history, pedagogy, culture, politics, society, justice, art, language, education, and their significance within the societal schema. Lowrider studies, influenced by...

CHF 48.90

La ciudad tapada

Valero Juan, Eva
La ciudad tapada
El presente libro propone una novedosa visión sobre la construcción textual de la Lima virreinal a través del análisis de textos que dejaron testimonio de las fiestas acaecidas en Lima desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVI hasta comienzos del siglo XIX. A diferencia de otros estudios sobre la fiesta en la capital del Virreinato del Perú, abarca por tanto todo el período colonial. El libro sigue un eje cronológico para el análisis de una selecci...

CHF 55.90

Brennpunkt Verfassungsstaat

Rozek, Jochen / Coelln, Christian Von / Detterbeck, Steffen
Brennpunkt Verfassungsstaat
Der Band versammelt die um Anmerkungen ergänzten Vorträge zu verfassungs- und medienrechtlichen Fragen, die am 8. Februar 2020 an der Universität Passau im Rahmen des Symposiums aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Herbert Bethge zu Ehren des Jubilars und in Würdigung seines rechtswissenschaftlichen Lebenswerks gehalten worden sind.

CHF 52.50

Introduction to Immigrant Detention in Poland. Theory and...

Nied¿wiedzki, Dariusz / Schmidt, Jacek
Introduction to Immigrant Detention in Poland. Theory and Methodology
The book consists of four chapters. The first one contains information about the topic which introduce the project¿s characteristics, and, at the same time, provide the background for further theoretical and methodological reflection. The second chapter contains a list of research problems and questions, a presentation of the philosophical worldviews (research paradigms) of the project team who guided the planned research and which resulted in...

CHF 77.00

El español como lengua de herencia: retos educativos y pe...

García García, Marta
El español como lengua de herencia: retos educativos y perspectivas internacionales
Este volumen reúne doce trabajos que abordan la situación del español como lengua de herencia en distintos contextos educativos y geográficos de Europa. La primera parte del libro está centrada en los desafíos y perspectivas para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español como lengua de herencia, tanto en la escuela como en la universidad, y analiza las necesidades específicas que presentan los estudiantes en estos contextos, así como las medid...

CHF 52.50

Expanding the Critical Animal Studies Imagination

Poirier, Nathan / George, Amber E. / Tomasello, Sarah
Expanding the Critical Animal Studies Imagination
Expanding the Critical Animal Studies Imagination: Essays in Solidarity and Total Liberation pushes critical animal studies forward and outward by making new connections to movements and ideas that have been little engaged with in publication to the present. This book challenges critical animal studies adherents to expand their efforts of solidarity, mutual aid, and activism. Contributors to this volume extend invitations to those not familiar...

CHF 48.90

Lingua e discriminazione

Pietrini, Daniela
Lingua e discriminazione
Politicamente corretto, linguaggio inclusivo, "lingua facile", sessismo linguistico, hate speech: nella maggior parte dei casi di discriminazione un ruolo determinante spetta (anche) al linguaggio. Pur non limitandosi a fatti linguistici, la discriminazione viene spesso trasmessa attraverso la lingua, per mezzo di espressioni volutamente spregiative, ma anche nascosta in usi idiomatici apparentemente innocui. D¿altro canto però proprio la ling...

CHF 102.00

El judío como monstruo en el Centinela contra judíos, de ...

Levin, Jake
El judío como monstruo en el Centinela contra judíos, de Fray Francisco de Torrejoncillo (1674-1676)
Este libro explora la caracterización y el rol del judío en uno de los textos antisemitas más polémicos del siglo XVII en España: el Centinela contra judíos, compuesto por el franciscano Fray Francisco de Torrejoncillo. Mediante la primera transcripción completa y anotada del Centinela en español, nuestro trabajo brinda a los lectores hispanohablantes una edición académica accesible, que por primera vez distingue con claridad los textos de las...

CHF 65.00

Expanding the Critical Animal Studies Imagination

Poirier, Nathan / George, Amber E. / Tomasello, Sarah
Expanding the Critical Animal Studies Imagination
Expanding the Critical Animal Studies Imagination: Essays in Solidarity and Total Liberation pushes critical animal studies forward and outward by making new connections to movements and ideas that have been little engaged with in publication to the present. This book challenges critical animal studies adherents to expand their efforts of solidarity, mutual aid, and activism. Contributors to this volume extend invitations to those not familiar...

CHF 130.00

A Conceptual and Semantic Analysis of the Qualitative Dom...

