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129 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Pili Pilipili

Mpesha, Nyambura
Pili Pilipili
Pili Pilipili ni paka mdaku. Hataki kuwakamata panya. Hataki kula nyama. Yake ni kula pilipili kali kila siku. Atafanywa nini aache udaku? Hiki ni kitabu cha kusisimua kusoma.

CHF 25.50

Mtoto Aliyetoweka

Manji, Akberali
Mtoto Aliyetoweka
Wahalifu hodari Dani na Saki wanamteka nyara Komen kutokana na mpango wa Masha. Jambo hili linawatia wasiwasi wazazi wake Komen ambao wanajiingiza katika harakati za kumtafuta.

CHF 32.50

Zawadi ya Rangi

Karani, Ruth Wairimu
Zawadi ya Rangi
Mvua inaponyesha watu wazima wanakimbia kuitoroka. Lakini kwa watoto wa kijiji, huu ni wakati wa furaha. Wanajitokeza kucheza na kuisifu mvua. Upinde wa mvua unavutiwa na kitendo chao na kuamua kuwapa zawadi ya rangi. Inanyesha mvua yenye rangi tofauti na kuleta umaridadi ambao haujawahi kuonekana kijijini, jambo linalowaongezea watoto raha.

CHF 28.50

Watoto wa Mitaani

Kisia, Peter A.
Watoto wa Mitaani
Kuna sababu mbalimbali zinazofanya watoto wa mitaani kujikuta katika hali hiyo. Na ingawa mashirika mbalimbali kwa muda mrefu sasa yametambua kuweko kwa tatizo hili, hakuna jambo la muhimu ambalo limetekelezwa kulitatua. Mwandishi anaangazia machache kuhusu haki za watoto kwa upande wa malezi na elimu. Vilevile anatoa mapendekezo na jinsi ya kuepukana na hali hizo. Watoto ni rasilmali kubwa ya taifa, ni viongozi wa kesho na hasa uti wa mgongo ...

CHF 22.90

Ujeuri wa Mbwa

Ngugi, Pamela M. Y.
Ujeuri wa Mbwa
Paka na mbwa wana shida nyingi. Hawawezi kunusa chema na kibaya. Hawawezi kuwinda vilivyo. Hawawezi pia kukwea miti kuwatoroka maadui wao. Kinyesi wanatupa popote bila kujali. Ni lazima wafundishwe jinsi ya kuishi vyema. Chifu wa eneo lao amepanga semina kadhaa kujaribu kuwasaidia. Lakini mbwa, baada ya semina ya kwanza, anajifanya mjeuri.

CHF 28.90

Truphena Student Nurse

Hunter, Cynthia E.
Truphena Student Nurse
While still a schoolgirl, Truphena takes her baby brother to hospital. He is dangerously ill but through patient and compassionate nursing care, the boy recovers. Truphena watches it all and is so deeply impressed by the kindness and devotion of the nurses and doctors that she makes up her mind to become a nurse on completing her studies. This book describes Truphena's adventures in her first year as a student nurse. There is a vivid and intim...

CHF 25.50

The Greedy Host

Njoroge, J K
The Greedy Host
These delightful and humorous stories make a perfect introductory reader ¿for primary schools. The stories bring out the African experiences for readers.

CHF 28.90

Njaga Returns to the Village

Makumi, Joel
Njaga Returns to the Village
It is time to visit Mti Moja village once again, as Njaga the Town Monkey, his son Koki and Taama go to visit her great-grandparents, Mzee Mulahi and Mama Njenje. Read along and enjoy Njaga and Koki's hilarious adventures in the village.

CHF 32.90

Lion, Dog and Cat

Gathumbi, Agnes W
Lion, Dog and Cat
Lion, Dog and Cat are great enemies. Lion tries to get Dog and Cat to be his friends. Will their friendship last? Read this fascinating story and find out what happens!

