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30 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Hospital of the Poor

A Kempis, Thomas
The Hospital of the Poor
This volume presents two of his shorter works which have not hitherto been available in English-The Hospital of the Poor (Hospitale Pauperum) and The Way of the Monk: A Handbook for Spiritual Warfare (Enchiridion Monachorum) Both of these treatises were written to serve as simple and helpful guides to the conduct of the spiritual life, and, because of this, are composed in a direct, straightforward and easily readable style. In this respect,...

CHF 25.50

Paciencia cristiana

Ullathorne, Obispo
Paciencia cristiana
William Bernard Ullathorne fue un monje benedictino y sacerdote católico romano que ejerció su ministerio en Australia desde 1833 hasta 1840 y luego regresó a su Inglaterra natal, donde fue ordenado obispo en 1847 y ejerció como obispo de Birmingham desde 1850 hasta 1888. Es conocido sobre todo por su trilogía catequética: The Endowments of Man, The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues y Christian Patience, publicada en la década de 1880. La pa...

CHF 37.50

The Wisdom of the Desert

Hanney, James O.
The Wisdom of the Desert
A collection of sayings of the desert monks on fighting vice and increasing in virtue. The exercises they did, on a daily basis, show us that there is never a day of rest in gaining holiness, virtue, or staying on the narrow path.

CHF 22.50

The Devil's Bagpipe

Lang, James
The Devil's Bagpipe
In the following pages, we read about an ambitious Luther trying to obtain for himself the dignity of the cardinalate at a young age. We learn about the true motives for his objections to indulgences, which sprang principally from resentment at the loss of income for his own Augustinian Order. We witness also his bad temper and vitriolic tongue, his nocturnal conversations with demons (whether they were real or imagined), and his scandalous an...

CHF 34.90

Christian Patience

Ullathorne, Bishop
Christian Patience
William Bernard Ullathorne was a Benedictine monk and Roman Catholic priest who ministered in Australia from 1833 until 1840 and then returned to his native England, where he was ordained a bishop in 1847 and served as Bishop of Birmingham from 1850 until 1888. He is best known for his catechetical trilogy: The Endowments of Man, The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues, and Christian Patience, published in the 1880s. Christian Patience is pres...

CHF 37.50

El padre cristiano

Cramer, Padre
El padre cristiano
No es un mero padre ideal el que se describe en El padre cristiano, aspirando a una santidad inalcanzable o fantasiosa. Es un padre tal como Dios quiso que fueran todos los padres, tal como debería y podría encontrarse a la cabeza de toda familia cristiana. Es un padre cristiano genuino que cumple fielmente las obligaciones de su estado y se santifica en los deberes ordinarios de la vida diaria. El padre cristiano naturalmente inculcará háb...

CHF 25.50

The Christian Father

Cramer, Rev. Wilhelm
The Christian Father
It is no mere ideal father that is described in The Christian Father, aspiring after unattainable or fanciful saintliness. It is a father such as God intended all fathers to be, such as should and might be found at the head of every Christian family. It is a genuine Christian father faithfully discharging the obligations of his state and sanctifying himself in the ordinary every-day duties of life. The Christian father will naturally instil...

CHF 21.90

La vida de San Benito José Labre

Coghlan, J. P.
La vida de San Benito José Labre
Embárquese en un profundo viaje a través de la vida de San Benito José Labre, patrón de los sin techo y de los enfermos mentales, contada por su propio confesor. Esta conmovedora narración desvela la inquebrantable devoción y vida penitente del santo, que eligió una vida impregnada de humildad, oración y sacrificio por encima de las comodidades mundanas. La incesante búsqueda de la pureza espiritual de San Benito y sus milagrosas intercesiones...

CHF 24.90

The Life of St. Benedict Joseph Labre

Marconi, Rev. Giuseppe Loreto
The Life of St. Benedict Joseph Labre
Embark on a profound journey through the life of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, the patron saint of the homeless and those suffering from mental illness, as recounted by his own confessor. This deeply moving narrative unveils the saint's unwavering devotion and penitential life, choosing a life steeped in humility, prayer, and sacrifice over worldly comforts. St. Benedict's relentless pursuit of spiritual purity and his miraculous intercessions em...

CHF 25.50


Hamon S. S., Rev. M.
A 5 volume set of daily mediations on either the readings of the day, seasonal thoughts, or saint stories. This work is heavy on the time of the year so you will be drawn into the virtues and thoughts of each season. There is 1 week lost to history in this work, but that doesn't negate from the entire book. The major saints of the season are at the end of the book. This volume goes from the 1st Sunday of Advent through the last week of time af...

