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179 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Psychosomatik in der Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie

Moser, Gabriele
Psychosomatik in der Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie
Psychosomatik spielt in der Gastroenterologie eine bisher zu wenig beachtete Rolle. Ausführlich bespricht dieses Buch die psychosomatischen Aspekte sämtlicher Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes. Praxisorientiert erläutert es die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung, die durch Beiträge Betroffener ergänzt ist. Zudem stellt es psychische Aspekte der endoskopischen Untersuchung und anderer diagnostischer Verfahren vor. Ein eigenes Kapitel behandelt die psycho...

CHF 120.00

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Fleischhacker, Wolfgang W. / Brooks, D. J.
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
We have great pleasure to present the latest extension of the European Institute of Health Care book series. This volume is devoted to neurodevelopmental d- orders. Again, we had the privilege to be able to work with reknowned experts who have agreed to contribute to this endeavour. The book comprises a number of topics related to psychosocial and motor development and is exemplary with regard to its comprehensiveness, as reviews of the topics...

CHF 203.00

Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services

Beach, Brian
Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services
Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services is written specifically for Windows professionals who already know PowerShell and want to learn to host Windows workloads in the Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) cloud service. The cloud offers information technology workers significant cost savings and agility unimaginable even just a few years ago. Tasks that traditionally took weeks of work, costing thousands of dollars, can be completed in minutes f...

CHF 68.00

Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases

Feldman, Eva L. / Grisold, Wolfgang / Russell, James W. / Loescher, Wolfgang
Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
This atlas presents a comprehensive outline of neuromuscular diseases, written by respected American and European authors. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders including cranial and spinal nerves, motor neuron diseases, nerve plexus, peripheral nerves, mono- and polyneuropathies, entrapment syndromes, neuromuscular junctions, and muscle disease. Each chapter is structured into the following sections: anatomy, symptoms, signs, pa...

CHF 223.00

Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics

Rozvany, George I. N. / Lewinski, Tomasz
Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics
The book covers new developments in structural topology optimization. Basic features and limitations of Michell’s truss theory, its extension to a broader class of support conditions, generalizations of truss topology optimization, and Michell continua are reviewed. For elastic bodies, the layout problems in linear elasticity are discussed and the method of relaxation by homogenization is outlined. The classical problem of free material design...

CHF 260.00

Interaction of Immune and Cancer Cells

Klink, Magdalena
Interaction of Immune and Cancer Cells
The tumor environment is a dynamic network that includes cancer cells, immune cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, extracellular matrix, cytokines and receptors. The aim of this book is to summarize the role of these components, especially immune cells, in tumor suppression and/or progression and describe in detail why tumor cells can survive and spread in spite of the antitumor response of immune cells. Since immunotherapy is an attractive ...

CHF 237.00

Handbook of Head and Neck Reconstruction Using Regional a...

Erovic, Boban M / Lercher, Piero
Handbook of Head and Neck Reconstruction Using Regional and Free Flaps
Ablative tumor surgery of the head and neck region often results in severe cosmetic and functional deformities. In these cases, microvascular free-tissue transfer enables three-dimensional reconstruction of head and neck defects. The selection of adequate donor tissue and a profound knowledge of the human anatomy and the various harvesting techniques are paramount in ensuring successful reconstruction.Reflecting current surgical approaches, th...

CHF 122.00

Psychiatric Drugs in Childhood and Adolescence

Gerlach, Manfred / Warnke, Andreas / Greenhill, Laurence
Psychiatric Drugs in Childhood and Adolescence
This book offers a comprehensive survey of the current state of knowledge in the field of neuro-psychopharmacology in childhood and adolescence. In the first part, the essentials of neuro-psychopharmacology are presented in order to provide a deeper understanding of the principles and particularities in the pharmacotherapy of children and adolescents. This part includes information on neurotransmitters and signal transduction pathways, molecul...

CHF 130.00

Tabletop Intense Femtosecond Pulse Sources and Their Appl...

Baltuska, A. / Cerullo, Giulio
Tabletop Intense Femtosecond Pulse Sources and Their Applications
This is the first comprehensive treatment of intense femtosecond pulse generation techniques and applications. Two main facets of the intense ultra short pulse research are presented: A snapshot of the current status and trends in the development of tabletop ultra fast sources compatible with the format of a standard research lab or a mobile unit is afforded the reader. Additionally, the book reviews numerous exciting applications and secondar...

CHF 136.00


Kamolz, Lars-Peter / Herndon, David N. / Jeschke, Marc G.
Verbrennungen kommen sehr häufig vor. Einige Verbrennungswunden benötigen keine spezielle Therapie, andere hingegen erfordern eine chirurgische und intensivmedizinische Versorgung in einem hochspezialisierten Brandverletzten-Zentrum. Dieses Kompendium bietet eine schnelle Orientierung über den aktuellen, praxisbezogenen Wissensstand zur Diagnose und Therapie von Verbrennungen und deckt den gesamten Bereich der Verbrennungsbehandlung ab. In der...

CHF 104.00

Dynamic Localization Phenomena in Elasticity, Acoustics a...

