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14 Ergebnisse.

A Life of Love for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Fatoohi, Louay
A Life of Love for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan al-Husayni (may Allah sanctify his secret) served as the Master of Tariqa ¿Aliyya Qadiriyya Kasnazaniyya for over forty-two years, from early 1978 until he passed to Allah's mercy in the middle of 2020. Our honourable Shaikh dedicated his life to the service of Islam, Muslims, and people in general. He was a perfect role model for seekers on the way of the Qur'an and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad (PB...

CHF 21.50

Purification of the Mind (Jila' Al-Khatir) - Third Edition

Al-Jilani, 'Abd Al-Qadir
Purification of the Mind (Jila' Al-Khatir) - Third Edition
This book contains forty-five sermons that Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, arguably the greatest Sufi teacher, delivered at his school in Baghdad in the middle of the sixth century Hijra (the twelfth century CE). The Shaikh's words are the fruit of many years of personal strife against his lower self and complete dedication to God. They explain the spiritual journey to attain nearness to God in Islam.In his sermons, Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir addres...

CHF 25.50

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Fatoohi, Louay
The Crucifixion of Jesus
The crucifixion of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christian theology, but in Judaism it is an insignificant incident of the execution of a fraudster. Islam differs yet further from both presentations, claiming that Jesus was not crucified. The crucifixion is, thus, one of the most controversial differences between the three great Abrahamic religions. While it also deals with aspects of the Christian theology of the crucifixion and the Jewish view...

CHF 35.50

Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan al-Husayni

Fatoohi, Louay
Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan al-Husayni
This is the blessed biography of a prominent personality of Islam and a leading light in the sphere of Sufism and knowledge of Allah. Sayyid Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan al-Husayni is the Master of Tariqa 'Aliyya Qadiriyya Kasnazaniyya, one of the largest Sufi Tariqas with followers throughout the world. Tariqa Kasnazaniyya, as the name is usually abbreviated, traces its roots to the source of all Sufi ways, the Prophet Muhammad (PB...

CHF 131.00

The Names of the Qur'anic Chapters

Al-Dargazelli, Shetha
The Names of the Qur'anic Chapters
Being the holy book of Islam and the center of veneration of Muslims, the Qur'an has extensively been studied by Muslim scholars. This interest developed 'Ulum Al-Qur'an" or "the Sciences of the Qur'an" into a discipline that comprehensively studied every aspect of the Book of Allah. This book focuses on one of those sciences, which is studying the names of the chapters (suras) of the Qur'an. It explains where each chapter name has come from a...

CHF 13.50

Fifteen Letters (Khamsata 'Ashara Maktuban)

Al-Jilani, 'Abd Al-Qadir
Fifteen Letters (Khamsata 'Ashara Maktuban)
This book consists of fifteen letters by Shaikh 'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani. Articulated in a sublime mystical language, the letters describe spiritual experiences that are attained through striving against one's base desires and committed devotion to Allah. They are written in a peculiar style whereby each sentence or group of sentences is followed by a related Qur'anic text, which is often a part of a verse.The text is effectively a Sufi experie...

CHF 14.90

The First and Last Revelations of the Qur'an

Fatoohi, Louay
The First and Last Revelations of the Qur'an
In the written Qur'an, known as "mü¿af, " the chapters are not arranged in the chronological order of their revelation. The first and last verses in the mü¿af are not the first and last revealed verses, respectively. There are ¿ad¿ths and historical reports about which verses and chapters were revealed first and last. This book examines the credibility of each report, evaluates the views of scholars, and presents its own conclusions. Focused o...

CHF 12.90

The Wonders of Tariqa Kasnazaniyya Brought to India

Fatoohi, Louay
The Wonders of Tariqa Kasnazaniyya Brought to India
Most people today do not believe in karamas (wonders). Many of those who do think of them mainly as narratives whose characters are righteous men and women who lived in the past. But this book shows that karamas have never stopped happening. These wonders are one way in which Allah honours those who worship Him sincerely. The world has never been without individuals who are close to Allah, and so karamas have always been around. But in order t...

CHF 13.50

The Mystery of the Historical Jesus

Fatoohi, Louay
The Mystery of the Historical Jesus
Jesus remains one of the most studied characters in history. In the two millennia since his birth, countless writers have published numerous books and articles on every aspect of his life, personality, teachings, and environment. Depending on the backgrounds, goals, and trainings of their respective authors, these works relied on the New Testament, other Christian sources, Jewish writings, or other historical sources, or on combinations of the...

CHF 49.90

The Prophet Joseph in the Qur'an, the Bible, and History

Fatoohi, Louay
The Prophet Joseph in the Qur'an, the Bible, and History
The Qur'anic sura (chapter) of Joseph deals almost entirely with the story of this noble Prophet, his brothers, and their father Prophet Jacob. Since the revelation of the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago, there have been numerous attempts to interpret this sura. The present study is a genuinely new look at the sura - including careful examination of the historical background of its story and detailed comparison with the corresponding Biblical na...

CHF 26.90

The Mystery of Israel in Ancient Egypt

Fatoohi, Louay
The Mystery of Israel in Ancient Egypt
Few events in history have fascinated the layperson and the scholar as much as the exodus of the Israelites from ancient Egypt. This phenomenal interest has led to extensive research into scriptural, historical, and archaeological sources. The Qur'an, however, has been completely ignored by Western researchers because of the faith put in the Biblical narrative and the prejudiced view that the Qur'an's account is based on Jewish sources, includ...

CHF 20.90

Jihad in the Qur'an

Fatoohi, Louay
Jihad in the Qur'an
Islam has been the subject of so much misunderstanding and misrepresentation. Muslims and non-Muslims have both contributed to the distortion of almost all aspects of this religion. Jihad is one Islamic concept whose Qur'anic meaning has been, at times, manipulated deliberately and, at others, misunderstood due to ignorance. One source of the distortion of jihad is the use of inauthentic sources of Islamic teaching. Another is the influence th...

CHF 15.50

The Mystery of the Messiah

Fatoohi, Louay
The Mystery of the Messiah
The Messiah is the central figure of the largest religion in the world, as Christianity was formed around Jesus' messiahship. Judaism also gives the Messiah a special and high position, although it denies that Jesus was the Messiah, so the Jews continue to wait for the coming of their Messiah. The Qur'an confirms the Christian belief that Jesus was the Messiah, but it has fundamental differences with the Christian representation of the Messiah...

CHF 18.50

Jesus the Muslim Prophet

Fatoohi, Louay
Jesus the Muslim Prophet
Jesus introduced himself as a prophet of Islam and the awaited Messiah. Like the many Muslim prophets before him, his core message was to call people to worship God. He also tried to reform the practice of Judaism, which had been corrupted over the centuries, and he brought the good news about the coming of Prophet Muhammad. Jesus spoke about one God. He never taught that he or anybody else was or could be divine. He even called himself "son o...

CHF 20.50