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Electronic Business und Knowledge Management ¿ Neue Dimen...

Scheer, August-Wilhem
Electronic Business und Knowledge Management ¿ Neue Dimensionen für den Unternehmungserfolg
In vier Abschnitte gegliedert, greift dieses Buch zwei erfolgversprechende Konzepte für Unternehmungen auf. "Strategische Entscheidungen durch neue IT-Konzepte" beschreibt die Herausforderungen und Veränderungen, die das Digital Business mit sich bringt. "Neue Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von Kundenbeziehungen" erläutert die Vorteile neuer Vertriebswege und die Steigerung des Kundennutzens. "Risk Management und Nutzenanalyse im Unternehmenscontrol...

CHF 158.00

Aktuelle Tendenzen im Innovationsmanagement

Meier, Jörg / Häfliger, Gerold E.
Aktuelle Tendenzen im Innovationsmanagement
Der Umgang mit Innovationen jeder Art in der wirtschaftlichen Praxis ist mit einer grossen Zahl von Fragen verknüpft: Welches sind die Risiken, die Chancen von Innovationen? Wie werden sie identifiziert, abgebildet, gemessen und gesteuert? Wie werden Innovationsprozesse organisiert und geführt? Welches sind die Treiber (oder Verhinderer) von Innovationen? Wie ist das Verhältnis von Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation? Renommierte Autoren aus...

CHF 126.00

Elementare Grundbegriffe einer allgemeineren Wahrscheinli...

Weichselberger, Kurt
Elementare Grundbegriffe einer allgemeineren Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I
Die Monographie stellt eine prinzipielle Verallgemeinerung der herkömmlichen Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie vor. Diese erlaubt die Anwendung des Begriffs der Wahrscheinlichkeit auch in jenen Fällen, in denen die vorliegende Information nicht ausreicht, um jedes relevante Ereignis durch eine einzelne Zahl zu charakterisieren. Der mathematisch exakte Umgang mit Wahrscheinlichkeitsbewertungen erfordert eine systematische Erweiterung des Kanons der Be...

CHF 96.00

Controlling produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen

Kinkel, Steffen / Lay, Gunter / Jung Erceg, Petra
Controlling produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen
Für produzierende Unternehmen wird es zunehmend wichtig, als kompletter Problemlöser für die Kunden aufzutreten. Zentrales Element einer solchen Strategie ist die Erweiterung des Angebots um produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen. Greifen Industriebetriebe diese Differenzierungsoption aktiv auf, dann stellt sich die Frage nach dem Erfolgsbeitrag dieser Leistungen. Erweisen sie sich als Kostenfalle, da die Kunden kostenfreie Serviceleistungen erwa...

CHF 89.00

Die Zukunft des Sozial- und Steuerstaates

Wilfert, Arno / Söllner, Fritz
Die Zukunft des Sozial- und Steuerstaates
Renommierte Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis behandeln die wichtigsten Herausforderungen, denen sich die Wirtschaftspolitik zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts gegenübersieht. Im Bereich der Finanzpolitik werden unter anderem die Notwendigkeit weiterer Steuerreformen, die Rolle öffentlicher Unternehmen in einer modernen Marktwirtschaft und Probleme der Finanzverfassung diskutiert. In dem der Sozialpolitik gewidmeten Teil geht es sowohl um grunds...

CHF 96.00

Ökonomische Theorie der Sozialpolitik

Berthold, Norbert / Knappe, Eckhard
Ökonomische Theorie der Sozialpolitik
Eine "ökonomische Theorie der Sozialpolitik" wurde bereits 1961 durch das gleichnamige Lehrbuch von Elisabeth Liefmann-Keil angemahnt und in den Grundlagen dargestellt. Bis heute wurden diese Ansätze einer wissenschaftlichen Fundierung der Sozialpolitik weiterentwickelt und ausgebaut. Der Sammelband liefert durch die Beiträge namhafter Autoren einen umfassenden Überblick über den Stand dieses Forschungsgebietes. Das Buch sollte eine Pflichtlek...

CHF 132.00


Green, Peter / Payne, Roger
This Volume contains the Keynote, Invited and Full Contributed papers presented at COMPSTAT'98. A companion volume (Payne & Lane, 1998) contains papers describing the Short Communications and Posters. COMPSTAT is a one-week conference held every two years under the auspices of the International Association of Statistical Computing, a section of the International Statistical Institute. COMPSTAT'98 is organised by IACR-Rothamsted, IACR-Long Asht...

CHF 134.00

The Internationalisation of British Start-up Companies in...

Bürgel, Oliver
The Internationalisation of British Start-up Companies in High-Technology Industries
There are 17 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the European Union which play an important role in economic life. Within this subset, increasing recognition is being given to "new technology-based ftrms. " 1 In the literature, different defmitions have been put forward to describe the term new technology-based ftrm (Oakey et a11988, Roberts 1991, Autio 1995, Storey and Tether 1998). Common denominators include that the activi...

CHF 69.00

Advances in Fuzzy Control

Palm, Rainer / Driankov, Dimiter
Advances in Fuzzy Control
Model-based fuzzy control uses a given conventional or a fuzzy open loop of the plant under control in order to derive the set of fuzzy if-then rules constituting the corresponding fuzzy controller. Furthermore, of central interest are the consequent stability, performance, and robustness analysis of the resulting closed loop system involving a conventional model and a fuzzy controller, or a fuzzy model and a fuzzy controller. The major object...

