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58 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The ChrisLin Method

Bachini, Christina / Wheeler, Lindsey
The ChrisLin Method
A step-by-step guide to facilitating lasting transformation, presented in a practical, clear and approachable way, The ChrisLin Method deserves a prominent place in any practitioner's toolkit. Since the beginning of time, people of the world have expressed themselves through art, music, dance, drama and storytelling. In their groundbreaking book, Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler offer practitioners - counsellors, coaches, art therapists a...

CHF 59.90

Juicy Life

Anstiss, Andrea
Juicy Life
Leap into a transformational journey of discovery. Uncover your innate preciousness. Embrace your extraordinary Juicy Life. Transpersonal psychotherapist Andrea Anstiss invites you to explore 8 remarkable steps that will challenge and surprise you. 8 steps that have the power to transform your life. Unearth your emotional blueprint and your inherited 'Tricky Traits' - deep-rooted patterns of behaviour that can adversely affect your relation...

CHF 29.50

La vie en¿ movement

Casteel / Reken, E van
La vie en¿ movement
La vie est ponctuée de transitions. Elles se produisent parfois au même endroit : nous passons de l'enfance à l'âge adulte, du célibat au mariage, d'une bonne santé à une maladie chronique. Certaines transitions surviennent lorsque nous partons vivre ailleurs.¿ ¿Ce livre présente comment l'humanité a dû faire face à ces grands changements géographiques, depuis le départ forcé d'Adam et Ève du jardin d'Éden. Le croirez-vous ? Celles et ceux qu...

CHF 14.90

Les Signatures de BioGéométrie

Karim Sc, Ibrahim
Les Signatures de BioGéométrie
Basée sur une recherche de plus de 45 ans, les Signatures de BioGéométrie sont des diagrammes linéaires qui aident à équilibrer l'énergie subtile des organes du corps. Les schémas énergétiques de l'énergie subtile de l'organe sont accessibles par les Signatures de BioGéométrie placées extérieurement dans les champs énergétiques du corps afin de créer une connexion par la Résonance de la Forme. Ceci est un livre qui changera la vision que vou...

CHF 41.50

De Regreso a un Futuro Para a Humanidad

Karim Sc, Ibrahim
De Regreso a un Futuro Para a Humanidad
LA SABIDURÍA DEL PASADO Y EL CIENCIA DEL FUTURO · Crear un puente entre la ciencia y la espiritualidad · Alquimia geométrica en Arquitectura y Diseño · Humanizar la tecnología moderna · Para armonizar la radiación electromagnética · Los secretos de energía sutil de la Gran Pirámide · Una clave de energía para decodificar las ciencias antiguas · La calidad física: todo tiene un lugar en la sinfonía universal "El Dr. Karim es un científico q...

CHF 38.50

The Newcomer's Dictionary

Agee, Joyce
The Newcomer's Dictionary
The Newcomer's Dictionary is an A to Z of words that explore aspects of relocating. Whether you have moved or are considering a move, this dictionary will help to identify and describe the experience of being a newcomer. Filtered through Joyce Agee's memories and illustrated by her sister, Ellen Agee, this book identifies the often hidden and complex feelings that can be experienced by newcomers - whether first-time, seasoned or expatriate - ...

CHF 43.50

Der Prolog

Mirtchev, Alexander V.
Der Prolog
EINE UMFASSENDE STUDIE ÜBER DIE GEOPOLITISCHEN, SICHERHEITS-, WIRTSCHAFTS- UND UMWELTAUSWIRKUNGEN EINES GROSSEN WEGWEISENDEN PHÄNOMENS - DEM MEGATREND ALTERNATIVE ENERGIEN IM ZEITALTER DES WETTBEWERBS DER GROßMÄCHTE Dies ist nicht nur eine weitere alternative Energiestudie. Vielmehr zeichnet The Prologue den sich entwickelnden Sicherheitspfad eines unvorhersehbaren globalen Phänomens nach: den Aufstieg alternativer Energien als sozialpolitis...

CHF 44.50

Méthode Adamski

Laporte-Adamski, Frank
Méthode Adamski
Programme de 14 jours pour améliorer votre transit intestinal et retrouver un ventre plat !Libérez votre intestin chez vous en 14 jours. Vous en avez assez d'avoir des problèmes de digestion ? Vous n'allez pas bien aux toilettes ? Vous êtes souvent ballonné ? Voici la solution : un programme de 14 jours avec menus et recettes, mais aussi exercices physiques et hygiène de vie quotidienne à effectuer pour améliorer votre transit intestinal, vo...

CHF 49.90

El Prólogo

Mirtchev, Alexander V.
El Prólogo
Un análisis exhaustivo sobre los impactos geopolítico, seguridad, económico y medioambiente de un gran fenómeno revolucionario- la megatendencia de la energía alternativa en la nueva era de la competencia de las grandes potencias. Este estudio no es otro más sobre las energías alternativas. En su lugar, traza el despliegue de la trayectoria de seguridad de un fenómeno global impredecible: el ascenso de la energía alternativa como una megatende...

