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1479 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1361 von 1380.

Data Structures for Computational Statistics

Klinke, Sigbert
Data Structures for Computational Statistics
Since the beginning of the seventies computer hardware is available to use programmable computers for various tasks. During the nineties the hardware has developed from the big main frames to personal workstations. Nowadays it is not only the hardware which is much more powerful, but workstations can do much more work than a main frame, compared to the seventies. In parallel we find a specialization in the software. Languages like COBOL for bu...

CHF 134.00

Knowledge Management in Fuzzy Databases

Vila, Maria A. / Pons, Olga
Knowledge Management in Fuzzy Databases
1. When I was asked by the editors of this book to write a foreword, I was seized by panic. Obviously, neither I am an expert in Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy Databases nor I could have been beforehand unaware that the book's contributors would be some of the most outstanding researchers in the field. However, Amparo Vila's gentle insistence gradually broke down my initial resistance, and panic then gave way to worry. Which paving stones d...

CHF 188.00

Fuzzy Control

Hampel, Rainer / Chaker, Nasredin / Wagenknecht, Michael
Fuzzy Control
The present edited volume is of special importance, and for various reasons. First of all, it is one of the most comprehensive and multifaceted coverage of broadly per­ ceived fuzzy control in the literature. The editors have succeeded to collect papers from leading scholars and researchers on various subjects related to the topic of the volume. What is relevant and original is that - as opposed to so many volumes on fuzzy control published by...

CHF 188.00

Spatial Change and Interregional Flows in the Integrating...

Herrmann, Hayo / Bröcker, Johannes
Spatial Change and Interregional Flows in the Integrating Europe
Within the broad frame of regional research in an international perspective, the contributions of this volume present new theoretical, methodological and empirical results as well as political strategies for the following topics: - ecomomic integration in the Baltic rim, - innovation and regional growth, - economic integration, trade and migration, - transport infrastructure and the regions. Most of the topics deal with the long-term integ...

CHF 69.00

Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Radke, Volker
Nachhaltige Entwicklung
Der Begriff der nachhaltigen Entwicklung hat in der umwelt- und ressourcenökonomischen Literatur einen beispiellosen Siegeszug erlebt. Zwei Aspekte sind besonders augenfällig: Erstens ist eine bemerkenswerte Heterogenität hinsichtlich der inhaltlichen Auslegungen dieses Begriffes zu konstatieren. Zweitens ist ein intensives Bemühen um eine Operationalisierung des Nachhaltigkeitsgrundsatzes festzustellen, wobei der Schwerpunkt im Bereich der En...

CHF 86.00

Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 2

Polkowski, Lech
Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 2
The papers on rough set theory and its applications placed in this volume present a wide spectrum of problems representative to the present. stage of this theory. Researchers from many countries reveal their rec.ent results on various aspects of rough sets. The papers are not confined only to mathematical theory but also include algorithmic aspects, applications and information about software designed for data analysis based on this theory. Th...

CHF 236.00

Recent Issues on Fuzzy Databases

Pasi, Gabriella / Bordogna, Gloria
Recent Issues on Fuzzy Databases
First of all, I would like to congratulate Gabriella Pasi and Gloria Bordogna for the work they accomplished in preparing this new book in the series "Study in Fuzziness and Soft Computing". "Recent Issues on the Management of Fuzziness in Databases" is undoubtedly a token of their long-lasting and active involvement in the area of Fuzzy Information Retrieval and Fuzzy Database Systems. This book is really welcome in the area of fuzzy database...

CHF 134.00

Soft Computing in Information Retrieval

Pasi, Gabriella / Crestani, Fabio
Soft Computing in Information Retrieval
Information retrieval (IR) aims at defining systems able to provide a fast and effective content-based access to a large amount of stored information. The aim of an IR system is to estimate the relevance of documents to users' information needs, expressed by means of a query. This is a very difficult and complex task, since it is pervaded with imprecision and uncertainty. Most of the existing IR systems offer a very simple model of IR, which p...

CHF 188.00

Cooperation and Competition in a Common Market

Behar, Jaime
Cooperation and Competition in a Common Market
The essays included in this book are the result ofseven years ofresearch spanning the 1990-1997 period. Most of them have been published in scientific magazines or as chapters of books. To the end of this edition, and in order to avoid repetitions, the original texts have been modified, particularly with regard to the titles and introductions ofthe chapters. Chapter two reproduces the article "Economic Integration and Intra-Industry Trade: The...

CHF 69.00

Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information...

Kasabov, Nikola
Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences
This edited volume comprises invited chapters that cover five areas of the current and the future development of intelligent systems and information sciences. Half of the chapters were presented as invited talks at the Workshop "Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences" held in Dunedin, New Zealand, 22-23 November 1999 after the International Conference on Neuro-Information Processing (lCONIPI ANZIISI ANNES '99) held ...

