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1479 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Hierarchische Controllingkonzeption

Homburg, Carsten
Hierarchische Controllingkonzeption
Modernes Controlling zeichnet sich durch eine Fülle unterschiedlicher Verfahren und Sichtweisen aus. Ihnen allen ist jedoch gemeinsam, Infor­ mationen bereitzustellen, die im weitesten Sinne der Koordination von Teilsystemen einer Unternehmung dienen. Hierbei kann es sich um die Verknüpfung sehr unterschiedlicher Systeme handeln wie etwa die Ab­ stimmung strategischer, taktischer und operativer Führungsebenen oder um den Abgleich verschiedener...

CHF 71.00

Industrial Statistics

Edler, Lutz / Kitsos, Christos P.
Industrial Statistics
Devoted to the growing impact of statistical methodology and statistical computing in industry the aim of this book is to link the three components: Statistics - industry - computers. Different areas of industrial statistics are presented by a number of excellent contributions. The following topics are covered: Quality control, engineering and monitoring, reliability and failure time analysis, experimental design, repeated measurements - multi...

CHF 69.00

Aggregation and Fusion of Imperfect Information

Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette
Aggregation and Fusion of Imperfect Information
This book presents the main tools for aggregation of information given by several members of a group or expressed in multiple criteria, and for fusion of data provided by several sources. It focuses on the case where the availability knowledge is imperfect, which means that uncertainty and/or imprecision must be taken into account. The book contains both theoretical and applied studies of aggregation and fusion methods in the main frameworks: ...

CHF 134.00

Management und Zeit

Götze, Uwe / Bloech, Jürgen / Mikus, Barbara
Management und Zeit
Die "Zeit" bestimmt in zunehmendem Maße die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und den Erfolg von Unternehmen, der Wettbewerb zwischen Unternehmen wird vielfach zu einem Zeitwettbewerb. Die erfolgreiche Handhabung der Zeit, das Zeitmanagement, ist daher zu einer der bedeutendsten Aufgaben der Unternehmensführung geworden. Dieser Sammelband vermittelt einen Überblick über die damit verbundenen Problemstellungen und zeigt Lösungsansätze auf. Dazu werden zunäc...

CHF 96.00

Einkommen versus Konsum

Smekal, Christian / Winner, Hannes / Sendlhofer, Rupert
Einkommen versus Konsum
Die gegenwärtige Einkommensbesteuerung wird vielfach mit dem Schlagwort "Steuerchaos" charakterisiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund drängt sich die Notwendigkeit einer Neuorientierung auf. In diesem Band werden, ausgehend von den Problemen der Einkommensbesteuerung, konsumorientierte Steuersysteme hinsichtlich verschiedener Aspekte und Problemfelder thematisiert. Die einzelnen Beiträge geben zum einen den Stand der wissenschaftlichen Forschung wiede...

CHF 106.00

Interne Märkte in Forschung und Entwicklung

Kasper, Eric / Völker, Rainer
Interne Märkte in Forschung und Entwicklung
Im Ringen um Marktanteile und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit hängt der langfristige Erfolg eines Unternehmens maßgeblich von dessen Leistungen in Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E, ) ab. Die effiziente Allokation von F&E-Ressourcen, stellt somit eine der zentralen Herausforderungen für Unternehmen dar. Meist wird die Ressourcenverteilung für Innovations- und Technologieprojekte über hierarchische Entscheidungsverfahren und Entscheidungsgremien vorgenommen....

CHF 77.00

Robuste Planung und Optimierung

Scholl, Armin
Robuste Planung und Optimierung
Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit der modellgestützten Planung im Fall der Datenunsicherheit. Im Zentrum steht der Begriff der Robustheit von Plänen bzw. der robusten Planung. Im ersten Teil werden Grundlagen der modellgestützten Planung dargestellt, die zum Verständnis der weiteren Ausführungen wichtig sind. Der zweite Teil setzt sich ausführlich mit Konzepten und Methoden der robusten Planung und Optimierung auseinander. Im letzten Teil werden e...

CHF 148.00

Aktuelle Aspekte des Controllings

Schmitz, Hans / Lingnau, Volker
Aktuelle Aspekte des Controllings
Seit Einführung der ersten Controllerstellen im privatwirtschaftlichen Bereich gegen 1880 in den USA hat das Controlling eine stürmische Entwicklung in der Praxis erlebt, die vielfach als Siegeszug bezeichnet wird. Gleichzeitig stand und steht insbesondere die deutschsprachige Betriebswirtschaftslehre dem Phänomen Controlling eher abwartend bis skeptisch gegenüber. Insbesondere hat sich bislang kein einheitliches Controllingverständnis heraus ...

CHF 89.00

Innovation in Production

Lay, Gunter / Wengel, Jürgen / Shapira, Philip
Innovation in Production
How industrial companies in Germany's critically important investment goods sector are deploying new technological and organizational production concepts to adapt to competitiveness challenges, new market requirements, environmental demands, and policy pressures is examined in this book. It draws on the Fraunhofer ISI's unique nationwide survey of technology use and production in Germany. East German as well as West German data is analyzed. Re...

