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1479 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1341 von 1360.

Hybrid Information Systems

Köppen, Mario / Abraham, Ajith
Hybrid Information Systems
Hybrid intelligent systems are becoming a very important problem-solving methodology affecting researchers and practitioners in areas ranging from science and technology to business and commerce. This volume focuses on the hybridization of different soft computing technologies and their interactions with hard computing techniques, other intelligent computing frameworks, and agents. Topics covered include: genetic-neurocomputing, neuro-fuzzy sy...

CHF 134.00

Money Stock Control and Inflation Targeting in Germany

Brand, Claus
Money Stock Control and Inflation Targeting in Germany
The book considers issues relevant to the European Central Bank in refining and communicating its strategy. It offers a historical assessment of the Bundesbank's strategy of monetary targeting conducted from 1974 to 1998. In contrast to several other prominent studies it is argued that money played a flexible but very important role in the conduct of its policy. It also explores the implications of the identified monetary policy regime in the ...

CHF 69.00

Vertical Software Industry Evolution

Tyrväinen, Pasi / Mazhelis, Oleksiy
Vertical Software Industry Evolution
Seldom has any business been in such turmoil as the Communication Service Providers (CSP) business is today. Telecom operators providing communication services constructed the infrastructure of the global information society with their trillion investments on various telecommunication technologies from broadband to mobile. Their investments on software turned their technology-specific in-house procedures into modern layered OSS/BSS. This book ...

CHF 196.00

Produktionswirtschaft - Controlling industrieller Produktion

Laßmann, Gert / Hahn, Dietger
Produktionswirtschaft - Controlling industrieller Produktion
Das vorliegende Werk will den heutigen Erkenntnisstand der Betriebswirt­ schaftslehre im Bereich der Industriellen Produktionswirtschaft vermitteln. 1m Mittelpunkt steht die systematische Behandlung technisch-wirtschaftli­ cher Fragestellungen. Die Erarbeitung von LOsungsansatzen erfolgt aus der Sicht des Controlling mit dem Ziel einer ergebnisorientierten Unter­ nehmungsfUhrung. Zahlreiche Beispiele stellen den Bezug zur Unterneh­ mungspraxis...

CHF 49.90

Integrierte Managementsysteme

Funck, Dirk / Schwendt, Stefanie
Integrierte Managementsysteme
Integration und Wirtschaftlichkeit Kundenorientierung, Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Prozessorientierung, Verbesserung und Integration von Managementsystemen sind die Themen, die uns bei der Gestaltung von Qualitäts- und Umweltmanagementsystemen derzeit am meisten beschäftigen. Sind der Auslöser dafiir tatsächlich die zusätzlichen Forderungen der neuen ISO 9001 : 2000, die Empfehlungen der ebenfalls neuen ISO 9004: 2000 oder die Kriterien des Euro...

CHF 138.00

Die eTransformation beginnt!

Scheer, August-Wilhelm
Die eTransformation beginnt!
Die Geschäftsmodelle vieler New Economy Unternehmen des e-Business-Zeitalters halten fundamentalen Bewertungskriterien nicht stand, wie die jüngste Vergangenheit gezeigt hat. Inzwischen hat ein Konsolidierungsprozess eingesetzt, der eines erkennen lässt: Der Einsatz von eBusiness-Technologien ist keineswegs ein Strohfeuer. Im Gegenteil: Die systematische Restrukturierung sowie die Neugestaltung der Wertschöpfungsketten mit Hilfe von eBusiness-...

CHF 148.00

Corporate Sustainability as a Challenge for Comprehensive...

Zink, Klaus J.
Corporate Sustainability as a Challenge for Comprehensive Management
Sustainability has become a topic of global relevance: Corporations and other economically acting organizations increasingly need to realize economic, environmental and social objectives in order to survive. Supplementary to "classical" environmental management, realizing corporate sustainability requires comprehensive approaches which allow the integration of social and economic aspects. Such concepts can be found e.g. in international excell...

CHF 134.00

The EU and the Economies of the Eastern European Enlargement

Fortis, Marco / Quadrio Curzio, Alberto
The EU and the Economies of the Eastern European Enlargement
The enlargement of the European Union towards the East from May 2004 has generated an increase of about 100 million inhabitants in the EU population, and has especially brought along major challenges and important opportunities both for the "new" countries and for the "old" member states. That is the main focus of this volume, which is divided into three sections. The first analyses the effects of the enlargement on the functioning of Communit...

