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16 Ergebnisse.

The Extraordinary Stories of Scientists and Inventors

Ronny the Frenchie
The Extraordinary Stories of Scientists and Inventors
Have you ever wondered what wonderful things you might do in your future? Whether you can achieve your dreams and goals? The possibilities really are endless! When we look at high achievers, like Nobel Prize winners, we may think they got by on talent and luck. No way! I mean, did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci saw himself as a failure? Or, that Einstein failed a test?! Join Ronny, your favorite Frenchie bulldog on a journey to learn all ab...

CHF 24.50

The Lettering Workbook for Kids

Ronny the Frenchie / Garden, Ricca's
The Lettering Workbook for Kids
Join Ronny, your favorite Frenchie bulldog on a journey to learn the skill of calligraphy and hand lettering: artwork that is always admired, appreciated, and never goes out of style. This step-by-step guide is easy to follow, filled to the brim with multiple lettering styles, tips and ideas, and is fun all the way through! A long list of tools is not required, just a wish to get creative and put in some practice. This will bring a rewar...

CHF 17.50

Manuale di Hand Lettering per Principianti

Garden, Ricca's
Manuale di Hand Lettering per Principianti
Impara l'arte della calligrafia moderna e dell'hand lettering con questo manuale pieno di esercizi, consigli e stili di lettering! Ogni persona creativa apprezza l'hand lettering come forma e opera d'arte. Questi tratti così belli da vedere danno immensa soddisfazione a chiunque provi a emularli... se si utilizzano gli strumenti adatti! Per fortuna hai a disposizione il "Manuale di Hand Lettering per Principianti" di Ricca Garden! Se sei un pr...

CHF 17.50

Das Lettering Arbeitsbuch für absolute Anfänger

Garden, Ricca's
Das Lettering Arbeitsbuch für absolute Anfänger
Erlernen Sie die Kunst der modernen Kalligrafie und des Handletterings mit diesem umfassenden Arbeitsbuch, gefüllt mit zahlreichen Schriftarten und Tipps! Jeder kreative Mensch schätzt Handlettering als Kunstwerk an sich. Die schönen Striche vermitteln ein Gefühl der Befriedigung, dem jeder nacheifern möchte ... wenn er die Mittel dazu hat! Gut, dass es "Das Lettering Arbeitsbuch für absolute Anfänger" von Ricca's Garden gibt! Wenn Sie ein Anf...

CHF 16.90

Het letteren werkboek voor absolute beginners

Garden, Ricca's
Het letteren werkboek voor absolute beginners
Leer de kunst van moderne kalligrafie & handletteren met dit uitgebreide werkboek, vol met verschillende letterstijlen en tips! Elke creatieveling waardeert handletteren als een kunstwerk op zich. De mooie lijnen geven een gevoel van voldoening dat iedereen wil evenaren... als hij of zij de middelen krijgt! Goed dat er "Het letteren werkboek voor absolute beginners" van Ricca's Garden is! Als je een beginner bent die absoluut vastbesloten is o...

CHF 17.50

Curiosidades divertidas y asombrosas para niños

Ronny the Frenchie
Curiosidades divertidas y asombrosas para niños
Embárcate en un viaje de descubrimientos con Ronny el francesito, el amigo canino favorito de todos: tiene un sentido del humor desquiciado y la nariz pegada al suelo para olfatear las curiosidades más interesantes.Ciencia, naturaleza, vida salvaje, historia, deportes, ingeniería y anécdotas extravagantes para captar y alimentar las mentes de los más pequeños. El libro de Ronny, Curiosidades divertidas y asombrosas para niños, es realmente sor...

CHF 24.90

Le manuel du lettrage à la main pour les débutants

Garden, Ricca's
Le manuel du lettrage à la main pour les débutants
Apprenez l'art de la calligraphie moderne et du lettrage à la main grâce à ce cahier d'exercices complet, rempli de multiples styles de lettres et de conseils! Toute personne créative apprécie le lettrage à la main comme une ¿uvre d'art à part entière. La beauté des traits donne un sentiment de satisfaction que tout le monde veut imiter... si on a les outils nécessaires! Heureusement qu'il y a le Manuel du lettrage à la main pour débutants de ...

CHF 17.50

Lustige und faszinierende Fakten für Kinder

Ronny the Frenchie
Lustige und faszinierende Fakten für Kinder
Begib dich auf eine Entdeckungsreise mit Ronny, dem Frenchie, dem Lieblingshund von allen - er hat einen verrückten Sinn für Humor und seine Nase am Boden, um die interessantesten Dinge zu erschnüffeln.Wissenschaft, Natur, Tierwelt, Geschichte, Sport, Technik und schrullige Trivialitäten sind allesamt enthalten, um den kleinen Verstand zu fesseln und zu nähren. Ronnys Buch "Lustige und faszinierende Fakten für Kinder" ist wirklich erstaunlich,...