CHF 69.00


Havranek, T. / Novak, M. / Sidak, Z.
Roots of Computational Statistics.- Roots of Computational Statistics.- Computational Statistics in Random Processes.- New Algorithmic Developments for Estimation Problems in Time Series.- Parameter Estimation and Order Determination of a Multivariate Autoregressive Process.- On Fast Algorithms for Several Problems in Time Series Models.- Computational Aspects of Robustness.- Robustness in Parametric and Non-Parametric Regression Estimation: A...

CHF 69.00

Bio-Technology Audit in Hungary

Bross, Ulrike / Reiß, Thomas / Inzelt, Annamaria
Bio-Technology Audit in Hungary
This book offers a guideline for "Technology Audit" exercises for the transforming innovation systems of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). Further­ more, the book presents the results of an exemplary application of this guideline in the field of biotechnology in Hungary. The authors - a group of innovation re­ searchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (lSI), Germany, and of the Innovation Research ...

CHF 69.00

MODA4 ¿ Advances in Model-Oriented Data Analysis

Müller, Werner G. / Kitsos, Christos P.
MODA4 ¿ Advances in Model-Oriented Data Analysis
This volume is the proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Model-Oriented Data Analysis. This series of events originated in 1987 at a meeting in Eisenach, that successfully brought together scientists from numerous countries of the 'East ' and 'West'. Now that this distinction is obsolete dialogue has been greatly facilitated, providing opportunities for this dialogue, however, is as vital as ever. The present meeting at Spetses, Gre...

CHF 69.00

Fuzzy Database Modeling

George, Roy / Yazici, Adnan
Fuzzy Database Modeling
Some recent fuzzy database modeling advances for the non-traditional applications are introduced in this book. The focus is on database models for modeling complex information and uncertainty at the conceptual, logical, physical design levels and from integrity constraints defined on the fuzzy relations. The database models addressed here are, the conceptual data models, including the ExIFO and ExIFO2 data models, the logical database models,...

CHF 134.00

Fuzzy Systems Design

Dimitrov, Vladimir / Reznik, Leonid
Fuzzy Systems Design
Fuzzy logic is a way of thinking that is responsive to human zeal to unveil uncertainty and deal with social paradoxes emerging from it. In this book a number of articles illustrate various social applications to fuzzy logic. The engineering part of the book contains a number of papers, devoted to the description of fuzzy engineering design methodologies. In order to share the experience gained we select papers describing not the application r...

CHF 69.00

Reliability and Safety Analyses under Fuzziness

Onisawa, Takehisa
Reliability and Safety Analyses under Fuzziness
This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date account on recent applications of fuzzy sets and possibility theory in reliability and safety analysis. Various aspects of system's reliability, quality control, reliability and safety of man-machine systems fault analysis, risk assessment and analysis, structural, seismic, safety, etc. are discussed. The book provides new tools for handling non-probabilistic aspects of uncertainty in these proble...

CHF 188.00

The City and Its Sciences

Bertuglia, Cristoforo S. / Mela, Alfredo / Bianchi, Giuliano.
The City and Its Sciences
Recent developments in the field of urban analysis and management are investigated in this book. It is a wide-ranging collection of essays on the subject drawn from a long-term project and seminar, held in Italy, to review the state of the art and speculate on the future influence on the "sciences of the city" of the complexity concept. Of particular interest is the variety of points of view, often contrasting, and the attempt to go beyond the...

CHF 69.00

Risk Measurement, Econometrics and Neural Networks

Bol, Georg / Vollmer, Karl-Heinz / Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza
Risk Measurement, Econometrics and Neural Networks
This book comprises the articles of the 6th Econometric Workshop in Karlsruhe, Germany. In the first part approaches from traditional econometrics and innovative methods from machine learning such as neural nets are applied to financial issues. Neural Networks are successfully applied to different areas such as debtor analysis, forecasting and corporate finance. In the second part various aspects from Value-at-Risk are discussed. The proceedin...

CHF 134.00

Advances in Public Economics

Raj, Baldev / Boadway, Robin
Advances in Public Economics
to tackle problemsofeconomic policy in a more effectivemanner.Giventhattheevaluationofpolicyoptions requiresasoundunderstandingofboththenatureandmag­ nitudeofeconomic, behaviouralandinstitutionalconstraints Preface VI thatarefaced bygovernments, there isaneedforempirical analysisofunderlyingpolicyquestionsandissues. Thiscollectionofessays on empirical finance indicates thatempiricalassessmentispossibleusingarichanddiverse setofempirical approa...

CHF 134.00

Crisp and Soft Computing with Hypercubical Calculus

Zaus, Michael
Crisp and Soft Computing with Hypercubical Calculus
In Part I, the impact of an integro-differential operator on parity logic engines (PLEs) as a tool for scientific modeling from scratch is presented. Part II outlines the fuzzy structural modeling approach for building new linear and nonlinear dynamical causal forecasting systems in terms of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs). Part III introduces the new type of autogenetic algorithms (AGAs) to the field of evolutionary computing. Altogether, these P...

CHF 188.00

Wages and Employment Across Skill Groups

Fitzenberger, Bernd
Wages and Employment Across Skill Groups
This book explores empirically for West Germany whether a decline in the relative demand for less skilled workers resulted in increased unemployment. Using up-to-date econometric techniques, a balanced mixture between descriptive evidence and structural estimation is provided, and there are various findings in the book which require a modification of the conventional wisdom about labor market trends in West Germany. Overall wage dispersion has...

CHF 134.00