CHF 37.50

La serie del Santo Hacedor

Liguori, San Alfonso
La serie del Santo Hacedor
La llamamos "la serie del hacedor de santos" porque todos los que la han leído han desarrollado un amor y una devoción a Nuestro Señor mayores que antes. La mediación de la mañana debe hacerse en algún momento de la mañana. La de la tarde por la noche y la sección de lectura espiritual a mediodía o cuando sea posible. Cuando se dividen, son muy breves, pero hay que procurar no precipitarse. El volumen de Cuaresma abarca todos los días desde la...

CHF 44.90

The Saint Maker Series

Liguori, St Alphonsus
The Saint Maker Series
We are calling this 'the saint maker series' because everyone that has read it has developed a greater love and devotion to Our Lord than they had before. The morning mediation is to be done sometime in the morning. The evening in the evening and the spiritual reading section either midday or whenever possible. When broken up these are very short in time but try not to rush it. The Lent volume covers everyday from Septuagesima to Holy Saturday...

CHF 44.50


Vaughn, Rev
Indeed, so great is the evil of sin, that if, through the blessing of God, this little treatise should be the means of preventing but one venial sin in any one of its readers, it will have accomplished a most glorious task, for it will have prevented an evil far greater (could one but realize it) than the Black Death, the bubonic plague, the earthquake in Tokyo, or even the universal Deluge itself. And we devoutly hope it may prevent not one o...

CHF 18.50

Think Well On'T

Challoner, Bishop
Think Well On'T
Bishop Challoner gives a reflection, for a month, on the truths of the faith. From Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell, to the passion of Christ. He will give 4-5 considerations for us to chew on during each day.

CHF 19.50

The Lily of Mary

Bernard, Sister Mary
The Lily of Mary
This abridged account of the life of Bernadette of Lourdes and the Sister of Charity of Nevers, is very interesting and will be welcomed by those who desire a short life of the privileged child of Mary

CHF 18.90

La sabiduría del desierto

Hanney, James O.
La sabiduría del desierto
Una colección de dichos de los monjes del desierto sobre la lucha contra el vicio y el aumento de la virtud. Los ejercicios que hacían, a diario, nos muestran que nunca hay un día de descanso para ganar santidad, virtud o permanecer en el camino estrecho.

CHF 22.50

La serie del Santo Hacedor

Liguori, San Alfonso
La serie del Santo Hacedor
La llamamos "la serie del hacedor de santos" porque todos los que la han leído han desarrollado un amor y una devoción a Nuestro Señor mayores que antes. La mediación de la mañana debe hacerse en algún momento de la mañana. La de la tarde por la noche y la sección de lectura espiritual a mediodía o cuando sea posible. Cuando se dividen, son muy breves, pero no hay que precipitarse. El volumen de Navidad/Epifanía cubre todos los días del tiempo...

CHF 38.50

The Saint Maker Series

Liguori, St Alphonsus
The Saint Maker Series
We are calling this 'the saint maker series' because everyone that has read it has developed a greater love and devotion to Our Lord than they had before. The morning mediation is to be done sometime in the morning. The evening in the evening and the spiritual reading section either midday or whenever possible. When broken up these are very short in time but try not to rush it. The Chirstmas/Epiphany volume covers every day of the Christmas se...

CHF 38.50


Simler, Rev. Joseph
This guide, dear Reader, offers you its counsels to teach you how to meditate well. It places itself at your disposal, as a faithful and devoted friend, in order at first to initiate you into mental prayer, and to accustom you afterwards to its habitual practice. In its capacity as a Guide, it is going, as it were, to take you by the hand, in order to conduct you more surely to this so desirable end.

CHF 26.90

La práctica del amor de Jesucristo

de Liguori, San Alfonso
La práctica del amor de Jesucristo
Tenemos aquí una de las obras maestras de San Alfonso, un libro que habla a todos los corazones, que revela a cada alma cristiana sus verdaderas necesidades y los verdaderos medios para satisfacerlas. No se puede leer este libro sin mejorar, ni cansarse de leerlo una y otra vez. Es, en efecto, una obra muy apreciada y ampliamente difundida. Se publicó en 1768. (Tannoia, B. 3, cap. 41, 42.) El santo obispo, desarrollando el célebre texto de S...

CHF 25.50