CHF 69.00

International Brand Management of Chinese Companies

Bell, Sandra
International Brand Management of Chinese Companies
This book is a must read for all those interested in building successful global brands and for all those interested in China and Chinese companies - A strange combination? No. Based on extensive research and interviews with Lenovo, Haier, TCL, Hisense and key decision makers worldwide, Sandra Bell gives reasons and identifies a Chinese way of international brand management. She reveals: - Who are Chinese branded companies? Where are they comin...

CHF 215.00

Banking on Innovation

Khiaonarong, Tanai / Liebenau, Jonathan
Banking on Innovation
Innovation in banking should be directed at improving the infrastructure that fosters efficient financial services and international trade. In this work, innovation theory is used to show how modern payment systems have transformed the technology of banking and facilitated changes in the strategy and structure of financial services organisations. Design, implementation and dissemination of payment systems are described and the analysis of thei...

CHF 179.00

Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bei der Internatio...

Zink, Klaus J.
Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bei der Internationalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen
Die Internationalisierung industrieller Dienstleistungen verlangt die Abkehr von rein produktbezogenen Strategien hin zu Geschäftsstrategien, bei denen das technische Produkt Bestandteil einer integrierten Problemlösung ist. Das Buch stellt Konzepte vor, die eine Neuordnung der organisatorischen Abläufe durch eine vernetzte Zusammenarbeit ermöglichen. Um auf Marktveränderungen schnell reagieren zu können, sind beteiligungsorientierte Organisat...

CHF 138.00

Wissenschaftstheorie und gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaf...

Becker, Jörg / Niehaves, Björn / Krcmar, Helmut
Wissenschaftstheorie und gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik
Die deutschsprachige Wirtschaftsinformatik blickt auf eine reiche Tradition gestaltungsorientierter Arbeiten zurück. Daher bietet sich hier die Chance, zum internationalen Diskurs über Information Systems und vor allem Design Science Research beizutragen. Entwicklungspotenziale liegen für die gestaltungsorientierte Forschung jedoch vor allem in ihrer wissenschaftstheoretischen und methodischen Fundierung. Die Beiträge des Herausgeberbands stär...

CHF 96.00

Sustainable Human Resource Management

Ehnert, Ina
Sustainable Human Resource Management
Predictions are that sustainability becomes the next big topic for Human Resource Management after internationalization and globalization. This book gives new answers to these questions: - How can HRM contribute to attracting, developing and retaining highly qualified human resources over time? - How can a paradox perspective contribute to understanding and coping with paradoxical tensions? - How can sustainability be used as a ‘deliberate str...

CHF 236.00

The Competitive Advantage of Industrial Districts

Becchetti, Leonardo / Bagella, Michele
The Competitive Advantage of Industrial Districts
Several interesting results on the economics of industrial districts are collected in this book. The first part investigates over internal determinants of industrial district competitiveness looking at internal productivity, at patterns of innovation and at those factors which create a favorable industrial atmosphere. The second part of the book investigates over foreign competitiveness of industrial districts focusing on the performance of ex...

CHF 134.00

Introduction to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

Fuller, Robert
Introduction to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
Fuzzy sets were introduced by Zadeh (1965) as a means of representing and manipulating data that was not precise, but rather fuzzy. Fuzzy logic pro­ vides an inference morphology that enables approximate human reasoning capabilities to be applied to knowledge-based systems. The theory of fuzzy logic provides a mathematical strength to capture the uncertainties associ­ ated with human cognitive processes, such as thinking and reasoning. The con...

CHF 69.00

Uncertainty-Based Information

Wierman, Mark J. / Klir, George J.
Uncertainty-Based Information
Information is precious. It reduces our uncertainty in making decisions. Knowledge about the outcome of an uncertain event gives the possessor an advantage. It changes the course of lives, nations, and history itself. Information is the food of Maxwell's demon. His power comes from know­ ing which particles are hot and which particles are cold. His existence was paradoxical to classical physics and only the realization that information too was...

CHF 134.00

Spatial Knowledge Spillovers and the Dynamics of Agglomer...

Keilbach, Max C.
Spatial Knowledge Spillovers and the Dynamics of Agglomeration and Regional Growth
and Feldman, 1996 or Audretsch and Stephan, 1996) show that unformalized knowledge may playa major role in the innovation of new products. Now if unformalized knowledge is communicated personally, distance will be an important variable in this process, since the intensity of contacts between persons can be expected to be negatively correlated to the distance between them. In the discussion of section 3.3.1 (page 42) we saw that it was this asp...

CHF 69.00