CHF 26.50

Siri ya Sala

Kimunyi, Njiru
Siri ya Sala
Ni wakati wa Mfalme Uju wa nchi ya Lembe kumwoza bintiye Fani. Ushindani wa uchumba ni baina ya Sungura na Kobe. Nani atalishinda pendo lake Fani? Ni mbinu gani atazitumia kufaulu? Chunguza kujua nini kinatokea

CHF 27.90

Truphena City Nurse

Hunter, Cynthia E.
Truphena City Nurse
Truphena City Nurse is the second of the exciting series of books of adventure and insight into various popular careers. Truphena Student Nurse introduced us to this mercurial girl bouncing with life and love, but determined to make the best of her chosen profession. In the present book, Truphena is chosen for advanced training in the city. On the way there, she falls sick and is therefore able to learn much about her career from the hospital ...

CHF 28.90

Tina and Rina

Gakunga, Mary N
Tina and Rina
Tina and Rina are lively 10-year-old twins who enjoy doing everything together. Their lives are full of adventure. The girls are kind and helpful although they get into trouble many times. Join them in their fun adventures.

CHF 38.50

The Orange thieves

Dahal, Charity
The Orange thieves
These are stories of magic, mystery and adventure. They have one thing in common-they are all about giants. The author wrote about them, "Although we cannot say that all giants were bad. most of them richly deserved the fate they met when their unhappy victims managed to turn the tables on them".

CHF 37.90

Wake up and open your eyes

Muhire, Edward
Wake up and open your eyes
Higiro was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. At a very early age, he lost his mother, and soon he and his father had to run away from their country to a neighbouring country as refugees. Soon after settling in, his father also died, leaving Higiro to fend for himself. This is a moving story of his struggles as a herdsboy, his tender affection for beautiful Maria, his adventures as a long-distance traveller in search of urban work, his...

CHF 39.50

The Stepsisters

Gathumbi, Agnes W
The Stepsisters
Lomkhende and Mbuyase are stepsisters. One day while swimming together, Lomkhende tricks Mbuyase into throwing her skirt into the fast-moving river. Will she get her skirt? How will she get back home?

CHF 33.50

The Circle of Revenge

Mwaurah, David
The Circle of Revenge
Githiaka was left an orphan at an early age and grew up without anyone to look after him. Owing to the jealousy of his relatives he decided to leave his home village and settle elsewhere on the Bara Plains. There he worked hard on his piece of land and became very prosperous, in spite of the mischief of his lazy neighbours. However, at the height of his prosperity, Githiaka became the victim of organised hooliganism as a boyhood enemy of his, ...

CHF 28.90

Drama Festival

Mondoh, Helen / MCOnyango, Owen / Othuon, Lucas A
Drama Festival
The drama festival is moved from Torokwo Primary School to Somanet Primary school when the roof at Torokwo is blown away by the wind. Everybody is excited. The events of the day turn out to be so interesting that they will not be forgotten for a long time. Read all about it in this exciting book. The Chela series was developed under a project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to address issues of maturation. Its writers are experienced prof...

CHF 34.50

Sungura na bInti Mfalme

Mpesha, Nyambura
Sungura na bInti Mfalme
Binti mfalme anatamani kuolewa na mume mwenye busara, werevu na ushujaa. Mtihani anaotakiwa kupita ni kunywa chungu cha maji yanayochemka. Vijana wengi wanajaribu lakini wanashindwa. Mpaka Sungura anapojitokeza na kujua jinsi ya kufanya hivyo.

CHF 26.90

Mlima Kenya Kajifungua

Kimunyi, Njiru
Mlima Kenya Kajifungua
Habari ziliponea kuwa Bi. Mlima Kenya anakaribia kujifungua, mbiu ilipigwa, na wanakijiji pamoja na wanyamapori wote wakakusanyika kushuhudia tokeo hilo mahsusi. Muda si muda wakati ukawadia, akajifungua. "Je, ni mwana gani huyo aliyezaliwa? Jisomeeni wenyewe hii hadithi ili mpate kutambua. Na zaidi ya hiyo, kunazo vilevile, hadithi nyingine sita: Karamu Ya Kujialika, Fisi tumboni mwa Tembo, Bidii ni Mali, Mama Mja Mzito na Jitu, Nani Mlaji Za...

CHF 30.50

The Children of the Forest

Makumi, Joel
The Children of the Forest
A man herding his sheep and goats in a forest finds two little children abandoned in a deserted hut. After he has taken the children home, he and his wife decide to bring them as part of their family. However, when the two children grow up, they feel an irresistible urge to look for their long lost parents. This book describes the exciting adventures they have in their lonely quest and its strange outcome.

CHF 28.90