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33 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

SQL Server Execution Plans: Third Edition

Fritchey, Grant
SQL Server Execution Plans: Third Edition
This book will teach you everything you need to read the execution plan, for any query of your own, regardless of complexity, and understand what it does and what is causing the bad performance. It is still your job to work out how best to fix it, but your new understanding of execution plans will give a much better chance of success.

CHF 40.90

SQL Server Backup and Restore

McGehee, Shawn
SQL Server Backup and Restore
The duties and responsibilitie:s of a Database Administrator (DBA) make for long and dynamically changing list, ranging from offering query tuning advice, to cutting stored procedures, all the way through to system process design and implementation for high availability. A DBA's tasks, from day-to-day, are rarely constant, with one exception: the need to ensure each and every day that any database in their charge can be restored and recovered,...

CHF 40.90

SQL Server Transaction Log Management

Davis, Tony / Shaw, Gail
SQL Server Transaction Log Management
When a SQL Server database is operating smoothly and performing well, there is no need to be particularly aware of the transaction log, beyond ensuring that every database has an appropriate backup regime and restore plan in place. When things go wrong, however, a DBA's reputation depends on a deeper understanding of the transaction log, both what it does, and how it works. An effective response to a crisis requires rapid decisions based on un...

CHF 40.90

Tribal SQL

Various / Davis, Tony / McCown, Jen
Tribal SQL
What makes you passionate about working with SQL Server? What lessons have you learned, perhaps the hard way, on how to get the best performance and scalability out of your SQL Server databases? We challenged a group of talented, up-and-coming 'new voices' in SQL Server to share their passion and knowledge with the Community. A DBA's core responsibilities are constant. A DBA must maintain and enforce security mechanisms on the data, prepare ef...

CHF 40.90

SQL Server Concurrency

Delaney, Kalen
SQL Server Concurrency
If you've designed your SQL code intelligently, and implemented a sensible indexing strategy, there's a good chance your queries will "fly", when tested in isolation. In the real world, however, where multiple processes can access the same data at the same time, SQL Server often has to make one process wait, sacrificing concurrency and performance, in order that in order that all can succeed, without destroying data integrity. Transactions are...

CHF 40.90

The Art of SQL Server Filestream

Sebastian, Jacob / Aelterman, Sven
The Art of SQL Server Filestream
Storing large object data in the database offers a number of benefits, but introduces performance challenges. Conversely, storing large object data in the file system has overriding performance advantages, but fails to offer some of the basic data integrity, security and manageability features that are required for business data, and which SQL Server provides. Up to now, most people have adopted file system storage by necessity, and often stru...

CHF 39.50

Two Minute SQL Server Stumpers - Volume 6

Two Minute SQL Server Stumpers - Volume 6
Challenge you in a variety of ways about the different aspects of SQL Server. Some of the questions are arcane, some very common, but you'll learn something and the wide range of questions will help you get your mind agile and ready for some quick thinking. This version is a compilation of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 questions, to bring you up to date on the latest version of SQL Server. So read on, in order, randomly, just start going...

CHF 19.90

Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer

Nevarez, Benjamin
Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer
The SQL Server Query Optimizer is perceived by many to be a magic black box, transforming SQL queries into high performance execution plans in the blink of an eye through some unknowable process. The truth is that, while the Query Optimizer is indeed the highly-complex result of decades of research, learning how it works its magic is not only possible, but immensely useful to DBAs and Developers alike. A better understanding of what the Query ...

CHF 40.90

Exchange 2010 Sp1 - A Practical Approach

Wesselius, Jaap
Exchange 2010 Sp1 - A Practical Approach
Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 is the latest incarnation of Microsoft's Messaging and Collaboration platform, and is has a lot of new, compelling features. It is the seventh major version of the product, and it rolls out some important changes and plenty of small improvements. Even better, a lot of complex issues from previous versions have seen solved, or simply removed, making the administrator's life much easier! As a trainer and consu...

CHF 40.90

The Sysadmin Handbook

The Sysadmin Handbook
Over the past two years, Simple-Talk has published articles on a variety of SysAdmin topics, from Exchange to Virtualization, and including everything from Powershell to Unifi ed Messaging. We have brought the best of these articles together to form The SysAdmin Handbook. With over fi fty articles packed into this book, it will be an essential reference for any Systems Administrator, whether you have years of experience or are just starting out.

CHF 40.90

Under the Hood of .Net Memory Management

Farrell, Chris / Harrison, Nick
Under the Hood of .Net Memory Management
This book starts with an introduction to the core concepts of .NET memory management and garbage collection, and then quickly layers on additional details and intricacies. Once you're up to speed, you can dive into the guided troubleshooting tour, and tips for engineering your application to maximise performance. And to finish off, take a look at some more sophisticated considerations, and even a peek inside the Windows memory model.

CHF 40.90

Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication

Meine, Sebastian
Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication
It is a common requirement to make data that lives on one server available on another. You might want to speed up cross-server queries by providing a local copy of the data. You might want to make the data available to resource intensive reporting queries without affecting the OLTP load, maybe even with an intentional delay in synchronization, so that reports run against complete days only. You may wish to replicate a complete database to a se...

CHF 40.90

SQL Server Internals: In-Memory Oltp

Delaney, Kalen
SQL Server Internals: In-Memory Oltp
The SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP engine (a.k.a. Hekaton) is designed from the ground up to exploit terabytes of available memory and high numbers of processing cores. It allows us to work with memory-optimized tables and indexes, and natively compiled stored procedures, in addition to the disk-based tables and indexes, and T-SQL stored procedures, that SQL Server has always provided. Hekaton in-memory data is accessible, transparently, using...

CHF 40.90

Performance Tuning with SQL Server Dynamic Management Views

Davidson, Louis / Ford, Tim
Performance Tuning with SQL Server Dynamic Management Views
Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) are a significant and valuable addition to the DBA's troubleshooting armory, laying bare previously unavailable information regarding the under-the-covers activity of your database sessions and transactions. Why, then, aren't all DBAs using them? Why do many DBAs continue to ignore them in favour of "tried and trusted" tools such as sp_who2, DBCC OPENTRAN, and so on, or make do with the "ready made" reports buil...

CHF 40.90

SQL Server Hardware

Berry, Glenn
SQL Server Hardware
Relational databases place heavy demands on their underlying hardware and many of these databases are mission-critical resources for multiple applications, where performance bottlenecks are immediately noticeable and often very costly to the business. Despite this, many database administrators are not very knowledgeable about server hardware. Many medium-to-large companies have completely separate departments that are responsible for hardware ...

CHF 40.90

SQL Server Execution Plans

Fritchey, Grant
SQL Server Execution Plans
Every day, out in the various online forums devoted to SQL Server, and on Twitter, the same types of questions come up repeatedly: Why is this query running slowly? Why is SQL Server ignoring my index? Why does this query run quickly sometimes and slowly at others? My response is the same in each case: have you looked at the execution plan? An execution plan describes what's going on behind the scenes when SQL Server executes a query. It shows...

CHF 40.90

Troubleshooting SQL Server - A Guide for the Accidental DBA

Kehayias, Jonathan / Krueger, Ted
Troubleshooting SQL Server - A Guide for the Accidental DBA
We spend much of our working life trying to help people solve SQL Server-related performance problems, either hands-on, during consulting, or on various online community forums. Over the years, we've been exposed to a few weird-and-wonderful SQL Server issues but, mainly, we've seen the same problems and the same misconceptions about how SQL Server works crop up time-and-again. This book is our attempt to describe, diagnose, and solve some of ...

CHF 47.90