Démuth, Andrej / Démuthová, Slávka
A Conceptual and Semantic Analysis of the Qualitative Domains of Aesthetic and Moral Emotions
This collection delves into the conceptual and semantic dissection of aesthetic and moral emotions. It grapples with their definition, scope, function, and structure. Highlighting a range of semantic research methods, the authors also present interdisciplinary studies on emotions like anger, admiration, disgust, guilt, and feelings linked to beauty perception. This book serves as a thematic and methodological gateway to interdisciplinary human...

CHF 46.50

Multimodale Vermittlung von Wissen über Physik in Sach- u...

Daum, Lukas
Multimodale Vermittlung von Wissen über Physik in Sach- und Schulbuch
Das Buch stellt Mittel der multimodalen Kommunikation über Wissen der Physik für Kinder überblicksartig vor. Dabei steht die Texteigenschaft der Verständlichkeit im Zentrum. Der Überblick wird inhaltsanalytisch durch den Vergleich der Textsorten Schul- und Sachbuch erlangt. Die Analyseergebnisse erhalten ihre Schärfe durch Erkenntnisse der Semiotik, der Textlinguistik, der Didaktik und der Psychologie. Die Ergebnisse zu konkreten multimodalen ...

CHF 89.00

Trial as a Social Communication Occurrence

Gmerek, Karolina
Trial as a Social Communication Occurrence
In the book, the author presented the results of several years of empirical studies conducted in Polish common courts. On the basis of an analysis of 250 observed and recorded trials, conducted as part of various court proceedings (criminal, civil, insurance, etc.), the author outlined a picture of the trial as a communication occurrence, in which persons with various levels of communication competence are involved in the interaction. Among ot...

CHF 77.00

Hizmet Movement, A Lived Experience, and Introspections o...

Lynx, Koray
Hizmet Movement, A Lived Experience, and Introspections on Pedagogy
This book is first in its category to reflect a lived experience from a phenomenological viewpoint within the Hizmet Movement (HM). Through the author¿s lens, you will read about the transformation of HM along with his own over a span of three decades. Moreover, the book does not shy away from sensitive subjects such as LGBTQA+ topics in this Turkey-based, Muslim educational movement. This book took more than five years to complete and include...

CHF 48.90

Lost & Found

Grinnell, Dustin
Lost & Found
A writer uses the same adventurous spirit that took him all over the world to look inward and embark on a journey of self-discovery. If there was one thing Dustin Grinnell craved, it was adventure. From running the Paris marathon, to bungee jumping in New Zealand, to watching the sunrise at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Grinnell spent his twenties and thirties traveling across the globe in search of new experiences. But as he indulged his w...

CHF 45.50

Migration im Schulalter

Massumi, Mona
Migration im Schulalter
Das deutsche Schulsystem steht seit Langem vor der Herausforderung, Migrant*innen adäquat einzubeziehen. Für junge Menschen sind mit der Migration Umbrüche im Leben verbunden ¿ nicht zuletzt in Bezug auf ihre formale Bildungsbiografie. In diesem Buch werden Zusammenhänge zwischen Systemeffekten und der subjektiven Handlungsfähigkeit von Migrant*innen untersucht. Die Autorin rekonstruiert historisch, wie das Schulsystem seit der Gründung der ...

CHF 108.00

Effective Legal Remedies in Criminal Justice System. Euro...

Wili¿ski, Pawe¿
Effective Legal Remedies in Criminal Justice System. European Perspective
Effective Legal Remedy (ELR) is a legal concept of universal value. Its primary purpose is the protection of individual rights and freedoms against violation. It serves to safeguards the effectiveness of the enacted and applied law. The book presents and discusses current standard of Effective Legal Remedy concept in European Law as it is or may be referred to criminal justice system. The research is based on a thorough analysis of jurispruden...

CHF 77.00

El adverbio: aproximaciones sincrónicas, diacrónicas y va...

García Pérez, Rafael / Suárez Hernández, Ariana
El adverbio: aproximaciones sincrónicas, diacrónicas y variacionales
Este libro, centrado en el estudio de los adverbios, es el resultado de un trabajo en colaboración de marcado carácter multidisciplinar y trata cuestiones gramaticales y semánticas que afectan a estas unidades léxicas, como no podía ser de otra manera, pero también pragmáticas, sin olvidar, además, que el español, como todas las lenguas, está sometido a la variación diacrónica. Los investigadores participantes se han centrado, por un lado, en ...

CHF 58.50

Late Hirschman

Meldolesi, Luca
Late Hirschman
Late Hirschman: Theoretical exercises in "Self-Subversion" draws from the Colorni-Hirschman intellectual tradition the author has developed with close colleagues: recalls and rationalizes personal memoires that come from the long collaboration of the author with Albert Hirschman, learns ¿ once again ¿ in depth from his work, desires, if possible, to make progress on some vexed questions, and breaks away from all forms of ritualism. Hirschman...

CHF 114.00