CHF 43.90

Retour vers un Avenir pour l'Humanité

Karim Sc, Ibrahim
Retour vers un Avenir pour l'Humanité
La première collection des écrits du Dr. Ibrahim Karim en français exprime sa vision holistique du monde. Dr. Karim est le fondateur de la Science de la BioGéométrie qui remonte aux premières années de 1970. La BioGéométrie est la science qui utilise les formes, les couleurs et les sons afin d'introduire l'harmonie dans les qualités de l'énergie subtile de l'environnement. Au centre de cette harmonie existe une qualité d'énergie subtile qui s...

CHF 38.90

The Legend of the Dancing Baobab Tree

Hoffman, Wakanyi
The Legend of the Dancing Baobab Tree
The Legend of the Dancing Baobab Tree is an old folktale from Africa. It takes place in the savanna in a time when there was a great drought that threatened to destroy the earth. The animals were suffering from great hunger and thirst as all the rivers, lakes and streams had dried up. But the mighty baobab tree kept all the water stored inside its big, fat trunk and would not share with the rest of the creatures or plants.¿ This left the anima...

CHF 30.90

Vida en Movimiento

Casteel, Amy / Reken, Ruth E. Van
Vida en Movimiento
La vida está llena de transiciones. A veces suceden en un lugar geográfico. Pasamos de la niñez a la edad adulta, de la soltería al matrimonio, de la salud a la enfermedad crónica. Otras veces se dan cuando nos trasladamos de un lugar a otro. En Vida en Movimiento, vemos cómo desde que Adán y Eva tuvieron que abandonar el Jardín del Edén, los humanos han tenido que lidiar con la realidad de hacer transiciones geográficas. Sorprendentemente, de...

CHF 14.90


Frais, Carrie
Nine women share the emotional and practical realities of life away from 'home'.¿Grief, loneliness, Brexit, motherhood, identity, belonging, rootlessness, drinking culture and integration are just some of the issues tackled in a series of powerful stories written by nine women on the challenges of expat life. In one of the first books of its kind, these women reveal some of the emotional upheavals and struggles that go hand-in-hand with moving...

CHF 22.50

Whose Career - Yours, Mine or Ours?

Quahe, Yvonne
Whose Career - Yours, Mine or Ours?
When will my turn come? Didn't we agree that both our careers were equally important?"Sound familiar? All too often, one career takes precedence over the other, and the dreams of a dual career marriage disintegrate into dust. And it's even more complicated if you are globally mobile. Juggling two careers with multiple moves - and perhaps a family - can be fraught with difficulties. Yvonne Quahe, sociologist, coach and HR professional, has spen...

CHF 32.50

The Twelve Days of Christmas Safari

Hoffman, Wakanyi
The Twelve Days of Christmas Safari
The Twelve Days of Christmas is a traditional English Christmas carol of French origin which details the gifts received from a true love beginning on the day after Christmas.But what gifts would one receive if the twelve days were spent on a magical safari through the African savanna? ¿This version reveals some of the animals than can be easily spotted while out on a game drive. Set in Kenya, it appeals to both young and old readers and invite...

CHF 29.50

The Millennial Money Masterplan

Smith, Matthew
The Millennial Money Masterplan
Just days into his honeymoon, Matthew Smith found himself in a Las Vegas hospital ward battling for his life. A nut in the steakhouse's starter provoked a lethal allergic reaction that resulted in three touch-and-go weeks in a hospital bed and a �0, 000 medical bill. Matthew is one of the smartest young thinkers in the personal finance world - his travel insurance footed the bill. But as Matt questioned existence in that Desert Springs Hospita...

CHF 33.90

How To Stand Up To Sexism

Summers Hargis, Toni
How To Stand Up To Sexism
Ever been left speechless by sexism? From classroom to boardroom, social settings to harassment on the street, we've all been there. No more lying awake at night, thinking of the perfect response.How To Stand Up To Sexism delivers comebacks to everything from microaggressions to outright insults and worse, giving you the perfect response at your fingertips every time! Born out of the authors' personal and professional experience, this book del...

CHF 23.50

The Art of Transition

Simons, Sara J.
The Art of Transition
The Art of Transition guides you through strategic processing, utilizing both logic (left-brain engagement) exercises, and creative brain integration (right-brain engagement) through simple but effective art and movement exercises.How do we approach transition-especially difficult and often unwanted transitions-with our whole selves, not just our often spinning and frantic "mind"?How do we fully engage, embrace and receive from this unique sea...

CHF 84.00


Aasted Skov-Hansen, Jannie / Vanderbroeck, Paul
HERE WE ARE - The International Career Couple Handbook provides a new way to approach internationally mobile talent. From a foundation of deeply caring for a global workforce, it offers real-life insights into the challenges and opportunities for International Career Couples (ICC) and the organisations that deploy them. With in-depth research and substantial HR experience this book argues that the future of global careers requires a holistic s...

CHF 35.90

Hanna Och Den Flygande Mattan

Olsson, Heidi
Hanna Och Den Flygande Mattan
Hanna hör hemma på många platser i världen, men hon är trött på att ta farväl av sina vänner. Omar fick nya möjligheter i ett nytt land, men han saknar sina kusiner. Abdi är en uppfinningrik kille som kom på en lösning när han längtade efter farmor. Tre barn med magiska ögon på ett magiskt äventyr.

CHF 25.50