CHF 24.90

Multiplication Workbook for Digits 0 - 12

Ronny the Frenchie
Multiplication Workbook for Digits 0 - 12
Begin your adventure in math with Ronny the Frenchie, your favorite fact-sniffing bulldog friend! Children can improve their multiplication ability using this book, for numbers 0-12.Learn the basics of multiplication in an easy format over 100 days of practice.The book focuses on progressive skill building, multiplying numbers 0-12, and then mixed multiplication problems.Discover lots of amazing and interesting facts related to math.Facts are ...

CHF 14.50

Addition and Subtraction Workbook for Double, Triple, & M...

Ronny the Frenchie
Addition and Subtraction Workbook for Double, Triple, & Multi-Digit
Learn the basics of addition and subtraction with Ronny the Frenchie, your banana-loving bulldog buddy. He's been on journeys all over the world to find some awesome and interesting facts to share with you.Learn addition and subtraction using double digit and triple digit, as well as big number addition and subtraction questions over 100 days. Discover interesting and intriguing facts related to addition, subtraction, and math history. Facts a...

CHF 14.50

Long Division Workbook - Learn to Divide Double, Triple, ...

Ronny the Frenchie
Long Division Workbook - Learn to Divide Double, Triple, & Multi-Digit
Learn more about long division with Ronny the Frenchie, your favorite math friend! He's back with more amazing and astounding facts to share with you. Progress your learning of division and have fun at the same time!Learn how to do long division with single and multi-digit divisors. Enjoy progression through multiple workbook pages with lighthearted commentary and facts from Ronny the Frenchie. Facts are presented at intervals throughout the b...

CHF 14.50

Manual de lettering a mano para principiantes

Garden, Ricca's
Manual de lettering a mano para principiantes
Aprende el arte de la caligrafía moderna y el lettering a mano con este completo manual, que contiene múltiples estilos de lettering y consejos. Toda persona creativa aprecia el lettering como una obra de arte en sí misma. Los hermosos trazos dan una sensación de satisfacción que todo el mundo quiere emular... ¡si tuvieran las herramientas necesarias! La buena noticia es que existe este "Manual de lettering a mano para principiantes" de Ricca'...

CHF 17.50

The Lettering Workbook for Large Tip Brush Pen

Garden, Ricca's
The Lettering Workbook for Large Tip Brush Pen
Discover a Fun & Relaxing Hobby That's Perfect for Those Who Love Arts and Crafts - Master the Art of Hand Lettering and Modern Calligraphy With The Lettering Workbook Series! Love the look of hand lettering, but don't know where to start? It's no secret that hand lettering and modern calligraphy are still trending, even in this digital age. They're beautiful, timeless art forms that can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any pr...

CHF 18.90

The Lettering Workbook for Small Tip Brush Pen

Garden, Ricca's
The Lettering Workbook for Small Tip Brush Pen
Does the idea of writing and designing beautiful text intimidate you? Do you think you have to be super talented to compose quality lettering designs? If so, don't worry, this workbook is for you! The truth is, it is much simpler than you think, even if you have tried following tutorials and felt that you have practiced without seeing results, The Lettering Workbook for Small Tip Brush Pen is a fun, friendly and encouraging guide that will p...

CHF 17.50

The Lettering Workbook for Absolute Beginners

Garden, Ricca's
The Lettering Workbook for Absolute Beginners
Learn the art of modern calligraphy & hand lettering with this comprehensive workbook, filled with multiple lettering styles and tips! Every creative person appreciates hand lettering as an artwork in and of itself. The beautiful strokes give a sense of satisfaction that everyone wants to emulate... if given the tools! Good thing there's "The Lettering Workbook for Absolute Beginners" by Ricca's Garden! If you're a beginner who's absolutely de...

CHF 17.50

Fun and Amazing Facts for Kids

Ronny the Frenchie
Fun and Amazing Facts for Kids
Set off on a journey of discovery with Ronny the Frenchie, everyone's favorite canine friend-he's got an insane sense of humor and his nose to the ground, sniffing out the most interesting trivia. ¿ Science, nature, wildlife, history, sports, engineering, and quirky trivia are all included to capture and nurture little minds. ¿ Ronny's book, Fun and Amazing Facts for Kids, is truly amazing, interesting, and perfect for kids aged 8-12 years t...

CHF 24.50