CHF 69.00

Current Issues in Monetary Economics

Wagner, Helmut
Current Issues in Monetary Economics
Helmut Wagner University of Hagen, Feithstr. 140, D - 58084 Hagen In the last few years decisive methodological and thematic focal points which are important for practical economic policy have been developed in the theory of monetary and exchange rate policy. This book is concerned with these developments, their assessment and the open questions which have still not been solved. It is divided into four parts. The first part deals with central ...

CHF 69.00

Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 1

Zadeh, Lotfi A.
Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 1
These two volumes consIstmg of Foundations and Applications provide the current status of theoretical and empirical developments in "computing with words". In philosophy, the twentieth century is said to be the century of language. This is mainly due to Wittgenstein who said: "The meaning of a word is its use in the language game". "The concept game is a concept with blurred edges". In the first phrase, "the language game" implies the everyday...

CHF 188.00

Soft Computing Agents

Sessa, Salvatore
Soft Computing Agents
In the existing literature the intersection of agent technology with soft computing is a very recent and attractive issue. The book is devoted to a unifying perspective of this topic. In contains contributions by well-known authors whose expertise is universally recognized in these crossing areas. Particular emphasis is devoted to advanced research projects involved with Web-related technologies.Fundamental topics explored in this volume are: ...

CHF 134.00

Applying Soft Computing in Defining Spatial Relations

Sztandera, Les M. / Matsakis, Pascal
Applying Soft Computing in Defining Spatial Relations
Geometric properties and relations play central roles in the description and processing of spatial data. The properties and relations studied by mathematicians usually have precise definitions, but verbal descriptions often involve imprecisely defined concepts such as elongatedness or proximity. The methods used in soft computing provide a framework for formulating and manipulating such concepts. This volume contains eight papers on the soft d...

CHF 69.00

Large Scale Interactive Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming

Sakawa, Masatoshi
Large Scale Interactive Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming
Simultaneous considerations of multiobjectiveness, fuzziness and block angular structures involved in the real-world decision making problems lead us to the new field of interactive multiobjective optimization for large scale programming problems under fuzziness. The aim of this book is to introduce the latest advances in the new field of interactive multiobjective optimization for large scale programming problems under fuzziness on the basis ...

CHF 69.00

Rough Set Methods and Applications

Polkowski, Lech / Lin, Tsau Y. / Tsumoto, Shusaku
Rough Set Methods and Applications
Rough set approach to reasoning under uncertainty is based on inducing knowledge representation from data under constraints expressed by discernibility or, more generally, similarity of objects. Knowledge derived by this approach consists of reducts, decision or association rules, dependencies, templates, or classifiers. This monograph presents the state of the art of this area. The reader will find here a deep theoretical discussion of releva...

CHF 69.00

Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Intelligent Systems

Leski, Jacek / Czogala, Ernest
Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Intelligent Systems
Intelligence systems. We perfonn routine tasks on a daily basis, as for example: . recognition of faces of persons (also faces not seen for many years), . identification of dangerous situations during car driving, . deciding to buy or sell stock, . reading hand-written symbols, . discriminating between vines made from Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah or Merlot grapes, and others. Human experts carry out the following: . diagnosing diseases, . localizing...

CHF 69.00

Knowledge-Based Vision-Guided Robots

Liu, Zhi-Quiang / Barnes, Nick
Knowledge-Based Vision-Guided Robots
Many robotics researchers consider high-level vision algorithms (computational) too expensive for use in robot guidance. This book introduces the reader to an alternative approach to perception for autonomous, mobile robots. It explores how to apply methods of high-level computer vision and fuzzy logic to the guidance and control of the mobile robot. The book introduces a knowledge-based approach to vision modeling for robot guidance, where ad...

CHF 69.00

Experimental Economics

Hey, John D.
Experimental Economics
It is to demonstrate the enormous potential of the experimental method in economics by providing examples of how experimental economics can shed important new light on key issues of vital economic significance. The subject matter covers several areas of economics and demonstrates why and how experimental methodology can provide new insight. It should prove invaluable to all economists, but perhaps particularly those who are as yet unexposed to...

CHF 69.00

Discrete Choice Experiments in Marketing

Zwerina, Klaus
Discrete Choice Experiments in Marketing
The chapter starts with a positioning of this dissertation in the marketing discipline. It then provides a comparison of the two most popular methods for studying consumer preferences/choices, namely conjoint analysis and discrete choice experiments. Chapter 1 continues with a description of the context of discrete choice experiments. Subsequently, the research problems and the objectives ofthis dissertation are discussed. The chapter conclude...

CHF 69.00

Social Fuzziology

Hodge, Bob / Dimitrov, Vladimir
Social Fuzziology
Fuzziology studies the fuzziness inherent in what we know about ourselves, the sources and nature of our experience, our thoughts and feelings, drives for understanding and urges to create and realise our potential. This kind of fuzziness is at the core of our existence, at the essence of our humanness. It affects any field of human activity, be it mathematical study of fuzzy equations and fuzzy integrals, engineering design and implementation...

CHF 134.00