CHF 188.00

Fuzzy and Neural: Interactions and Applications

Feuring, Thomas / Buckley, James J.
Fuzzy and Neural: Interactions and Applications
The primary purpose of this book is to present information about selected topics on the interactions and applications of fuzzy + neural. Most of the discussion centers around our own research in these areas. Fuzzy + neural can mean many things: (1) approximations between fuzzy systems and neu­ ral nets (Chapter 4), (2) building hybrid neural nets to equal fuzzy systems (Chapter 5), (3) using neura.l nets to solve fuzzy problems (Chapter 6), (4...

CHF 134.00

Logical Structures for Representation of Knowledge and Un...

Hisdal, Ellen
Logical Structures for Representation of Knowledge and Uncertainty
It is the business of science not to create laws, but to discover them. We do not originate the constitution of our own minds, greatly as it may be in our power to modify their character. And as the laws of the human intellect do not depend upon our will, so the forms of science, of (1. 1) which they constitute the basis, are in all essential regards independent of individual choice. George Boole [10, p. llJ 1. 1 Comparison with Traditional Lo...

CHF 134.00

Fuzzy Discrete Structures

Mordeson, John N. / Malik, Davender S.
Fuzzy Discrete Structures
This ambitious exposition by Malik and Mordeson on the fuzzification of discrete structures not only supplies a solid basic text on this key topic, but also serves as a viable tool for learning basic fuzzy set concepts "from the ground up" due to its unusual lucidity of exposition. While the entire presentation of this book is in a completely traditional setting, with all propositions and theorems provided totally rigorous proofs, the readabil...

CHF 134.00

Applying Soft Computing in Defining Spatial Relations

Sztandera, Les M. / Matsakis, Pascal
Applying Soft Computing in Defining Spatial Relations
Geometric properties and relations play central roles in the description and processing of spatial data. The properties and relations studied by mathematicians usually have precise definitions, but verbal descriptions often involve imprecisely defined concepts such as elongatedness or proximity. The methods used in soft computing provide a framework for formulating and manipulating such concepts. This volume contains eight papers on the soft d...

CHF 69.00

Climate Technology Strategies 2

Capros, Pantelis / Georgakopoulos, Panagiotis / Regemorter, Denise Van / Vouyoukas, E. Lakis / Schmidt, Tobias F. N. / Koschel, Henrike / Conrad, Klaus / Proost, Stef
Climate Technology Strategies 2
Climate technology becomes more and more relevant in international environmental policy negotiations. At the Kyoto conference binding emission reduction targets have been established for several regions of the world. The major challenge is how to realize these reduction goals with minimum costs without generating new distributional and social difficulties. The book analyses the macroeconomic structural and distributional impacts of greenhouse ...

CHF 69.00

Produktionswirtschaft - Controlling industrieller Produktion

Laßmann, Gert / Hahn, Dietger
Produktionswirtschaft - Controlling industrieller Produktion
Das vorliegende Werk will den heutigen Erkenntnisstand der Betriebswirt­ schaftslehre im Bereich der Industriellen Produktionswirtschaft vermitteln. 1m Mittelpunkt steht die systematische Behandlung technisch-wirtschaftli­ cher Fragestellungen. Die Erarbeitung von Losungsansiitzen erfolgt aus der Sicht des Controlling mit dem Ziel einer ergebnisorientierten Unter­ nehmungsfiihrung. Zahlreiche Beispiele stellen den Bezug zur Untemeh­ mungspraxi...

CHF 46.50

The German and Dutch Economies

Jong, Eelke de / Delsen, Lei
The German and Dutch Economies
Institutions have both positive and negative effects on economic performance. The theoretical and empirical understanding of the roles played by institutions, norms and culture in the functioning of markets still is limited. This book contributes to a better understanding of the role played by institutions in economic life and to more balanced and better founded policy decisions related to the (re)structuring of industrial economies in respons...

CHF 69.00

The Political Economy of Fiscal Decisions

Wolff, Jessica de
The Political Economy of Fiscal Decisions
A ruling party decides each of two periods on the level of public goods which it finances by means of taxation and internal debt. The debt has to be honoured by the government of the second period. Between the two periods elections take place, which may change the ruling party. The book analyzes the fiscal decision of the first government which aims to maximize the long run utility of its representative voter. Conditions under which the govern...

CHF 69.00

Intelligent Information Systems 2001

Klopotek, Mieczyslaw A. / Wierzchon, Slawomir T. / Michalewicz, Maciej
Intelligent Information Systems 2001
The book offers a selection of papers presented at the international symposium Intelligent Information Systems X held in Zakopane, Poland. The papers report on progress in theory and applications of broadly understood artificial intelligence, including machine learning, knowledge discovery, knowledge based systems and reasoning, intelligent statistical analysis and soft computing (i.e. fuzzy and rough sets, neural networks, evolutionary algori...

CHF 134.00

Fuzzy Techniques in Image Processing

Nachtegael, Mike / Kerre, Etienne E.
Fuzzy Techniques in Image Processing
Since time immemorial, vision in general and images in particular have played an important and essential role in human life. Nowadays, the field of image processing also has numerous scientific, commercial, industrial and military applications. All these applications result from the interaction between fun­ damental scientific research on the one hand, and the development of new and high-standard technology on the other hand. Regarding the sci...

CHF 188.00