Craster, Richard V. / Kaplunov, Julius
Dynamic Localization Phenomena in Elasticity, Acoustics and Electromagnetism
Properties of wave localization play a decisive role both in  applications of engineered microstructures and in the detection of cracks and flaws. The papers in this volume give an introduction into a variety of interrelated dynamic localization phenomena occurring in elasticity, acoustics and electromagnetism. In particular, these involve surface and edge waves and also trapped modes localized near defects, shape changes and the edges of elon...

CHF 196.00

Qualitätsmanagement im prähospitalen Notfallwesen

Neumayr, Agnes / Schinnerl, Adolf / Baubin, Michael
Qualitätsmanagement im prähospitalen Notfallwesen
Qualitätsmanagement im prähospitalen Notfallwesen wird in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz seit Jahrzehnten gelebt. Die Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher und praxisrelevanter Ansätze macht es notwendig, den Ist-Stand zu bestimmen und zukünftige Zielvorgaben und Herausforderungen aufzuzeigen. Dieses Buch folgt einem integrativen Ansatz: Repräsentanten aus dem deutschsprachigen und niederländischen Raum und aus allen im prähospitalen Notfallpro...

CHF 100.00

Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials

Altenbach, Holm / Sadowski, Tomasz
Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials
The papers in this volume present basic concepts and new developments in failure and damage analysis with focus on advanced materials such as composites, laminates, sandwiches and foams, and also new metallic materials. Starting from some mathematical foundations (limit surfaces, symmetry considerations, invariants) new experimental results and their analysis are shown. Finally, new concepts for failure prediction and analysis will be introduc...

CHF 197.00

Forensische Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

Völkl-Kernstock, Sabine / Kienbacher, Christian
Forensische Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen
Forensische Psychologie sowie Forensische Psychiatrie im Kindes- und Jugendalter stellen Spezialgebiete dar und bedingen zumeist die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Berufsgruppen aus dem psychosozialen, medizinischen und juristischen Umfeld. Damit die forensische Tätigkeit entsprechend wissenschaftlichen Standards geleistet werden kann, ist ein regelmäßiger Wissensaustausch der einzelnen Fachdisziplinen notwendig und dazu möchte dieses Buch einen...

CHF 114.00

Vertigo - Neue Horizonte in Diagnostik und Therapie

Ernst, Arne / Basta, Dietmar
Vertigo - Neue Horizonte in Diagnostik und Therapie
Schwindel kann bei Menschen jeder Altersstufe auftreten. Die Ursachen und Symptome sind vielfältig. Das thematische Spektrum dieses Buches ist entsprechend breit und gibt einen interdisziplinären Einblick in neueste Forschung und Therapiemöglichkeiten.Ein internationales Autorenteam erläutert neue Untersuchungstechniken und bewährte Behandlungsstrategien. Neuste Erkenntnisse zur Entstehung zentraler Gleichgewichtsstörungen aus der Neurophysiol...

CHF 153.00

Nietzsche und Schopenhauer (Vorlesungen)

Schlick, Moritz / Iven, Mathias
Nietzsche und Schopenhauer (Vorlesungen)
Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert Schlicks fast vier Jahrzehnte währende, auf den ersten Blick immer noch überraschende und von der Forschung bisher nicht beachtete Beschäftigung mit Leben und Werk von Friedrich Nietzsche.   Im Rahmen der um die Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert einsetzenden universitären Nietzsche-Rezeption stehend, hatte die Begegnung mit Nietzsches Schriften eine geistige Auseinandersetzung zur Folge, wie sie in dieser Form und in ...

CHF 134.00

Learn Java for Android Development

Friesen, Jeff
Learn Java for Android Development
Learn Java for Android Development, Third Edition, is an update of a strong selling book that now includes a primer on Android app development (in Chapter 1 and Appendix C, which is distributed in the book's code archive). This book teaches programmers the essential Java language skills necessary for effectively picking up and using the new Android SDK platform to build mobile, embedded, and even PC apps, especially game apps. Android developm...

CHF 89.00

Protein Expression in Down Syndrome Brain

Lubec, Gert
Protein Expression in Down Syndrome Brain
When we worked on Down Syndrome brain in the past we have been focus­ ing on adult brain. This was a major step forwards as most work on Down Syndrome was carried out on fibroblasts or other tissues and, moreover, we introduced proteomics to identify and quantify brain protein expression. We considered evaluation of brain protein expression in Down Syndrome brain by and by more important than gene hunting at the nucleic acid level realiz­ ing ...

CHF 276.00

Nonlinear Differential Equation Models

Jüngel, Ansgar / Manasevich, Raul / Markowich, Peter / Shahgholian, Henrik
Nonlinear Differential Equation Models
The papers in this book originate from lectures which were held at the "Vienna Workshop on Nonlinear Models and Analysis" - May 20-24, 2002. They represent a cross-section of the research field Applied Nonlinear Analysis with emphasis on free boundaries, fully nonlinear partial differential equations, variational methods, quasilinear partial differential equations and nonlinear kinetic models.

CHF 130.00